State Heritage Inventory
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Central Darling
City of Parramatta
Clarence Valley
Coffs Harbour
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional
Dubbo Regional
Edward River
Georges River
Glen Innes Severn
Goulburn Mulwaree
Greater Hume
Hunters Hill
Inner West
Lake Macquarie
Lane Cove
Liverpool Plains
Lord Howe Island
Mid-Western Regional
Moree Plains
Multiple LGAs
Murray River
North Sydney
Northern Beaches
Port Macquarie-Hastings
Port Stephens
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional
Richmond Valley
Snowy Monaro Regional
Snowy Valleys
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Upper Hunter
Upper Lachlan
Wagga Wagga
Wollongong City
Yass Valley
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Street Name
Local Government Area
Albury City
Armidale Regional
Bathurst Regional
Bega Valley
Blue Mountains
Broken Hill
Canada Bay
Central Coast
Central Darling
City of Parramatta
Clarence Valley
Coffs Harbour
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional
Dubbo Regional
Edward River
Georges River
Glen Innes Severn
Goulburn Mulwaree
Greater Hume
Hunters Hill
Inner West
Lake Macquarie
Lane Cove
Liverpool Plains
Lord Howe Island
Mid-Western Regional
Moree Plains
Multiple LGAs
Murray River
North Sydney
Northern Beaches
Port Macquarie-Hastings
Port Stephens
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional
Richmond Valley
Snowy Monaro Regional
Snowy Valleys
Tamworth Regional
The Hills
Unincorporated Offshore
Unincorporated Waterway
Upper Hunter
Upper Lachlan
Wagga Wagga
Wollongong City
Yass Valley
Local Aboriginal Land Council
Albury And District
Batemans Bay
Birrigan Gargle
Broken Hill
Coffs Harbour
Dorrigo Plateau
Glen Innes
Gugin Gudduba
Jana Ngalee
La Perouse
Leeton And District
Lightning Ridge
Muli Muli
Murrin Bridge
Nulla Nulla
Peak Hill
Red Chief
Stuart Island Tribal Elders Descendants
Tweed Byron
Wagga Wagga
Wamba Wamba
Warren Macquarie
Wee Waa
West Wyalong
Heritage Item Details
Item Name
Item Type
Complex / Group
Conservation Area
Movable / Collection
Item Group
Cemeteries and Burial Sites
Community Facilities
Exploration, Survey and Events
Farming and Grazing
Forestry and Timber Industry
Government and Administration
Health Services
Landscape - Cultural
Landscape - Natural
Law Enforcement
Manufacturing and Processing
Maritime Industry
Mining and Mineral Processing
Monuments and Memorials
Parks, Gardens and Trees
Postal and Telecommunications
Recreation and Entertainment
Residential buildings (private)
Retail and Wholesale
Scientific Facilities
Transient Accommodation
Transport - Air
Transport - Land
Transport - Rail
Transport - Water
Urban Area
Utilities - Drainage
Utilities - Electricity
Utilities - Fire Control
Utilities - Gas
Utilities - Sewerage
Utilities - Waste
Utilities - Water
Item Category
Abattoir/ Meat Processing
Administration Office
Adult Education
Advertising Sign
Air Navigation Aids
Air Raid Shelter
Air Transport Housing & quarters
Air transport Office
Aircraft Hanger
Airfield/Landing Strip
Airport Terminal
Alluvial Workings
Alpine environment
Ambulance Station
Amusement Centre/ Arcade
Animal Husbandry
Antarctic or SubAntarctic
Arboretum/Nursery/ Experimental Tree Farm
Archaeological Relic
Arid environment
Art Gallery/ Museum
Art site
Assay Office
Ball Mill
Bark crushing mill
Barracks & housing
Beverage Manufacture
Bicycle Track
Billiards Hall
Birthing Centre
Bishop's Palace
Blast Furnace/Steel/ Iron works
Blazed Tree
Block of Flats
Board mill
Boarding/ Guest House
Boat Building
Boat Ramp
Boat shed
Boiling down works
Boiling House/ Shed
Bond Store
Book Binding
Bore Hole
Boundary Feature
Bowling Green
Bridle Path
Buddhist Temple
Building Society
Bullion room
Bus Depot
Bus Shelter/Stop
Bus Station
Camel Trail
Camping Ground
Car Park
Caravan Park
Carriage shed
Cattle Dip
Cemetery Gates/Fences
Cemetery/Graveyard/Burial Ground
Ceremonial site
Cess Pit
Channel Marker
Charcoal kiln
Charcoal pit
Charrah Kadisha
Cheese House
Chicory Kiln
Childcare facility
Chilean Mill
Church Hall
Church Pipe Organ
Civic Square
Coach House/ Station
Coastal environment
Coffee Palace
Coke Oven
Commercial nursery
Commercial Office/Building
Commodity/ Stock Exchange
Community Club/ Clubhouse
Community Objects
Community Objects (movable)
Confectionery manufacture
Conference Centre
Contents (movable)
Control Tower
Convalescence Home
Convict labour depot
Convict Place
Cool room
Council Chambers
Court Basketball
Court Bocce
Court Handball
Court Squash
Court Tennis
Cricket Pitch/ Ground
Croquet Green
Crutching Shed
Cultural Feature
Customs House
Cyanide vat
Deaf, Dumb & Blind Institute
Defence Base Air Force
Defence Base Army
Defence Base Naval
Defence Objects
Defence Objects (movable)
Defence Radar Station
Dentist Surgery
Department Store
Detention Centre
Disaster Memorials
Disaster Site
Dock/Dry dock/Graving dock
Doctor’s Surgery
Dog racing course
Drill Hall
Drive In Cinema
Drying kiln
Education Objects
Education Objects (movable)
Electricity Generator/Power Station - coal/gas/oil
Electricity Generator/Power Station - hydro-electric
Electricity Generator/Power Station - solar
Electricity Generator/Power Station - wind
Electricity Supply Objects
Electricity Supply Objects (movable)
Electricity Transformer/Substation
Engine House/Room
Entertainment Centre
Eucalyptus still
Exhibition Building
Experimental Station
Exploration Route
Explorer's Campsite
Explorer's Engraving
Explorer's Grave
Factory Outlet
Factory/ Plant
Farm fence
Farm Objects
Farm Objects (movable)
Fauna habitat
Female Factory
Fertiliser Manufacture
Field Studies Centre
Fire Control Objects
Fire Control Objects (movable)
Fire Hydrant
Fire Lookout tree
Fire Station
Fire Tower/Lookout
Fire Track
Firing/ Practice Range
Fish/eel trap
Flora species site or area
Flour Mill
Flying Fox
Foot Bridge
Forest Protest Site
Forest Reserve
Forestry camp/settlement/housing
Forestry Machinery
Forestry Objects
Forestry Objects (movable)
Forestry Office
Forestry School
Foundry Glass
Foundry Iron/Brass
Freezing Works
Fruit Shed/Apple store
Garden Botanic
Garden House
Garden Institutional/ Research
Garden Residential
Gas Supply Objects
Gas Supply Objects (movable)
Gasometer/Gas Retort/Gas Works
Geological site or area
Golf Course
Goods shed/crane
Government & Admin Contents
Government House
Granary/Grain Shed
Grave surrounds/Iron railing
Grinding groove
Guard/Warder station
Gun Emplacement
Hall Agriculture
Hall Concert
Hall Country Women’s Association
Hall Dance
Hall Girl Guide/ Scout
Hall Masonic
Hall Public
Hall RSL
Hall Town Hall
Hall Trades
Harbour Lights
Head Race
Health Care Objects
Health Care Objects (movable)
Health Office
Historic Landscape
Historic site
Hitching Post
Holiday Village
Homestead building
Homestead Complex
Hop Kiln/Oast House
Horse Mill
Horse Trough
Housing & Quarters
Hunting hide
Industrial housing & quarters
Industrial Objects
Industrial Objects (movable)
Industrial Office/Admin Building
Information Centre/ Tourist/ Visitors Centre
Insurance company/building
Internment Camp
Irrigation Channel/Canal
Island environment
Isolated Grave/Burial Site
Kiln Brick/ brickworks
Kiln Lime
Kiln other
Kiln Pottery
Laboratory (scientific/ research)
Lake/ Pond
Landform site or area
Landing Site
Landing Station
Law Court
Law Enforcement Objects
Leading Lights
Light Station
Lighthouse Station
Lighthouse Tower
Local Member's Office
Locomotive Roundhouse
Locomotive Shed (straight)
Lynch Gate
Marine environment
Marine Park
Marine Reserve
Market building
Market Garden
Massacre/battle site
Mausoleum/Tomb/Funeral Vault/Ossario
Mechanics’ Institute
Meeting House
Mess Building
Meteorological Station
Migrant Hostel
Military aircraft
Military Camp
Military Parade/ Training Ground
Military Tunnel
Military Vehicles & Ordnance
Milk Bar
Mill (Grain) - Barley
Mill (Grain) - Corn
Mill (Grain) - Wheat
Mill settlement
Mine - Open Cut
Mine Dam
Mine machinery & relics
Mine office
Mine Power House
Mine Shaft
Mine site
Mineral Discovery site
Mining camp/settlement/housing
Mining Dredge
Modified tree
Mormon Temple
Munitions/ Explosives Manufacture
National Park
Natural process
Nature Reserve
Naval vessel
Newspaper Stand
Noted Landmark
Nurses’ Home
Nursing Home
Objects (movable)
Occupational site
Office building
Oil Well
Olympic Facility
Olympic Objects
Ordnance Store
Organic resource area
Other - Aboriginal
Other - Cemeteries/Burial Sites
Other - Collections
Other - Commercial
Other - Community Facilities
Other - Education
Other - Exploration, Survey & Events
Other - Farming & Grazing
Other - Finance
Other - Forestry & Timber Industry
Other - Government & Administration
Other - Health Services
Other - Landscape - Cultural
Other - Landscape - Natural
Other - Law Enforcement
Other - Manufacturing & Processing
Other - Maritime Industry
Other - Military
Other - Mining & Mineral Processing
Other - Monuments & Memorials
Other - Parks, Gardens & Trees
Other - Postal & Telecommunications
Other - Recreation & Entertainment
Other - Religion
Other - Residential Buildings (private)
Other - Retail & Wholesale
Other - Scientific Facilities
Other - Transient Accommodation
Other - Transport - Air
Other - Transport - Rail
Other - Transport - Road
Other - Transport - Water
Other - Urban Area
Other - Utilities - Drainage
Other - Utilities - Electricity
Other - Utilities - Fire control
Other - Utilities - Gas
Other - Utilities - Sewerage
Other - Utilities - Waste
Other - Utilities - Water
Overburden Dump
Oyster Growing
Palaeontological site
Paper/Pulp Manufacture
Parliament House
Pegging tree (for drying skins)
Petrol Station/Service Station
Picnic Ground/ Recreation reserve
Pig sty
Pilot Station
Pinball Gallery
Place of Execution
Place of significance
Plantation - exotic
Plantation - indigenous
Planting exotic
Planting groups
Playing Ground/ Field
Plaza/ Mall
Police station
Port facility
Post Box
Post Office
Postal & Telecommunications
Postal Sorting & Distribution Centre
Post-contact Site
Poultry Farm
Poultry Shed
Pound/ RSPCA
Powder Magazine
Presbytery/Rectory/ Vicarage/Manse
Press House
Prison Farm
Prisoner of War Camp
Private studio/outbuilding
Probation station
Psychiatric hospital/Mental institute/Asylum
Public housing
Public Lavatory
Quarantine Station
Quartz roasting kiln
Radar Station
Radio Station
Railway Bridge/ Viaduct
Railway embankment/cutting
Railway Engine (fixed)
Railway gate/ fence/ wall,
Railway Institute
Railway Locomotives & Rolling Stock
Railway Machinery & Objects
Railway Office
Railway Platform/ Station
Railway Refreshment Room
Railway Residence/Quarters
Railway Tunnel
Railway Turntable
Railway Water Tower/ Tank
Railway Workers’ Camp
Railway Workshop
Recreation & Entertainment Objects
Reef Markers
Reformatory/Remand Home
Regrowth Area
Religious housing
Religious Objects
Religious Objects (movable)
Religious office
Residential Contents
Residential Contents (movable)
Restaurant (food outlet)
Retail & Wholesale Objects
Retail & Wholesale Objects (movable)
Retirement Village
Retreat House
Rifle Range
Road Bridge
Road Embankment/Cutting
Road Milepost/Milestone
Road Office Building
Road Tunnel
Road Vehicle
Road-workers Housing & Quarters
Rock Engraving
Rubbish Dump
Sacred Site
Sail Making
Salt works
Sawdust heap
School - Agricultural
School - Industrial
School - Private
School - State (public)
School of Arts
Scientific building
Scientific objects (movable)
Score Board
Sealing Site
Seismic Station
SemiArid environment
Semi-Detached House
Septic System
Sericulture/silkworm farming
Sewage Aqueduct
Sewage Farm/Treatment Site
Sewage Pipe
Sewage Pump
Sewage Pump House/Pumping Station
Sewage Tunnel
Sexton's Office
Shearers' Quarters
Sheep Bridge
Sheep Dip/Sheep Wash
Shell midden
Shopping/retail complex
Shot Tower
Signal Box
Signal Masts
Signal Stations
Signal/ Semaphore Station
Site complex
Skating Rink Ice
Skating Rink Roller
Ski Hut
Ski slope
Slag Heap
Sluicing Hole/Area
Smoke House
Social Club
Soil Conservation Area
Soil site
Space Communication Site
Space Launching Pad
Sports Club
Staff Accommodation
Staff housing
Staff quarters
Stage Coach Stables
Station Building
Stock Route/Run
Stock Well/Tank
Stockman's Hut
Stone arrangement
Stone wall
Storm Water Culvert
Storm Water Drain
Street Furniture
Stump/shoeboard tree
Subdivision - designed
Subdivision - vernacular
SubTropical environment
Sugar Mill
Surveyor's Mark/Peg
Sustenance camp
Swimming Pool - inground built
Swimming Pool - river
Swimming Pool - tidal
Tailings Dump
Telecommunications Facility
Telegraph Post
Telegraph Station
Telephone Exchange
Television or Radio Mast /Tower
Television Station
Tertiary College
Textile Mill
Timber extraction - flying fox
Timber extraction - log hauler site
Timber extraction - log landing
Timber extraction - logging dump, etc.
Timber extraction - racking yard
Timber extraction - skid tracks/chutes
Timber extraction - wharf
Timber track
Timber tramway
Timber tramway bridge
Toll Gate
Toll House
Tourist Attractions
Town House
Trade Union Office
Tramway - urban
Tramway Depot - urban
Tramway Locomotive/Rolling Stock
Tramway Station/Waiting shed
Transient Accommodation Contents
Transient Accommodation Contents (movable)
Tree groups - avenue of
Tree groups - copse
Tree groups - street
Trees of social, historic or special significance
Trig Reserve/Station
Tropical environment
Underground Mine
Urban Park
Vegetation community
Vehicle Manufacturing & Servicing
Vessel - coastal
Vessel - harbour & river
Vessel - recreational
Vessel - seagoing
Volunteer/ Colonial Force Place
War Memorial
Warehouse/storage area
Water Aqueduct
Water catchment - artificial
Water Flume
Water Pipe
Water Pump House/Pumping Station
Water Race
Water Supply Canal
Water Supply Objects
Water Supply Objects (movable)
Water Supply Reservoir/ Dam
Water Tank
Water tank/pump
Water Tower
Water Transport Administration building
Water Transport Housing & quarters
Water Tunnel
Water Wheel
Wattle Barking
Well Head
Wetland or river
Whaling Station
Wheelwright Shop
Wind Pump
Woolshed/Shearing Shed
Yarding/ Loading Facility
Youth Hostel
Significance description, historical notes
Record Owner
Ageing, Disability and Home Care
Albury City Council
Armidale Regional Council
Art Gallery of NSW
Attorney Generals Department - Department of Communities and Justice
Audit Office of NSW
Australian Museum
Ballina Shire Council
Balranald Shire Council
Barangaroo Delivery Authority
Bathurst Regional Council
Bayside Council
Bega Valley Shire Council
Bellingen Shire Council
Berrigan Shire Council
Blacktown City Council
Bland Shire Council
Blayney Shire Council
Blue Mountains City Council
Bogan Shire Council
Botanic Gardens Greater Sydney
Bourke Shire Council
Brewarrina Shire Council
Broken Hill City Council
Burwood Council
Byron Shire Council
Cabonne Council
Camden Council
Campbelltown City Council
Canterbury Bankstown Council
Carrathool Shire Council
Centennial and Moore Park Trust
Centennial Coal
Central Coast Council
Central Darling Shire Council
Cessnock City Council
Charles Sturt University
City of Canada Bay Council
City of Newcastle Council
City of Parramatta Council
City of Ryde Council
City of Sydney Council
Clarence Valley Council
CNR Referrals - Department of Planning and Environment
Cobar Shire Council
Coffs Harbour City Council
Community Housing
Coolamon Shire Council
Coonamble Shire Council
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Corrective Services - Department of Communities and Justice
Cowra Shire Council
Create NSW
Crown Lands
Crown Solicitor's Office
Cumberland City Council
Customer Service
Department of Communities and Justice
Department of Education - School Infrastructure
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (Heritage & Conservation Register)
Dubbo Regional Council
Dungog Shire Council
Edward River Council
Essential Energy
Eurobodalla Shire Council
Fairfield City Council
Federation Council
Fire and Rescue NSW
Forbes Shire Council
Forestry Corporation of NSW
Georges River Council
Gilgandra Shire Council
Glen Innes Severn Council
Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Government Property NSW
Greater Hume Shire Council
Greater Sydney Parklands
Griffith City Council
Gunnedah Shire Council
Gwydir Shire Council
Hawkesbury City Council
Hay Shire Council
Heritage NSW
Heritage NSW (Heritage & Conservation Register)
Hilltops Council
Homes NSW (Land and Housing Corporation)
Hornsby Shire Council
Housing Services
Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation
Hunter Water
Hunter's Hill Council
Infrastructure NSW
Inner West Council
Inverell Shire Council
Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust
Junee Shire Council
Kempsey Shire Council
Kiama Municipal Council
Ku-ring-gai Council
Kyogle Council
Lachlan Shire Council
Lake Macquarie City Council
Lane Cove Council
Leeton Shire Council
Lismore City Council
Lithgow City Council
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Lockhart Shire Council
Lord Howe Island Board
Luna Park Reserve Trust
Macquarie University
Maitland City Council
MidCoast Council
Mid-Western Regional Council
Mining, Exploration and Geoscience
Moree Plains Shire Council
Mosman Municipal Council
Murray River Council
Murrumbidgee Council
Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences - Powerhouse Museum
Museums of History NSW
Muswellbrook Shire Council
Nambucca Valley Council
Narrabri Shire Council
Narrandera Shire Council
Narromine Shire Council
National Parks and Wildlife Service
North Sydney Council
Northern Beaches Council
NSW Department of Primary Industries
NSW Health
NSW Police Force
NSW Ports
NSW Ports Botany
NSW Trustee and Guardian
Oberon Council
Office of Strategic Lands
Office of the Registrar General
Orange City Council
Parkes Shire Council
Parramatta Park Trust
Penrith City Council
Placemaking NSW
Port Authority NSW
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Port Stephens Council
Property Development, Housing and Development (DPIE)
Property NSW
Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council
Randwick City Council
Richmond Valley Council
Shellharbour City Council
Shoalhaven City Council
Singleton Council
Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Snowy Valleys Council
Snowy Valleys temporary
South Eveleigh
Southern Cross University
State Archives and Records Authority
State Library of NSW
Strathfield Council
Sutherland Shire Council
Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust
Sydney Living Museums
Sydney Metro
Sydney Olympic Park
Sydney Opera House Trust
Sydney Water
TAM - Country Rail Network (CRN)
TAM - Sydney Trains
TAM - Transport Heritage NSW
Tamworth Regional Council
Taronga Zoo
Temora Shire Council
Tenterfield Shire Council
The Hills Shire Council
Transport for NSW
Transport For NSW - CNR
Trustees of the ANZAC Memorial
Tweed Shire Council
UGL Regional Linx
Unincorporated Area
University of New England
University of New South Wales
University of Newcastle
University of Sydney
University of Technology
University of Wollongong
Upper Hunter Shire Council
Upper Lachlan Council
Uralla Shire Council
Wagga Wagga City Council
Walcha Council
Walgett Shire Council
Warren Shire Council
Warrumbungle Council
Water NSW
Waverley Council
Weddin Shire Council
Wentworth Park Sporting Complex Trust
Wentworth Shire Council
Western Sydney Parklands
Western Sydney University
Willoughby City Council
Wingecarribee Shire Council
Wollondilly Shire Council
Wollongong City Council
Woollahra Municipal Council
Yass Valley Council
Year of construction From
Year of construction To
Listing Details
Heritage Listings
NPW Act - Aboriginal Place
Heritage Act - State Heritage Register
Heritage Act - Interim Heritage Order
Heritage Act - Authorised Interim Heritage Order
Heritage Act - s.136 Order
Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register
State Environmental Planning Policy
Local Environmental Plan
Within a conservation area on an LEP
Development Control Plan
Archaeological zoning plan
World Heritage List
ID Type
Heritage Item ID
LEP item number
SHR number
ID Number
Gazettal Date From
Gazettal Date To
Themes, References and Studies
National Themes
1. Environment
2. Peopling
3. Economy
4. Settlement
5. Working
6. Educating
7. Governing
8. Culture
9. Phases of Life
State Themes
Aboriginal post-contact
Aboriginal pre-contact
Cultural sites
Aboriginal cultures and interactions with other cultures
Birth and Death
Creative endeavour
Domestic life
Environment - cultural landscape
Environment - naturally evolved
Ethnic influences
Government and Administration
Land tenure
Law and order
Social institutions
Towns, suburbs and villages
Local Themes
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Architects Wilson, Neave & Berry
Architects Wilson, Neave & Berry
Edward Hammond Hargraves.
Mining Village
Moving people to events and leisure activities
Pastures Protection has now become LHPA
timber house
Transporting troops and equipment
(none) - Fuel Tank Storage
1 Environments important for plant life
1.7 Country estates
1800–1810: What does the archaeological record tell us about this period?
1820s-1850s land grants
1820s-1850s land grants
1867 - Town planning
18th century suburban developments
18th century town and settlement developments
1906-1914 consolidation of Main Street and a second wave of building activity
1913-1933 decline
1919 flue epidemic
1930s house
1930s P&O Style Architecture
1960s home display villages
19th C Local Industries
19th century development and construction in the Southern Highlands
19th century government - a regional centre
19th century housing
19th Century infrastructure
19th century infrastructure
19th century suburban developments
19th century suburban developments
2 Mountains and peaks providing landmarks for humans
2 Natural landscapes valued by humans
2 Rivers and water bodies important to humans
2.1 Roads to link Hawksbury and Hunter
20th century government - a regional centre
20th century housing
20th century immigrants
20th Century infrastructure
20th century road improvements
20th century Suburban Developments
21st century Suburban Developments
2nd Lieutenant Brown
5.2 Transport - roads, private railways etc
5.2 Transport - Roads, private, railways and other haulage equipment to serve the mines and subsequently other community
5.3 Population and housing
6.1 Early employment opportunities in the Cessnock LGA
7.1 Early townships
7.5 Infrastructure
7.6 Government Services
7.7 Manufacturing, commerce and services
8.2 Community organisation
8.4 Learning and culture
8.9 Life cycle
A family home of the Andersons and Sinclairs up to 1904 and then the Bucknells until 1974
A family home of the Wyndhams
A family home of William Wyndham
A Geological Formation
A memorial to a family/individual
A Military Town: The Welfare of the Military
A Picturesque Residential District
A Picturesque Residential Suburb
A place to live
A place to live
A Place to Live Town Houses of Muswellbrook
A place to live, Country Estates
A place to live; emergence of building styles; foundation and growth
A quiet Rural District
A sense of community - the development of local government and suburban identities
A. Hutchison
A.A. Patroni
AA Company
AA_reedit and reuse this
Abandoned villages
Abandonment and Relocation
Aboriginal burial site
Aboriginal Camping ground
Aboriginal Country
Aboriginal Culture
Aboriginal land use of the Queanbeyan area.
Aboriginal Legend/site linked to
Aboriginal Medical Care/Hospital/Centre
Aboriginal occupation of the Wollondilly
Aboriginal occupation significance of Parramatta River to Sydney Indigenous peoples
Aboriginal Placename
Aboriginal Places
Aboriginal post-contact
Aboriginal pre-contact
Aboriginal pre-Contact, Ethnic influences
Aboriginal Reserve
Aboriginal reserves on urban fringes
Aboriginal rock engravings
Aboriginal Scarred Tree
Aboriginal Schools
Aboriginal Spirituality
Aboriginal technology
Aboriginal Women's business
Access and Early Roads
Accommodating convicts
Accommodating counterculture groups and hippies
Accommodating migrants in hostels and camps
Accommodating miners and their families
Accommodating prisoners and internees
Accommodating public servants
Accommodating students at university
Accommodating students in boarding schools
Accommodating the unemployed in temporary places
Accommodating tourists
Accommodating travellers and tourists
Accommodating war veterans
Accommodating workers in holiday housing
Accommodating workers in hostels
Accommodating workers in workers' housing
accommodation - teachers
Accommodation / Guest House
Accommodation and first home
Accommodation for teachers
Accountancy Firm
Acknowledging death bed wishes
Acquisition of private lands for public purposes
Activities and places associated with creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles in town
Activities and places for the provision of social activities. Includes masonic hall, public hall, community centre.
Activities and process associated with the provision of social services by the state or philanthropic organisations
Activities and processes associated with the knowledge or use of mechanical arts and applied sciences
Activities and processes associated with the knowledge or use of mechanical arts and applied sciences.
Activities and processes for identifying forms of ownership and occupancy of land
Activities and processes for identifying forms of ownership and occupancy of land and water, both Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal
Activities and processes for identifying forms of ownership and occupancy of land and water, both Aboriginal and non-Abo
Activities and processes for identifying forms of ownership and occupancy of land and water, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
Activities and processes that mark the consequences of natural and cultural occurrences
Activities and processes that mark the consequences of natural and cultural occurrences.
Activities associated with creating, maintaining, living in and working around houses and institutions
Activities associated with creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles in towns, suburbs
Activities associated with creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles in towns, suburbs and villages
Activities associated with creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles in towns, suburbs and villages
Activities associated with creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles in towns, suburbs and villages
Activities associated with defending places from hostile takeover and occupation Involvement with the Second World Wa
Activities associated with identifying and managing land coverd n trees for commercial purpose- sawmill, forested area
Activities associated with interactions between humans, human societies and the shaping of their shaping of their physic
Activities associated with maintaining, developing, and remembering Aboriginal cultural identities and practices.
Activities associated with maintaining, promoting and implementing criminal and civil law and legal processes
Activities associated with maintaining, promoting and implementing criminal and civil law and legal processes.
Activities associated with recreation and relaxation
Activities associated with recreation and relaxation
Activities associated with relaxation and recreation
Activities associated with systems of faith and worship - Association with Wesleyan Church
Activities associated with teaching and learning by children and adults, formally and informally.
Activities associated with the breeding, raising, processing and distribution of livestock for human use
Activities associated with the breeding, raising, processing and distribution of livestock for human use
Activities associated with the environments that have inspired creative activities.
Activities associated with the governance of local area, regions, the State and the nation, and the administration of public programs - includes both principled and corrupt activities
Activities associated with the governance of local areas, regions, the State and the nation
Activities associated with the governance of local areas, regions, the State and the nation, and the administration of p
Activities associated with the identification, extraction, processing and distribution of minieral ores, precious stones
Activities associated with the interactions between humans, human societies and the shaping of their physical surroundin
Activities associated with the manufacture, production and distribution of goods
Activities associated with the manufacture, production and distribution of goods.
Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for provisions.
Activities associated with the moving of people and goods from one place to another, and systems for the provision of su
Activities associated with the production of bricks
Activities associated with the production of literary and artistic works of Emily Barton, Banjo Paterson and Emily Pater
Activities associated with the provision of accommodation, and particular types of accommodation – does not include arch
Activities associated with the provision of services, especially on a communal basis
Activities associated with work practises and organised and unorganised labour
Activities of, and associations with, identifiable individuals, families and communal groups
Activities of, and associations with, identifiable individuals, families and communal groups
Activities related to accommodation and particlar types of accommodation- cottage
Activities related to buying, selling and exhanging goods and services
Activities related to the relating and conveyancing of information- post office
Activities relating to buying, selling and exchanging goods and services
Activities relating to buying, selling and exchanging goods and services
Activities relating to buying, selling and exchanging goods and services
Activities relating to incarceration, transport, reform, accommodation and working during the convict period in NSW (1788-1850)
Activities relating to the creation and conveyance of information
Activities relating to the cultivation and rearing of plant and animal species
Activities relating to the cultivation and rearing of plant and animal species, usually for commercial purposes- rural l
Activities towards prison reform
Activity relating to resettling of people and impacts of such movement
Adaptation of overseas design for local use
Adapted for residential use
Adapted heritage building
Adapted heritage building or structure
Adapting buildings for housing
Adapting to the climate of the plains
Adaptive new use
Adaptive reuse of a building
Additions to Lane Cove National Park
administering employment in public transport systems
Administering a public health system
Administering and alienating Crown lands
Administering and alienating Crown lands
Administering and operating sporting complexes
administering employment in public transport systems
Administering justice
Administering meat processing establishments
Administering ports and shipping facilities
Administering the convict system
Administering the convict system-
Administering the law
administering the public ferry system
Administering the public railway system
Administering transport, public and private
Administration (electricity)
Administration of justice
Administration of the Newcastle Port
Administrative activities associated with the Harold Meggitt and Halmeg Linseed Oil Factory
Administrative Centre, 1839-62
Adolf Meyers
Adolph Alexander
Adult Education
Advisory Facility
Aeronautical events, gliding and flying demonstrations
Afghan cameleers
Aged Care Centre
Aged Care facility
Agisting and fattening stock for slaughter
Agricultural and research Station students
Agricultural Boarding Station
Agricultural Centre: Does the change from agricultural production centre to service centre become apparent in the archae
Agricultural College
Agricultural employment
Agricultural expansion
Agricultural Pastoralists and Labourers
Agricultural pavilions and stock buildings
Agricultural Pavillions
Agricultural Produce Shed
Agricultural relics
Agricultural Research
Agricultural research and Advisory Station
Agricultural research for production techniques
Agricultural Research Station
Agricultural Reserach and Advisory Station
Agricultural Retail Employment
Agricultural societies and shows
Agricultural Society activities - research, experimentation, acclimatisation
Agricultural Society activities - research, experimentation, acclimatisation -
Agricultural Station
Agricultural Station Emploment
Agricultural Station Employment
Agricultural storage and machinery shed
Agricultural Workers
Agriculture Dairying in the Muswellbrook area
Agriculture in Appin
Agriculture in Bargo
Agriculture in the Wollondilly
Agriculture The Wineries of the Denman area
Agricuultural College
Air force or defence aviation uses
Air Force Training Facility
Air Raid Shelter
air transport
Aircraft wreck
Aircraft wreck at sea
Airforce training, world wars
Airports and air strips
Albert Giddings
Albion Park
Aldreman James Healey
Alexander Hutchison
Alfred Kennerley.
Alienating Crown Lands for religious purposes
All nations
All nations - Aboriginal people working on farms, vineyards, stations
All nations - Aboriginal Reserve sites
All Nations - associations with Aboriginal Mission stations -
All Nations - associations with Aboriginal war service
All Nations - associations with the Aboriginal Inland Mission
All nations - controlling dispossesed peoples
All nations - controlling dispossesed peoples -
All Nations - controlling dispossessed peoples
All Nations - Developing and maintaining civil rights movements
All nations - 'feasting' with governors
All nations - imprisoning and detaining Aboriginal peoples
All nations - imprisoning and detaining Aboriginal peoples-
All nations - living under the Aborigines Protection Act 1909-1969
All nations - living under the Aborigines Protection Act 1909-1969-
All nations - living under the Aborigines Protection Act 1909-1969 -
All Nations - Maintaining Aboriginal communities
All Nations - Maintaining Aboriginal cummunities
All Nations - Massacre Sites
All nations - Mission sites
All nations - place of first contact between Aboriginal and European peoples
All nations - place of first contact between Aboriginal and Europena peoples
All nations - places of battle or other early interactions between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples
All nations - places of battle or other early interactions between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples-
All nations - reconciliation events
All nations - reconciliation events -
All nations - sites evidencing occupation
All nations - the stolen generations
All nations - the stolen generations-
All nations - the stolen generations -
All nations - treating infectious diseases
All nations - understanding pre-contact Aboriginal communities of the Sydney area
Allan Cunningham
Allison Familty
Alll nations - Aboriginal people working on farms, vineyards, stations
Alluvial gold mining
Alternative lifestyles
Amalgamation of Municipal Council & Weddin Shire in 1975
Amateur lapidary clubs. 1960s- 1980s Visiting museums, 1980s-1990s
Ambrose Thornley Jnr.
Ambulance Associations of NSW
Ambulance employment
Ambulance Service
Ambulance Station
Amenity Block
American colonial architectural influence
American late Victorian architectural influence
American military cooperation site
American military defence cooperation sites
American Spanish Mission architectural influence
An emancipist community
An Upper Middle Class Residential District
Anaiwan nation - sites evidencing occupation
Ancillary buildings to residence
Ancillary domestic building
Ancillary structures
Ancillary structures - sheds, crop storage
Ancillary structures - silos
Ancillary structures - wells, cisterns
Ancillary structures - windmills
Ancillary structures fencing
Andrew Purcell
Andy Panaretos
Anglican - Church of England
Anglican Church
Anglican Community
Anglican Parsonage
Anglican Vicarage
Animal welfare
Anita Aarons, artist
Annual shearing
Annual show
Annual Show Events
Anti-Chinese Riots
Anzac Park
Anzac Park Honour Rolls
Apartment blocks
Apartments in the Post-War period
apdated villa/ cottage for a school
Apex Club
Apostolic Life Centre
Applying architectural design to industrial structures
Applying architectural design to utlilitarian structures
Appreciating evolving rocky shore
Apprenticeships and cadetships
Arakwal - sites evidencing Aboriginal significance
Arboretum - collection of trees for trials, display
Arboretums - collections of trees for ornament or forestry
Arboretums - for ornament or forestry
Archaeological investigation
Archaeological Potential associated with the Tank Stream
Archaeological remains
Archaeological remains of a gatekeeper's cottage
Archaeological Site
Archaeological site for a study of Aboriginal occupation
Archaeological site for an investigation of the building and equipment
Archaeological site/ former butter factory
Archaeological study of a hotel site
Archaeological study of the woolshed and setting
Archdeacon R.B.S. Hammond
Archibald Cameron
Architect - Alexander Jolly
Architect - George W. Durrell
Architect - Henry Budden
Architect - Henry Budden
Architect - J. J. Copeman
Architect - James Hine
Architect - John Horbury Hunt
Architect - Merryweather
Architect Mr. Thomas Rowe
Architect - Varney Parkes
Architect designed
Architect designed house
Architect Edward Gell
Architect F.J. Madigan
Architect James Barnet
Architect JF OConnor
Architect Louis R. Williams
Architect Neville Lipman
Architect William Boles
Architect William Lamrock
Architects Benjamin and Joseph Backhouse.
Architectural design
Architectural design in the Classical style
Architectural design in the Edwardian style
Architectural design in the Federation style
Architectural design of college buildings
Architectural excellence
Architectural influences
Architectural Style
Architectural style - cinema
Architectural Styles - The Federation Period, 1890s - c. 1915
Architectural Styles - The Late Twentieth-Century Period, c. 1960 - The Present
Architectural Styles - The Old Colonial Period, 1788 - c. 1840
Architectural Styles - The Post-War Period, c. 1940 - c. 1960
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century Art Deco/Jazz Age
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century Brutalism
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century Chicago Prairie style
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century colonial revival
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century Modern Movement
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century Organic
Architectural styles and periods - 20th century Sydney School
Architectural styles and periods - 21st century contemporary
Architectural Styles and Periods - Art Deco
Architectural styles and periods - Art Deco/Jazz Age
Architectural styles and periods - Art Nouveau
Architectural styles and periods - Baroque Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Beaux Arts style
Architectural styles and periods - Colonial
Architectural styles and periods - colonial Georgian
Architectural styles and periods - colonial Georgian terrace
Architectural styles and periods - colonial Gothic
Architectural styles and periods - colonial homestead
Architectural styles and periods - colonial Italianate
Architectural styles and periods - colonial Regency
Architectural styles and periods - Colonial Revival
Architectural styles and periods - colonial vernacular
Architectural styles and periods - Edwardian
Architectural styles and periods - Edwardian Baroque
Architectural styles and periods - Edwardian Queen Anne bungalow revival
Architectural styles and periods - Federation
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Academic Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Anglo-Dutch
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Arts and Crafts
Architectural styles and periods - Federation era terrace
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Filigree
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Free Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Free style
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Gothic Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Italianate
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Queen Anne
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Romanesque Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Scottish Baronial Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Federation Tudor Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Federation warehouse
Architectural styles and periods - Georgian
Architectural styles and periods - Georgian revival
Architectural styles and periods - Gothic Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Greek revival
Architectural styles and periods - International Style
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Academic Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Art Deco
Architectural Styles and Periods - Inter-war Art Deco
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Art Nouveau
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Beaux Arts
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar California Bungalow
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Classical Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Colonial Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Commercial Gothic
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Commercial Palazzo
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Free Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Functionalist
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Georgian revival
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Gothic revival
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Hollywood Spanish
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Mediterranean
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Modernist
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Romanesque
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Skyscraper Gothic
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Spanish Mission
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Streamline Moderne
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Stripped Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Interwar Tudor revival
Architectural styles and periods - Japanese traditional
Architectural styles and periods - late 20th Century Late Modern
Architectural styles and periods - late 20th century modernism
Architectural styles and periods - late 20th century postmodern
Architectural styles and periods - late 20th Century Sydney Regional
Architectural styles and periods - mid 20th century International style
Architectural styles and periods - mid 20th century modernism
Architectural styles and periods - mid 20th Century vernacular
Architectural styles and periods - Neoclassical
Architectural styles and periods - Neogothic
Architectural styles and periods - Regency Gothic Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Southern Chinese or Cantonese style
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian (early)
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian (late)
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian (late) homestead
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian (mid)
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Academic Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Baroque Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Boom
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian bungalow
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Classical Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Egyptian Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Filigree
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Florentine Renaissance Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Free Classical
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Georgian
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Georgian Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Gothic Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Italianate
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Mannerist
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian picturesque Gothic
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Regency Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Renaissance Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Romanesque Revival
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian rustic Gothic
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Second Empire
Architectural styles and periods - Victorian Tudor Revival
Architectural works
Architecturally designed cottage
Architecture in Appin
Architecural styles and periods - 20th century Modern Movement
Army Building
Army Camp/Barracks
Army housing
Army Reserves use
Arriving and settling
Arsenic Mine
Arsenic Mining
Art deco design
Art Gallery
Art work
Artefact Assemblages: Are there differences between the assemblages of emancipists and convicts, Aboriginal people, indu
Arthur Albert Veness
Arthur James Frandis - University of Melbourne
Artist - Wendy Paramor
Artists residence
Artists settlement and networks
Artist's Studio
Artists, bohemians and intellectuals squat or gathering point
Arts & Crafts influence
Arts and Cultural Centre
Arts and other forms of entertainment
Arts Centre
Asian influence in art and design
Assay Office
Assembly Hall
Assembly of American machinery during Worlw War Two.
Assocations with Michael Hayes, grantee, farmer
Associated housing for workforce
Associated with Ambrose Hallen
Associated with Bishop William Ullathorne
Associated with Cobb and Co roads and river crossings
associated with Donald Friend, Artist.
Associated with early surveyer
Associated with Governor Bourke
Associated with Masonic Lodges
Associated with Moritmer Lewis
Associated with Mortimer Lewis
Associated with Russell Drysdale, the artist.
Associated with the Franciscan Sisters of Mary
Associated with the Knights of the Southern Cross
Associated with the Salvation Army
Associated with the Sisters of Charity
Associated with the Sisters of Mercy
Associated with the Sisters of the Good Samaritan
Associated with the Sisters of the Sacred Heart
Associated with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Associated with the Young Womens Christian Association (YWCA)
Association with Alexander Macleay, Colonial Secretary and Entemologist
Association with Allan MacMaster
Association with architect Alexander Tzannes
Association with architect Douglas Snelling
Association with architect Dr Henry Epstein
Association with Bowman
Association with Charles Jefferis Staples
Association with Cinema, Passlow
Association with convicts
Association with Dahl and Geoffrey Collings
Association with David Moore
Association with Dr William Redfern - Doctor, prominent citizen, farmer
Association with early pioneer Shadforth family
Association with early pioneer, Robert Bell
Association with early settlers
Association with Ernest Garrett
Association with F A Hely
Association with Frances Peat
Association with Franklin Family
Association with Frost Family
Association with furniture maker Paul Kafka
Association with G.A. Mansfield
Association with Governor Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-1821
Association with Great North Road and Bedlam Point Wharf
Association with Hagan family
Association with Henry Newman
Association with Jack Munday and the Buhilding Labourers Federation (Union) Green Bans
Association with James Burn
Association with James Dunlop
Association with James Nangle (architect); Frederick Stayner (Superintendent); Anton James (landscape architect).
Association with Jim Masterton, of Masterton Homes
Association with John Crotty, Emily Barton, Banjo Paterson, the Barton Family generally, and Harold Meggitt.
Association with John Edmondson V.C.
Association with John Hurst Edmondson
Association with John Lucas
Association with Katie Dawson
Association with L.T.Burns
Association with local builder William John Williams
Association with locally prominent individuals and families
Association with M.F. Dalton
Association with major local industry
Association with Mary McKillop
Association with Mary Newton, teacher
Association with Moulder family
Association with Murphy family
Association with Norman Lindsay
Association with NSW Premiers Neville Wran and Robert Askin
Association with Rock Davis
Association with stonemasons
Association with the architects Bill and Ruth Lucas
Association with the Ashcroft Family
Association with the Shackel brothers.
Association with White family
Associations with J. Tyler and T. Leach, landowners
Associations with W. Monie and J. Angus, railway engineers
Associations with a famous person
Associations with A. and K. Henderson, Melbourne architects
Associations with A. Craig, Hunter Valley builder
Associations with A. Isley, architect
Associations with A. Phipps Coles, architect
Associations with A. Scott, mason and brick builder
Associations with A.A. Spahno, Blue Mountains nurseryman
Associations with A.B. 'Banjo' Paterson, poet, writer
Associations with A.B. Moore, grazier
Associations with A.D. Ross, grazier, farmer
Associations with A.E. (Arthur Edward) Selwyn, Anglican Dean of Christ Church, Newcastle
Associations with A.E. Selwyn, Dean of Newcastle (Anglican Parish)
Associations with A.G. (Auguste Pierre) de Lauret, French migrant, farm superintendent, magistrate
Associations with A.H.H. Stephen, founding Secretary, Society for the Relief of Destitute Children
Associations with A.J. Doust, garden designer, gardener
Associations with A.J. Gillard, farmer
Associations with A.J. Litchfield, grazier and sheep breeder
Associations with A.J. Osborne, architect
Associations with A.K. Mackenzie, landholder
Associations with A.L. (Arthur) and G. (George) McCredie and Sons, architects and engineers
Associations with A.M. Allen, builder
Associations with A.N. Swain, industrialist, garden lover
Associations with A.P. Hayward, storekeeper
Associations with A.S. McDonald, engineer
Associations with A.W. Edwards, builder
Associations with A.W.S. Mowle, architect
Associations with A.W.Scott, landowner
Associations with Aaron Loveridge, builder
Associations with Aaron Muron Bolot, architect
Associations with Abel Isaac Harber, German migrant brickmaker
Associations with Able Seaman James Matra, sailor, diplomat
Associations with Abraham Davy, gentleman farmer
Associations with Abraham Davy, wholesale grocer, speculator, gentleman farmer
Associations with Abraham Davy, wholesale grocer, speculator/investor, gentleman farmer
Associations with Abraham Pope Wade, grazier
Associations with Achille Simonetti, sculptor
Associations with Ada Delroy Company, theatre performers
Associations with Ada Evans, first woman to qualify in law and admitted to the Bar
Associations with Adam Brooks, builder
Associations with Adam, Wright and Apperly, architects
Associations with Adela Taylor, wife of Sir Allen Taylor, merchant, Mayor of Sydney
Associations with Admiral Arthur Dalrymple Fanshaw, Royal Navy Commander-in-Chief Australia Station
Associations with Admiral Sir Richard Poore, Head of the Royal Navy in Australia, 1908-11
Associations with Adolphus Frederick Feez, surveyor and solicitor
Associations with Adrian Deamer, editor journalist and lawyer
Associations with Agabiti and Millane, architects
Associations with Agnes Docker, grazier's wife
Associations with Agnes Marks, farmer's wife
Associations with Agnes Parkinson, gentlewoman
Associations with Agnes Reid, farmer
Associations with Ah Look, market gardener
Associations with Ah Mow, Chinese gardener, Bishop's assistant
Associations with Aidan Tudehope, Telstra co-founder
Associations with Alan Macpherson, first Collector of Internal Revenue
Associations with Albert Alexander Smillie, Sydney City Architect
Associations with Albert Augustus (A.A.) Dangar, pastoralist, philanthropist
Associations with Albert Bond, architect
Associations with Albert Borchard, architect
Associations with Albert Bythesea Weigall, Headmaster of Sydney Grammar School
Associations with Albert E. Bates, architect
Associations with Albert Edward Grace, retailing magnate
Associations with Albert Evans, Head Gardener, PLC Croydon
Associations with Albert Glaze Cureton and family
Associations with Albert Sherbourne Le Soeuf, Director, Moore Park, then Taronga, Zoo
Associations with Albert Smillie, Principal Architect, Sydney City Council
Associations with Albert Wood Aspinall, builder
Associations with Albert, Duke of York and Elizabeth, Duchess (1927 visit)
Associations with Alberto Soares, civil engineer and architect
Associations with Ald Samuel Bursill Mayor of Campbelltown
Associations with Jane Fowler, gentlewoman
Associations with Ald. Ambrose Thornley Jnr., Glebe district architect
Associations with Ald. Andrew Lenehan, colonial furniture maker and Sydney Alderman
Associations with Ald. Arthur McElhone, Sydney City Councillor
Associations with Ald. C. Schmidt, Albury Councillor
Associations with Ald. C.H. Humphrey, landowner, Councillor
Associations with Ald. Charles Hannaford, landowner, Campbelltown Mayor
Associations with Ald. Daniel Holborow, draper, Ashfield Councillor and Mayor
Associations with Ald. Daniel Humphrey Thorn, pastoralist, Goulburn Councillor, builder
Associations with Ald. Dr Richard Machattie, Bathurst doctor and Mayor
Associations with Ald. Edward Allen (E.A.) Hunt, solicitor, alderman, Presbyterian Church law agent
Associations with Ald. Enoch Fowler, Lord Mayor of Sydney and of Camperdown
Associations with Ald. F.J. Byrnes, Parramatta Lord Mayor
Associations with Ald. George Thornton, Lord Mayor of Sydney City
Associations with Ald. J. Creer, Mayor of Newcastle, 1890-1
Associations with Ald. James Bocking, builder, Councillor and Campbelltown Mayor
Associations with Ald. James Dalton Sr., merchant, pastoralist
Associations with Ald. James Devlin, wheelwright, postmaster, Government contractor, developer, politician, pastoralist
Associations with Ald. James Graham, farmer, Shoalhaven Councillor and Mayor
Associations with Ald. James William Cunningham, farmer, grazier, Tumbarumba Shire Councillor
Associations with Ald. John Edward (Edward) Moore, emancipated convict, weaver, grazier, Wollondilly Mayor, Councillor
Associations with Ald. John Thompson, businessman, Mayor of Randwick
Associations with Ald. John Yeo, Ashfield Councillor and Mayor, 1917-18
Associations with Ald. Joseph Atkinson, innkeeper, local Councillor
Associations with Ald. Joseph Graham, Mayor of Marrickville seven times
Associations with Ald. Martin Christiansen, brickmaker, Councillor, Mayor of Liverpool
Associations with Ald. Mary Brookes, Campbelltown City Councillor, cattle breeder
Associations with Ald. Patrick Nolan, Sydney City Councillor
Associations with Ald. R.H. Hankinson, Narrandera rice grower, Mayor and philanthropist
Associations with Ald. R.M. Wilkinson, Albury Mayor
Associations with Ald. Reg Bartley, Lord Mayor of Sydney
Associations with Ald. Richard Wynne, businessman, first Mayor of Burwood
Associations with Ald. Samuel Bursill Mayor of Campbelltown
Associations with Ald. Simmons, Bathurst Councillor and Mayor
Associations with Ald. Stephen Patrick McCormack, Master Carrier and City Councillor 1932-9 1941-3
Associations with Ald. Thomas Alcock, Marrickville Mayor
Associations with Ald. Thomas Gamble, Campbelltown Mayor
Associations with Ald. Thomas Machattie, Bathurst Councillor, three-times Mayor
Associations with Ald. W. J. Jones, Albury Mayor
Associations with Ald. William Blackman, innkeeper, pastoralist, Cudgegong Shire Councillor
Associations with Ald. William Charles Gale, businessman, local Councillor
Associations with Ald. William Moles, original Shellharbour Councillor and second Mayor
Associations with Ald. William Von der Heyde, tobacco merchant, Mayor of Strathfield
Associations with Alec McDonell, grazier
Associations with Alex Floyd OAM, forest ecologist, botanist, silviculturist, author
Associations with Alexander (Alec) Blombery, writer, authority on native plant cultivation
Associations with Alexander Berry, merchant, entrepreneur, philanthropist
Associations with Alexander Brand, builder
Associations with Alexander Brodie Spark, merchant
Associations with Alexander Campbell, absentee Scottish landholder
Associations with Alexander Campbell, Merchant Banker and MLC
Associations with Alexander Cruikshank, grazier
Associations with Alexander Davidson, whaler
Associations with Alexander Dawson, NSW Colonial Architect 1856-62
Associations with Alexander Dean, businessman, Sydney City Alderman, 1870s
Associations with Alexander Dick, settler and alleged hermit
Associations with Alexander Forbes, Bathurst Gaol Governor
Associations with Alexander Grant, Scottish-trained gardener
Associations with Alexander Kinghorne, Superintendent of Convicts, Civil Engineer for the Colony
Associations with Alexander Learmonth, gentleman
Associations with Alexander Levi, landholder
Associations with Alexander Macleay, Colonial Secretary and Entemologist
Associations with Alexander Macleay, Colonial Secretary, MLA, naturalist and first Speaker of the House
Associations with Alexander McArthur politician and businessman
Associations with Alexander McDonald, marine, farmer
Associations with Alexander McDonnell, settler and timber-getter
Associations with Alexander McIntosh
Associations with Alexander McNeil, pastoralist
Associations with Alexander Morrison Fell, Scottish shale oilworks manager
Associations with Alexander Riley, businessman
Associations with Alexander Ross MLA, politician and grazier
Associations with Alexander Scouller, builder
Associations with Alexander Sellar, building contractor
Associations with Alexander Sloane, Riverina pastoralist
Associations with Alexander Stuart Jolly, architect
Associations with Alexander Thomson, Sydney merchant
Associations with Alexander Walker Scott, entrepreneur, entomologist, landowner
Associations with Alexander Walker, Police Officer
Associations with Alf Little, nurseryman
Associations with Alfred (Alf) Stephens, Bowral mason and builder
Associations with Alfred and Effie Brunet, horticulturists
Associations with Alfred Andrew Patterson, head gardener, park designer, columnist, engineer
Associations with Alfred Brown, early town planner
Associations with Alfred Dampier's Theatre Company
Associations with Alfred Elyard, Chief Clerk, Supreme Court and landholder
Associations with Alfred G. Newman, architect
Associations with Alfred Gordon Thomson, gentleman
Associations with Alfred H. Hale, Mosman Council architect and building surveyor
Associations with Alfred Hitchcock, movie director
Associations with Alfred Hook, Town Clerk, Associate Professor of Construction, Architecture Faculty, Sydney University
Associations with Alfred Hordern Jr., retail merchant
Associations with Alfred James Hordern, retail merchant and his wife Caroline
Associations with Alfred Lambert, iron investor
Associations with Alfred Lambert, iron manufacturer
Associations with Alfred Phillips, gentleman
Associations with Alfred Rofe and Sons, lawyers
Associations with Alfred Rose Payten, architect
Associations with Alfred Sharp, landscape artist, environmentalist
Associations with Alfred Smart, farmer
Associations with Alfred Stephens, Bowral mason and builder
Associations with Alfred Wilson, gentleman of St. Leonards
Associations with Algernon Henry Belfield, grazier, farm manager, scientist, meteorologist
Associations with Alice Johnson (nee Bootes), landowner
Associations with Alice Keep, gentlewoman
Associations with Alice Smart (nee Weston), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Alicia Dauncey (nee Mitchell), gentlewoman
Associations with Alick Osborne, grazier
Associations with Alison Norris, architect
Associations with Alistair Cox, overseer, manager of sheep stations
Associations with Allan Cunningham, colonial and Kings botanist, explorer
Associations with Allan Cunningham, colonial and Kings botanist, explorer
Associations with Allan James Yeomans, agricultural planner, conservationist
Associations with Allan McClean, builder
Associations with Allan Vivers, grazier
Associations with Amanda Loneragan, grazier
Associations with Ambrose Hallen, architect
Associations with Ambrose Thornley Jnr., architect
Associations with Ambrose Thornley Jnr., Glebe district architect
Associations with Amelia Ashcroft, grazier
Associations with AMP
Associations with AMP Society
Associations with Ampol Corporation, fuel suppliers
Associations with Amy Keep, gentlewoman
Associations with Anastasia Nagle Ryan, gentlewoman
Associations with Andrea Stombuco, architect
Associations with Andrew and Elizabeth Thompson, Illawarra farmers, Illawarra
Associations with Andrew Andersons, architect
Associations with Andrew Badgery, pastoralist, farmer
Associations with Andrew Barber, longest surviving Aborigine who lived on the Sackville Aboriginal Reserve
Associations with Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson, poet and writer
Associations with Andrew Bowman, landowner
Associations with Andrew Brown, grazier and industrialist
Associations with Andrew Gibson, grazier
Associations with Andrew Gordon Finlay, estate agent, auctioneer
Associations with Andrew Herd and Son, Illawarra builders
Associations with Andrew Hinchcliff, wool buyer and exporter
Associations with Andrew Hume, government official, farmer
Associations with Andrew Lenehan Jr., gentleman
Associations with Andrew Prott, Mittagong Postmaster, c1890+
Associations with Andrew Purcell
Associations with Andrew Seton Chisholm, grazier, brewery owner
Associations with Andrew Sievers, Acting Swedish and Norwegian Consul
Associations with Andrew Stewart, baker
Associations with Andrew Thompson, master tanner, brewer, emancipist, ferry owner, magistrate, police officer, ship owne
Associations with Andrew Turnbull, road contractor, mill and gravel works owner
Associations with Andy Logue, chef
Associations with Angus Gibson, grazier
Associations with Angus Neil-Smith and Susan Blaxland, graziers
Associations with Ann Bunker (nee Minchin), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Ann Campbell (nee Hassall), farmer, gentlewoman
Associations with Ann Doyle, landowner
Associations with Ann Hellman, wife and homemaker
Associations with Ann Henry (nee Shepherd), priest's and missionary's wife, farmer
Associations with Ann Houison, gentlewoman and widow
Associations with Ann Mackay (nee Hassall), grazier's wife
Associations with Ann Thomson, artist
Associations with Ann Webb, grazier
Associations with Anna Josepha King, Governor's wife, pastoralist
Associations with Anna Maria Bunn, notable colonial personality and writer
Associations with Anna Maria Deas Thompson (nee Bourke), official's wife
Associations with Anna Maria Macarthur (nee King), gentlewoman
Associations with Anna Sorensen, nursery proprietor, propogator, mother, wife of Paul Sorensen
Associations with Annabella Boswell, gentlewoman, diarist, writer
Associations with Annabella Jane (Miss Belle) Thorburn
Associations with Anne Campbell, grazier
Associations with Anne Carr Boyd, Professor of Music
Associations with Anne Cutter, innkeeper
Associations with Anne Fieldhouse gentlewoman
Associations with Anne Hassall (nee Marsden), gentlewoman, Priest's wife, farmer
Associations with Anne Mackenzie, wife of Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Anne Webb (nee Mutton), farmer, storekeeper
Associations with Annie McAndrew, private hospital manager
Associations with Annie Paton, nurse
Associations with Annie Sulman, nee Masefield, gentlewoman
Associations with Annie Wyatt, conservationist, activist
Associations with Anthony (Tony) Mullens, horse breeder and his wife Wendy
Associations with Anthony A. Graham, landowner
Associations with Anthony Gee, designer
Associations with Anthony Hordern III (Tertius), draper
Associations with Anthony Hordern, retailer, merchant, gentleman farmer
Associations with Anthony Stephenson, manufacturer, miller
Associations with Antonia Pezzutti, Italian migrant labourer
Associations with Antonio and Peter Ettinghausen, tradesmen
Associations with Antonio Nardi, Italian migrant farmer
Associations with Arch Priest John JosephTerry, influential Catholic cleric
Associations with Archbishop Cardinal James Freeman 1971 - 1983, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Cardinal Norman T Gilroy 1940-1971, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Cardinal Patrick Moran 1885 - 1911, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Edward Bede Clancy 1983 - 2001, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Francis Patrick Carroll
Associations with Archbishop George Pell 2001 +, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Howard Mowll, Anglican cleric
Associations with Archbishop J.C. Wright, Anglican archbishop of Sydney
Associations with Archbishop John Bede Polding 1835 - 1877, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Michael Kelly 1911 - 1940, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Roger Bede Vaughan 1877 - 1885, RC clergyman
Associations with Archbishop Saumarez Smith, Anglican priest
Associations with Archdeacon Oakes, descendent of Rowland Hassall, missionary
Associations with Archdeacon Scott, Anglican priest
Associations with Archibald Adolphus Gregory, senior executive of Twentieth Century Fox Corp.
Associations with Archibald Bell Jnr., 'discoverer' of Bells Line of Rd across Nth.Blue Mountains
Associations with Archibald Bell, soldier and magistrate
Associations with Archibald McKane, emancipated convict, overseer of carpenters, NSW Public Works
Associations with Archibold Bell Jnr., 'discoverer' of Bells Line of Rd across Nth.Blue Mountains
Associations with architect Eric M. Nicholls
Associations with architect Harry Seidler
Associations with architect John Shedden Adam
Associations with architect Joseph Porter Power
Associations with architect Walter Burley Griffin
Associations with Architectus, architectural practice
Associations with Archpriest John Joseph Therry, founder of the Roman Catholic Church in Australia
Associations with armed forces personnel
Associations with Armstrong Munn, industrialist
Associations with Arthur Alfred Johnston, gentleman farmer
Associations with Arthur and Elaine Swan, absentee graziers
Associations with Arthur Baldwinson, architect
Associations with Arthur Blacket, architect
Associations with Arthur Boyd, artist and painter
Associations with Arthur Bryant Triggs, accountant and pastoralist
Associations with Arthur C. Lee, architect
Associations with Arthur Chapman, NSW Branch Secretary, Australian Railway Union (ARU)
Associations with Arthur Collingridge, artist, engraver and educator
Associations with Arthur Cordeaux, banker and pastoralist
Associations with Arthur Devlin, Irish rebel, exile, free settler
Associations with Arthur E. Wilton, grazier
Associations with Arthur Frederick Hale McQuade, merchant
Associations with Arthur Hazlett, gentleman
Associations with Arthur Hunter Palmer, pastoral station manager, later Qld. Premier
Associations with Arthur John Wilson, builder
Associations with Arthur Launry, veteran hotelier
Associations with Arthur Lawrence Peacock, hotelier
Associations with Arthur Lindsay, Illawarra farmer
Associations with Arthur Martin, farmer
Associations with Arthur Palin, architect
Associations with Arthur Payne, first sufferer of the Plague 1900
Associations with Arthur Pritchard, grazier
Associations with Arthur Raymond Booth, Sydney merchant
Associations with Arthur Reynolds, grazier
Associations with Arthur Ryder, grazier
Associations with Arthur Stacey, grazier
Associations with Arthur Streeton, artist
Associations with Arthur Todd Holroyd, barrister, doctor, MLA, entrepreneur, Mayor, gentleman
Associations with Arthur Triggs, pastoralist
Associations with Arthur Wigram Allen, solicitor, photographer, Sydney identity
Associations with Arthur Yates, horticulturist, businessman, seed merchant
Associations with Ashley Dawson-Damer, gentlewoman and socialite
Associations with Augusta Maria Scott, daughter of Dr James Mitchell, industrialist
Associations with Augustine Soubeiran, co-principal, Kambala School
Associations with Augustus Alley, architect
Associations with Augustus Alt, Surveyor-General of NSW
Associations with Augustus Earle, colonial artist
Associations with Augustus Welby N Pugin, leading English Gothic Revival architect
Associations with Austen de Lauret (Marquis Auguste Pierre Celement de Guerry de Lauret), magistrate, pastoral superinte
Associations with Australasian Concrete Services
Associations with Australian Iron and Steel Co. (later BHP)
Associations with B. Lee, Bathurst gentleman
Associations with B.J. Waterhouse, architect
Associations with B.J.Waterhouse, architect
Associations with Backhouse and Lough, architects
Associations with Ballieu Myer, businessman, grazier
Associations with Banjo Patterson, poet, writer, journalist
Associations with Banks and Whitehurst, builders
Associations with Barangaroo, Eora woman
Associations with Barbara and Marion Moles, dairy farmers
Associations with Barbara Litchfield, grazier, gardener
Associations with Barnabas Rix, emancipated convict, schoolteacher
Associations with Baron Augustus Alt, Surveyor-General
Associations with Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, Victorian Government Botanist
Associations with Baron von Hugel, Austrian noble, naturalist, traveller
Associations with Barry and Lynne Anstee, architect and landowners
Associations with Barry Byrne, interior decorator
Associations with Barry Dangerfield, Albury Parks Superintendent
Associations with Bartlett and Oddy, brewers
Associations with Basil Gray Junior, pastoralist (died age 10)
Associations with Basil Gray Senior, Upper Murray pastoralist
Associations with Basil Kendall, farmer
Associations with Bates Smart, architects
Associations with Bates, Smart and McCutcheon, architects
Associations with Bathurst and District Historical Society
Associations with Bathurst City (now Regional) Council
Associations with Baz Luhrmann, filmmaker, director, creative
Associations with Beatrice Bligh (nee Gordon), farmer, author, gardener, garden historian
Associations with Beatrice Bligh, farmer, author, gardener, garden historian
Associations with Bede Morrissey, builder, restorer
Associations with Ben Hall, bushranger
Associations with Ben Marshall Osborne, grazier
Associations with Ben Wallace, horticulturist
Associations with Benit William George, farmer of Rylstone
Associations with Benjamin (Ben) Boyd, Scottish migrant, entrepreneur, fraudster
Associations with Benjamin Backhouse, architect
Associations with Benjamin Buchanan, gentleman
Associations with Benjamin Carter, grazier and kerosene shale miner
Associations with Benjamin Christian Simpson, railway line and orcharding proponent
Associations with Benjamin Lattin, prominent Melbourne businessman
Associations with Benjamin Singleton, hotelier, miller, landholder, grazier
Associations with Benjamin Singleton,hotelier, miller, landholder, grazier
Associations with Benn W. Levy, merchant
Associations with Bennelong, Eora Nation Aboriginal
Associations with Benno Seppelt, winemaker, businessman
Associations with Bernard (Barney) Kieran, champion swimmer
Associations with Bernard Doman, Principal, Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Associations with Bernard Holtermann, miner and philanthropist
Associations with Bernard Lenehan, gentleman
Associations with Bert Bencsik, orthopaedic surgeon
Associations with Bert Smith, Albury ParksSuperintendent
Associations with Bertram Mackennal, sculptor
Associations with Bessie Guthrie, prison activist
Associations with Bessie Pocock
Associations with Betsy (Elizabeth) Throsby (nee Broughton), gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Betta Wool, wool growers, merchants
Associations with Betty Maloney, bush garden proponent and artist
Associations with Betty Ryrie, grazier
Associations with Beverley Trevor-Jones, gentlewoman
Associations with Biddulph Henning, Appin resident
Associations with Bignall and Clark, builders
Associations with Bill and Belinda Pulver, hospitality sector entrepreneurs
Associations with Bill Chambers, architect's assistant to Hugh Buhrich
Associations with Bill Lucas, architect
Associations with Bill Mahony, stained glass artist
Associations with Bill O'Neill, NSW President, Australian Railway Union (ARU)
Associations with Bill Scrivener, veterinarian, farmer, orchardist
Associations with Bill Smart, nurseryman and horticulturist
Associations with Bill Tarplee, RAAF Engineer, World War 2
Associations with Billy Blue, Jamaican emancipist
Associations with Bim Hilder
Associations with Bishop A.W.Pain, Anglican bishop and priest
Associations with Bishop Barker, Anglican Bishop
Associations with Bishop Frederick Barker, Anglican Bishop of Sydney
Associations with Bishop Frederick Barker, Bishop of Sydney
Associations with Bishop Goodhew, Anglican Bishop of Sydney 1982-93
Associations with Bishop Heber, Calcutta - diocese included Australia
Associations with Bishop J.B.Pearson, Bishop of Newcastle
Associations with Bishop James Francis Turner
Associations with Bishop Joseph Wilfred Dwyer
Associations with Bishop Lanigan, Goulburn Catholic Bishop
Associations with Bishop Slater, RC Bishop of Sydney
Associations with Bishop Sydney Linton, Anglican Bishop of the Riverina
Associations with Bishop Thomas, Anglican Bishop of Goulburn
Associations with Bishop William Grant Broughton, Anglican bishop of Australia
Associations with Bishop William Tyrell, Anglican bishop of the Hunter Valley
Associations with Bishop William Ullathorne
Associations with 'Black Charlotte', full blooded Aboriginal housemaid, Upper Murray
Associations with Blackadder
Associations with Blacket and Sons, architects
Associations with Blacket Brothers, architects
Associations with Bladen (Thomas) and Company, iron manufacturers
Associations with Bladen and Company, iron manufacturers
Associations with Blanche Weston (nee Johnston), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Blessed Giovanni Mazzucconi, missionary and martyr
Associations with Bob Croft, Albury Parks Superintendent
Associations with Bob McCullough, retiree
Associations with Bob McDonald, Aboriginal runner
Associations with Bob Ross, Edgar Ross, socialist organisers and influencers
Associations with Bob Van der Weyde, Albury Parks Superintendent
Associations with Bob Whitelaw, boxer
Associations with Bolton Millane, architect with Agabiti and Millane
Associations with Bowden and Curtis, builders
Associations with Boyd Macleod, farmer
Associations with Brett Whiteley, artist
Associations with Brian Cecil Fuller, solicitor
Associations with Brian Smith, only apprentice to Paul Sorensen, landscape architect
Associations with Brian Yuill, merchant banker
Associations with Brodie and Craig, builders
Associations with Brother Ambrose Treacy, founder of the Christian Brothers' Australasian province
Associations with Brother Francis Gatti (c.1835-91) Capuchin lay brother attached to St.Mary's Cathedral, Armidale
Associations with Brother Gennade Rolland, French missionary
Associations with Brother Jerome Barron, Christian Brothers Provincial
Associations with Bruce Dellit, architect
Associations with Bruce Hoad, Yarrangobilly Caves caretaker
Associations with Bruce Hordern, retail merchant
Associations with Bruce Mackenzie, landscape architect
Associations with Bruce Rickard, architect
Associations with Bryson, Leet, Johnson and Montgomery, builders
Associations with Buchan Thomson, gentleman
Associations with Budden and Mackey, architects
Associations with Bungaree, Cadigal man
Associations with Bunning and Madden, architects
Associations with Buster (Alan) and Lillie Day, Yarrangobilly Caves House proprietors
Associations with Byera Hadley, architect and educator
Associations with C. (Charles) Bruce Dellit, architect
Associations with C. and E. Miller, builders
Associations with C. Davis and Sons, builders
Associations with C. Hannell, actor
Associations with C. Hellmrich, aspiring Paddington Town Clerk
Associations with C.B. (Charles Brown) Fisher, grazier
Associations with C.E. Drainsfield, miller
Associations with C.F.A. Voysey, English radical architect
Associations with C.H. Merten, farmer
Associations with C.H.E. Blackmann, architect
Associations with C.J. O'Brien, Goulburn builder
Associations with C.K. White, grazier
Associations with C.W. (Claude William) Chambers, architect, RAIA president 1916-18
Associations with C.W. Darley, Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works, lighthouse designer
Associations with Cadigal clan of the Eora nation
Associations with Caleb Nash, grazier
Associations with Caleb Wilson, Sydney merchant
Associations with Caltex Corporation, fuel suppliers
Associations with Camden Galbraith McCourt, child who died young
Associations with CAMP (Campaign Against Moral Persecution)
Associations with CAMP Women's Association
Associations with Campbelltown and Airds District Historical Society
Associations with Campbelltown City Council
Associations with Canon Graham, Anglican priest
Associations with Canon William Scott, Anglican priest, first official NSW Government Astronomer
Associations with Captain (later Sir) Edward Parry RN, Director, Australian Agricultural Company
Associations with Captain B.H. de Bougainville, French mariner and explorer
Associations with Captain Bougainville, French mariner and explorer
Associations with Captain C.T.P. Ulm, National Airways
Associations with Captain Druitt
Associations with Captain Duncan Mackellar, Braidwood farmer
Associations with Captain Eber Bunker, whaler and farmer
Associations with Captain Edward Parry RN, Director, Australian Agricultural Company
Associations with Captain Emmanuel Hungerford, pastoralist
Associations with Captain Francis Allman, Commandant of Port Macquarie, 1821-1824
Associations with Captain Frederick Neitenstein, Comptroller General of Prisons
Associations with Captain George Jobling, grazier
Associations with Captain Henry Dumaresq, AA.Co.Commissioner
Associations with Captain James Cook - British Naval Officer and explorer
Associations with Captain James Green, 'Dunbar' captain
Associations with Captain John Campbell, magistrate, pastoralist
Associations with Captain John Coghill MLC, politician and colonial grazier
Associations with Captain John Piper, official, gentleman, benefactor
Associations with Captain John Piper, official, gentleman, benefactor
Associations with Captain John Rolland, Commandant of Port Macquarie
Associations with Captain Joseph Moore, Master Mariner
Associations with Captain Narcissus George Arguimbau, Commander in the Royal Navy
Associations with Captain Nicholas Phillips, ex-Royal Navy sailor, farm manager
Associations with Captain Percy Simpson, army officer
Associations with Captain Philip Dauncey, soldier, landowner
Associations with Captain Phillip Gidley King, AA.Co.Commissioner
Associations with Captain Richard Brooks, trader, settler, colonial grazier
Associations with Captain Rinaldo Sheberras (Sceberras), soldier
Associations with Captain Robert Deane RN, Founder of RAN House
Associations with Captain Ronald Campbell, colonial grazier
Associations with Captain Thomas Dennett, soldier, landowner
Associations with Captain Thomas Raine, prominent Sydney merchant, convict ship captain
Associations with Captain Thomas Rowley, soldier, landowner
Associations with Captain Thunderbolt, Bushranger
Associations with Captain WH Christie, military officer, public servant
Associations with Captain William Douglas Campbell, Sailor, trader, pastoralist
Associations with Captain William Dun, ex-soldier, grazier, coroner in Paterson district
Associations with Captain William Hovell, sailor, explorer, grazier
Associations with Captain-Lieutenant Watkin Tench, Marine Naval officer
Associations with Cardinal Edward Clancy, Catholic Archbishop of Sydney
Associations with Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of Sydney
Associations with Cardinal Sir James Freeman (1907-91), Catholic Archbishop of Sydney
Associations with Cardinal Sir Norman Gilroy (1896-1977), Catholic Archbishop of Sydney
Associations with Carlo Jacuzzi, sculptor
Associations with Caroline Chisholm, women's advocate and philanthropist
Associations with Caroline Hordern (nee Alexander), creative gentlewoman
Associations with Caroline Laws, socialite
Associations with Caroline Lawson (nee Icely), gentlewoman, grazier
Associations with Caroline Manning, gentlewoman
Associations with Caroline Simpson (nee Fairfax) OAM, philanthropist
Associations with Caroline Thomas, grazier
Associations with Caroline Trevor-Jones (nee Caroline Annie Spedding Brown), grazier's and industrialist's wife
Associations with Castelden and Sara, architects
Associations with Catherine Belisario, gentlewoman
Associations with Catherine Bradley, grazier
Associations with Catherine Gibbins (nee Pickett), gentlewoman
Associations with Catherine Keighan (nee Byrne), publican's wife
Associations with Catherine M. Merten, farmer
Associations with Catherine Martin, fashion and interior designer
Associations with Catherine Osborne (nee Gordon), grazier's wife
Associations with Catherine Sandy, wife of Mounted Policeman, Sgt. Sandy
Associations with Catherine Soares, Priest's wife
Associations with Catherine Stevens, emancipated convict
Associations with Catherine Wilson (nee Ferrier), businesswoman and grazier's wife
Associations with Cathrine Kendall (nee McLain), farmer
Associations with Cathy Freeman, Aboriginal Olympic athlete
Associations with Cecie Gibbs, gentlewoman
Associations with Cecil Arthur Luber, businessman
Associations with Cecil Bede Newling - Armidale Teachers' College Principle, educator
Associations with Cecil Hoskins, Industrialist in Steel industry
Associations with Cecil Vicary, diary farmer and viticulturist
Associations with Cecil West Darley, engineer
Associations with Cecil West Darley, Engineer-in-chief, Public Works Department
Associations with Cecilia and Henry Meredith, landowners
Associations with Cecily Gunz, architect
Associations with Cedric Ballantyne, Melbourne architect
Associations with Cedric Bryant, English born nurseryman, garden designer, author
Associations with Cedric 'Dinky' Marks, farmer
Associations with Cedric Rouse, industrial chemist
Associations with Charle Everard, farm station worker
Associations with Charles Alphonse Massy, grazier
Associations with Charles Arthur Moresby Billyard, builder
Associations with Charles Assinder Harding, architect
Associations with Charles Assinder Harding, specialsed lighthouse architect, Public Works Department
Associations with Charles B. Fairfax, member of Fairfax publishing family
Associations with Charles B.Fairfax, member of Fairfax publishing family
Associations with Charles Blackman, painter
Associations with Charles Bogue Luffman, horticulturist, educator
Associations with Charles Boyd (C.B.) Alexander, grazier and stud owner
Associations with Charles Byrne, landowner, investor
Associations with Charles Campbell, grazier
Associations with Charles Cope, landowner
Associations with Charles Cowper, grazier
Associations with Charles Darby Bardwell, inn owner
Associations with Charles Darwin, British naturalist, author
Associations with Charles Everett, decorator
Associations with Charles Fairfax, newspaper family publisher
Associations with Charles Fraser, Colonial botanist, collector and explorer
Associations with Charles Fraser, soldier and colonial botanist
Associations with Charles French, naturalist, horticulturist and entomologist
Associations with Charles Goodluck, expert stonemason
Associations with Charles Goodwin, farmer
Associations with Charles Gordon, Narellan schoolteacher
Associations with Charles Grimes, settler
Associations with Charles H Halstead, architect
Associations with Charles Hadley, freed convict, farmer
Associations with Charles Hannaford, landowner
Associations with Charles Hansom, architect
Associations with Charles Henry Hoskins, Steel manufacturer and manager
Associations with Charles Hilton Dight, Albury identity
Associations with Charles Hook, grazier
Associations with Charles Jones, publican
Associations with Charles Ledger, grazier
Associations with Charles Loneragan, grazier and merchant
Associations with Charles Massy, farmer, author, international adviser on sheep and wool industries
Associations with Charles McIntosh, farmer, Clydesdale horse breeder
Associations with Charles Moore JP, Mayor of Sydney 1867-69
Associations with Charles Moore, Director Botanic Gardens and garden maker, 1848-96
Associations with Charles Moore, Kangaroo Valley builder
Associations with Charles Phillips Brooks, landowner
Associations with Charles R. Scrivener, metropolitan staff surveyor, farmer, orchardist
Associations with Charles Reynolds, expert stock breeder
Associations with Charles Scharkie, Mayor of Manly, grazier
Associations with Charles Scrivener Jr., orchardist, farmer
Associations with Charles Slayter, architect
Associations with Charles Smith, horse breeder, race promoter
Associations with Charles Spadacini, architect
Associations with Charles Sturt, explorer
Associations with Charles Throsby MLC, major landholder and grazier
Associations with Charles Throsby Smith, grazier
Associations with Charles Tompson, emancipated convict grazier
Associations with Charles Tyson, grazier
Associations with Charles Ward Pye, landholder
Associations with Charles Windeyer, magistrate
Associations with Charlie (Albert Charles Hillas) Pearce, grazier
Associations with Charlie Everard, pastoral station worker
Associations with Charlie McCartney, cricketer
Associations with Charlie Samuels, Aboriginal runner
Associations with Charlie Watson, gardener
Associations with Charlotte Atkinson (nee Waring), Macarthur family governess, children's book author, farmer
Associations with Charlotte Blackett (nee Bunker), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Charlotte Campbell, grazier
Associations with Charlotte Carr, Solicitor's widow
Associations with Charlotte Hyndes, gentlewoman
Associations with Charlotte Powell (nee Brooks), grazier's wife
Associations with Charlotte Webb OAM, garden designer
Associations with Chas. Dobson and Co., mosaic tile manufacturers
Associations with Chas. Rasmussen and Co., coopers
Associations with Cherry Jackaman, first female president of the National Trust (NSW)
Associations with 'Chow' Hayes, Sydney gangster
Associations with Chris Hemsworth, actor
Associations with Chris Webb, garden designer
Associations with Christabel Poll, out lesbian and CAMP co-founder
Associations with Christiana Brooks (nee Passmore), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Christiana Dumaresq (nee Macleay), gentlewoman
Associations with Christina Brown, farmer and industrialist's wife
Associations with Christina Marchmant (nee Newbury), gentlewoman
Associations with Christina Stead, writer
Associations with Christine Deakes, Olympic Swimmer
Associations with Christopher Bennett, proprietor of the Sydney Evening News, the Australian Town and Country Journal an
Associations with Christopher Kringas, Architect
Associations with Christopher Selmes, English gentleman
Associations with Chune Hor, market gardener
Associations with Cissy McQuade (nee Durant), gentlewoman
Associations with CJM Walters, veterinarian
Associations with Clarice Dickson, nurse and matron
Associations with Claude Crowe, nurseryman and garden designer
Associations with Claude Eric Joseph Canham, farmer
Associations with Claude Lightfoot, pilot
Associations with Clement Glancey, architect
Associations with Clement Meadmore, sculptor
Associations with Clive Belisario, gentleman
Associations with Clive Lucas, conservation architect
Associations with Clive Lucas, Stapleton and Partners, conservation architects
Associations with Cobb and Co., travel providers
Associations with Cobden Parkes, Government architect, 1950s
Associations with Colbee, a leading man of the Cadigal clan
Associations with Colin and Helen Foley, gardeners
Associations with Colin Bishop, gentleman
Associations with Colin Brewster, architect
Associations with Colin Day, Caves House tourist shop operator
Associations with Colin Lanceley, artist
Associations with Colin Madigan, architect
Associations with Colin McKibbin, grazier
Associations with Colin Mills, retired chemist, archivist and author
Associations with Colonel Alderson, Victoria Barracks soldier
Associations with Colonel and Mrs Goodlet, prominent presbyterian layfolk
Associations with Colonel Henry Dumaresq, private secretary to Governor Darling, Commissioner for A.A.Company, grazier
Associations with Colonel Patrick Lindesay, Acting Governor, 1831
Associations with Colonel Sir Peter Scratchley, military engineer and colonial administrator
Associations with Colonel Snodgrass, 1833 NSW Lieutenant Governor
Associations with Commander A.H.C.C. Home, Royal Navy, Commander of HMS Pegasus
Associations with Commander William Ogilvie, ex-navy officer and early Hunter Valley grazier
Associations with Commissary Stewart Ryrie, grazier and civil servant
Associations with Commissioner J.T.Bigge, colonial administration auditor
Associations with Commodore James Loring RN
Associations with Compte de la Perouse, French explorer and naturalist
Associations with Concrete Constructions Pty Ltd, builders
Associations with Conrad Martens, convict artist
Associations with Cornelius O'Brien, pastoralist
Associations with Courtaulds P/L, British textile manufacturing company
Associations with Cowper, Murphy and Associates, architects
Associations with Craig Burton, architect, landscape architect, University lecturer
Associations with Crawford H. Mackellar, architect
Associations with Cressida Campbell, artist
Associations with Cyril Blacket, architect
Associations with Cyril Neville Jago, stonemason and bricklayer
Associations with Cyril Ruwald, architect
Associations with Cyril Victor Gillett, farmer's son, died young
Associations with D. McCloud, landholder
Associations with D. Proudfoot and T. Logan, builders
Associations with D. T. Morrow & Gordon, architects
Associations with D.E. (Dallas Edwards) Walsh, architect
Associations with D.J. and M.F. Benson
Associations with D.L. Lawrence, Yass builder
Associations with Dalmahoy Campbell, grazier
Associations with Dame Alice Chisholm, grazier, gentlewoman
Associations with Dame Eadith Walker, heiress, philanthropist
Associations with Dame Helen Blaxland, conservationist
Associations with Dame Helen Blaxland, conservationist and charitable fundraiser
Associations with Dame Joan Sutherland, opera singer
Associations with Dame Mary Gilmour, writer, journalist, activist
Associations with Dame Nellie Melba, international opera singer
Associations with Dame Pattie Menzies, Prime Minister's wife
Associations with Dan Kelly, bushranger
Associations with Daniel Cooper (1785-1853), emancipist merchant and investor
Associations with Daniel Cooper, emancipist merchant
Associations with Daniel Cruise, convict builder
Associations with Daniel Daniehy, republican advocate
Associations with Daniel Flood, iron investor
Associations with Daniel Flood, iron manufacturer
Associations with Daniel H. Cudmore, pioneering pastoralist
Associations with Daniel James Cleary, car racing entrepreneur
Associations with Daniel Solander, naturalist, botanist,assistant at the British Museum
Associations with Daniel T.B. Henry JP, businessman
Associations with Daphne Woodhouse, gentlewoman
Associations with Darcie Reynolds, grazier
Associations with D'Arcy Wentworth, businessman, landowner
Associations with D'Arcy Wentworth, businessman, landowner, official, Principal Surgeon, Principal Superintendent of Pol
Associations with Daryl Jackson, Robin Dyke and Robert Tanner, architects
Associations with David and Nita Facer, gentlefolk
Associations with David Bell, farmer
Associations with David Berry, agriculturist and landowner
Associations with David Broadhead, farmer
Associations with David Coe, businessman
Associations with David Cohen, prominent merchant
Associations with David Collins, judge-advocate of the colony, 1790s
Associations with David Davis, Sydney builder
Associations with David Dymock, leading dairy farmer
Associations with David Elphinstone, architect
Associations with David George Wilson, market gardener
Associations with David H. Martin, theatrical entrepreneur
Associations with David Hazlewood, landscape designer, author, lecturer
Associations with David Henry Drummond, state polititian
Associations with David James Maxwell, grazier
Associations with David Johnston, farmer
Associations with David Jones, (1793-1873) founder of Department stores
Associations with David Jones, builder of Goulburn and Bathurst Courthouses
Associations with David King
Associations with David Lawson, blast furnace expert
Associations with David Lennox, Superintendent of Bridges, engineer
Associations with David McDiamand, gay artist, activist
Associations with David Nicholson, businessman
Associations with David Noble, parks ranger, explorer
Associations with David Saunders, stained glass artist
Associations with David Sheedy, architect, conservationist
Associations with David Smith, English engineer, ironworks manager
Associations with David Smith, master mariner
Associations with David Stead, naturalist, author, world expert on fisheries, marine biology, oceanography, Superintende
Associations with David Taylor, builder
Associations with David Tudehope, co-founder of Telstra
Associations with David Turner, Government Architect's Office
Associations with David Utley, urban tenant
Associations with David W. King, architect
Associations with David Wilson, sculptor
Associations with David Yencken, first Chair of the Australian Heritage Commission
Associations with Dawn Fraser, Olympic swimming champion
Associations with Dean Miller, botanic garden curator
Associations with Delicia Throsby, riding school instructor
Associations with Delphine Harty, gentlewoman
Associations with Dennis Wolanski, sculptor
Associations with Despointes Brothers, architects
Associations with Diana Mercer, journalist
Associations with Dick Smith, entrepreneur, businessman, explorer
Associations with Didier Joubert, first Mayor of Hunters Hill
Associations with Dimity Davy, grazier, artist, gardener
Associations with Don Bradman, cricketer
Associations with Donald Cochran, architect
Associations with Donald Esplin, architect
Associations with Donald Friend, artist
Associations with Donald G. Cochran, Monaro architect
Associations with Donald Gazzard, Architect
Associations with Donald Murray, artist
Associations with Donald Tom, farmer
Associations with Donoghoe and Vaughan, builders
Associations with Doris White, gentlewoman
Associations with Dorman Long, English Engineering Company
Associations with Dorothea McKellar, Poetess
Associations with Dorothy English, Himalayan climber and bushwalker
Associations with Doug and Greta Moran, Healthcare industrialists
Associations with Douglas Agnew, architect and real estate agent
Associations with Douglas Smith, architect
Associations with Douglas Staff QC, solicitor, cattle and horse breeder
Associations with Dr A.L. North, rhododendron lover
Associations with Dr A.N.St.G. Burkitt, Challis Professor of Anatomy, Sydney University
Associations with Dr Allan Campbell, GP and pastoralist
Associations with Dr Alvise Memmo, Italian Consul General
Associations with Dr and Mrs Boyd, Eden residents
Associations with Dr and Mrs Broadbent, Crookwell
Associations with Dr Andrew Morton, Queanbeyan doctor
Associations with Dr Arthur Oakes, doctor and landowner
Associations with Dr Arthur Renwick, Chair, State Children's Relief Board
Associations with Dr Bassett, Bathurst doctor
Associations with Dr Brooke and Mrs Freeda Moore, graziers
Associations with Dr C.J.M 'Cec' Walters, medical adminstrator
Associations with Dr C.K. Hogg, Inspector-General of Mental Hospitals in NSW
Associations with Dr Campbell Drummond Riddell, Colonial Treasurer
Associations with Dr Charles Nelson Perrurle (Charlie) Perkins AO
Associations with Dr Charles Throsby, retired naval surgeon, explorer, farmer
Associations with Dr Colin and Mary Anderson, graziers
Associations with Dr Coolican (Snr), Bourke doctor
Associations with Dr David and Jenny Sutherland, Bourke residents
Associations with Dr David Ramsay, doctor, merchant, church man
Associations with Dr David Reid, naval surgeon, magistrate, farmer
Associations with Dr David Scott Mitchell, doctor, bibliophile, benefactor, gentleman
Associations with Dr E. Neil McQueen, Vice-Principal, Principal of PLC Croydon
Associations with Dr Edward E. Wright, Maitland doctor
Associations with Dr Edward Rivett
Associations with Dr Eric Hilliard, Superintendent of Cumberland Hospital
Associations with Dr Eric Sinclair, Medical Superintendent, Gladesville Hospital 1883-1925
Associations with Dr F.J. Radcliff, Masonic Grand Superintendent
Associations with Dr Floriana Volpata, architect, representative for the Italian Consul general on the North Coast
Associations with Dr Francis Lascelles (F.L.) Wallace, grazier
Associations with Dr Frederick Mackellar, first salaried medical officer, Sydney Hospital
Associations with Dr Frederick Norton Manning, Medical reformer
Associations with Dr G.P. Darnell-Smith, distinguished 20th C scientist, Director Botanic Gardens, 1924-36
Associations with Dr George Armstrong, doctor
Associations with Dr George Bell, distinguished surgeon
Associations with Dr George Fullerton, general practitioner
Associations with Dr George James Sly, solicitor
Associations with Dr George Vivers, grazier, racing enthusiast
Associations with Dr Giovanni Castellaneta, Italian Ambassador
Associations with Dr Guy Prior, Superintendent of Cumberland Hospital, botanist, gardener
Associations with Dr Henry Beegling, doctor
Associations with Dr Henry John Lindeman
Associations with Dr Henry Oliver, famed educationist
Associations with Dr J.J. Bradfield, civil engineer
Associations with Dr J.J.C. Bradfield, Chief Engineer, City Railways
Associations with Dr James Bowman, principal colonial surgeon
Associations with Dr James Mitchell, doctor
Associations with Dr James Norton MLA, Post-Master General, Politician, naturalist, gardener
Associations with Dr John Belisario, distinguished early dentist
Associations with Dr John Harris, surgeon
Associations with Dr John Marden, School principal, horticulturist
Associations with Dr Lawrence Johnson, distinguished 20th C botanist, Director Botanic Gardens 1972-85
Associations with Dr Leonard Reuben Rail, doctor
Associations with Dr Levings, Bourke doctor
Associations with Dr Lindsay Sharp, Powerhouse Museum Director
Associations with Dr Margaret Harper, eminent paediatrician
Associations with Dr Matthew Anderson, Colonial Surgeon - Parramatta, grazier
Associations with Dr N. Stanley, medical practitioner
Associations with Dr Neville Stanley, doctor
Associations with Dr Patrick Hill, Colonial Superintendent, Surgeon
Associations with Dr Peter Valder, mycologist, educator, author, gardener
Associations with Dr R. Power, Annandale and Burradoo doctor
Associations with Dr R.A. Lovejoy, first President, Liverpool Golf Club
Associations with Dr R.F.E. (Ted) Collican, Bourke doctor
Associations with Dr Richard Greenup, University Registrar, Psychiatric Hospital Director
Associations with Dr Richard Sylvan (formerly Routley
Associations with Dr Robert Black, tropical medicine specialist
Associations with Dr Robert Godsall and his wife Myra
Associations with Dr Robert Kampala Ratter, doctor
Associations with Dr Robert Menzies, retired naval surgeon, GP, farmer, horticulturist
Associations with Dr Ross Hayter, GP and dendrologist
Associations with Dr Sachs, Millers Point doctor
Associations with Dr Samson, first medical officer, Morisset Hospital
Associations with Dr Stokes, Assistant Medical Officer
Associations with Dr Sydney Evans Jones, psychiatrist
Associations with Dr Thomas Arndell, early surgeon, magistrate, landholder
Associations with Dr Thomas Braidwood Wilson NR, Braidwood farmer, grazier
Associations with Dr Thomas Braidwood Wilson of Braidwood farm, grazier
Associations with Dr Thomas Foster, British Army surgeon
Associations with Dr Thomas Henry Fiaschi, GP, surgeon, teacher, vigneron
Associations with Dr Tim Wood Lee, GP
Associations with Dr Vincent Malcolm Putland (Captain Putland), army medical officer, doctor
Associations with Dr W.A.H. Burkitt, doctor, pastoral run owner
Associations with Dr Walter Scott, surgeon, land owner
Associations with Dr Walter Spencer, Bathurst doctor
Associations with Dr WB Ullathorne, architect
Associations with Dr William Balmain, colonial surgeon, landowner
Associations with Dr William Bland, colonial character
Associations with Dr William Charles Williamson, Superintendent of Cumberland Hospital, keen gardener
Associations with Dr William Lyons, orthopaedic surgeon
Associations with Dr William Mawson general practitioner
Associations with Dr William Redfern, Doctor, prominent citizen, farmer
Associations with Dudley Wallace Arabin Smith, vet, grazier, soldier, Councillor
Associations with Dudley Ward, architect
Associations with Duncan and Hamilton Sinclair, graziers
Associations with Duncan Forbes Mackay Jnr., major NSW and Qld.grazier
Associations with Duncan McMaster, grazier
Associations with Duncan Mount, funds manager and wife, Sally
Associations with Dymphna Clark, writer, historian
Associations with E. Heseler, builder
Associations with E. Jeaffresson Jackson, architect
Associations with E. Lindsay Thompson, architect
Associations with E.A. Scott, architect
Associations with E.B. Cornish, English gentry grazier
Associations with E.B.Cornish, English gentry grazier
Associations with E.C. (Edmund Cooper) Manfred, Goulburn architect
Associations with E.C. Tweedie, builder
Associations with E.E. Fallick, architect
Associations with E.F. Heath, architect
Associations with E.G. Larkin, Hunter and Henshaw, iron rail manufacturers
Associations with E.G. Larking, Hunter and Henshaw, iron rail manufacturers
Associations with E.H. (Edward Herbert) Farmer, Government Architect
Associations with E.H. (Edward) Litchfield, grazier
Associations with E.H. Ward, curator of Sydney Botanic Gardens
Associations with E.J. Bowen, architect
Associations with E.J. Lowe, grazier
Associations with E.J.Lowe, grazier
Associations with E.Jeaffresson Jackson, architect
Associations with E.L. Montefiore, co-founder of the NSW Academy of Art
Associations with E.M. deBurgh, Public Works Chief Engineer
Associations with E.M. Ebsworth, Manager Mitchell Estate, Rose Bay and resident of Bronte House
Associations with E.M.Ebsworth, Manager Mitchell Estate, Rose Bay and resident of Bronte House
Associations with E.T. (Edwin Thomas) Penfold, tobacco manufacturer, magistrate and philanthropist
Associations with Earle Knodler, farmer
Associations with Earnest Arnold, Glebe tenant
Associations with Earnest Edward (EE) Morgan, Queanbeyan solicitor
Associations with Ebenezer Vickery, prosperous merchant and benefactor
Associations with Eccleston Du Faur, nature conservationalist
Associations with Eccleston Du Faur, nature conservationalist and art lover
Associations with Edith Keep, gentlewoman
Associations with Edmond Lonsdale, builder
Associations with Edmond Resch Jr., brewer
Associations with Edmond Resch, brewer
Associations with Edmund Blacket, architect
Associations with Edmund Blacket, Government Architect
Associations with Edmund Capon, scholar and Director, Art Gallery of NSW
Associations with Edna Walling, Garden Designer, author
Associations with Edna Walling, prominent garden designer and writer
Associations with Edward (E.)H. Litchfield, grazier
Associations with Edward (Ted) Bagot, architect
Associations with Edward Allyn Braham, gentleman's outfitter
Associations with Edward and Mary Ann Kerr, farmers, innkeepers
Associations with Edward Bell, 19th c. architect
Associations with Edward Bell, 19th c. Architect, Sydney City Engineer
Associations with Edward Blake, gardener
Associations with Edward Blore, English architect
Associations with Edward Board, tenant
Associations with Edward Bowman, landowner
Associations with Edward Byrne, landowner
Associations with Edward C. Merewether, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Exec.Council Clerk, Gen.Sec.AA Company
Associations with Edward Carter, grazier, shale oil miner
Associations with Edward Chisholm, merchant and pastoralist
Associations with Edward Close Jr., gentleman
Associations with Edward Cohen, landholder
Associations with Edward Coombes, NSW Art Gallery Trustee
Associations with Edward Cox, pastoralist
Associations with Edward Deas Thomson, Colonial Secretary, 1837+
Associations with Edward Denny Day, Maitland Police Magistrate
Associations with Edward Dryland Hordern, retailing businessman
Associations with Edward Ebsworth, Deputy Commissioner, Australian Agricultural Company
Associations with Edward Eddy, WL Verman, George McCrae, Henry Deane
Associations with Edward Eyre, explorer
Associations with Edward Gell, architect
Associations with Edward H. Buchanan, architect, builder, businessman
Associations with Edward Hallen, draughtsman, architect, engineer
Associations with Edward Hammond Hargraves, discovered payable gold at Ophir,1851
Associations with Edward Hargraves, discovered payable gold at Ophir, 1851
Associations with Edward Harold Maas, real estate agent
Associations with Edward Hume Woodhouse, bank manager, farmer
Associations with Edward Hunt MLA, cabinet maker, Councillor, MP
Associations with Edward J. Ball, twice Goulburn Mayor, MLA for Argyle
Associations with Edward James Ashcroft, butcher, exporter, Liverpool Mayor
Associations with Edward Jesse Gregson, gentleman
Associations with Edward John Eyre, explorer
Associations with Edward Jones, merchant
Associations with Edward Kendall, farmer and wife Jane (nee Kidd)
Associations with Edward King Cox, pastoralist and stud racehorse breeder
Associations with Edward Klein, builder and developer
Associations with Edward Knox, Colonial Sugar Company director
Associations with Edward Larkin, farmer and flour miller
Associations with Edward Lomas Moore, grazier
Associations with Edward Lord, businessman
Associations with Edward Luttrell, surgeon
Associations with Edward Macarthur Bowman, grazier, plant breeder and collector
Associations with Edward Macarthur, pastoralist
Associations with Edward Macarthur-Onslow, aviation school founder and enthusiast
Associations with Edward Manicombe Farleigh, leather merchant
Associations with Edward McRoberts, landholder
Associations with Edward Moore, emancipated convict, weaver, grazier
Associations with Edward Moriarty, Chief Engineer, NSW Marine Board
Associations with Edward 'Ned' Ryan, convict, pastoralist
Associations with Edward Ogilvie, grazier
Associations with Edward Orpen Moriarty, surveyor, Engineer in Chief for Harbours and Rivers
Associations with Edward Pearce, orchardist
Associations with Edward Pierson Ramsay, Musem curator, businessman, horticulturist, nurseryman, naturalist
Associations with Edward Pratt, grazier
Associations with Edward Pugh, settler farmer
Associations with Edward Raht, Austrian-American architect
Associations with Edward Reeve, co-founder of the NSW Academy of Art
Associations with Edward Riley, sheep breeder and grazier
Associations with Edward Rooke, grazier
Associations with Edward Ross Fairfax
Associations with Edward Scholes, solicitor, Burwood alderman and Mayor
Associations with Edward Southee, Principal Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Associations with Edward Star, Sydney hotel proprietor
Associations with Edward Stewart, farmer
Associations with Edward Twynam, Surveyor-General of NSW, 1870s+
Associations with Edward William ('Toby') Pearce, grazier
Associations with Edward William Knox, industrialist, Colonial Sugar Refining Co.
Associations with Edward Wollstonecraft, pioneer of shipping and whaling
Associations with Edward Woolstonecraft, pioneer of shipping and whaling
Associations with Edward Wylde, landholder
Associations with Edward, Mercy (Jr.) and Samuel King, gentlefolk
Associations with Edward, Prince of Wales (1908 visit)
Associations with Edwards MadiganTorzillo and Partners, architects
Associations with Edwin and William Fieldhouse, shopkeepers, landholders
Associations with Edwin Barton, surveyor /engineer of Zig Zag and western railway routes
Associations with Edwin Fieldhouse businessman
Associations with Edwin Hubert Henderson, architect
Associations with Edwin Jephcott (II), farmer
Associations with Edwin Jephcott, farmer, poet, meteorologist and tree collector
Associations with Edwin Maximilian Dietrich, jeweller
Associations with Edwin Rouse, grazier/farmer
Associations with Edwin Sautelle, Vaucluse Councillor, Mayor, South Head Cemetery Trust secretary
Associations with Edwin Sayers, shipowner
Associations with Edwin Stephen Rouse, grazier/farmer
Associations with Edwin Thomas Beilby, merchant
Associations with Edwin Tooth, brewer
Associations with Edye Manning, pioneer paddle-steamer operator
Associations with Eero Saarinen, architect
Associations with Eileen McGrath, sculptress
Associations with EJE Architects
Associations with Elaine Musgrave (nee Hallstrom), commercial and botanical artist
Associations with Eleanor Dark (1901-85), writer
Associations with Eleanor Terry, later Wingate, grazier
Associations with Elfie Symington, gentlewoman
Associations with Elgin McGregor
Associations with Elias Harber, brickmaker
Associations with Elias Moses, merchant
Associations with Elias Pearson Laycock, grazier
Associations with Eliezer Montefiori, a founder of the Art Gallery of NSW
Associations with Elioth Gruner, artist
Associations with Eliza Antill (nee Wills), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Eliza Forlonge, Merino and Saxon sheep pioneer farmer
Associations with Eliza Hyem
Associations with Eliza Macleay, gentle woman
Associations with Eliza Porter, gentlewoman
Associations with Eliza Richardson (nee Brown), landholder
Associations with Eliza Thompson, emancipist
Associations with Eliza Walker (nee Hassall), gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth (Lizzie) Moore (nee Inglis), gentlewman, farmer
Associations with Elizabeth Bates, nee Alcock, farmer
Associations with Elizabeth Berry (nee Wollstonecraft), gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Byrne (nee McCarthy), landholder
Associations with Elizabeth Dalton, gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Forrest, gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Frances Kenney, landholder
Associations with Elizabeth Fraser, nurse
Associations with Elizabeth Frazer, gentlewoman, philanthropist
Associations with Elizabeth Grose
Associations with Elizabeth Holmes, guesthouse keeper
Associations with Elizabeth Hume (Dight), gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Elizabeth Hume (Kennedy), gentlewoman, farmer, Orphan School helper
Associations with Elizabeth Keep, gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Kinross, nee Menzies, gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Long Innes, military establishment wife
Associations with Elizabeth Macarthur, pastoralist and matriarch
Associations with Elizabeth Macarthur-Onslow, gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Macquarie, Governess, 1810-22
Associations with Elizabeth Macquarie, Governor's wife and taste-maker
Associations with Elizabeth Maddrell (nee Coghill), Braidwood farmer
Associations with Elizabeth Marks (fmr. Preston Little, nee Moffitt), farmer and politician's wife
Associations with Elizabeth Marsden, gentlewoman
Associations with Elizabeth Moore, emancipated convict, farmer
Associations with Elizabeth Randall, Sydney Manager, Avrom Investments
Associations with Elizabeth Robertson, private hospital manager
Associations with Elizabeth Rouse, farmer
Associations with Elizabeth Sarah Faris, property owner
Associations with Elizabeth Underwood, widow, benefactress
Associations with Elizabeth Weston, Illawarra farmer, landlady
Associations with Ella Sparling, Anglican priest's wife
Associations with Ellen Foreman (nee Moore), gentlewoman
Associations with Ellen Norton (nee Barber), gentlewoman
Associations with Ellice Nosworthy, architect
Associations with Ellis Rowan, famed flower painter
Associations with Elphinston and Henessey, architects
Associations with Elsa Karin (Elsie) Albert, gentlewoman, socialite
Associations with Elsie Dangar (nee McDonald), gentlewoman, philanthropist and activist
Associations with Elsie Stewart, gentlewoman
Associations with Elsie White, gentlewoman
Associations with Elton John, English singer
Associations with Elyne Mitchell (nee Chauvel), author, conservationst, skier, grazier's wife
Associations with Emanuel Harber, brickmaker and family
Associations with Emil Sodersteen, architect
Associations with Emily Bradley (nee Hovell), grazier
Associations with Emily Crawley (nee Broughton), gentlewoman
Associations with Emily Elizabeth White, gentlewoman
Associations with Emily Frances Mace, landholder
Associations with Emily Macarthur (nee Stone), gentlewoman
Associations with Emily McCourt, gentlewoman
Associations with Emma Bennet, gentlewoman
Associations with Emma Harrington Britton, grazier
Associations with Emma Hume (Clayton), gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Emma Oxley (nee Norton), gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Emmeline Parker (nee Macarthur), gentlewoman
Associations with Enid Macarthur-Onslow, grazier and gentlewoman
Associations with Enoch Hughes, English ironworker
Associations with Enoch Hughes, immigrant ironworker
Associations with Ensign Nicholas Bayly, soldier, grazier
Associations with Eric Apperly, architect and golfer
Associations with Eric Dark, doctor, public library activist, bushwalker
Associations with Eric Hammond, landscape contractor
Associations with Eric Heath, architect
Associations with Eric Mills, gentleman
Associations with Eric Nicholls, architect
Associations with Eric Winter, gardener
Associations with Erica Packer, model, divorcee
Associations with Erich Brosell, businessman and wife Gillian
Associations with Ernest Augustus Smith, Solicitor General
Associations with Ernest Augustus Smith, Solicitor-General
Associations with Ernest De Burgh, engineer, Public Works Department NSW, 1891- 1903
Associations with Ernest Durack, Member of Parliament
Associations with Ernest Rees Laver, architect
Associations with Ernest Triggs, gentleman
Associations with Ernest Yeomans, Newcastle architect
Associations with Ernest Young, director of the Bundaberg Sugar Company
Associations with Ernie Austin, olympian
Associations with Essington Moore, grazier, dairy farmer
Associations with Esther Johnston, emancipated convict, farmer, governess
Associations with Esther Wilshire (d1836), gentlewoman
Associations with Ethel Belisario, gentlewoman
Associations with Ethel McNevin, nurse and matron
Associations with Ethel Turner, novelist, writer and editor.
Associations with Eugene Daly, prominent Mudgee businessman
Associations with Eugene Freyssinet, designer
Associations with Eugene Goossens, orchestra conductor
Associations with Eva Buhrich, architect, writer
Associations with Eva Macgregor, widow
Associations with Evan Smith, Government Architect
Associations with Evan Trevor-Jones, gentleman
Associations with Eve Cullen, gentlewoman and Highland cattle breeder
Associations with Eve Macgregor, widow's daughter
Associations with Ewen Wallace Cameron, partner in Mort and Co
Associations with F A.Meyer, German migrant viticulturist
Associations with F G.and A.C. Castleden, Newcastle/Hunter architects
Associations with F J Crowe
Associations with F. and K. Bush, builders
Associations with F. Campbell, Bathurst Supervisor of Works
Associations with F. Glynn Gilling, architect
Associations with F. L'Anson Bloomfield, architect
Associations with F.A. Meyer, German migrant viticulturist
Associations with F.B. Lark, gentleman
Associations with F.C. Jarrett, editor, Building and Engineering Journal
Associations with F.G. and A.C. Castleden, Newcastle/Hunter architects
Associations with F.H. Payne, guesthouse keeper
Associations with F.J. Crowe
Associations with F.J. Gray, builder
Associations with F.J. Rothery, Chairman, Fitz Roy Iron and Coal Mining Company board
Associations with F.W. Marks, medical administrator
Associations with Fanny Kennina (Miss Tottie) Thorburn
Associations with Fanny Macleay, gentlewoman
Associations with Fanny Reeve (nee Wentworth), gentlewoman
Associations with Father Daniel Hurley, Catholic Priest of St Patrick's, Millers Point
Associations with Father Jean-Louis Rocher, Catholic Missionary
Associations with Father John Joseph Therry, Catholic priest
Associations with Father John Joseph Therry, RC priest
Associations with Father Philip Connolly, Catholic priest
Associations with Fed Briggs, naturalist
Associations with Federal Members of Parliament
Associations with Felix Wilson, Sydney merchant
Associations with Felton Matthews, Assistant Government-Surveyor
Associations with Ferdinand Reuss Junior, architect
Associations with Ferdinand Reuss, builder and speculator
Associations with Field Marshal Lord Kitchener
Associations with Finlay Munro Jr., architect
Associations with Fiona Hall, artist
Associations with First Lt. John Shortland, military administrator, farmer
Associations with Fisher Lucas, conservation architects firm
Associations with Fisher, Jackson and Hudson, architects
Associations with Fitzwilliam Wentworth, Attorney-General
Associations with Fitzwilliam Wentworth, gentleman
Associations with FKS Woods Fairbridge Farm
Associations with Flash Jack from Gundagai, bushranger
Associations with Florence Ada Mate (nee Brown), farmer's and politician's wife
Associations with Florence Bartley, gentlewoman, Sydney Mayoress
Associations with Florence Inglis, nurse
Associations with Florence Marianne Wynne, gentlewoman
Associations with Florence Mitchell, grazier
Associations with Florence Nightingale, English nurse and medical reformer
Associations with Florence Resch (nee Bennett), gentlewoman
Associations with Fong Hoy, market gardener
Associations with Fong Loy, market gardener
Associations with foreign diplomatic representatives
Associations with Forest Corporation, fmr. NSW State Forestss
Associations with Fowell, McConnel and Mansfield, architects
Associations with Fowell, McConnel, architects
Associations with Franc Brereton Sadlier Falkiner, grazier
Associations with Frances (Fanny) Hassell, Anglican parson's wife, farmer
Associations with Frances (Fanny) Palethorpe (Pailthorpe), nee Powell
Associations with Frances Lilian Faithfull-Anderson, grazier, society lady and philanthropist
Associations with Frances Mary Kenney, landholder
Associations with Frances Reynolds, grazier
Associations with Francis (Frank) Foster, gentleman and wife Odile
Associations with Francis Arthur (Frank) Badgery, retailer, property owner
Associations with Francis Bell, building contractor
Associations with Francis Buckle, landowner, farmer
Associations with Francis Clarke, architect
Associations with Francis Crago, flour miller, Mayor, Councillor
Associations with Francis Edward Joseph, stockbroker
Associations with Francis Ferguson, gardener and nurseryman
Associations with Francis Foy, entrepreneur and merchant
Associations with Francis Greenway, emancipist architect
Associations with Francis Henry Osborne Throsby, grazier
Associations with Francis Henry Throsby, grazier
Associations with Francis John ('F.J.') White, grazier
Associations with Francis Lawless, colonial architect
Associations with Francis Lloyd, land owner
Associations with Francis Louis Barrallier, engineer and explorer
Associations with Francis Marchment, storekeeper
Associations with Francis McGlynn, landholder
Associations with Francis McGlynn, landholder
Associations with Francis Newman, gardener and Superintendent of Hobart Botanic Gardens.
Associations with Francis Punch, Mayor of North Sydney
Associations with Francis Rawdon Hume, grazier and property owner
Associations with Francis Rossi, Superintendent of Police, 1825-34
Associations with Francis Smith, hotel proprietor and entrepreneur
Associations with Francis Watkins, pastoral property manager
Associations with Francis White, grazier
Associations with Francois Sicard, French sculptor
Associations with Frank Albert, sheet music millionaire
Associations with Frank and Anice Duncan, bushwalkers, engaged citizens
Associations with Frank and Betsy Paton, farmers
Associations with Frank Bennett, newspaper proprietor
Associations with Frank Carman, brewery manager
Associations with Frank Crowe, developer of Liverpool Golf Course
Associations with Frank Gallagher, gentleman
Associations with Frank Gardiner, bushranger
Associations with Frank Horsey, grazier
Associations with Frank Keighley, farmer
Associations with Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect
Associations with Frank Lopresti, grocer, farmer
Associations with Frank McAlary, barrister, The Dancing Man, and wife Patricia
Associations with Frank Neubeck, coal miner, afforester
Associations with Frank Reynolds, grazier, horse breeder
Associations with Frank Rickwood, Director, OilSearch, PNG oil exploration company
Associations with Frank Smith, innkeeper, entrepreneur
Associations with Frank Sturge Harty, 2GB radio presenter
Associations with Frank Thorp, architect of Peddle Thorp & Walker
Associations with Frank Treatt, Immigration Agent
Associations with Frank Whiddon, wool-scouring businessman and Mason
Associations with Frank White, grazier
Associations with Fred Carter, manager of sheep stations
Associations with Fred Grotto, entrepreneur, businessman
Associations with Fred Mann, art potter
Associations with Fred Street, philanthropist
Associations with Fred Williams artist
Associations with Fred Williams, artist
Associations with Freda White, gentlewoman
Associations with Frederick A. Franklin, engineer (who worked with Paxton on 1851 Crystal Palace, London)
Associations with Frederick Augustus Hely, Principal Superintendent of Convicts, 1823-36
Associations with Frederick Borton, grazier
Associations with Frederick C.Y.Knodler, dairy and general farmer
Associations with Frederick Casemero Terry, artist
Associations with Frederick Charles Goyder, hotelier
Associations with Frederick Chong, WW2 code breaker
Associations with Frederick Christian Luther, viticulturist and farmer
Associations with Frederick Clissold, wool merchant
Associations with Frederick Coulson, builder of Geelong
Associations with Frederick Franklin, engineer (who worked with Paxton on 1851 Crystal Palace, London)
Associations with Frederick Horn, builder
Associations with Frederick John Gibbins, oyster merchant and trawling magnate
Associations with Frederick Lemm, indentured German carpenter, contractor
Associations with Frederick Louis Perini, Rose Bay builder
Associations with Frederick Menckens, architect
Associations with Frederick Moffitt, farmer
Associations with Frederick Moore, grazier
Associations with Frederick Neitenstein, Comptroller-General of Prisons, 1896-1909
Associations with Frederick Norton Manning, Medical reformer
Associations with Frederick Ogilvy, grazier
Associations with Frederick Robert White, pastoralist
Associations with Frederick Siggs, livestock dealer
Associations with Frederick Smith, wealthy Mosman resident
Associations with Frederick T. Dye, head gardener, Armidale Teachers' College
Associations with Frederick Tooth, wine and beer merchant, brewer
Associations with Frederick Unwin, landholder
Associations with Fredrick Ruddle King, prominent Riverina citizen, Leeton Show Society president
Associations with Freeman Cobb, Cobb and Co founder
Associations with Friedrich Machotka, Czech-born agriculturist, head gardener
Associations with Fun Low, market gardener
Associations with G. and C. Horn, builders
Associations with G. Black, Aboriginal runner
Associations with G. M. Woodhouse, settler, farmer
Associations with G. Maunsell and Partners, designers
Associations with G. Yates, builder
Associations with G.A. (Gustavus) Morrell, French-Australian civil engineer
Associations with G.A. Church, grazier
Associations with G.A. Lloyd, auctioneer, merchant and Colonial Treasurer
Associations with G.A. Zinc and Sons, tailors
Associations with G.A.Church, grazier
Associations with G.A.Lloyd, auctioneer, merchant and Colonial Treasurer
Associations with G.A.Morrell, French-Australian civil engineer
Associations with G.D. Cochran, architect
Associations with G.E. Flower, master builder
Associations with G.E. Haskins, Chief Engineer, NSW Public Works Department
Associations with G.E.Flower, master builder
Associations with G.J. Dusseldorp, Lend Lease Executive
Associations with G.L. Williamson, builder
Associations with G.M. Woodhouse, settler, farmer
Associations with G.R. Lumb and Sons, plasterers
Associations with G.S. Yuille and Company Ltd., Coke manufacturers
Associations with G.W. Brewer, builder
Associations with Gabby Antolovich, lesbian activist
Associations with Gabriel Huon de Kerilleau, emigree, private soldier NSW Corps, tutor and farmer
Associations with Gabriel Marie Louis Huon de Kerilleau, emigree, private soldier NSW Corps, tutor and farmer
Associations with Garnet Maddrell, businessman
Associations with Geelum Simpson-Lee, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Sydney
Associations with General Northcutt, NSW Governor, pre 1957
Associations with General Sir Harry Chauvel, Light Horse cavalryman
Associations with General Sir Thomas Picton, soldier, hero of Waterloo
Associations with General William Stewart, Lieutenant Governor
Associations with Genevieve Rossi (nee Sornay), Mauritian migrant, police superintendnet and farmer's wife
Associations with Geoff and Mary Ashton, graziers
Associations with Geoff Duggan, horticulturist, master dry-stone-waller
Associations with Geoff Malone, modernist architect for Kerr, Smith & Malone
Associations with Geoffrey Britton, landscape architect and heritage consultant
Associations with Geoffrey Fairfax, businessman
Associations with Geoffrey Loveridge, architect
Associations with George Abbott, auctioneer and investor
Associations with George Adams, Albury Banner newspaper proprietor
Associations with George Adams, emancipated convict, publican, landholder, inn owner
Associations with George Alan Bond, importer and hosiery manufacturer
Associations with George Allen Mansfield, architect
Associations with George Allen, 1800-77, lawyer, politician
Associations with George and Charles Hoskins, principals of Eskbank Iron and Steel Works
Associations with George and Martha Clarke, Church Missionary Society missionaries
Associations with George and Mary Cannon, landowners
Associations with George and Winifred Cooper, landowners
Associations with George Barber, landholder, grazier
Associations with George Barney, military engineer
Associations with George Bass, surgeon and sailor
Associations with George Bayal White, surveyor
Associations with George Bennett, Albury Parks Supervisor
Associations with George Bennett, doctor and naturalist
Associations with George Blackett, farmer and industrialist
Associations with George Boyce Allen, solicitor
Associations with George Bruce, convict
Associations with George Bunyan, aviator
Associations with George Caley, botanical collector for Sir Joseph Banks
Associations with George Campbell, first Cowra Mayor
Associations with George Charles Westgarth, landowner
Associations with George Chesire, c1818
Associations with George Chinnocks, storekeeper
Associations with George Chisholm, draper
Associations with George Cobb, farmer
Associations with George Cowdery, railways architect
Associations with George Cox, pastoralist
Associations with George Cribb, butcher, grazier
Associations with George Croft, landowner
Associations with George Cutter, innkeeper
Associations with George Davidson (Jr.), whaler, farmer, grazier
Associations with George Davidson, whaler
Associations with George Day Sr., Yarrangobilly Caves House proprietor
Associations with George Donald MLA, Lithgow mason, building contractor, first Mayor, MLA for Hartley
Associations with George Edwards, Asylum manager
Associations with George Evans, surveyor
Associations with George Evans, surveyor and John Oxley, surveyor
Associations with George Fishburn, builder
Associations with George Forbes, grazier
Associations with George Francis McNall, Boer War veteran, publican
Associations with George Gale, builder
Associations with George Griffiths
Associations with George Hall and related Jones, Fleming and Johnston families (Hawkesbury region)
Associations with George Harper, settler, surveyor, naturalist
Associations with George Henry Cox, parliamentarian and pastoralist
Associations with George Henry Greene MP, MLC, prominent, innovative wheat farmer
Associations with George Hill, alderman, magistrate, sporting patron and butcher
Associations with George Hillas, Riverina grazier
Associations with George Hobler, landholder
Associations with George Hoskins, industrialist in steel industry
Associations with George J. Morrice, grazier
Associations with George Knodler, farmer
Associations with George Larkin, shale oil miner
Associations with George Laurence Fuller, farmer, miner
Associations with George Laurence Fuller, farmer, miner, philanthropist
Associations with George Lindsay, Illawarra dairy farmer
Associations with George Lisk, settler farmer
Associations with George Loder Jr., farmer, merchant
Associations with George Macleay, pastoralist, zoologist, explorer
Associations with George McCredie, builder and businessman
Associations with George McRae, architect
Associations with George Miller, Comptroller General of Prisons
Associations with George Musselwhite, Albury Botanic Gardens Foreman
Associations with George N Kenworthy, architect
Associations with George Newton Kenworthy, architect
Associations with George Nicholas Mann, inn owner and farmer
Associations with George Oakes, State Parliamentarian and Parramatta landholder
Associations with George Oakeshott, assistant draftsman, Government Architect's Office
Associations with George Peacock, landscape painter
Associations with George Peat, Hawkesbury region identity
Associations with George Peyton, builder
Associations with George Prince, butcher and farmer and wife Eva (nee Ashcroft)
Associations with George Raffan, carpenter, cement industry pioneer, pastoralist
Associations with George Robert Johnston, gentleman farmer
Associations with George Stuckey, inn owner
Associations with George Suttor, horticulturist, orchardist
Associations with George Sydney Jones, architect
Associations with George Terry, grazier
Associations with George Thorn, pastoralist
Associations with George Todman, tobacco merchant
Associations with George Tuting, mercer
Associations with George Valder, Principal, Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Agent for Agriculture Department
Associations with George Washington Thomas Lambert, painter, artist
Associations with George Westgarth (Jr.), farmer
Associations with George Wigram Allen, lawyer
Associations with George Wyndham, squatter, farmer, viticulturist
Associations with Georgiana Lowe
Associations with Georgiana Lowe, artist, gentlewoman
Associations with Georgina Clark, gentlewoman
Associations with Georgina Isabella (Miss Georgie) Thorburn
Associations with Georgina Lyon Wolgan Walker, squatter and philanthropist
Associations with Gerald (Gerry) Lewers, abstract sculptor
Associations with Gerald Francis Allen
Associations with Gerald Terry, tenant farmer
Associations with Gerard Havekes, sculptor and stone mason
Associations with Gerasimos Vasilakis (Jeremiah Williams), miner
Associations with Gerret Heda, Dutch Golden Age painter
Associations with Gertrude Day (nee Hoad), Yarrangobilly Caves House proprietress
Associations with Gertrude Lovegrove, botanical artist
Associations with Giacomo Piccolli, silk grower, manufacturer
Associations with Giacomo Rosolen, sawmiller
Associations with Gidley Moore, dairy farmer
Associations with Gilbert Bayes, sculptor
Associations with Gilbert Doble, sculptor
Associations with Gilbert Hughes, gentleman, ex-soldier
Associations with Giovanni Fontana, sculptor
Associations with Gladys Moncrieff, soprano singer
Associations with Gledhill Constructions, builders
Associations with Glenn Murcutt, architect
Associations with Glenn Shorrock, singer
Associations with Godfrey Miller, artist
Associations with Goold and Hilling, architects
Associations with Gordon Darling, financier and businessman
Associations with Gordon Keesing, architect
Associations with Gordon S Marshall of Craigmoor
Associations with Govenor Lacklan Macquarie, 1810 - 1821
Associations with Government Architect, James Barnet
Associations with Governor (Captn.) John Hunter RN, 1795-1800
Associations with Governor (Captn.) Phillip Gidley King RN, 1800-1806
Associations with Governor (Captn., later Vice-Adm.) William Bligh RN, 1806-1810
Associations with Governor (later Adm.) Arthur Phillip, 1788-1792,
Associations with Governor (later Gen.) Sir Maurice O'Connell, soldier, Lt-Governor NSW
Associations with Governor (later Maj-Gen.) Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-1821
Associations with Governor (Mjr-Gen.) Sir Thomas Brisbane, GCB, KCH, 1821-1825
Associations with Governor (Mjr-Gen., later Gnl., Sir) Ralph Darling and Eliza Darling, 1826-1830
Associations with Governor (Rebel government, 1809) Lt-Col. William Paterson, soldier and naturalist
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon) Victor Villiers PC, GCMG, Earl of Jersey, 1891-1893
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon. Captn. John Loder, Baron Wakehurst, KCMG, 1937-1946
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) Captn. John Loder, Baron Wakehurst, KCMG, 1937-1946
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) Charles Robert, Baron Carrington, PC, GCMG, 1885-90
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) Frederic Thesiger, Baron Chelmsford GCMG, 1909-1913
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) Henry Brand, Viscount Hampden, GCMG, 1895-1899
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) Sir William Duff PC, GCMG, 1893-1895
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) Somerset Lowry-Corry, Earl of Belmore, GCMG, 1868-1872
Associations with Governor (Rt.Hon.) William Lygon, Earl Beachamp KCMG, 1899-1901
Associations with Governor Admiral Sir David Anderson KCB, KCMG, MVO, 1936
Associations with Governor Admiral Sir Dudley de Chair KCB, MVO, 1924-1930
Associations with Governor Admiral Sir Harry Rawson, KCB, 1902-1909
Associations with Governor Air Marshal Sir James Rowland AC, KBE, 1981-1989
Associations with Governor Air Vice-Marshal Sir Philip Game GBE, KCB, DSO, 1930-1935
Associations with Governor General Sir William Denison, 1855
Associations with Governor Gordon Samuel
Associations with Governor His-Exc-Gen. The Hon. David Hurley AC, DSC, 2014-
Associations with Governor His-Exc-Gen.The Hon. David Hurley AC, DSC, 2014-
Associations with Governor John Hunter 1795-1800
Associations with Governor Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-1821
Associations with Governor Lord Loftus, Governor of NSW
Associations with Governor Lt.-Cnl. Sir George Gipps, KB, 1838-1846
Associations with Governor Lt.-Gen. Sir Eric Woodward KCMB,CB, CBE, DSO, 1957-1965
Associations with Governor Lt.-Gen. Sir John Northcott KCMG, KCVO, CB, Kt.St.J, 1946-1957
Associations with Governor Lt.-Gen. Sir William Denison, KCB, 1855-1861
Associations with Governor Macquarie, politics, Sydney Hospital
Associations with Governor Mjr.-Gen. (later Gen., Sir) Richard Bourke KCB, 1831-7
Associations with Governor Philip King, 1800 - 1806
Associations with Governor Rear-Adm. Peter Sinclair, AC, 1990-1996
Associations with Governor Rear-Adm. Sir David Martin KCMG, AO, 1989-1990
Associations with Governor Sir (later Lord) Augustus F.S.Loftus, 1879-1884+
Associations with Governor Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven (later Lord Gowrie) VC, GCMG, CB, DSO, 1935-1936
Associations with Governor Sir Arthur Cutler VC, 1966-1981
Associations with Governor Sir Arthur Roden Cutler VC, 1966-1981
Associations with Governor Sir Charles Augustus FitzRoy, 1846-1865
Associations with Governor Sir George Strickland, NSW Governor
Associations with Governor Sir Gerald Strickland, Count della Catena KCMG, 1913-1917
Associations with Governor Sir Gordon Samuels, AC, CVO, QC 1996-2001
Associations with Governor Sir Hercules Robinson, 1872-1879
Associations with Governor Sir Hercules Robinson, GCMG, 1872-1879
Associations with Governor Sir Hugh Dixson and Lady Dixson
Associations with Governor Sir John Bart (later Baron Lisgar), NSW governor 1861-1867
Associations with Governor Sir John Young (later Baron Lisgar Bart, KCB, GCMG, 1861-1867
Associations with Governor Sir Thomas Brisbane 1821-1825
Associations with Governor Sir Walter Davidson KCMG, 1918-1923
Associations with Governor Sir Walter Edward Davidson, NSW Governor 1918-23
Associations with Governor the Earl of Belmore, Somerset Richard Lowry-Corry, governor 1868-72
Associations with Governor The Hon Dame Dr Marie Bashir AD CVO, 2001-2014
Associations with Governor the Hon. Dame Dr Marie Bashir AD CVO, 2001-2014
Associations with Governor the Hon. Sir Phillip Game, NSW Governor
Associations with Governor William Bligh 1806-1810
Associations with Governor William Bligh, 1806-1810
Associations with Goveror Rear-Adm. Sir David Martin KCMG, AO, 1989-1990
Associations with Grace Ann Friedericks, married woman
Associations with Grace Brown, gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Grace Cossington Smith, modernist artist
Associations with Grace Dangar, grazier
Associations with Graeme Gunn, architect
Associations with Graham Jephcott, farmer
Associations with Graham Windridge
Associations with Gregory Blaxland, explorer and viticulturist
Associations with Gretel Packer, philanthropist
Associations with Guilford Bell, modernist architect
Associations with Guy Crick and Bruce Furse, 20th century picture theatre architects
Associations with Guy de Faur, public servant and patron of exploration and the arts
Associations with Guy Maestri, artist
Associations with Guy Warren, artist
Associations with Gwen Trevor-Jones, gentlewoman
Associations with Gwen Wilson (nee O'Brien), gentlewoman
Associations with Gwendoline Jean Von Tidermann, guesthouse operator
Associations with H. and E. Sidgreaves, architects
Associations with H. Brodie, Hunter Valley builder
Associations with H.A. Taylor, builder
Associations with H.B. Lee, Manager, City Night Refuge and Soup Kitchen
Associations with H.E. Elliott, builder
Associations with H.E. Hoggan, Manager of the Australian Gas Light Company
Associations with H.E. Seagraves, architect
Associations with H.E.Elliott, builder
Associations with H.E.Hoggan, Manager of the Australian Gas Light Company
Associations with H.G. Castleden, architect
Associations with H.G. Colman, deparment store chain owner
Associations with H.G. Whittle, builder
Associations with H.H. Massie, test cricketer
Associations with H.I. Ashworth, architecture professor
Associations with H.J. Smithers, Parramatta auctioneer
Associations with H.P. Connolly, builder
Associations with H.P. Oser, architect
Associations with H.W. Potts, Principal, Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Associations with Haillie H. Paine, solicitor
Associations with Hamilton Hope Osborne, grazier
Associations with Hamilton Hume Jr., (1885-7)
Associations with Hamilton Hume, explorer
Associations with Hamilton Hume, explorer and grazier
Associations with Hannah Moses, Goulburn child, died young
Associations with Hannibal Hawkins Macarthur, grazier
Associations with Hannibal Macarthur, grazier
Associations with Harald Dannevig, internationally renowned fisheries expert
Associations with Harborne Belcher, English educator and cricketer
Associations with Harold Cazneaux, photographer
Associations with Harold Hardwick, architect
Associations with Harold Mason, barrister
Associations with Harold Taubman, farmer
Associations with Harold White, grazier
Associations with Harold Young, NSW Railways Chief Mechanical Engineer
Associations with Harriet Beard and family, graziers
Associations with Harriet Oxley (nee Hassall), gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Harriet Scott, botanical and entomological artist
Associations with Harry (Breaker) Morant, horsebreaker and soldier
Associations with Harry Bradley, Yarrangobilly Caves caretaker
Associations with Harry Chambers Kent, architect
Associations with Harry Cooper Day, architect
Associations with Harry G. Richardson, master builder
Associations with Harry Gallagher, top Australian swimming coach
Associations with Harry Harbord Morant
Associations with Harry Hutchins, English runner
Associations with Harry Jensen, Lord Mayor of Sydney 1957-1965
Associations with Harry Richardson, Principal, Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Associations with Harry Rickard, Tivoli Theatre owner
Associations with Harry Seidler Architect 1923 - 2006
Associations with Harry Thomson, architect
Associations with Harry Thorne, law clerk and wife Lucy
Associations with Harry Woolnough, merchant
Associations with Hart and Lavors, builders
Associations with Hart Davis, landholder
Associations with Harvey Ennis Gale, architect
Associations with Harvey Gillett, farmer
Associations with Hazel Gowring Walker Barton, philanthropist
Associations with Hazel Porter, gentlewoman
Associations with Hazlewood Brothers, Nurserymen
Associations with Hedley and Joyce Carman, brewery owners
Associations with Hedley Carr, architect
Associations with Helen Austin, landowner
Associations with Helen Carss, gentlewoman
Associations with Helen Hoskins (nee Loveridge), gentlewoman
Associations with Helen Keller, famous blind person
Associations with Helen Kerfoot (nee Moffitt), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Helen Madoline (Madge) Hoskins (nee Loveridge), gentlewoman
Associations with Helen McGregor
Associations with Helen Roope, landowner
Associations with Helen Wilson, widow, landowner
Associations with Helena Scott, botanical and entomological artist
Associations with Helenus Scott, grazier and amateur architect in the Hunter Valley
Associations with Helenus Scott, grazier, Police Magistrate, amateur architect in the Hunter Valley
Associations with Hennessy and Hennessy, architects
Associations with Henrietta Letitia Glover (nee McCullagh), private hospital initiator
Associations with Henry and Mary Peck, orchard overseers
Associations with Henry and Robert Pitt, Hawkesbury identities
Associations with Henry Arding Thomas, ex-British army, grazier
Associations with Henry Austin Wilshire, architect
Associations with Henry Badgery, pastoralist
Associations with Henry Beaufoy Merlin, photographer
Associations with Henry Bradley, solicitor
Associations with Henry Cohen, urban tenant
Associations with Henry Cox, pastoralist
Associations with Henry Crossings, grazier
Associations with Henry D. Owens, landholder
Associations with Henry D. Walsh, Chief Engineer, Sydney Harbour Trust
Associations with Henry Dangar MLA, Government Surveyor 1820s+, Colonial politician 1845-51
Associations with Henry Deane, Railway Engineer and Botanist
Associations with Henry Dixon Arnott, barrister
Associations with Henry Dodd, manservant to Governor Phillip
Associations with Henry E. Budden and Nangle, architects
Associations with Henry E. Budden, architect
Associations with Henry Eli White, renowned cinema designer
Associations with Henry Ellison, landowner, grazier
Associations with Henry Epstein, architect
Associations with Henry Fetcham, woodcarver
Associations with Henry Francis Maddrell, grazier
Associations with Henry Garlick, teacher
Associations with Henry Gilbert Smith, grazier
Associations with Henry Gilbert Smith, grazier, merchant, entrepreneur of Manly resort
Associations with Henry Gillard, farmer
Associations with Henry Halloran, enlightened property developer
Associations with Henry Harris
Associations with Henry Harvey, Parramatta property owner and miller
Associations with Henry Herman Kater, horse breeder
Associations with Henry Hill Osborne, grazier and dairy farmer
Associations with Henry Hunter White, pastoralist of Havilah, near Mudgee
Associations with Henry James Neale, master butcher and politician
Associations with Henry John Wynne, gentleman
Associations with Henry Kable, Overseer and Chief Constable
Associations with Henry Keck Esq., Governor of Darlinghurst Gaol, grazier
Associations with Henry Kendall (b.1869), poet and writer
Associations with Henry Kitchen, architect
Associations with Henry Kitchen, Colonial architect
Associations with Henry Knight, brickmaker
Associations with Henry Lamont Mackellar, pastoralist
Associations with Henry Lawson, poet and writer
Associations with Henry Lomas, emancipated convict, stonemason
Associations with Henry Lynch, Bathurst gardener's assistant
Associations with Henry Mace, chemist
Associations with Henry Marcus Clark, draper and retailer
Associations with Henry Michael Hale McQuade, merchant
Associations with Henry Moore, merchant of Sydney
Associations with Henry Mort
Associations with Henry O'Brien, pastoralist
Associations with Henry Osborne, grazier
Associations with Henry Pye, landholder
Associations with Henry Rickards Maas, real estate agent
Associations with Henry Robertson, architect
Associations with Henry Russell, Government Astronomer 1870- 1905 and eminent Physical Scientist
Associations with Henry Sheldon Hoddard, builder
Associations with Henry Southey, scholar and private school founder
Associations with Henry Stockfish, farmer
Associations with Henry Stokes, publican
Associations with Henry Stuckey, grazier
Associations with Henry Tollemach Edwards, builder
Associations with Henry Tongue, landowner
Associations with Henry Tsang OAM, Deputy Sydney Lord Mayor, Councillor, architect
Associations with Henry Van der Velde, industrialist
Associations with Henry W Hiscox, stained glass artist
Associations with Henry Watson Parker, private secretary to Governor Gipps
Associations with Henry White, prominent theatre architect
Associations with Henry William Johnson, grazier
Associations with Henry William Johnson, grazier, Sydney contractor, company director
Associations with Herb David, film collector, cinema lessee
Associations with Herbert Coates, Parramatta builder
Associations with Herbert Curlewis, gentleman
Associations with Herbert E. Ross, architect and engineer
Associations with Herbert E.Ross, architect and engineer
Associations with Herbert Field, Butcher and J.P.
Associations with Herbert Stanley Thompson, stud horse farmer
Associations with Herbert West, grazier's insane son
Associations with Herbert Wyndham Jones, film industry pioneer
Associations with Hettie Wenz, grazier's wife
Associations with Hilda Davidson (nee Bursill), gentlewoman, Sunday School teacher, organist
Associations with Hill and Sons, Pipe Organ manufacturers
Associations with Holloway Brothers, English building company
Associations with Honoria Lawson, gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Horace Crotty, Anglican Dean, Christ Church, Newcastle
Associations with Hoskins Brothers, Ironworks and blast furnace owners
Associations with Howard Hinton, Trustee of the National Art Gallery of NSW
Associations with Howard Joseland, architect, Joseland and Gilling
Associations with Howard Tanner, architect and heritage consultant
Associations with Howie Moffat and Company, builders
Associations with HRH Edward Prince of Wales
Associations with Hubert de Burgh Ogilvie, grazier
Associations with Hubert Harry Robbins, gentleman farmer
Associations with Hudsen Brothers, builders
Associations with Hugh and Catherine McIlwraith, philanthropists
Associations with Hugh Buhrich
Associations with Hugh Byrne, emancipated Irish convict, farmer
Associations with Hugh Fraser, architect, author and heritage advocate
Associations with Hugh Gordon, grazier and farmer
Associations with Hugh McDonald, grazier
Associations with Hugh Stewart, stock manager, pastoral adviser
Associations with Hugh Trevor-Jones, grazier, industrialist
Associations with Hugh Wallace, grazier
Associations with Hurtle Ford, gardener, Milton Park, Bowral
Associations with Ian and Janne Scharkie, graziers
Associations with Ian Hardy, funds manager
Associations with Ian Joye, developer
Associations with Ian Kiernan, Clean Up Australia chief
Associations with Ian McKay, architect
Associations with Ian Stapleton, conservation architect
Associations with Ib Sorensen, nurseryman and horticulturalist
Associations with Ib Sorensen, nuseryman and horticulturist
Associations with identifiable individuals
Associations with identifiable persons
Associations with Ilmar Berzins, landscape architect
Associations with Ilmars Berzins, landscape architect
Associations with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), quarrier, manufacturer
Associations with Ingrid Mather, landscape architect
Associations with Iris Woodhouse, gentlewoman
Associations with Isaac Davis, Boorowa merchant
Associations with Isaac Levey, merchant, landowner
Associations with Isaac Nichols, emancipist, postmaster, trader, shipowner
Associations with Isaac Shepherd, farmer and orchardist
Associations with Isaac Simmons, businessman
Associations with Isabel Osborne, grazier
Associations with Isabella Acres, grazier
Associations with Isabella Alexander, gentlewoman
Associations with Isabella Barber (nee Hume), grazier, gentlewoman
Associations with Isabella Belisario (nee Ramsay), gentlewoman
Associations with Isabella Cork (nee Single), farmer
Associations with Isabella Craig, grazier
Associations with Isobel Emily (Betty) Casey, later Litchfield, (nee Craig), grazier, writer, artist
Associations with Isobel Osborne, grazier, gentlewoman
Associations with Ivan Menzies, opera singer
Associations with Ivan Ritossa, currency trader
Associations with Ivor Wyatt, conservationist, philanthropist
Associations with J. and J.E. Britts, farmers
Associations with J. and J.E.Britts, farmers
Associations with J. and M. Ryan, Tarago and Bungonia graziers
Associations with J. Ashburton-Thompson, medical practitioner
Associations with J. Ashwin and Co., stained glass product manufacturer
Associations with J. C. Williamson's, film and theatre company
Associations with J. Campbell, architect
Associations with J. Chamber, builder
Associations with J. Dawson, First-Superintendent, Peat Island Institution
Associations with J. Devilliers Lamb and Phineas Roberts, graziers
Associations with J. Douglas, builder
Associations with J. Drew, developer
Associations with J. Hugh Britton, architect
Associations with J. Kirkpatrick, architect
Associations with J. McCarthy, builder
Associations with J. McIntosh, Bathurst gentleman
Associations with J. Russell French, Bank of NSW Manager
Associations with J. Upton Sen, professional gardener, successful exhibitor of roses and chrysanthemums
Associations with J. Waters, publican
Associations with J. Willet, builder
Associations with J.A. Dobson, architect
Associations with J.A. Robie, interior decorator / plasterer
Associations with J.B. (James) Richards, Assistant Surveyor
Associations with J.B. Bettington (3rd), gentleman farmer
Associations with J.B. Holdsworth, hardware and ironmonger magnate
Associations with J.C. Ryrie, grazier
Associations with J.C. Ryrle, grazier
Associations with J.C. Williamson's, film and theatre company
Associations with J.D. (Jim) Kenny, MLC, Assistant Secretary of the Labor Council of NSW
Associations with J.D. and H.D. Thompson, philanthropists
Associations with J.E.R. Fellowes, Curator, Albury Botanic Gardens
Associations with J.F. Hilly, architect
Associations with J.G. Beazley, sheep breeder, grazier
Associations with J.G. Taylor, builder
Associations with J.H. Atkinson, gentleman
Associations with J.H. Buckeridge, architect
Associations with J.H. Gain, builder
Associations with J.H. Thompson, builder
Associations with J.J. (John Job) Copeman, architect
Associations with J.J. Cahill, NSW Premier
Associations with J.J. Copeman, architect
Associations with J.J. Davey, architect
Associations with J.J. Falconer, Superintendent of the Bank of Australasia
Associations with J.J. McGirr, premier of NSW 1940s
Associations with J.J. McMurtrie, stonemason
Associations with J.J. Woodward, publican, storekeeper
Associations with J.J.C. (John) Bradfield, City Engineer
Associations with J.J.C. Bradfield, Chief Engineer, City Railways
Associations with J.K. Mackay, wealthy grazier
Associations with J.L. (John Jack) (Jack) Bourke, grazier
Associations with J.P. Woods, stone carver
Associations with J.R. Clancy, medical administrator
Associations with J.R. Harrison, builder
Associations with J.S. Campbell, first Director of Agriculture for NSW
Associations with J.T. Wilson, professor of anatomy
Associations with J.W. (Ian) Thomson, Government Architect
Associations with J.W. (John) Pender, Maitland architect
Associations with J.W. Baltzer, engineer, NSW Public Works Department
Associations with J.W. Mansur, Sydney architect
Associations with Jack Brabham, formula one racing car champion
Associations with Jack Dunn, Yarrangobilly Caves tour guide
Associations with Jack Mundey and the Builders Labourers Federation (Union) Green Bans
Associations with Jack Payne, Managing Director of Cockatoo Island shipyards
Associations with Jack Reily, high country jackaroo, 'Man from Snowy River' inspiration
Associations with Jack Salmon, farmer
Associations with Jack 'the miller' Leighton of Millers Point
Associations with Jack Throp, Taronga Zoo Director
Associations with Jack Woodgate, gardener
Associations with Jacob Arnd, indentured German carpenter
Associations with Jacob Inder, architect
Associations with James (Jim) Ashton Jr, polo player
Associations with James and Winifred Withycombe, landholders
Associations with James Angus, businessman
Associations with James Ashcroft, grazier
Associations with James Ashton, grazier and international polo player
Associations with James Atkinson, gentleman farmer
Associations with James Backhouse, Quaker missionary
Associations with James Balfour Elphinstone, Presbyterian
Associations with James Barker, prominent settler
Associations with James Barnet, architect
Associations with James Barnet, Colonial (government) Architect
Associations with James Barnet, Colonial (Government) Architect 1862-90
Associations with James Barrie, builder
Associations with James Bates Jr., farmer, poultry farmer
Associations with James Bates, farmer
Associations with James Bean, carpenter
Associations with James Blackman, constable, grave digger, sexton
Associations with James Bocking, builder
Associations with James Bourke, Campbelltown landholder
Associations with James Bowman, principal colonial surgeon
Associations with James Boyd, grazier
Associations with James Brindley Bettington Jr., businessman, gentleman farmer
Associations with James Brindley Bettington, businessman, gentleman farmer
Associations with James Brindley Bettington, gentleman farmer
Associations with James Broadbent AM, cultural historian, curator and author
Associations with James Brown, Googong grazier
Associations with James Bunbury Nott (J.B.N.) Osborne, grazier
Associations with James Busby, pioneer viticulturist
Associations with James Carss, gentleman and philanthropist
Associations with James Castle, settler farmer
Associations with James Chadley, architect
Associations with James Chisholm Jnr., MLA, MLC, grazier, viticulturist, politician
Associations with James Chisholm, soldier NSW Corps, trader and farmer
Associations with James Collits, pastoralist
Associations with James Comrie, Member, Society for the Relief of Destitute Children
Associations with James Condon, builder
Associations with James Connor, stone mason
Associations with James Cooper, landowner
Associations with James Crispe, publican
Associations with James Crosbie, Hall Porter, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
Associations with James Cunningham, woodcarver
Associations with James Dalrymple Cox, grazier
Associations with James Davies, dairy farmer
Associations with James Devlin, settler
Associations with James Dickson, farm manager, grazier, cereal farmer
Associations with James Dickson, merchant
Associations with James Ewan, merchant, financier, philanthropist
Associations with James F. Plunkett, grazier
Associations with James Fairfax AO, media owner, philanthropist, arts patron and collector
Associations with James Farrer, pioneer wheat breeder
Associations with James Fitzgerald, farmer
Associations with James Fitzpatrick, emancipated convict farmer
Associations with James Flemming, builder
Associations with James Francis Litchfield, grazier
Associations with James Frederick Hellman, worker
Associations with James Gillespie, farmer and Presbyterian Church trustee
Associations with James Gleeson, painter
Associations with James Gordon, Scottish gentleman farmer
Associations with James Gough, emancipist joiner and carpenter
Associations with James H. Young, storekeeper
Associations with James Hadlington, State Poultry Expert, researcher, educator
Associations with James Harper, publican and police constable
Associations with James Hebbard, mine manager and innovator
Associations with James Henderson, architect
Associations with James Henderson, editor of the Sydney Morning Herald
Associations with James Henry Atkinson, wool merchant, entrepeneur and politcian. MLA.
Associations with James Henry Styles, grazier
Associations with James Hillas, grazier, pastoral property manager
Associations with James Hines, architect
Associations with James Holt, merchant
Associations with James Hoskins MLA, Minister for Public Works (1877)
Associations with James Hoskins, garden designer
Associations with James Houison, colonial architect
Associations with James Hume, architect and businessman
Associations with James Jerome Higgins, storekeeper and builder
Associations with James Jones, French-trained gardener, Sydney Botanic Garden staff
Associations with James Joynton Smith, hotelier, entrepreneur
Associations with James Kennedy, cemetery sexton, Gore Hill
Associations with James King, overseer of Cox family farms
Associations with James Kinghorne Chisholm, magistrate, government adviser, educator, farmer, gardener
Associations with James Kinghorne, Superintendent of Emu Plains Government Farm
Associations with James Kirkwood, Lithgow building contractor
Associations with James Kitchener McDougall, milliner
Associations with James Landers, publican
Associations with James Leacock, dairy farmer, South-West Sydney
Associations with James Lindsay, builder
Associations with James Litchfield (II), grazier and sheep breeder
Associations with James Litchfield, grazier
Associations with James Litchfield, grazier (1825-1905)
Associations with James Lowe, grazier
Associations with James Macarthur, settler, farmer
Associations with James Manning, farm manager
Associations with James Marks
Associations with James Marks, Kiama publican
Associations with James McDonald, architect
Associations with James McMahon, convict
Associations with James Meehan, Deputy Surveyor General
Associations with James Meehan, Surveyor General
Associations with James Mileham Hassall, grazier, farmer
Associations with James Mitchell, landowner and grazier
Associations with James Moffitt, noted stationer, bookseller and engraver
Associations with James Montgomery, stonemason
Associations with James Moore, grazier
Associations with James Morrisett, military officer
Associations with James Nairn, innkeeper
Associations with James Nangle, architect
Associations with James Nangle, architect-
Associations with James Neale Dalton, private school founder
Associations with James Nutman, builder
Associations with James Ossoli Kelly, gentleman
Associations with James P. Webber, grazier
Associations with James Packer, businessman
Associations with James Paterson, colonial explorer and plant collector
Associations with James Paton, Upper Murray grazier
Associations with James Peddle and Edward Jeaffreson Jackson, architects
Associations with James Pemell, flour miller
Associations with James Peter Ritchie, gentleman
Associations with James Pfeiffer, landscape designer
Associations with James Poole, stone mason
Associations with James Porter and Sons, master builders
Associations with James Porter, farmer, storekeeper and carrier
Associations with James Powell, Cornish migrant, Berrima storekeeper
Associations with James Pye, farmer
Associations with James Pye, farmer and blacksmith
Associations with James Ralfe, Government Surveyor
Associations with James Raymond, first Postmaster General
Associations with James Reading Fairfax, newspaper proprietor
Associations with James Robert Hill, Millers Point lessee.
Associations with James Robertson, grazier
Associations with James Rowe, urban tenant
Associations with James Ruse, first emancipist farmer
Associations with James Rutherford, Cobb and Co. owner and Eskbank Ironworks Co. partner
Associations with James Rutherford, principal of Cobb and Co. and of Eskbank Iron Works
Associations with James S. Gribbin, school teacher
Associations with James Shepherd, Berrima farmer
Associations with James Shepherd, farmer
Associations with James Sherwood, builder
Associations with James Sinclair, Goulburn architect, prominent builder
Associations with James Smith, builder
Associations with James Smith, Superintendent, Emu Plains Government Farm, 1830-1832
Associations with James Smith, surgeon
Associations with James Squire, brewer and businessman
Associations with James Squire, brewer, landholoder, businessman
Associations with James Stedman JP, confectionary manufacturer and merchant
Associations with James Stewart, emancipated convict farmer
Associations with James Stuart, landowner, builder, entrepreneur
Associations with James Sutherland Mitchell, gentleman
Associations with James Thompson Chambers, architect
Associations with James Thomson, Mount Wilson farmer
Associations with James Thorn, pastoralist
Associations with James Traynor
Associations with James Turner, landowner
Associations with James Underwood, landholder, grazier
Associations with James Walker, squatter and philanthropist
Associations with James Wallace Park, stone mason
Associations with James Walter Fell, Scottish shale oil engineer
Associations with James Warr, real estate agent
Associations with James White (1884-1945), grazier, philanthropist
Associations with James White (Jr.), grazier, racehorse breeder, politician
Associations with James White, Hunter Valley pastoralist
Associations with James White, sculptor of Annandale
Associations with James Whitmore Hill, architect
Associations with James Wildman, builder
Associations with James William Bligh, solicitor
Associations with James Wilshire, public servant, tanner, manufacturer
Associations with James Wilson, butcher
Associations with James Wilson, sawyer, farm overseer, farmer
Associations with James Wright
Associations with James Yeend, shipwright
Associations with Jan Allen, botanist, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
Associations with Jane Campion, NZ-Australian film director
Associations with Jane Cohen, Jewish-Australian girl, died aged 11
Associations with Jane Darvall, gentlewoman
Associations with Jane Everard (nee Coysh), pastoral station cook
Associations with Jane Grant, died 1826, farmer
Associations with Jane Horsley (nee Hemphill), grazier's wife
Associations with Jane Jarvis, Governor Macquarie's first wife
Associations with Jane Kendall (nee Quickfall), priest's wife and farmer
Associations with Jane Larkin, farmer
Associations with Jane Marianne Smart (nee Wynne), gentlewoman
Associations with Jane Marsden, daughter of Rev.Samuel Marsden
Associations with Jane Vickery, gentlewoman
Associations with Janet Ashton, grazier
Associations with Janet Templeton, Scottish widow
Associations with Jean Alexander, gentlewoman
Associations with Jean Batten, aviatrice
Associations with Jean Cotton (nee McCloy), gardener
Associations with Jean Macleod, farmer, philanthropist
Associations with Jean Paton, Upper Murray landowner
Associations with Jean Walker, artist, teacher, bush garden proponent
Associations with Jean-Francois de Galaup, Comte de La Perouse - French Naval Officer and explorer
Associations with Jeffrey Smart, painter
Associations with Jennet Evans, farmer
Associations with Jennie and Rob Churchill, veterinary surgeons
Associations with Jenny Ferguson, author and gardener
Associations with Jeremiah Downes, grazier, weather-station keeper
Associations with Jeremy Fisher, gay liberationist
Associations with Jesse Gregson, A.A. Company manager
Associations with Jesse Gregson, A.A. Company manager, grazing manager
Associations with Jessie Antill (nee Hassall Campbell), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Jessie Catherine (Miss Kate) Thorburn
Associations with Jessie Maria Gordon, gentlewoman
Associations with Jessie Robertson, private hospital manager
Associations with Jessie Stewart, gentlewoman
Associations with Jessie Street (nee Lillingston), human rights advocate
Associations with Jessie Street, feminist and social activist
Associations with Jillian Oppenheimer OAM, conservationist, historian, philanthropist
Associations with Jim Healy, WWF leader 1937-1961
Associations with Jim Malcolm, brewery depot manager
Associations with Jim McGarrigal, Aboriginal runner
Associations with Joan Day, Yarrangobilly Caves House snowplough driver and cook
Associations with Joan Domicelj, planner, heritage expert
Associations with Joan Hammond, opera singer
Associations with Joan Hester Throsby, farmer
Associations with Joanna Logue, artist
Associations with Joanna Walker, gentlewoman
Associations with Job, Grace (nee Dalziell) and Alan Commens, Hartley farmers
Associations with Jocelyn Brown, garden designer, writer
Associations with Joe Fitzgerald, grazier
Associations with Joe Gardiner, shoe manufacturer and landlord
Associations with Joern Utzon, architect
Associations with John Abrahams, convict
Associations with John Ahern, builder
Associations with John Alexander, merchant and speculator
Associations with John and Ann Burrell, farmers
Associations with John and Elizabeth Macarthur, pastoralists
Associations with John and Hanna Dight, Hawkesbury settlers, farmers
Associations with John and Liz Baker, farmers
Associations with John and Sarah Single, Castlereagh farmers
Associations with John and Thomas Treseder, nurserymen
Associations with John and Vicky Taylor, graziers and foresters
Associations with John Andrew Kendall, farmer
Associations with John Armoury, architect
Associations with John Armstrong, Assistant Government Surveyor
Associations with John Armstrong, school master
Associations with John Atkinson, farmer
Associations with John Austen, land owner
Associations with John B. Fairfax, publisher, director of Fairfax Media, philanthropist
Associations with John B. Spencer, English architect
Associations with John Baptist Jnr., nurseryman
Associations with John Baptist, nurseryman
Associations with John Bardsley, merchant
Associations with John Batman, founder of Melbourne
Associations with John Belisario, gentleman
Associations with John Bennet, theatrical entrepreneur, owner of Rosehill Racecourse
Associations with John Betts, grazier
Associations with John Bibb, architect
Associations with John Birch, Paymaster of the 73rd (Macquarie's) Regiment
Associations with John Black, landowner
Associations with John Blackburn
Associations with John Blackshaw, brewer
Associations with John Blaxland, wealthy free settler, pastoralist
Associations with John Booth, retailer, landowner
Associations with John Bowman, stockman
Associations with John Bowmer, market gardener
Associations with John Boyd, property developer
Associations with John Brown, Coal Baron, Newcastle
Associations with John Brown, Wollongong builder
Associations with John Burcham Clamp, architect
Associations with John Burton, investor
Associations with John Busby, mineral surveyor and civil engineer
Associations with John Buttsworth, psychiatrist and furniture dealer
Associations with John Carne Bidwill, merchant, colonial botanist, explorer, administrator
Associations with John Charles Ludowici, tanner, founder of JC Ludowici and Son, leather manufacturers
Associations with John Clarke, landowner
Associations with John Claudius Loudon, English writer, horticulturist, educator
Associations with John Cobb, builder
Associations with John Cobcroft, innkeeper
Associations with John Coburn, painter
Associations with John Codrington, English garden designer
Associations with John Coghill, Braidwood businessman, farmer
Associations with John Coghlan, diamond drill merchant
Associations with John Coleman, First Manager, Agricultural College, Bathurst
Associations with John Colley, master builder
Associations with John Condron, emancipated convict grazier
Associations with John Croft, businessman of Smith and Croft P/L
Associations with John Cunningham, Scottish architect
Associations with John Darling, merchant banker, industrialist
Associations with John Davidson, whaler
Associations with John Dawson, prominent businessman and Methodist
Associations with John de Villiers Lamb, shale oil miner
Associations with John Delaney, medical adminstrator
Associations with John Dickson, engineer, miller, grazier, dairy farmer
Associations with John Dickson, merchant
Associations with John Douglas Campbell, grazier
Associations with John Downes, grazier, dairy farmer
Associations with John Doyle, blacksmith and wheelwright
Associations with John Dunn, bushranger
Associations with John E. Moore, dairy farmer
Associations with John Eales, farmer, pastoralist, major landowner
Associations with John Eberson, theatre designer
Associations with John Edmond Flynn, surveyor and philanthropist
Associations with John Edmondson, first Australian soldier awarded the Victoria Cross in WW2
Associations with John Ednie Brown, Inspectotr-General of Forests
Associations with John Edward Kemp, architect
Associations with John Edye Manning, businessman, ferry owner
Associations with John Ely Begg, Woollahra Council Alderman
Associations with John F. Hennessy, architect, town planner
Associations with John F. Knodler, dairy farmer, racehorse breeder
Associations with John Fairfax and Sons, public company
Associations with John Fairfax, publisher
Associations with John Farley, Campbelltown farmer, first man to see Fisher's Ghost
Associations with John Field, Parramatta Gaol Governor, Port Stephens district ranger
Associations with John Firth-Smith, artist
Associations with John Fisher, architect, Cumberland County Council Historic Buildings Committee
Associations with John Ford Junior, gentleman
Associations with John Ford, banker, coach proprietor, mill owner
Associations with John Francis Stretch, Anglican Dean, Christ Church, Newcastle
Associations with John Frederick Hilly, architect
Associations with John Fuller, theatre manager, Melbourne and Newcastle
Associations with John G. Davis, prolific property developer
Associations with John George Vardy, landholder, GPO worker
Associations with John Gillespie, miller and Presbyterian philanthropist
Associations with John Glover, landscape artist
Associations with John Glover, stonemason and surveyor
Associations with John Goold, architect
Associations with John Gordon, businessman
Associations with John Gould Veitch, English nurseryman, plant collector
Associations with John Grafton Ross, industrialist and businessman
Associations with John Grant and Sons, builders
Associations with John Grant, farmer
Associations with John Hale - architect
Associations with John Hale, architect
Associations with John Hardie, Mayor of Sydney 1880
Associations with John Hargraves, retainer of the Cooper family
Associations with John Harper, Assistant School Teacher, Blacktown Native Institute
Associations with John Harris, nephew of Dr John Harris, surgeon
Associations with John Hawdon, farmer
Associations with John Hawkins, international antique dealer
Associations with John Hay Goodlet, Presbyterian
Associations with John Herbert, settler farmer
Associations with John Hillas, grazier
Associations with John Hillman (Hellman), worker
Associations with John Hilt, coachman
Associations with John Hinchcliff, wool buyer and exporter
Associations with John Horbury Hunt, architect
Associations with John Hosking, grazier
Associations with John Hoskings Jr., First Lord Mayor of Sydney,1850s
Associations with John Howard, Curator, Albury Botanic Gardens
Associations with John Howe, free settler
Associations with John Hunter Baillie, Secretary of the Bank of New South Wales
Associations with John Irving, professional golfer
Associations with John Jacob Hellman, shoemaker, lamp lighter
Associations with John James Clark, artist
Associations with John James, architect
Associations with John Jamieson, grazier
Associations with John Jenkins, grazier
Associations with John Jobbins, convict, farm manager
Associations with John Kearns, settler and farmer
Associations with John Keep, a leading Sydney ironmonger
Associations with John Keep, ironmonger
Associations with John Keighan (Jr.), landowner, bankrupt
Associations with John Keighran, miller and land owner
Associations with John Keighran, miller, land owner, publican
Associations with John Kendall, farmer
Associations with John Kendall, farmer and wife Catherine
Associations with John Kennedy Hume, explorer, farmer and grazier
Associations with John Kennedy Hume, farmer and grazier
Associations with John Kennedy, settler farmer, reconciliation agent
Associations with John Kidd JP, gentleman
Associations with John Kinloch, landowner, founder of Hurlstone Agricultural High School
Associations with John Kirkpatrick, architect
Associations with John Korff, shipbuilder, Fitz Roy Company secretary
Associations with John Lamrock, innkeeper
Associations with John Larnach, settler, grazier
Associations with John Laurence Brown, farmer, industrialist
Associations with John Laycock, timbergetter and politician
Associations with John Lindsay, Illawarra farmer
Associations with John Little, grazier
Associations with John Logan, died 1846
Associations with John Low Thompson, headmaster, teacher, school inspector
Associations with John Lowry Esq., Australian Agricultural Company
Associations with John Lucas, colonial politician and open spaces campaigner
Associations with John Lucas, prominent colonial miller
Associations with John Macarthur, pastoralist and entrepreneur
Associations with John Mackay, merchant
Associations with John Macquarie Antill Sr., cattle breeder, pastoralist
Associations with John Mansfield, architect
Associations with John Martin Sr., carpenter, policeman, farmer
Associations with John Massy-Greene, coal company owner
Associations with John Maugham, retired army officer, farmer
Associations with John Maurice Franklin, grazier of Brindabella
Associations with John Maurice, farmer
Associations with John Maxwell, superintendant of convicts
Associations with John Maxwell, superintendant of convicts, Sptdt. Emu Plains Government Farm 1829-30
Associations with John McCaughey, grazier
Associations with John McCrossin, miller
Associations with John McDonald, NSW Engineer for Bridges
Associations with John McKay, major NSW and Qld.grazier
Associations with John McLean, landowner
Associations with John McLeod, builder
Associations with John McManamey, Headmaster and Educator
Associations with John McPhillamy, solicitor, Councillor, five-times Mayor of Bathurst
Associations with John McQuade, Hawkesbury Council Mayor and magistrate
Associations with John Micklejohn, urban tenant
Associations with John Moffitt Brunton, gentleman
Associations with John Moorcroft, architect
Associations with John Morphy, grazier
Associations with John Mortimer, innkeeper
Associations with John Morton Gould, Parramatta lawyer
Associations with John Murphy, draftsman and landholder
Associations with John Nagle Ryan, pastoralist
Associations with John Nicholls, died 1876
Associations with John Nicols, settler farmer
Associations with John Nobbs, 'Father of Granville'
Associations with John Norton Oxley, son of explorer, Trustee and benefactor, Holy Trinity church Berrima
Associations with John O'Brien (FPJ Hartigan), writer
Associations with John Olsen, painter
Associations with John Oxley, Surveyor General
Associations with John Palmer, farmer
Associations with John Patrick, garden designer
Associations with John Paul, farmer
Associations with John Peat, Camden bricklayer
Associations with John Perry, Camden miller
Associations with John Peter Russell, expatriate Impressionist painter
Associations with John Peter, pastoralist
Associations with John Reeve, pastoralist
Associations with John Reid, architect
Associations with John Reid, engineer and Judy Reid, gentlewoman
Associations with John Richardson, colonial explorer and plant collector
Associations with John Roach, stonemason
Associations with John Rowland, stonemason
Associations with John Rule, landowner
Associations with John Ryan Brenan, Crown Solicitor and Police Magistrate
Associations with John Shedden Adam, architect
Associations with John Simmons, architect
Associations with John Skillman, farmer
Associations with John Skinner Prout, artist
Associations with John Small, Police Constable
Associations with John Smith, emancipated convict, entrepreneur, miller, property owner
Associations with John Spencer Brunton, flour miller, businessman
Associations with John Spencer Stansfield, architect
Associations with John St. Vincent Welch, gentleman
Associations with John Stephen, Solicitor-General, 1824+
Associations with John Stewart, veterinary surgeon, First Illawarra Mayor
Associations with John Straub, builder
Associations with John Sulman, architect and town planner
Associations with John T. Craig, tenant
Associations with John Tebbutt Jr., private astronomer
Associations with John Tebbutt, private astronomer
Associations with John Terry Hughes, businessman
Associations with John Terry, grazier and hunting enthusiast
Associations with John Thomas Campbell, politician, vice regal secretary, land owner
Associations with John Thomas Neale, produce merchant, accountant, Alderman
Associations with John Thomas Vivian Frost, Camden farmer
Associations with John Thomas Wilson, farmer
Associations with John Thorn, settler, farmer
Associations with John Trotter, farmer
Associations with John Try, builder
Associations with John Valder, gentleman
Associations with John Verge, architect
Associations with John W. Wrigley AM, Botanic Garden curator, park designer, native plant researcher
Associations with John Waite, emancipated convict farmer
Associations with John Wallace, grazier
Associations with John Ware, out gay man and CAMP co-founder
Associations with John Waring, Deniliquin Town Clerk, 1860s-80s
Associations with John Warner and Sons bellcasters, Cripplegate, UK
Associations with John Waters, actor, entertainer
Associations with John Watson, landowner
Associations with John Watts, colonial architect
Associations with John Waugh, gentleman
Associations with John West, pastoralist
Associations with John Whitton, Chief Engineer, NSW Government Railways
Associations with John Wild, farmer
Associations with John William Wood, landholder
Associations with John Wood, gentleman
Associations with John Wylde, Judge Advocate to the Colony, landholder
Associations with John Youl, Anglican layman running Ebenezer School, 1810+
Associations with John Young, builder, entrepreneur
Associations with Johnny Warren, football legend
Associations with Jon Henricks, 1956 Olympics champion swimmer
Associations with Jonas Bradley, Military officer, pastoralist, brewer, tobacco farmer, settler
Associations with Jonathan Purvis, landscape gardener
Associations with Joseland and Gilling, architects
Associations with Joseland and Vernon, Architects
Associations with Joseph Barrow Montefiore, settler
Associations with Joseph Connell, early Yass grazier
Associations with Joseph Coxhead, Council park ranger
Associations with Joseph Daniel Single, farmer
Associations with Joseph Davis, wealthy master butcher
Associations with Joseph Dent, shipowner
Associations with Joseph Dimarco, landowner
Associations with Joseph Ernest Seppelt, German migrant, wine maker, brewer, businessman
Associations with Joseph Farris (or Faris), businessman, hotelier, boat building yard operator
Associations with Joseph Fowell, architect
Associations with Joseph Hay, government surveyor
Associations with Joseph Henry Maiden, Director Botanic Gardens 1896-1924, botanist, museum curator
Associations with Joseph Hyde Potts, secretary, Bank of NSW, landowner
Associations with Joseph Inch Jr., grazier
Associations with Joseph Kaye Hampshire, engineer, ironworks manager
Associations with Joseph Kethel, architect
Associations with Joseph Lycett, painter and artist
Associations with Joseph Lysaght, artist
Associations with Joseph Maiden, Director Botanic Gardens 1896-1924, botanist, museum curator
Associations with Joseph Moore, grazier
Associations with Joseph Morley, settler farmer
Associations with Joseph Moulder, emancipated convict farmer and orchardist
Associations with Joseph Neal Grace, retailing magnate
Associations with Joseph Nottingham Palmer, landowner
Associations with Joseph Phelps, farmer, landowner
Associations with Joseph Sainsbury, builder
Associations with Joseph Sheerin and John Hennessy, architects
Associations with Joseph Sherrard, landholder
Associations with Joseph Tertius West, pastoralist
Associations with Joseph Underwood, merchant, distiller, farmer
Associations with Joseph W.M. Oxley, first Surveyor-General of NSW
Associations with Joseph W.M.Oxley, first Surveyor-General of NSW
Associations with Joseph Walker
Associations with Joseph Whatman, landholder
Associations with Joseph Wild, explorer and pastoralist
Associations with Joseph Wood, brewer
Associations with Josiah Strickland, pastoralist
Associations with Juanita Nielsen (nee Foy), heritage campaiger
Associations with Judge Advocate Richard Atkins, soldier, judge, grantee
Associations with Judge Joshua Frey Josephson, lawyer, judge
Associations with Judith Cassell, past president, National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Associations with Judith Wright, poet and activist
Associations with Jules Francois (b. John Felham) Archibald, founding editor of The Bulletin
Associations with Jules Francois Archibald, founding editor of The Bulletin
Associations with Jules Joubert, Hunters Hill pioneer developer
Associations with Julia Perry (nee Antill-Weston), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Julia Roberts, American actress
Associations with Julian Ashton, artist and teacher
Associations with Julian Rossi Ashton, artist and teacher
Associations with Julian Salomons, Solicitor-General
Associations with Julie Ann Jeanneret, gentlewoman
Associations with June and Graham Sanderson, booksellers
Associations with June Bromhill, opera and popular music singer
Associations with June Vines (nee Moffitt), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with June Wallace
Associations with Kath Carr, garden designer
Associations with Katherine Hepburn, American actress
Associations with Kathleen Loneragan, grazier
Associations with Katrina Fox, gentlewoman
Associations with Keith Murdoch, newspaper magnate
Associations with Kell and Rigby, builders
Associations with Kempe, later Kempe and Company, English stained glass manufacturers
Associations with Ken Beames, astronomical instrument maker
Associations with Ken Cooper, retired businessman
Associations with Ken Done, successful commercial artist
Associations with Ken F Woolley
Associations with Ken McConnel, architect
Associations with Ken Myer, prominent businessman
Associations with Ken Nakajima, Japanese garden designer
Associations with Ken Smith, grazier
Associations with Ken Woolley, modernist architect
Associations with Kenneth Bruce (Ken) Yeomans, agricultural planner, designer, conservationist
Associations with Kenneth Mackenzie, architect and builder
Associations with Kenneth McConnel, architect
Associations with Kennethina Macleay, gentlewoman
Associations with Kent and Massie, architects
Associations with Kerry and Greg Schneider, hospitality sector entrepreneurs
Associations with Kerry Packer, publisher and businessman
Associations with Kim Fun, market gardener
Associations with King Bungaree of the Sydney Tribes
Associations with King Edward VII, King of the Dominions Beyond the Seas 1901-1910
Associations with King Edward VIII, King of the Dominions Over the Seas 1936
Associations with King George III
Associations with King George V
Associations with King George V, King of the Dominions Over the Seas 1910-1936
Associations with King George VI, King of the Dominions Over the Seas 1936-1952
Associations with King Ranch (Australia) P/L, grazing company
Associations with King Umberto of Italy
Associations with Kingsley Fairbridge, educationalist and child migration proponent
Associations with Knowles Mair, distinguished 20th C scientist, Director Botanic Gardens, 1968-70
Associations with Kylie Tennant, author
Associations with L. Brown, railway architect
Associations with L.A.B. Wade, NSW Public Works Dept's Drainage Branch's Principal Chief Engineer
Associations with L.B. Coward, grazier
Associations with L.B.Coward, grazier
Associations with L.J. David, grazier
Associations with Lachlan Murdoch, media magnate and Sarah Murdoch, model
Associations with Lady Ada Scott (nee Ryan), Royal Navy Rear-Admiral's wife, in Australia 1880s
Associations with Lady Caroline Martha (Cara) Edgeworth David (nee Mallett), gentlewoman, philanthropist, activist
Associations with Lady Davidson, NSW Governor's wife, gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Denman, wife of fifth Governor-General
Associations with Lady Dixson, NSW Governor's wife
Associations with Lady Dorothy Gwynne Hoskins (nee Loveridge), gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Dorothy Hoskins (nee Loveridge), gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Dorothy Macarthur-Onslow AO, GP, farmer
Associations with Lady Edeline Strickland, Governor's wife, baby health advocate
Associations with Lady Elizabeth Renwick, gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Hannah Lloyd Jones, society wife, patron, Womens' Committee of the National Trust
Associations with Lady Hanne Fairfax, society wife
Associations with Lady Ida Margaret Graves Poore, Admiral's wife
Associations with Lady Isabella Martin, Premier's wife, gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Mabel Fairfax, society wife
Associations with Lady Margaret Emma Robertson, NSW Premier's wife, gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Marjorie Pagan (nee Hoskins), socialite, philanthropist
Associations with Lady Mary Fairfax, philanthropist
Associations with Lady Mary Mitchell (nee Blunt), gentlewoman
Associations with Lady Sally Croft, grazier, Open Garden Scheme selector
Associations with Lady Sarah Frances Fanshawe (nee Fox), Royal Navy Admiral's wife
Associations with Lady Susan Renouf, socialite
Associations with Lady Zara Gowrie (Zara Eileen Hore-Ruthven), Govenor's wife, promoter of children's welfare
Associations with Laird and Buchan, architects
Associations with Lang family
Associations with Lasseter and Company, fountain manufacturers
Associations with Laura Ann Hinchcliff, gentlewoman
Associations with Laurence Bergin, merchant
Associations with Lawrence Butler, land owner
Associations with Lawrence Nield and Associates, architects
Associations with Leah Abrahams, gentlewoman
Associations with Lebbeus Hordern, retailer
Associations with Lee Yee, market gardener
Associations with Len Forsythe, Navy League Sea Cadets leader
Associations with Lend Lease, construction company
Associations with Leo and Alice Hoad, Yarrangobilly Caves caretaker
Associations with Leo and Florence Cotton, lovers of Sydney sandstone country, benefactors
Associations with Leo and Noeline Berkelouw, antiquarian and other book sellers
Associations with Leo Schofield, arts organiser and promoter
Associations with Leon Ravat, French vintner, gate keeper
Associations with Leonard Anderson, dairy farmer
Associations with Leonardo Etienne Jean-Leonard Bordier-Roman, Swiss migrant, entrepreneur
Associations with Leopold Yates, Police Magistrate
Associations with LEP Transport company
Associations with Les Anstiss, cinema lessee
Associations with Les Darcy, boxer
Associations with Les Fahey, Milton Park gardener, Bowral
Associations with Les Musgrave, horticulturist, plantsman
Associations with Les Timmings, Gardener
Associations with Lesley Gulson, landscape architect
Associations with Leslie Gillett, farmer
Associations with Leslie Owen Bailey, founder, Australian Youth Health Foundation
Associations with Leslie Walford, interior decorator
Associations with Leslie Wilkinson, architect
Associations with Levine and Durbach, architects
Associations with Lew Hoad, tennis champion, 1950s
Associations with Lewis Edward Isaacs, gentleman
Associations with Lewis Gordon, State Government Surveyor
Associations with Lewis Henry Campbell, landowner
Associations with Lily Maud Loveday, land holder
Associations with Lily Maud Upcroft, land holder
Associations with Lindsay Fox, trucking magnate
Associations with Lindsay Robertson, first landscape architect appointed to State Planning Authority
Associations with Lionel Glendenning, architect
Associations with Lloyd and Patricia Oakman and family
Associations with Lloyd Ross, NSW Branch Secretary, Australian Railway Union (ARU), author
Associations with local architect Eric M. Nicholls
Associations with Lochinvar Laurel, Hereford stud and the Taubman family
Associations with Lois Jephcott, farmer, gentlewoman
Associations with Lord Denman, fifth Australian Governor-General
Associations with Lord Denman, fifth Governor-General
Associations with Lord Gowrie, Australian Governor General, 1930s
Associations with Lord Gowrie, Governor General
Associations with Lord Gowrie, Governor General, 1930s
Associations with Lord Hopetoun, first Australian Governor General
Associations with Lord Hopetoun, First Governor General
Associations with Lord Loftus, Governor of NSW
Associations with Lorna McDonald, grazier
Associations with Lorne Mansfield, gentlewoman
Associations with Lou Meyers, US runner
Associations with Louie Antinoli, viticulturist, wine vendor
Associations with Louis Francois Sentis, 1850s Consul for France and the Sicilies
Associations with Louis Hamilton Huon, Upper Murray grazier
Associations with Louis Phillips, merchant, Jewish community leader
Associations with Louis Robertson and Son (Morton Herman, Ronald Richardson), architects
Associations with Louisa Atkinson, author artist and botanist
Associations with Louisa de Kerilleau (nee de Sage), convict, farmer
Associations with Louisa Gurney, co-principal, Kambala School
Associations with Louisa King, Sydney's first woman pharmacist
Associations with Louisa Lawson, feminist and author
Associations with Louise de Lauret, pastoralist, gentlewoman, philanthropist
Associations with Louise Fell, gentlewoman
Associations with Louise Robinson (nee McKay), grazier
Associations with Loveridge and Hudson, stone merchants
Associations with Lt Governor William Paterson, 1794-1796, 1809
Associations with Lt. Archibold Bell, soldier, settler, grazier
Associations with Lt. Charles Menzies, Commandant of Newcastle settlement
Associations with Lt. Col. Colin Dunmore Fuller DSO, Light Horse soldier
Associations with Lt. Edward Charles Close, founder of Morpeth
Associations with Lt. Edward Close, founder of Morpeth
Associations with Lt. Frances Arthur Macarthur-Onslow QM (1879-1938), soldier, grazier, dairyman, businessman
Associations with Lt. George Edward Nicholas Weston, East India Co. soldier, farmer
Associations with Lt. GR Carmac, Acting Commandant, Engineer and Inspector of Public Works
Associations with Lt. John Watts, colonial architect, aide-de-camp to Governor Macquarie
Associations with Lt. John Wild(e), soldier and farmer
Associations with Lt. Joshua John Moore, veteran soldier, Judge Advocate, pastoralist
Associations with Lt. Nathaniel Norton, soldier, grazier
Associations with Lt. Peter Murdoch, Superintendent, Government Farm, Emu Plains 1822-1824
Associations with Lt. Thomas H. Owen, soldier
Associations with Lt. Thomas Woore RN, engineer, naval officer
Associations with Lt. William Bell, soldier and farmer
Associations with Lt. William Caswell, naval officer
Associations with Lt. William E. B. Wilson, Engineer and Inspector of Public Works, 1821 - 1824
Associations with Lt. William Lawson, explorer, Commandant of Govt.Stores, grazier
Associations with Lt.-Col. (Captain) George Barney, soldier, colonial engineer
Associations with Lt.-Col. Edward Macarthur-Onslow, grazier and dairy farmer
Associations with Lt.-Col. George Johnston, soldier, farmer, rebel leader
Associations with Lt.-Col. J.G.N. Gibbes, Naval Commander
Associations with Lt.-Col. James Morisset, soldier, administrator, magistrate
Associations with Lt.-Col. John Hay Goodlet, prominent Sydney merchant, Presbyterian and philanthropist
Associations with Lt.-Colonel (Captain) George Barney, soldier, colonial engineer
Associations with Lt.-Colonel Edward Macarthur-Onslow, grazier and dairy farmer
Associations with Lt.-Colonel J G N Gibbes, Naval Commander
Associations with Lt.-Commander, later Sir Alexis (Lex) Francois Albert, sailor, gentleman, 1904-96
Associations with Lt.-General Sir Frederick Darley, Chief Justice
Associations with Lt.-General, Sir William Jervois, military engineer, colonial Governor in S.A., NZ, Straits Settlement
Associations with Lt.-Governor Joseph Foveaux, 1809 rebel Government, soldier, grazier, Lt. Governor
Associations with Lt.-Governor Major Francis Grose, governor, soldier
Associations with Lt.-Governor Sir Frederick Darley, Chief Justice, Lt.Governor of NSW
Associations with Lt.-Governor Sir Philip Whistler Street KCMG, Chief Justice, Lt.Govr.1930-37
Associations with Lt.-Governor William Paterson, 1794-1796, 1809
Associations with Lt.-Governor, (General) William Stewart
Associations with Lt.-Governor, Sir Kenneth Whistler Street, Chief Justice and Lt.-Governor 1950-59
Associations with Lucy (aka Florence) Westgarth, nee Mansfield, farmer
Associations with Lucy Delaney, died 1880
Associations with Lucy Hassall (nee Mileham), farmer, gentlewoman
Associations with Lucy Hyndes (later Purves, nee Haven), gentlewoman
Associations with Lucy Osborn, nurse, pupil of Florence Nightingale
Associations with Lucy Osborne (nee Throsby), grazier
Associations with Lucy Throsby Osborne, grazier
Associations with Ludwig Leichhardt, colonial explorer and botanical collector
Associations with Luke Crowe, grazier
Associations with Luke Ralph, land owner
Associations with Lydia Hayes, sheep farmer
Associations with Lyndon Johnson, US President
Associations with Lyndon Raymond Dadswell, sculptor
Associations with Lyon, Wells and Cottier, stained glass makers and interior designs
Associations with M.V.E. Woodforde, architect
Associations with Mabel Lillingston (nee Ogilvy), gentlewoman, grazier
Associations with Mackay and Son, carpenters and joiners
Associations with Mad Dog Morgan, bushranger
Associations with Madam Melba Concert Company, theatrical entertainment company
Associations with Madoline ('Madge') Hoskins (nee Loveridge), gentlewoman
Associations with Magnus Peden, Mayor of Randwick 1869 and grazier
Associations with Major Archibold Clunes Innes, Penal Settlement Superintendent, Soldier, Farmer, Public Servant
Associations with Major Edmund Lockyer, soldier, landowner, grazier
Associations with Major General Denzil Macarthur-Onslow, soldier, businessman, farmer
Associations with Major General Paul Cullen, AC AO CBE DSO and Bar, soldier, company director and pastoralist
Associations with Major General Sir Denzil Macarthur-Onslow, soldier, businessman, farmer
Associations with Major George Johnston, soldier, administrator, farmer
Associations with Major H.C. (Henry Colden) Antill, soldier, Aide-de-Camp, farmer, Police Magistrate, Bank Director
Associations with Major West Jr., pastoralist
Associations with Major William Sandrys Elrington, farmer and soldier
Associations with Major-General John Macquarie Antill Jr., soldier, farmer
Associations with Malachi Gilmore, landowner
Associations with Malcolm Campbell, overseer of convicts at Berry's Coolangatta Estate
Associations with Malcolm Campbell, overseer of convicts at Coolangatta estate
Associations with Malcolm McEachern, singer
Associations with Manning Clark, historian
Associations with Manoly Lascaris, partner of Patrick White, writer
Associations with Mansfield Brothers, Architects
Associations with Manson and Pickering, architects
Associations with Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Ltd., insurers
Associations with Marcia Hines, singer, actor
Associations with Marcus Clark, major retailer
Associations with Marcus Seidler, gentleman
Associations with Margaret (Ma) Casey, first caretaker, National Art Gallery of NSW
Associations with Margaret (Maggie) White, grazier
Associations with Margaret Bunker (nee McFarland), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Margaret Bunker (nee Thompson), gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Margaret Carnegie, distinguished writer, collector and arts patron
Associations with Margaret Darling, grazier, gentlewoman, philanthropist
Associations with Margaret Davis, President, Garden Clubs of Australia
Associations with Margaret Douglas Brown, gentlewoman
Associations with Margaret Finlay, landowner
Associations with Margaret Fulton, celebrated cook and author
Associations with Margaret Futter, gentlewoman, farmer
Associations with Margaret Hawdon, farmer
Associations with Margaret Houison, gentlewoman
Associations with Margaret Macleay, daughter of Colonial Secretary Alexander Macleay
Associations with Margaret Miklouho-Maclay (nee Robertson), gentlewoman
Associations with Margaret Ollie, painter and benefactor
Associations with Margaret Robertson, NSW Premier's wife, gentlewoman
Associations with Margaret Royds, grazier
Associations with Margaret Simpson, nurse to and friend of the White family
Associations with Margaret Susannah Franklin (nee Lampe), grazier of Brindabella station
Associations with Margaret Torrens (nee Paton), Upper Murray landowner
Associations with Margaret White, gentlewoman
Associations with Margaret Whitlam, swimmer, first lady
Associations with Margarita Curtis, gentlewoman
Associations with Margel Hinder, modernist sculptor
Associations with Margo Lewers, modernist multi-media artist
Associations with Maria Bell, gentlewoman, landowner
Associations with Maria Johnston, gentlewoman farmer
Associations with Maria Locke, descendent of Colebee, Cadigal man
Associations with Maria Mate (nee Bardwell), farmer, politician's wife
Associations with Maria Sophia Triggs (nee Ritchie), gentlewoman
Associations with Maria Windeyer (nee Camfield), gentlewoman
Associations with Marian Armstrong, school master's wife
Associations with Marianne Mort, gentlewoman, widow of T.S.Mort, industrialist
Associations with Marianne North, English botanical artist, traveller and heiress
Associations with Marie Beuzeville Byles, solicitor and designer
Associations with Marion Hall Best, interior designer
Associations with Marjorie Jackson, athlete
Associations with Mark Fowles, champion UK hedge layer
Associations with Mark Foy, retailer, businessman, philanthropist
Associations with Marquis de Ray, Charles Marie du Breil, Frenchman nobleman
Associations with Marr Roy Grounds, artist
Associations with Marsden Williams
Associations with Martha Hillas, grazier's wife
Associations with Martha Hoskings (nee Terry), landowner and pastoralist
Associations with Martin McGuanne, shoemaker
Associations with Martin Sharp, artist
Associations with Mary and George Cannon, landholders
Associations with Mary and Grace Tindell, gentlewomen farmers
Associations with Mary Ann Higgins, first white child born in Forbes district
Associations with Mary Anna Hinton (nee Larkin), farmer
Associations with Mary Anne Loder / Dargin / White (nee Howe), merchant and farmers' wife
Associations with Mary Anne Wynne (nee Neich), gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Betts (nee Marsden), grazier's wife and parson's daughter
Associations with Mary Bowman (nee Macarthur), gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Boyce (nee Mansfield), gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Cameron Parkes (nee Murray), daughter of Rosemont's original land owner
Associations with Mary Carss, gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Collins (later, Wheeler), Upper Murray housemaid, worker
Associations with Mary Collits, free settler, innkeeper's wife, farmer
Associations with Mary Dalton, gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Davis, garden designer
Associations with Mary Donaldson, daughter of Mungo Scott, flour miller
Associations with Mary Edwards, painter and carver
Associations with Mary Ellen Thompson, Yass gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Gordon (nee Macarthur), grazier's wife
Associations with Mary Griffiths, Canberra resident, philanthropist
Associations with Mary Harper, publican and policeman's wife
Associations with Mary Harrington, landholder
Associations with Mary Harvey Brown, landowner
Associations with Mary Hordern, gentlewoman, gardener
Associations with Mary Howe, farmer
Associations with Mary Jane ('Minnie') Stewart, farmer, guesthouse proprietor
Associations with Mary Jane Cain, Gomeroi Aboriginal activist
Associations with Mary King, wife and homemaker
Associations with Mary Louisa Ramsay, gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Mansfield (nee Allen), gentlewoman
Associations with Mary McDonald, farmer's wife
Associations with Mary Newton, teacher
Associations with Mary Nicholls, died 1882
Associations with Mary Paton (nee Coysh), Upper Murray housemaid, station worker
Associations with Mary Reibey, emancipist business woman
Associations with Mary Reiby, emancipist business woman
Associations with Mary Seymour, baby (died young)
Associations with Mary Simpson, died 1877
Associations with Mary Smith, housekeeper, grazier
Associations with Mary Wentworth, gentlewoman
Associations with Mary White, gentlewoman
Associations with Mary Willans, gentlewoman
Associations with Marylyn Abbott, businesswoman, author, gardener
Associations with Matilda Docker (nee Brougham), grazier and politician's wife
Associations with Matilda Gillard, farmer
Associations with Matilda Kendall (nee MacNally), priest's wife and farmer
Associations with Matron Clarice Dickson, nurse and administrator
Associations with Matron Ethel McNevin, nurse and administrator
Associations with Matron Winifred Stowe, Bourke nurse
Associations with Matt and Fiona Hanbury, publisher and wife
Associations with Matt Bennett of Gulgong, designer and builder
Associations with Matthew and James Dinning, builders
Associations with Matthew and Martha Hillas, graziers
Associations with Matthew Dysart Hunter, merchant
Associations with Matthew Flinders, navigator, hydrographer, scientist
Associations with Matthew Kearns, settler and farmer
Associations with Matthew Munn, industrialist
Associations with Matthew Pearce, free settler
Associations with Matthew Peasley, first curator, Albury Botanic Gardens
Associations with Matthew Robinson, grazier
Associations with Maud Osborne (nee Jeffries), American actress, singer, lady farmer
Associations with Maureen Tudehope, philanthropist
Associations with Maurice B.Adams RIBA, British Arts and Crafts architect
Associations with Maurice Felton, artist
Associations with Maurice Guillaux, French airman
Associations with Maurice Scanlan, dairy farmer
Associations with Mavis Baker, conservationist
Associations with Max Cotton, chemist, tutor, scholar, gardener, chicken and camellia breeder
Associations with Max Dupain, photographer and artist
Associations with Max Factor
Associations with Max Jephcott, farmer
Associations with Max Shelley, garden designer, nurseryman, florist
Associations with May Gibbs, author, artist and conservationist
Associations with McConnel, Smith and Johnson, architects
Associations with McCredie and Anderson, architects
Associations with McNamara and Associates, architects
Associations with Mercy Bursill (nee Poulter), gentlewoman
Associations with Meredith Walker, heritage practitioner, theorist, advocate
Associations with Mervyn Owen Wynne, gentleman
Associations with Messrs. Mitchell and King, builders
Associations with Michael Bligh, garden designer
Associations with Michael Byrne, Government Lumbar Yard apprentice, publican
Associations with Michael Byrne, publican
Associations with Michael Cooke, garden designer
Associations with Michael Dowdell, emancipated Irish convict farmer
Associations with Michael Doyle, publican
Associations with Michael Dwyer, Irish rebel
Associations with Michael Dysart
Associations with Michael Dysart, architect
Associations with Michael Eury, owner
Associations with Michael Farrell, innkeeper
Associations with Michael Francis Dalton, merchant, businessman
Associations with Michael Gannon, builder
Associations with Michael Gilmore, farmer
Associations with Michael Golden
Associations with Michael Guilfoyle, nurseryman and landscape designer
Associations with Michael Hayes, grantee, farmer
Associations with Michael Hogan, innkeeper
Associations with Michael Lehany, conservation landscape architect
Associations with Mick Doolan, world champion motorbike racer
Associations with Miguel Alvarez, gentleman
Associations with Miles Franklin, author, journalist, nurse
Associations with Milford Buxton Goard, dairy farmer
Associations with Millane and Agabiti, architects
Associations with Milo Dunphy, bushwalker and conservationist
Associations with Mina Wylie, Olympic swimmer
Associations with Miriam (nee Terry) and Ian Hamilton, benefactors
Associations with Miss Barker, principal of Rydal, a Maitland private boarding school
Associations with Miss Charles Fairfax, philanthropist
Associations with Miss E.C. (Ellen) Hume, gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Miss Edma Edwards, grazier
Associations with Miss Ellen Blundell Pye, schoolmistress
Associations with Miss Essie Jenyns alias Mrs J. R. Wood, singer
Associations with Miss Falloon, Bathurst private school proprietor
Associations with Miss Ida Trail local historian and geneaologist
Associations with Miss Ida Trail, local historian and genealogist
Associations with Miss Lewis, Bathurst Gaol Matron
Associations with Miss Llewella Davies, gentlewoman farmer
Associations with Miss Lutz, Parramatta private school tutor
Associations with Miss M.M. [Maud] Dangar, gentlewoman
Associations with Miss Marjorie Stewart, gentlewoman
Associations with Miss MM. [Maud] Dangar, gentlewoman
Associations with Miss Rachel Cole Wells, spinster
Associations with Molly Osborne, farmer, gardener
Associations with Montague Levey, landowner
Associations with Morris and Caroline Nelson
Associations with Morris and Co. of London, decorative arts manufacturers
Associations with Morris Light, Newcastle Mayor and Councillor
Associations with Morrow and de Putron, architects
Associations with Morrow and Gordon, architects
Associations with Mortimer Lewis, Colonial Architect, 1796-1879
Associations with Morton Herman, architect, historian and author
Associations with Morton Herman, historian and author
Associations with Morts Dock, Balmain
Associations with Moses Moses, publican and landholder
Associations with Mother Mary Eulalia, Rectress of Mt St Mary's College, Katoomba
Associations with Mother Mary Michael McGuigan, Superior of the Sisters of Charity
Associations with Mountney and Co., steel manufacturers
Associations with Mowbray Forrest, grazier
Associations with Mr and Mrs E.H. O'Brien, graziers
Associations with Mr and Mrs G.M. Rhodes, innkeepers
Associations with Mr and Mrs Hall, Church Missionary Society missionaries
Associations with Mr and Mrs McKinney, Anglican Mission camp caretakers
Associations with Mr and Mrs Moyle, Guest House operators
Associations with Mr and Mrs Stevens, farmers
Associations with Mr and Mrs Walsh, farmers
Associations with Mr and Mrs Whyte, Bowral clothing store retailers
Associations with Mr Anderson, Corrimal landholder
Associations with Mr Banks and Mr. Whitehorse, Illawarra builders
Associations with Mr Black of Cumnock
Associations with Mr Black, Terragong farm manager
Associations with Mr Broderick, City Architect, Sydney Municipal Council, 1920s
Associations with Mr Butler, landowner
Associations with Mr Cairns, Maitland builder
Associations with Mr Cosgrove, entrepreneur
Associations with Mr Cotter, architect, NSW Government Architect's Office
Associations with Mr Ferguson, gardener, son of Francis Ferguson, Camden Park gardener
Associations with Mr Foden, English multi-industrialist
Associations with Mr Hooper, car yard owner
Associations with Mr J.L. Froggatt, landowner, landlord
Associations with Mr Jago, North Sydney stonemason
Associations with Mr L. Benbow, builder
Associations with Mr Moir, Scottish architect
Associations with Mr Morrow, architect
Associations with Mr Mullinger, building contractor, Windsor
Associations with Mr Murray, first Yarrangobilly Caves caretaker
Associations with Mr Parbury, entrepreneur, shale oil miner
Associations with Mr R. Barlow, architect
Associations with Mr S. E. Sibley, gentleman
Associations with Mr Stanger-Leathes, Sydney merchant
Associations with Mr Tharratt, garage and motor trimming shop owner
Associations with Mr W Doherty, guesthouse proprietor
Associations with Mr Watt, architect
Associations with Mr Wikner, Blue Mountains Shire Engineer
Associations with Mrs A.M. Delamothe, hospital matron
Associations with Mrs C. Foster (nee Lucas-Tooth), gentlewoman
Associations with Mrs Diprose, guesthouse keeper
Associations with Mrs E M C Watt, grazier
Associations with Mrs E. M. C. Watt, grazier
Associations with Mrs Edgeworth David, wife of Professor Geology,Sydney University
Associations with Mrs Helen Hunter Baillie, widow and benefactress
Associations with Mrs James White, wife of grazier, politician, philanthropist
Associations with Mrs Jane Fischer, gentlewoman
Associations with Mrs Josepha Beames, gentlewoman
Associations with Mrs M. Grosvernor, guesthouse keeper
Associations with Mrs M. Joyce, guesthouse keeper
Associations with Mrs McAuliffe, landholder
Associations with Mrs S. Adamson, gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Mrs Wallen, guesthouse proprietor
Associations with Mrs Whittingham private school proprietor
Associations with Mrs William Crozier, grazier and gentlewoman
Associations with Mum Shirl, political activist
Associations with Murdoch Campbell, grazier
Associations with Murnin and Brown, builders
Associations with musical performers
Associations with Myles Dunphy, bushwalker and conservationist
Associations with Myrtle Curtis, gentlewoman
Associations with N Stanley, medical practitioner
Associations with N.C. Phillips, miller, brewer
Associations with N.S.W. McPherson, architect
Associations with Nancy Bird Walton, aviatrice
Associations with Nangle and Nurzey, architects
Associations with Nat Powell (Junior), grazier
Associations with Nathan Mandelson, Jewish businessman and investor
Associations with Nathanial Lewis, builder
Associations with Nathanial Lucas, prominent colonial miller
Associations with Nathanial Lucas, prominent colonial miller, builder
Associations with Nathaniel Osborne, grazier
Associations with Nathaniel Powell, grazier
Associations with Nati Stoliar, telephone pager financier, and wife Miki
Associations with Ned Kelly, highwayman / bushranger
Associations with Neil Livingston, builder
Associations with Nelson Lawson, grazier
Associations with Neville and Margaret Burkitt, farmers
Associations with Neville Cohen, merchant and family
Associations with Neville Gruzman, architect
Associations with Neville Hampson, architect
Associations with Nicholas (Nick) Whitlam, public figure
Associations with Nicholas Doyle, landowner
Associations with Nicholas Shehadie, Sydney Lord Mayor and Wallabies rugby captain
Associations with Nicholson Brothers, shipyard and ship owners
Associations with Nick Greiner, NSW Premier, 1988-?
Associations with Niels Storraker, mine manager and owner
Associations with Nigel Ashton, modernist architect, state planner, visionary
Associations with Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay, Russian biologist and anthropologist
Associations with Nils Miklouho-Maclay, gentleman
Associations with Nina Rouse, later Terry, grazier
Associations with Noel (T.R.R.) Lothian, Adelaide Botanic Gardens Director, horticulturist
Associations with Nora Heysen, artist, war artist
Associations with Nora Power, gentlewoman
Associations with Norm Campbell, first supervisor, Campbell Rhododendron Gardens, Blackheath
Associations with Norman Carter, stained glass artist
Associations with Norman Harwood, Powerhouse Museum curator and collaborative designer
Associations with Norman Jones and wife, gentlepersons
Associations with Norman Lindsay, artist and satirist
Associations with Norman Selfe, engineer
Associations with Norman Weekes, surveyor and engineer
Associations with NSW Members of Parliament
Associations with Nurragingy, Dharuk clan Aboriginal person, guide to colonial explorers, land grant recipient
Associations with O.C. Litchfield, grazier and sheep breeder
Associations with Obadiah Willans, Town Clerk, Crown Lands Agent, functionary
Associations with Ogg and Serpell, architects
Associations with Oi Choong, landscape architect
Associations with Olive Campbell AM, secretary, Blue Mtns. Rhododendron Society, 1970-1994
Associations with Olive Cotton, photographer
Associations with Oliver Harley
Associations with Oliver Saunders, builder
Associations with Oliver Sproule, gardener, Milton Park, Bowral
Associations with Oliver Throsby Osborne, grazier
Associations with Oliver Whiting, ex-convict, servant, publican
Associations with O'Malley Wood, President, Government Savings Bank of NSW
Associations with Orwell Phillips, architect
Associations with Oswald H. Lewis, architect
Associations with Ove Arup, engineer
Associations with Owen Elliott, carpenter
Associations with P. Connolly, builder
Associations with P.A. (Percival) Yeomans, mining engineer, experimental 'Keyline' Farmer
Associations with P.C. Weston
Associations with P.L.C. (Patrick Lindsay Crawford) Shepherd, nurseryman
Associations with P.M. Bourke, grazier
Associations with P.N. Russell and Co., ironmongers
Associations with Pacita Alexander (nee Moore), gentlewoman
Associations with Paddy Pallin, bushwalker and conservationist
Associations with Padraic Pearce (Paddy) McGuiness, journalist and commentator
Associations with Parkes and Alderson, architects
Associations with Pastor James Mein, Presbyterian pastor at Ebenezer, 1803-c1810
Associations with Pat Hill Osborne, grazier of Currandooley, Bungendore
Associations with Patrea Cook, Curator, Albury Botanic Gardens
Associations with Patrick Goulding, settler
Associations with Patrick Higgins, builder
Associations with Patrick Hill Throsby, grazier
Associations with Patrick Keighan, landowner
Associations with Patrick Kelly, assigned convict, farm worker
Associations with Patrick Long, grocer, Parramatta Alderman
Associations with Patrick McMahon
Associations with Patrick McMahon, wheelwright
Associations with Patrick Ryan, stone mason
Associations with Patrick White, novelist and activist
Associations with Patrick White, writer
Associations with Patty Mouhtouris and Roger Keyes, country home owners, hospitality providers
Associations with Paul and Bonny Hennessy, graziers
Associations with Paul Bangay, landscape designer
Associations with Paul Berkelouw, book seller and entrepreneur
Associations with Paul Coe, political activist
Associations with Paul Davies, heritage architect
Associations with Paul Espie, businessman and research institute director
Associations with Paul Haeflinger, artist
Associations with Paul Maher, banker, businessman, hospitality proprietor
Associations with Paul Ramsay, healthcare boss and billionaire, d.2014
Associations with Paul Scannell, Curator, Albury Botanic Gardens
Associations with Paul Sorensen, landscape architect
Associations with Paul Wenz, French wool buyer and pastoralist
Associations with Pawel Edmund Strzelecki, Polish explorer in Victoria
Associations with Peddle, Thorp and Walker, architects
Associations with Penelope Lucas, governess, companion to the Macarthur family
Associations with Penelope Seidler, architect
Associations with Penny Short, gay liberationist
Associations with people / groups
Associations with Percival Alfred (P.A.) Yeomans, mining geologist, agricultural planner, inventor
Associations with Percy Allan
Associations with Percy Allen, civil engineer
Associations with Percy Crossing, grazier
Associations with Percy Everett, architect
Associations with Percy Pope, son of Ashfield's first Mayor
Associations with Percy Reynolds, thoroughbred cattle breeder
Associations with Percy Rowe, landowner
Associations with Percy Simpson, surveyor, engineer, administrator
Associations with Percy, Austin and Arthur Smith (Smith Bros), dairymen of Concord
Associations with Pere le Receveur, French chaplain and naturalist on La Perouse expedition
Associations with Peter and Ann Piggott, naturalists, environmentalists, gardeners
Associations with Peter and Barbara Howe
Associations with Peter Andrews, pioneering natural sequence farmer
Associations with Peter Bonsall-Boone, church secretary, gay activist
Associations with Peter Brock, champion racing driver
Associations with Peter Burnett, oil recycler and wife Astrid
Associations with Peter Cuneo, horticulturist, conservation ecologist
Associations with Peter de Vaal, gay activist
Associations with Peter Fox, film financier
Associations with Peter Freeman, heritage architect
Associations with Peter Hill, builder
Associations with Peter Johnson,Yass publican
Associations with Peter McCormick. Writer of Advance Australia Fair
Associations with Peter Muller, architect
Associations with Peter Rushforth, potter
Associations with Peter Spooner, landscape architect and educator
Associations with Peter Watts, heritage beaurocrat, museum manager, advocate
Associations with Peter White, gentleman
Associations with Phil Ashton, polo player and grazier
Associations with Philip Bushell, tea merchant
Associations with Philip Parker King, Naval Admiral, hydrographer, politician
Associations with Phillip Adams, broadcaster and writer
Associations with Phillip and Louise Leonard, landowners
Associations with Phillip Charlie, renowned horse and cattle grazier
Associations with Phillip Charlie, renowned horse and cattle grazier, dairy farmer
Associations with Phillip Cox, modernist architect
Associations with Phillip Gidley King, AA Company Stock Manager
Associations with Phillip Staughton, grazier
Associations with Phinechas Bear Selig, accountant
Associations with Pier Luigi Nervi, structural engineer, architect, master builder, artist
Associations with Pierce Collits, emancipated convict, police constable, public servant, innkeeper
Associations with Pieter Laurentz Campbell, Colonial Treasurer
Associations with Pixie O'Harris MBE, artist, author, mural painter
Associations with Pope Gregory
Associations with Pope Paul VI
Associations with Prince , Duke of Cornwall and York, future King
Associations with Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale
Associations with Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's consort
Associations with Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh
Associations with Prince George, Duke of Cambridge, future King George V
Associations with Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, Governor General 1945-47
Associations with Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh
Associations with Prince Richard of Gloucester
Associations with Princess Margaret Windsor
Associations with Priscilla Devlin (later, Small, nee Squire), gentlewoman
Associations with Private Thomas Bride, NSW Corps soldier, Ryde landholder
Associations with Private Thomas Jones, NSW Corps soldier and landowner
Associations with Private Thomas Whitfield, NSW Corps soldier, landowner
Associations with Private Zadoc Pettit, NSW Corps soldier, Ryde landholder
Associations with Professor Carrick Chambers, botanist, botanic garden manager
Associations with Professor Cyril Brookes, academic and cattle breeders
Associations with Professor Cyril Spooner, Engineering professor
Associations with Professor E G Waterhouse, linguist, orientalist
Associations with Professor Geelum Lee and Sheila Simpson-Lee, academic and gentlepersons
Associations with Professor Graham Swain, Principal, Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Associations with Professor James Pollock, Chemistry, University of Sydney
Associations with Professor Leslie Wilkinson, architect
Associations with Professor Leslie Wilkinson, first Dean of Architecture, Sydney University
Associations with Professor Manning Clark, historian, author
Associations with Professor Peter Spooner, landscape architect and educator
Associations with Professor Richard Clough, landscape architect, educator, landscape historian
Associations with Professor Talguier, Austrian sculptor
Associations with prominent individuals
Associations with prominent local family, Forsyth.
Associations with prominent local persons
Associations with Prosper de Mestre, tea merchant, landowner, company director, Agricultural Society leader
Associations with Prrivate Thomas Whitfield, NSW Corps soldier, landowner
Associations with Quarton Levitt Deloitte, merchant
Associations with Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia 1952+
Associations with Queen Salote Tupou III, Queen of Tonga 1918-65
Associations with Queen Victoria, Queen Empress 1837-1901
Associations with Queen Victoria, Queen of Australia, 1838-1901
Associations with R. and J. Turner, Goulburn builders
Associations with R. B. Baines, Mayor of Mulgoa
Associations with R. Freeman, architect
Associations with R. Kirkham, builder
Associations with R. Saunders, stone merchant
Associations with R. Saville, Kangaroo Valley builder
Associations with R. Seymour Wells, Government Architect's Office
Associations with R. William Ainsworth, landowner
Associations with R.B. Baines, Mayor of Mulgoa
Associations with R.E. McMillan, structural engineer
Associations with R.G. Howard Joseland, architect
Associations with R.H. Anderson, Government Botanist
Associations with R.M. Bocock, builder
Associations with R.M. Broderick, Sydney City Council Architect
Associations with Rabbi Max Schenk, Jewish Rabbi
Associations with racehorse 'Grand Flaneur'
Associations with Rachel Henning, Appin resident, author
Associations with Rachel Roxburgh, potter, author, conservationist, Wingecarribee alderman
Associations with Ralph Entwistle and The Ribbon Gang
Associations with Ralph Hush, publican
Associations with Ralph Johnston, gentleman farmer
Associations with Rapley Mansfield, urban tenant
Associations with Ray Steward, Albury Parks Superintendent
Associations with Ray W. and Hannah M. Stafford, guesthouse operators
Associations with Raymond McGrath, architect and artist
Associations with Rayner (G. Rayner) Hoff, sculptor
Associations with Rayner Hoff, sculptor
Associations with Raynor Hoff, sculptor
Associations with Rear Admiral Phillip Parker King, navigator, AA.Co.Commissioner, politician
Associations with Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Thomas Montagu Douglas Scott, Royal Navy Commander of the Australia station,
Associations with Rebecca Jephcott (nee Snadden Dickson), farmer, gentlewoman
Associations with Rebecca O'Brien (nee Broughton), gentlewoman and farmer
Associations with Reed and Mallik Ltd (engineers, England)
Associations with Reg Livermore, actor, entertainer
Associations with Reg Mombassa, artist
Associations with Reg Paull, Head Gardener, Cumberland Hospital
Associations with Reginald Champ, silk industry advocate
Associations with Reginald Gordon (Phil) Garlick, racing car driver
Associations with Reginald McGoffin, architect
Associations with Reginald Tom, farmer
Associations with Reginald White, Hunter Valley grazier and horse breeder
Associations with Retta Dixon, missionary
Associations with Reuben Uther, Sydney merchant, grazier
Associations with Reuss and Nott, builders
Associations with Rev. A F Smart, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. A.F. Pain, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. A.F. Smart, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. A.F.Pain, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Alberto Dies Soares, Anglican Minister to Queanbeyan
Associations with Rev. Alberto Dies Soares, Anglican Minister, civil engineer, architect
Associations with Rev. Alexander McInlay, priest
Associations with Rev. Alfred Rolfe, priest and school teacher
Associations with Rev. Arthur Aspinall, first principal of Scots College
Associations with Rev. Boak Jobbins, Minister and advocate of St.Andrews' Cathedral restoration
Associations with Rev. C. Campbell, priest, grazier
Associations with Rev. Charles Herbert Palmer, priest and educationist
Associations with Rev. Colin Stewart, Presbyerian minister and Gaelic speaker
Associations with Rev. Corlette, Ashfield Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. D J Flockhart, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. D.J. Flockhart, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. D'Arcy Irvine, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Dr John McGarvie, first Ordained Presbyterian Minister at Ebenezer, 1826-30
Associations with Rev. Dr Will Scott Frackelton, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. Dr. Gummer, Catholic priest
Associations with Rev. Dr. Robert Steele, Minister of St. Stephens Church, Sydney
Associations with Rev. Dr. William Kelynack, President of Newington College
Associations with Rev. E.B. Procter, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Elder, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Ewing, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Father Anthony Miazzi of the Scalabrinian Order, North Lismore parish priest
Associations with Rev. Father Daniel Hurley, Catholic Priest of St Patrick's, Millers Point
Associations with Rev. Father Jean-Louis Rocher, Catholic Missionary
Associations with Rev. Father John Fitzpatrick, Catholic priest
Associations with Rev. Father John Joseph Therry, Catholic priest
Associations with Rev. Father Michael McGrath, Catholic priest
Associations with Rev. Father Patrick Dalton, Jesuit priest
Associations with Rev. Father Philip Connolly, Catholic priest
Associations with Rev. Francis T. Russell, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Frederick Wilkinson, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. G.K. Rusden, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Gardiner
Associations with Rev. George Allnutt, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. George Charter, first Wollongong Congregational Minister
Associations with Rev. George Edward Weaver Turner, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. George Fairfowl Macarthur, priest and educator
Associations with Rev. George Littlemore, Congregationalist Minister
Associations with Rev. George Napoleon Woodd, Anglican parson
Associations with Rev. George Sheppard, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. H.D.D. (Hart Davis Draper) Sparling, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. H.H. Bobart, Anglican Chaplain and architect
Associations with Rev. H.H.Bobart, Anglican Chaplain and architect
Associations with Rev. Henry Carmichael, Presbyterian Minister and teacher
Associations with Rev. Henry Fulton, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Henry Wallace Mort, clergyman
Associations with Rev. J. Kemp Bruce, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. J.W. Burton, Methodist Missionary Training College Principal
Associations with Rev. James Cameron, Moderator-General of the Presbyterian Church in Australia
Associations with Rev. James Hassall, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. James Stack, Kangaroo Valley Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. James Thomas (Tom) Thorburn, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. James Walker, headmaster of The King's School
Associations with Rev. John Cross, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. John Dunmore Lang, Presbyterian Preacher and Nationalist
Associations with Rev. John Hope, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. John Manton, Methodist missionary and educator
Associations with Rev. John McGarvie, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. Knox, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. L. Fenton PP, Catholic priest
Associations with Rev. Lampard, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Lancelot Threlkeld, Congregationalist priest
Associations with Rev. Lee, Goulburn Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Muzy, Kangaroo Valley Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Neville Cyril Bathgate, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. O'Connor, Anglican priest, catechist
Associations with Rev. Percy Stacy Waddy, King's School Headmaster and Priest
Associations with Rev. Peter F Mackenzie, Presbyterian Minister, Rev. J.D. Lang's son-in-law
Associations with Rev. Pitt, Archdeacon of Wollongong
Associations with Rev. R A Blackwood, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. R I Cirotto, Uniting Church Minister
Associations with Rev. R.A. Blackwood, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. R.I. Cirotto, Uniting Church Minister
Associations with Rev. Richard Johnson, the colony's first chaplain
Associations with Rev. Samuel Marsden
Associations with Rev. Samuel Marsden, archbishop of colony
Associations with Rev. Sydney Glanville Fielding, Anglican minister
Associations with Rev. T.S. Forsaith, Parramatta priest
Associations with Rev. Thomas Gainsford, evangelical priest
Associations with Rev. Thomas Hassall, the galloping parson
Associations with Rev. Thomas Kendall, missionary, farmer
Associations with Rev. Thomas Makinson, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. Thomas Marsden, priest and cousin of Rev.Samuel Marsden
Associations with Rev. Thomas Reddell, priest and schoolteacher
Associations with Rev. Thomas Sharpe, Anglican minister
Associations with Rev. Thomas Thomson, Scottish Minister and scholar
Associations with Rev. William Binnington Boyce, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. William Boyce, priest
Associations with Rev. William Cocks, Anglican priest
Associations with Rev. William Cowper, priest and grazier
Associations with Rev. William Henry, priest and missionary
Associations with Rev. William Mackenzie, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. William McKenzie, Minister of Bowenfels and Wallerawang
Associations with Rev. William Ritchie, Presbyterian Minister
Associations with Rev. William Shelley, director of Parramatta Native Institution, 1814-31
Associations with Rev. William Walker, Methodist priest, Superintendent, Blacktown Native Institute
Associations with Rev. William Walker, priest
Associations with Rev. William Woolls, teacher, botanist and priest
Associations with Rev. Zachary Barry, Anglican priest
Associations with RG Howard Joseland, architect
Associations with Richard Brooks, grazier (son of Captain Richard Brooks)
Associations with Richard Cunningham, Colonial botanist
Associations with Richard Fitzgerald, emancipist grazier
Associations with Richard Frederick (R.H.) Horsley, grazier and farmer
Associations with Richard Goldthorpe, builder
Associations with Richard Halifax (R.H.) Dangar, racehorse breeder, grazier
Associations with Richard Henry Patterson, Kurringai, later Newcastle Parks and Bldg.Surveyor 1926-48
Associations with Richard Holdsworth, land owner
Associations with Richard Johnson, architect
Associations with Richard Johnson, farmer
Associations with Richard Jones
Associations with Richard Jones, Chair, CBC Bank, founder of Maitland Mercury newspaper
Associations with Richard LePlaistrier, Pritziker-prize winning architect
Associations with Richard Linley, rope maker
Associations with Richard Loneragan, grazier
Associations with Richard M.S.Wells, NSW Education Dept.architect, Government Architect 1927-29
Associations with Richard Matthews, builder
Associations with Richard Mutton, builder and farmer
Associations with Richard Norman Shaw, English architect
Associations with Richard Owen Wynne, gentleman
Associations with Richard Pike, Parramatta property owner
Associations with Richard Pye, landholder
Associations with Richard Read, painter
Associations with Richard Richardson, settler
Associations with Richard Roberts, merchant
Associations with Richard Rouse, Superintendent of government works, Parramatta
Associations with Richard Stanton, garden suburb promoter, developer and real estate agent
Associations with Richard Taubman, farmer
Associations with Richard Watson, publican
Associations with Richard Whittaker, grazier
Associations with Richard Young Cousins, first Mayor of Bathurst
Associations with RM Broderick, Sydney City Council Architect
Associations with Rob Rankin, fmr. Crown Casino manager
Associations with Robert (Bob) Cherry, nurseryman, plant hybridiser, plant hunter
Associations with Robert Alexander, grazier and stud owner
Associations with Robert Alfred Orvill Gill, mail contractor and grazier
Associations with Robert Allport, Queanbeyan solicitor
Associations with Robert and Alice Blackman
Associations with Robert and Helen Rich, landowners
Associations with Robert Anderson JP, farmer, carpenter, pastures protection board Chair
Associations with Robert Anderson, distinguished 20th C scientist, Director Botanic Gardens, 1936-68
Associations with Robert Ashton, polo player and grazier
Associations with Robert Askin, NSW Premier
Associations with Robert Barr Smith, prominent 19th c. Entrepreneur
Associations with Robert Beatson, publican
Associations with Robert Brown, colonial botanist and explorer
Associations with Robert Brown, colonial founder of Albury (town)
Associations with Robert Campbell Jr., businessman, farmer
Associations with Robert Campbell, merchant, shipping agent, landowner, grazier
Associations with Robert Carter
Associations with Robert Clyde Packer, newspaper man and media proprietor
Associations with Robert Cooper, colonial brewer and entrepreneur
Associations with Robert Craig, grazier
Associations with Robert Crawford, Principal Clerk to the Colonial Secretary
Associations with Robert Dawson, Director Australian Agricultural Company, pioneer pastoral and agricultural company
Associations with Robert Dillon (Dillin), Hunter Valley wheat farmer
Associations with Robert Evans, carpenter
Associations with Robert Fitzgerald, grazier and politician
Associations with Robert Fopp, butcher
Associations with Robert Fowler, brick and pipe manufacturer
Associations with Robert Frost, brick maker
Associations with Robert Futter, retired naval officer, farmer
Associations with Robert Guy, commercial artist, honorary secretary to the City Night Refuge
Associations with Robert Guy, honorary secretary to the City Night Refuge
Associations with Robert H. Reynolds JP
Associations with Robert H.Reynolds JP
Associations with Robert Harvey Layton, grazier and developer
Associations with Robert Henderson, gardener
Associations with Robert Henry Antill, Ayrshire cattle stud breeder
Associations with Robert Hoddle, surveyor
Associations with Robert Hunt, Deputy Master, Royal Sydney Mint
Associations with Robert Jenkins, farmer
Associations with Robert Johnston, grazier
Associations with Robert Klippel, sculptor
Associations with Robert Leslie Booth, Sydney merchant
Associations with Robert Lindsay Little, architect
Associations with Robert Longmore, shale oil miner
Associations with Robert Lowe (d.1832), gentleman, farmer
Associations with Robert Lowe (d.1832), grazier, magristrate, farmer
Associations with Robert Lowe (solicitor) and Georgianna Lowe, artist (latter)
Associations with Robert Lucas Tooth, brewer and pastoralist
Associations with Robert Luff, inn owner
Associations with Robert Mackay Campbell, Liverpool magistrate and grazier
Associations with Robert Maddrell of Bedervale, Braidwood grazier
Associations with Robert Maddrell of Bedervale, grazier
Associations with Robert Mansfield, urban tenant
Associations with Robert McIntosh II, early settler of Gordon
Associations with Robert Moore, grazier
Associations with Robert Patrick McFarland, pastoralist
Associations with Robert Pearce, grazier, orchardist
Associations with Robert Phillips, South Seas planter
Associations with Robert Plume, grantee
Associations with Robert Saddington, shale oil mine entrepreneur
Associations with Robert Scholes, a member of the influential Scholes family who played a significant role in the
Associations with Robert Scott, grazier
Associations with Robert Scott, stonemason
Associations with Robert Shoobridge, agriculturalist and innovator
Associations with Robert Smith, farmer
Associations with Robert Taylor Thorburn, miner
Associations with Robert Todd, lawyer, Taronga Zoo Trustee
Associations with Robert Towns, merchant of Sydney
Associations with Robert Townson, academic, farmer
Associations with Robert Woodward, fountain designer and architect
Associations with Roberta Perkins, transgender activist, advocate and academic
Associations with Robertson and Marks, architect firm
Associations with Robertson, Marks and McCredie, architects
Associations with Robin Boyd, architect and author
Associations with Robin Dods, architect
Associations with Robyn Mayo (Hawkins), botanical artist, gardener
Associations with Rocco Caminotti, Italian migrant
Associations with Rod Petricevic, businessman, entrepreneur
Associations with Roderick Terry, tenant farmer
Associations with Rodney Reece Dangar, pastoralist, philanthropist and racehorse owner
Associations with Roger Seccombe, dairy farmer, Alderman, entrepreneur
Associations with Roland Small, gentleman
Associations with Rolf Boldrewood, author
Associations with Romberg and Boyd architects
Associations with Ron and Judy Holloway, Illawarra farmers
Associations with Ron and Lucy Woodward, gardeners and benefactors
Associations with Ron Grewcoe, horticulturist
Associations with Ron Medich, entrepreneur and family
Associations with Ronald Michael Wynne, gentleman
Associations with Ronald Richardson, architect
Associations with Ros Packer, philanthropist
Associations with Rosa Rougier, gentlewoman
Associations with Rosa Strange, schoolteacher
Associations with Rose Bagot, gentlewoman
Associations with Rose Deo, equestrian centre operator
Associations with Rose Scott, feminist, activist, gentlewoman
Associations with Rose Seidler, gentlewoman, gardener
Associations with Rose Soady, artist's muse
Associations with Rosemary Neville, teacher
Associations with Rosemary Simpson (Lloyd-Jones), society wife
Associations with Roslyn Oxley (nee Bushell), interior designer, art gallery owner
Associations with Roslyn Oxley (nee Walton), interior designer, art gallery owner
Associations with Ross and Rowe, architects
Associations with Ross Stewart, farmer
Associations with Rowe and Smith, builders
Associations with Rowland Edwards, emancipated convict farmer
Associations with Rowland Hassall, blacksmith, missionary, grazier
Associations with Rowland Shelley, high country grazier
Associations with Rowland Thomas Brisbane Walker, farmer
Associations with Roy Grounds, architect
Associations with Roy H.D. Appleton, architect
Associations with Roy Watts, NSW Director of Agriculture, 1965-80
Associations with Rt. Rev. K.J. Clements, Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn, 1961-1971, author
Associations with Rt. Rev. Robert Beal, Bishop of Wangaratta
Associations with Rudder, Littlemore and Rudder, architects
Associations with Russell Blacket, private school headmaster
Associations with Russell Drysdale, artist
Associations with Russell Jack, architect
Associations with Ruth Lucas, gentlewoman
Associations with Ruth Scrivener, orchardist and farmer
Associations with Ruth White, society hostess
Associations with Ryde City Council
Associations with S. Fisher, landowner
Associations with S. Pilarcik, Croatian-Australian migrant
Associations with S.C. van Breda, architect
Associations with S.E. Bloomfield, builder
Associations with S.G. Mathinson, painter
Associations with S.G. Thorp, architect
Associations with S.P. Walsh, builder
Associations with S.W. Bate, farmer
Associations with Saint Mary MacKillop, Catholic nun
Associations with Sallee Belisario, gentlewoman
Associations with Sam Lee, market gardener
Associations with Sam McKibbin, grazier
Associations with Samuel Augustus Perry, Surveyor-General
Associations with Samuel Bowler, farmer
Associations with Samuel Breakwell, settler/farmer
Associations with Samuel Collins, murderer of James Hillas
Associations with Samuel Dean Gordon, merchant, pastoralist, MLA and MLC.
Associations with Samuel Elyard, artist
Associations with Samuel Foster, farmer
Associations with Samuel Griffiths, settler farmer
Associations with Samuel H. and Elizabeth Cohen, storekeepers
Associations with Samuel Henry (S.H.) Ervin, conservationist, philanthropist, art collector
Associations with Samuel Hordern 1, retailer, horse and cattle breeder
Associations with Samuel Hordern III, retailer
Associations with Samuel Lipson, architect
Associations with Samuel Lovely, yeoman and possible innkeeper
Associations with Samuel Lyons, businessman
Associations with Samuel Marks, farmer
Associations with Samuel Marsden, grazier
Associations with Samuel Otoo Hassall, farmer, grazier
Associations with Samuel Terry, wealthy emancipist merchant
Associations with Samuel Timmings, Gardener
Associations with Samuel Wilcox, farmer
Associations with Samuel Wilson, grazier
Associations with Sanbrook and Sons, builders
Associations with Sarah Ann Ramsay (nee Lord), heiress, gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah Ann Scott (nee Rusden), grazier, accomplished linguist and scholar
Associations with Sarah Cope, gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah Elizabeth Thomson (nee Ramsay), gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah 'Fanny' Durack, Olympic swimmer
Associations with Sarah Fuller (nee Miller), Illawarra gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah Hadley, farmer
Associations with Sarah Jane West, pastoralist
Associations with Sarah Joyce (nee Jackson), servant/farmer
Associations with Sarah Lowe, gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah May Cooper, wife and mother
Associations with Sarah Moses, Goulburn child, died young
Associations with Sarah Myer (nee Hordern), grazier, horse-rider, horse and cattle-breeder
Associations with Sarah Ramsay (nee Lord), heiress
Associations with Sarah Ramsay, gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah Rebecca Henry, landowner
Associations with Sarah Redfern (nee Wills), gentlewoman
Associations with Sarah Wentworth, convict wife of W.C.Wentworth, matron
Associations with Sarah Wentworth, wife of William Charles Wentworth
Associations with Savary T. Rodd, owner's agent for Clovelly estate, Watsons Bay
Associations with Schuldham Hume Woodhouse, astronomer
Associations with Scott, Scott and Green, architects
Associations with Searl and Sons, nurserymen
Associations with Selina Johnston (nee Willey), gentlewoman
Associations with Serge Domicelj, architect, heritage educator
Associations with Sergeant George McDonald, Quarter Master and farmer
Associations with Sergeant Jonas Bradley, NSW Corps soldier
Associations with Sergeant Thomas Smyth, soldier, farmer
Associations with Serjeant Thomas Smyth, soldier, farmer
Associations with Severin Kanute Salting, successful Sydney merchant and landowner
Associations with Sheerin and Hennessy, architects
Associations with Sheila Paton, Upper Murray landowner
Associations with Sheila Simpson-Lee (nee McKern), potter
Associations with Sherriff Harold Maclean, penal reformer
Associations with Sidney Hoskins, industrialist
Associations with Sidney Nolan, artist
Associations with Sidney Reynolds, grazier, early native plant nurseryman 1960s-80s
Associations with significant bush rangers
Associations with significant groups
Associations with significant political identities
Associations with significant railway identities
Associations with significant shipping identities
Associations with Silas Sheather, gardener and nurseryman
Associations with Simeon Lord Jr., merchant
Associations with Simeon Lord, industrialist and emancipist
Associations with Simeon Pearce, civil servant and landholder, Anglican Church Trustee
Associations with Simmone Logue, cook and businesswoman
Associations with Simon Zollner, investor in iron manufacturing
Associations with Sir Alfred Roberts, Secretary of Hospital planning committee, Prince Alfred Hospital
Associations with Sir Alfred Stephen, Chief Justice and legislator
Associations with Sir Benjamin Fuller, theatre manager, Melbourne and Newcastle
Associations with Sir Bernard Croft, grazier
Associations with Sir Cecil Hoskins, Steel industry pioneer, entrepreneur
Associations with Sir Charles Cox, soldier
Associations with Sir Charles Douglass, pastoralist
Associations with Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, aviator
Associations with Sir Charles Lloyd Jones, merchant and arts patron
Associations with Sir Charles Nicholson, first Speaker of NSW Legislative Council
Associations with Sir Daniel Cooper (1821-1902), merchant and philanthropist
Associations with Sir Daniel Cooper, gentleman
Associations with Sir Denison Miller, banker
Associations with Sir Douglas Frank Hewson Packer, newspaper man and media proprietor
Associations with Sir Edmund Barton, First Prime Minister
Associations with Sir Edward Burne Jones, English artist
Associations with Sir Edward Hallstrom, Sir Edward Hallstrom, Director, Taronga Zoo
Associations with Sir Edward Hallstrom, Director, Taronga Zoo
Associations with Sir Edward Parry, sailer, AA.Co.Commissioner
Associations with Sir Edward Strickland (1821-89) army officer
Associations with Sir Eric Neal, Chief Commissioner, Sydney City Council
Associations with Sir Ernest Thomas Fisk, engineer, AWA chairman, pioneer radio transmission entrepreneur
Associations with Sir Francis Forbes, Chief Justice of NSW 1824-1837, legislator, landholder
Associations with Sir Frederick Darley, Chief Justice, Lt.Governor of NSW
Associations with Sir George Dibbs, Premier of NSW
Associations with Sir George Fairbairn, grazier
Associations with Sir George Gilbert Scott, English architect
Associations with Sir George Macleay, explorer, pastoralist, zoologist, explorer
Associations with Sir George Strickland, NSW Governor
Associations with Sir George Tryon, Rear Admiral RN
Associations with Sir Henry Brown Hayes, emancipated convict
Associations with Sir Henry Parkes - Father of Federation and parliamentary leader. Immigration Commissioner (1861) Col
Associations with Sir Henry Parkes, premier and colonial politician
Associations with Sir Hudson Fysh, Chairman of Directors of Qantas Empire Airways
Associations with Sir Jack Brabham - racing car driver
Associations with Sir James Burns, businessman, philanthropist, prominent Presbyterian layfolk
Associations with Sir James Fairfax AO, media owner, philanthropost, patron and collector
Associations with Sir James Martin, Colonial politician, Premier, gardener
Associations with Sir James Murdock, grazier, founder of Bendooley Aberdeen-Angus stud
Associations with Sir James Oswald Fairfax, businessman, newspaper proprietor
Associations with Sir Jeffry Wyatville, English architect
Associations with Sir John (Jock) Pagan, Agent-General, London, merchant
Associations with Sir John Beverley Peden, MLC, KCMG, barrister, politician and Cobargo farmer
Associations with Sir John Garvan, financier and philanthropist
Associations with Sir John Jamison, gentleman, horticulturist, vignoble
Associations with Sir John Monash, soldier
Associations with Sir John Sulman, architect
Associations with Sir John Sulman, architect and town planner
Associations with Sir Joseph Banks - naturalist/botanist
Associations with Sir Joseph Clifton Love, prominent businessman and manufacturer
Associations with Sir Joseph Palmer Abbott, KCMG., former speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly
Associations with Sir Lorimer Fenton Dods, Doctor and Professor of Medicine
Associations with Sir Owen Croft, grazier and public figure
Associations with Sir Paul Hasluck, Governor-General
Associations with Sir Paul Strzelecki, explorer esp. Mt.Kosciuszko
Associations with Sir Phillip Sydney Jones, merchant, gentleman, philanthropist
Associations with Sir Richard Threlfall, physicist and chemical engineer
Associations with Sir Robert Askin, former NSW premier
Associations with Sir Robert Helpmann, artist, director
Associations with Sir Samuel Hordern II, retailer, horse and cattle breeder
Associations with Sir Saul Samuel, First Jewish Magistrate, Parliarmentarian and Minister of the Crown. MLA and MLC.
Associations with Sir Spencer Spinaze, Knight in the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, historian
Associations with Sir Stirling Moss, British racing car driver
Associations with Sir Tannat William Edgeworth David KMG, Professor of Geology, Assistant Geological Surveyor for New So
Associations with Sir Thomas Buckland, miner, pastoralist, businessman, philanthropist
Associations with Sir Thomas Livingstone Mitchell, Surveyor-General
Associations with Sir Thomas Mitchell, Surveyor-General
Associations with Sir Valston Hancock, RAAF Director of Works and Buildings
Associations with Sir Vincent and Lady Nancy Fairfax, gentlefolk
Associations with Sir Walter Edward Davidson, NSW Governor 1918-23
Associations with Sir Warwick Oswald Fairfax, businessman
Associations with Sir William Elliot Johnson (1862-1932, Federal MP for Lang (Burwood, Sydney), Greater Sydney Developme
Associations with Sir William Henry Moore, colonial grazier
Associations with Sir William John Macleay, pastoralist, politican, patron of science
Associations with Sir William Macarthur, pastoralist, horticulturist, gentry
Associations with Sir William Manning, sometime Lord Mayor of Sydney
Associations with Sir William McMillan MLC, politician and Federalism proponent
Associations with Sir William Owen, Supreme Court Judge
Associations with Sir WP Osborn McCutcheon, architect
Associations with Sister Mary McKillop, nun, social worker and nominee Saint
Associations with Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, American architectural firm
Associations with Slayter and Cosh, architects
Associations with Slim Dusty
Associations with Solomon Emanuel, businessman and brewer
Associations with Solomon Levey, merchant, entrepreneur
Associations with Sophia Dumaresq, grazier
Associations with Sophia Ives Campbell, landowner, gentlewoman
Associations with Spain and Cosh, architects
Associations with Spain, Cosh and Dods, architects
Associations with Spooner and Dixon, architects
Associations with sporting men and women
Associations with St. Peter Chanel, missionary, Proto-martyr of Oceania
Associations with Stacy Waddy, Headmaster of The Kings School, 1908-12
Associations with Stanley Ebsworth, wool broker
Associations with Stanley Hammond, sculptor
Associations with Stanley Rickard, architect
Associations with Stanley Uther
Associations with Stannard Brothers, shipyard owners
Associations with Stephen Comrie, founder of the Society for the Relief of Destitute Children
Associations with Stephen Gee, builder
Associations with Stephen Loneragan, grazier
Associations with Stephen Partridge, Superintendent of Convicts, 1821- 1830
Associations with Stephenson and Turner, architects
Associations with Stephenson and Wrigler, builders
Associations with Stewart Ryrie Jr., grazier and property manager
Associations with Stone and Siddeley architects
Associations with Stone Masons
Associations with Stuart Bros., builders
Associations with Stuart Hume, retired diplomat
Associations with Stuart MacFarlane, grazier
Associations with Sue Loneragan, grazier
Associations with Sue Wills, lesbian activist
Associations with Surveyor Meehan
Associations with Susan Cooper, gentlewoman (d.2018)
Associations with Susan McCredie (nee Blackwood), gentlewoman
Associations with Susan McCredie, landholder of Guildford
Associations with Susan Norrie, artist
Associations with Susan Rothwell, architect
Associations with Susannah Bowen, landowner, timber miller
Associations with Susannah Elizabeth Douglas, landowner
Associations with Susannah Jephcott (nee Sansome), farmer and gentlewoman
Associations with Susannah Thorn (nee Peyton), pastoralist
Associations with Sutherland Shire Council
Associations with Suzannah Devlin (nee Hughes), gentlewoman
Associations with Sydney Ancher, modernist architect
Associations with Sydney City Council
Associations with Sydney Gay Liberation movement
Associations with Sydney John Casey, grazier
Associations with Sydney Long, artist
Associations with Sydney Parkinson - artist and illustrator of scientific collections
Associations with Sydney Reynolds, expert stock breeder, pastoralist
Associations with Sydney Smith, architect
Associations with Sydney Ure Smith, entrepreneur, publisher, artist
Associations with Sydney Wheeler Jephcott, farmer, guide, botanist
Associations with Sylvester Brown, mining magnate
Associations with Sylvester Byrne, innkeeper
Associations with Sylvia Macarthur-Onslow, gentlewoman
Associations with Sylvia Morrice, spinster and housekeeper
Associations with Sylvia Seton Raymond Macarthur-Onslow, (née Chisholm), gentlewoman
Associations with T.C.L. (Thomas Charles (Charles)) Weston, horticulturist, arboriculturist, landscape gardener
Associations with T.R. (Roger) Royds, grazier
Associations with T.W. Hodgson and Son, architects
Associations with Talbot Sanderson, landowner
Associations with Tao Gofers, NSW Housing Commission architect
Associations with Ted and Lesley Crimmings
Associations with Ted Brady, ALP and Communist Party
Associations with Ted King, dentist
Associations with Ted Lazarus, Aboriginal runner
Associations with Terence John Santry, painter
Associations with Teresa Shepheard Mort, gentlewoman, industrialist's wife
Associations with Terry and Oakden, Melbourne architects
Associations with Terry Snow, businessman
Associations with the aboriginal community
Associations with the Allen family, pastoralists, farmers
Associations with the Antill family, soldiers, officials, graziers
Associations with the architects Walter Burley and Marion Mahoney Griffin
Associations with the architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin
Associations with the Australian Agricultural (AA) Company
Associations with the Australian Agricultural Company, estd.1824
Associations with the Australian Agricultural Company, pioneer pastoral and agricultural concern
Associations with the Australian Catholic University
Associations with the Australian College of General Practitioners
Associations with the Australian Estate Mortgage Company, landholder
Associations with the Australian Garden History Society
Associations with the Australian Institute of International Affairs, NSW Branch
Associations with the Australian Labor Party
Associations with the Australian Red Cross Society
Associations with the Australian Steam Navigation (ASN) Company
Associations with the Badgery family, pastoralists
Associations with the Bank of New York
Associations with the Baptist family, Sydney city nurserymen
Associations with the Bathurst Progress Association
Associations with the Bean family, farmers
Associations with the Blue Mountains Rhododendron Society of NSW, Inc.
Associations with the Bong Bong Picnic Race Club
Associations with the Bowral and Moss Vale Club
Associations with the Bowral Cricket Club
Associations with the Bruce family
Associations with the Brush Farm Corrective Services Academy
Associations with the Builders' Labourers' Federation union
Associations with the Burdekin family, Singleton land owners
Associations with the Burkitt brothers, cattle stud owners
Associations with the C.B. Alexander Foundation, philanthropic body
Associations with the Camden Golf Club
Associations with the Carpentarian Reformatory for Boys
Associations with the Catholic College of Education, Sydney
Associations with the Cave family, gentlepersons
Associations with the Chapman family, graziers
Associations with the Chisholm family, graziers
Associations with the Christian Brothers, Catholic religious organisation
Associations with the Christian family, graziers
Associations with the Church Missionary Society
Associations with the Church of Christ
Associations with the City Night Refuge and Soup Kitchen
Associations with the City of Nagoya, Japan
Associations with the City of Ryde Art Society
Associations with the Clayton family, graziers
Associations with the Clergy and School Lands Corporation
Associations with the Clucas family, farmers
Associations with the Cole family, pastoralists, farmers
Associations with the Collard family
Associations with the Concordia Club Ltd, German community recreation club
Associations with the Cornwell family, brewers, maltsters and vinegar merchants
Associations with the Corrimal Coke Company, coke manufacturers
Associations with the Countess of Belmore, Lady Lowry-Corry, Governor's wife, gentlewoman
Associations with the Country Womens Association (CWA)
Associations with the Cudmore family, pioneering pastoralists
Associations with the Cumberland County Council
Associations with the Dalton family
Associations with the Dettman family
Associations with the Dixon family, farmers
Associations with the Douzan brothers, builders
Associations with the Dunera boys
Associations with the Durack family, graziers
Associations with the Earl of Harrington, in England
Associations with the Eastwood Home for Mothers and Babies
Associations with the Elizabethan Theatre Trust, theatre company
Associations with the English, Scottish and Australian Banking Company
Associations with the Fagan family, citrus farmers
Associations with the Fairall family, farmers
Associations with the Fitzroy Bessemer Steel Hematite Iron and Coal Company, iron and coal manufacturers
Associations with the Flanagan family, Orange landowners
Associations with the Garton family, farmers
Associations with the Gastineau-Hills family, gentlepersons
Associations with the Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service
Associations with the Giant Dwarf Theatre Group
Associations with the Gill family, graziers
Associations with the Girvan Brothers, master builders
Associations with the Glenn family
Associations with the Gospel Fishermen, religious sect
Associations with the Goulburn Hebrew Association
Associations with the Goulburn Meat Preserving Company
Associations with the Government Architect's Office
Associations with the Grace family, cricketers
Associations with the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, charity social group
Associations with the Hackney family, graziers and farmers
Associations with the Hastings Historical Society
Associations with the Hawkesbury Agricultural College
Associations with the Haydon family, Hunter Valley graziers
Associations with the Hazelton family
Associations with the Henderson family, farmers
Associations with the Hon William Broadribb MLA, politician
Associations with the Hon. A.R.L. Gordon MLA, Minister for Water Resources
Associations with the Hon. Ald. H.G. Coates MLA, Blue Mountains politician
Associations with the Hon. Ald. Varney Parkes MLA, local Councillor, architect, artist, Postmaster-General
Associations with the Hon. Alexander Brown, MLC, politician
Associations with the Hon. Alexander Macleay MLC, Colonial Secretary, MLA, naturalist and first Speaker of the House
Associations with the Hon. Alexander McArthur MLA, politician and businessman
Associations with the Hon. Alexander Ryrie MLA, MLC, grazier
Associations with the Hon. Alfred Kennerley, Premier, landholder, philanthropist
Associations with the Hon. Arthur A.W. Onslow MLA, MLC, naval officer, politician, grazier
Associations with the Hon. Arthur Alexander W. Onslow MLA, MLC, (1833-82), naval officer, politician, grazier
Associations with the Hon. Arthur Bruce Smith MHR, Clerk of Public Works, Treasurer, Attorney General
Associations with the Hon. Ben Chifley, Prime Minister, politician, train driver
Associations with the Hon. Captain William Russell MLA MLC, soldier, pastoralist, agricultirst, politician
Associations with the Hon. Charles Jeanneret MLA, steamboat proprietor, Mayor and businessman
Associations with the Hon. Clive Evatt MLC, barrister and state politician
Associations with the Hon. Colonel William Holborow CMG VD, storekeeper, soldier, politician
Associations with the Hon. David Henry Drummond, Minister for Education, state polititian
Associations with the Hon. Dr Richard Jenkins MP, pastoralist, politician
Associations with the Hon. Dr Richard Jenkins, pastoralist, politician
Associations with the Hon. Dugald Thomson, first federal MP for North Sydney
Associations with the Hon. E.H. Graham, Minister for Agriculture, 1940s-1950s
Associations with the Hon. Ebenezer Vickery MLC, prosperous merchant and benefactor
Associations with the Hon. Edward Flood MLA, MLC, building contractor, shipowner, politician, Mayor of Sydney
Associations with the Hon. Edward Hunt MLA, cabinet maker, Councillor, MP
Associations with the Hon. Fitzwilliam Wentworth, Attorney-General
Associations with the Hon. Francis John (Frank) White MLA, grazier, politician
Associations with the Hon. Frank Walker MP, Attorney-General, Minister and politician
Associations with the Hon. Fred Flowers, NSW politician
Associations with the Hon. Geoffrey Keighley OAM, cricketer, businessman, politician
Associations with the Hon. George Allen MLC, 1800-77, lawyer, politician
Associations with the Hon. George Bowman MLC, magistrate, Mayor of Richmond, explorer, speculator, Presbyterian elder
Associations with the Hon. George J. Morrice, grazier and politician
Associations with the Hon. George Oakes MLA, parliamentarian and Parramatta landholder
Associations with the Hon. George Oakes MLC, Parliamentarian and Parramatta landholder
Associations with the Hon. George Warburton Fuller, Premier, state and federal politician
Associations with the Hon. Gough Whitlam MP, Prime Minister, 1975-78
Associations with the Hon. Hannibal Hawkins Macarthur MLC, grazier, landholder, parliamentarian
Associations with the Hon. Hector Lamond MP, federal politician, Chair, Bowral Horticultural Society, newspaper propriet
Associations with the Hon. Henry Carey Dangar MLC, grazier. politician, racing enthusiast
Associations with the Hon. Henry Cary Dangar, grazier and politician
Associations with the Hon. Henry Clarke MLA, politician
Associations with the Hon. Henry Dangar MLA, Government Surveyor 1820s+, Colonial politician 1845-51
Associations with the Hon. Henry Edward Kater, politician
Associations with the Hon. Henry Willis MLC, federal and state parliamentarian, local councillor
Associations with the Hon. J.B. (Ben) Chifley, Prime Minister
Associations with the Hon. J.J. (Joe) Cahill, NSW Premier
Associations with the Hon. J.L. Trefle, Secretary for Lands, 1912-15
Associations with the Hon. J.T. (Jack) Lang MLA, NSW Treasurer, Premier
Associations with the Hon. James Cobb White MLC, grazier, politician
Associations with the Hon. James Dooley MLA, NSW Premier
Associations with the Hon. James Fairbairn, Commonwealth Minister for Civil Aviation
Associations with the Hon. James Fletcher MLA, MP for Newcastle
Associations with the Hon. James Henry Douglass MP, pastoralist and politician
Associations with the Hon. James Macarthur MLC, landowner, politician, farmer
Associations with the Hon. James Macarthur-Onslow MLA, James William, soldier, grazier and politician
Associations with the Hon. James Sheen Dowling MLC, NSW Chief Justice, Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
Associations with the Hon. James White MLC, MLA, grazier, politician, horse breeder and racer, MLC
Associations with the Hon. James White, grazier, horse breeder and racer, MLC
Associations with the Hon. John Alexander (Jack) Ferguson MLC, trade unionist, politiciian, public servant
Associations with the Hon. John Connell Laycock MLA, businesman, farmer
Associations with the Hon. John Connell Laycock, MLA, businesman, farmer
Associations with the Hon. John Frazer, wealthy merchant, politician, philanthropist
Associations with the Hon. John Hatton, Independent MLA, 1973-95
Associations with the Hon. John Hewson, politician, financier
Associations with the Hon. John Hughes, solicitor and politician
Associations with the Hon. John Kidd prominent State politician and grazier
Associations with the Hon. John Kidd, prominent State politician and grazier
Associations with the Hon. John Lackey MLC, politician
Associations with the Hon. John Marks, agriculturist, State Politician, Mayor of Kiama
Associations with the Hon. John Morrissey, politician
Associations with the Hon. Joseph (Joe) Lyons, Prime Minister
Associations with the Hon. Joseph Docker MLC, grazier, photographer, politician
Associations with the Hon. Joseph George Raphael, Joseph George Raphael, a merchant, publican, clothier, shipping agent,
Associations with the Hon. Joseph Jackson MLA, politician and benefactor
Associations with the Hon. Judge Roger Therry MLC, judge, politician
Associations with the Hon. Ken Booth MP, Minister for Sport, 1970s
Associations with the Hon. Lionel John Charles Seymour Dawson-Damer, engineer, politician, motor racing enthusiast
Associations with the Hon. Lt.-Governor (later Gen.) Sir Maurice O'Connell, soldier, Lt-Governor NSW
Associations with the Hon. Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister, politician
Associations with the Hon. Michael Fitzpatrick MLA, Colonial Secretary and politician
Associations with the Hon. Mjr.-Gen. James Macarthur-Onslow MLA, MLC, soldier, grazier, politician
Associations with the Hon. Neville Wran AC CNZM QC, NSW Premier 1976-86
Associations with the Hon. Nick Greiner, NSW Premier, 1988-?
Associations with the Hon. Niels R.W. Nielsen, Secretary for Lands, 1910-12
Associations with the Hon. Paul Keating, MP and Prime Minister
Associations with the Hon. Paul Landa, NSW Minister for Planning and Environment
Associations with the Hon. Phillip Parker King MLC, naval officer, hydrographer, company manager, politician
Associations with the Hon. R.J. Heffron MLA, MP and Premier
Associations with the Hon. Reg Downing, NSW politician, Minister for Justice, Attorney-General
Associations with the Hon. Richard Bowker MP, surgeon and politician
Associations with the Hon. Richard Windeyer, lawyer, politician, grazier, gentleman
Associations with the Hon. Robert Haworth MLA, builder, publican, politician
Associations with the Hon. Robert Kinchela, lawyer, Attorney-General
Associations with the Hon. Samuel Dean Gordon, merchant, pastoralist, MLA and MLC.
Associations with the Hon. Sir Alfred Stephen MLA, Chief Justice and legislator
Associations with the Hon. Sir Arthur Renwick, physician, philanthropist and politician
Associations with the Hon. Sir Austin Chapman, businessman, NSW and federal politician
Associations with the Hon. Sir Charles Kinnaird Mackellar, Head of NSW Board of Health, MP, philanthropist
Associations with the Hon. Sir Charles Kinnaird McKellar, Doctor, MP, philanthropist
Associations with the Hon. Sir Charles Nicholson MLC, statesman, landowner, businessman, connoisseur, scholar, physician
Associations with the Hon. Sir Edmund Barton, First Prime Minister
Associations with the Hon. Sir George Dibbs, Premier of NSW
Associations with The Hon. Sir George Reid, NSW Premier, Prime Minister, Federal MP
Associations with the Hon. Sir Henry Parkes, Premier, father of Federation
Associations with the Hon. Sir James Martin, prominent lawyer, politician
Associations with the Hon. Sir John Beverley Peden, MLC, KCMG, barrister, politician and Cobargo farmer
Associations with the Hon. Sir John Hay, pastoralist and politician
Associations with the Hon. Sir John Peden MLC, KCMG, barrister and Cobargo farmer
Associations with the Hon. Sir John Robertson, Premier and colonial politician
Associations with the Hon. Sir John See, politician, Premier
Associations with the Hon. Sir Joseph Cook, Prime Minister
Associations with the Hon. Sir Joseph Palmer Abbott MP, KCMG., former speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly
Associations with the Hon. Sir Joseph Palmer Abbott, KCMG, former speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly
Associations with the Hon. Sir Phillip Game, NSW Governor
Associations with the Hon. Sir Robert Askin, former NSW premier
Associations with the Hon. Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, Prime Minister and barrister
Associations with the Hon. Sir Samuel Cohen, retailer, politician and philanthropist
Associations with the Hon. Sir Samuel McCaughey MLC, pastoralist and politician
Associations with the Hon. Sir Saul Samuel MLA, MLC, First Jewish Magistrate, Parliarmentarian and Minister of the Crown
Associations with the Hon. Sir William and Lady Sonia McMahon, former Prime Minister and socialite
Associations with the Hon. Sir William John Macleay, pastoralist, politican, patron of science
Associations with the Hon. Sir William Macarthur MLC, pastoralist, politician, benefactor, horticulturist, gentry
Associations with the Hon. Sir William McMillan MLC, politician and Federalism proponent
Associations with the Hon. Sydney Burdekin MLA, pastoralist, landlord and politician
Associations with the Hon. T.L. Lewis MLA, Minister for Lands 1970s
Associations with the Hon. T.R. Bavin, NSW Premier
Associations with the Hon. Thomas Barker MLA, pastoralist, miller, politician
Associations with the Hon. Thomas Dalton, MLC, politician
Associations with the Hon. Thomas Hodges Mate MP, grazier, hotelier, shopkeeper, politician, magistrate
Associations with the Hon. Thomas Holt MLA, businessman, landholder
Associations with the Hon. Thomas Hungerford, pastoralist and politician
Associations with the Hon. Thomas Ware Smart, landholder, merchant, politician, magistrate
Associations with the Hon. Tom Uren, Federal Minister for Regional and Urban Development
Associations with the Hon. W. (Bill) Hayden MP, Australian Governor General
Associations with the Hon. W. (Bill) Hayden MP, Governor General
Associations with the Hon. W.G. (Geoffrey) Keighley OAM, NSW Parliamentarian, grazier and cricketer
Associations with the Hon. W.H. Paul MHA, politician
Associations with the Hon. Walter Lamb MLC, businessman, pastoralist, politician
Associations with the Hon. Willam Hay MLA, pastoralist and politician
Associations with the Hon. William (Bill) Hayden MP, Australian Governor General
Associations with the Hon. William Adams (W.A.) Brodribb Jr. MLA, squatter, pastoralist, farm manager, Vic. and NSW poli
Associations with the Hon. William Bede Dalley, MP, solicitor, patriot, scholar
Associations with the Hon. William Bowman MLC, grazier, parliamentarian, immigration-proponent
Associations with the Hon. William Bradley MLA, prominent farmer, grazier and entrepreneur
Associations with the Hon. William Charles Wentworth
Associations with the Hon. William Charles Wentworth, explorer, politician, fathor of the Constitution
Associations with the Hon. William Forster, Premier of NSW, 1856-60
Associations with the Hon. William Hay MLA, pastoralist and politician
Associations with the Hon. William John Dumaresq MLC, grazier and politician
Associations with the Hon. William McCourt MLA, newspaper proprietor and MP for Berrima
Associations with the Hon. William McKell, Premier
Associations with the Hon. William Piddington MLA, bookseller, politician, Blue Mountains promoter
Associations with the Hon. William Tunks MLA, first Mayor of East St.Leonards, 1870s
Associations with the Hon. William Walker MLC, merchant of Sydney
Associations with the Housing Board, state government agency
Associations with the Housing Commission, state government agency
Associations with the Hoyts company, theatre and cinema operators
Associations with the Hume family, farmers, explorers, property owners
Associations with the Hunter River Steam Navigation (HRSN) Company
Associations with the Huon family, farmers
Associations with the Hutcheson Brothers, builders
Associations with the Hyde Park Improvement Committee
Associations with the International Dendrology Society
Associations with the Johnston family, Lt. Governor and farmers
Associations with the Joubert brothers, developers and builders
Associations with the La Perouse Aboriginal community
Associations with the Lee family
Associations with the Lee family, graziers
Associations with the Leonard family, graziers
Associations with the Linz family, farmers
Associations with the Macarthur - Onslow family dynasty
Associations with the Macarthur family, graziers
Associations with the Mackay family, farmers, graziers
Associations with the Mansfield brothers, architects
Associations with the Marist Brothers
Associations with the Marist Sisters
Associations with the Maritime Services Board, state government agency
Associations with the Marquis of Ormonde, Irish lord and patron
Associations with the McCarthy family, haberdashers
Associations with the McCredie brothers, builders
Associations with the McLeod Brothers, builders
Associations with the McPhillamy family, Bathurst district
Associations with the Melocco Brothers, terrazzo, scagliola, marble, mosaic specialists
Associations with the Millers Point Push, gangsters
Associations with the Misses C. and S. Cooksey, ptivate school teachers
Associations with the Molyneaux family
Associations with the Moss Vale Jockey Club
Associations with the Most Rt. Rev. Monsignor C.P. Flateley PRVF, Catholic priest
Associations with the Myer family, merchants, philanthropists
Associations with the National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Associations with the NSW Department of Public Works
Associations with the NSW Government Architect's Office
Associations with the NSW Government Housing Board
Associations with the NSW Government Railways
Associations with the Oberland family, conservators
Associations with the O'Brien family, graziers
Associations with the Ogilvy family, graziers, pastoralists
Associations with the Osborne family, graziers
Associations with the Packham family
Associations with the Paddington Ionic Masonic Lodge
Associations with the Pearce family, farmers
Associations with The Performance Space, Redfern
Associations with the Perpetual Trustee Company
Associations with the Phoenix Community Services Ltd., Goulburn
Associations with the Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Co. Ltd.
Associations with the Port Macquarie Historical Society
Associations with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Associations with the Quigg family, prominent Canterbury citizens
Associations with the Reform Club
Associations with the Returned Services League (RSL)
Associations with the Right Reverend Frederic Barker, priest
Associations with the Roberts family, farmers
Associations with the Rocks Cottage Type Nursing Home Committee
Associations with the Royal Agricultural Society
Associations with the Royal Agricultural Society
Associations with the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
Associations with the Royal Australian Historical Society
Associations with the Royal Australian Navy
Associations with the Royal Blind Society/for the Blind
Associations with the Royal Doulton company, UK ceramics manufacturers
Associations with the Royal Horticultural Society of NSW
Associations with the Rt. Rev. Frederic Barker, priest
Associations with the Rt. Rev. Robert Beal, Bishop of Wangaratta
Associations with the Rt. Rev. Sydney James Kirkby, Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Sydney
Associations with the Rt. Rev. William Grant Broughton, first Bishop of Australia, first Bishop of Sydney
Associations with the Ryde and District Historical Society
Associations with the Ryde Rotary Club
Associations with the Ryrie family, graziers
Associations with the second Baronet Sir Leonard Lucas-Tooth, gentleman
Associations with the Sieler family, graziers
Associations with the Simpsons Brothers, builders
Associations with the Sisters of Compassion
Associations with the Sisters of Mercy
Associations with the Sisters of Mercy order of nuns
Associations with the Sisters of St Joseph, Catholic order of nuns
Associations with the Sisters of the Good Samaritan Order
Associations with the Society of Australian Genealogists
Associations with the Southern and Portland Cement Co., Ltd.
Associations with the State Children's Relief Board
Associations with the State Planning Authority
Associations with the Sutton family, farmers
Associations with the Sydney City Mission
Associations with the Sydney Cove Redevelopment Authority
Associations with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
Associations with the Sydney Harbour Trust, port and foreshore reformers
Associations with the Taber family, farmers
Associations with the Tattersalls Club, social club
Associations with the Taylor family - Tom and Molly,Ted and Helen, Currango Homestead caretakers
Associations with the Texan Oil Company (Australia), later Caltex
Associations with the Throsby family, doctors and farmers
Associations with the Timbery family, La Perouse residents
Associations with the Twofold Bay Pastoral Assocation
Associations with the Unwin family, graziers
Associations with the Very Rev. Dr Barton Babbage, Anglican Dean of Sydney, 1950s
Associations with the War Veterans' Homes
Associations with the Wardrop family, landowners
Associations with the Warrigal Club
Associations with the Waterside Workers Federation (WWF)
Associations with the Webb family, farmers
Associations with the Whalan family, Sodwalls pioneer farmers
Associations with the Wilkie brothers, Goulburn builders
Associations with the Willandra Pastoral Company
Associations with the women of O'Connell village
Associations with the Womens Liberation movement
Associations with the Ziegfeld Follies, American theatre company
Associations with theatre performers
Associations with Theo. Marks (later of Robertson and Marks), architect
Associations with Theodosia Ogilvie, gentlewoman
Associations with Thistle Stead, conservationist and author
Associations with Thomas (Tommy) Edward Taylor, Irish migrant
Associations with Thomas Abbott, grazier
Associations with Thomas Alfred Field II, merchant, butcher and grazier
Associations with Thomas Allwright Dibbs, CBC Bank Manager, landowner, philanthropist
Associations with Thomas and Rachel Martha Brooks, landowners
Associations with Thomas Barker MLA, pastoralist, miller, politician
Associations with Thomas Besnard, Auctioneer Agent
Associations with Thomas Bird, architect
Associations with Thomas Birkby, head gardener
Associations with Thomas Bosden, broker
Associations with Thomas Bower, gentleman
Associations with Thomas Bradley, grazier
Associations with Thomas Brown, coalmine owner
Associations with Thomas Brown, estate owner and colliery proprietor
Associations with Thomas Brown, land owner and colliery proprietor
Associations with Thomas Browne, landowner, colliery proprietor
Associations with Thomas Buckland, merchant, pastoralist and banker
Associations with Thomas Cadell, dairy farmer
Associations with Thomas Capel, brewer
Associations with Thomas Chippendale, landowner
Associations with Thomas Clayden, Sydney builder
Associations with Thomas Crittenden, gentleman
Associations with Thomas Dalton, Mayor of Orange (1877)
Associations with Thomas Dalton, retail merchant
Associations with Thomas D'Archy, pastoralist
Associations with Thomas Dennett, settler/farmer
Associations with Thomas Elder, prominent 19th c. Entrepreneur
Associations with Thomas Fisher, barrister
Associations with Thomas Fitzgerald Hawkins MLC, Bathurst commissariat officer, grazier
Associations with Thomas Foster Knox, Colonial Sugar Company Director
Associations with Thomas Gatton Dalton, Mayor of Orange (1877)
Associations with Thomas Gladswood Brunton, gentleman
Associations with Thomas Golden
Associations with Thomas Gordon Arndell, dairy farmer
Associations with Thomas Gosper, artist
Associations with Thomas Hanley, builder
Associations with Thomas Harris, farm worker, Camden Park gardener
Associations with Thomas Hinton, Town Clerk of Campbelltown
Associations with Thomas Holmes, landowner
Associations with Thomas Holt, pastoralist and politician
Associations with Thomas Holt, pastoralist, politician, wool exporter
Associations with Thomas Holt, wool buyer and exporter
Associations with Thomas Humphries, publican
Associations with Thomas Hussey (T.H.) Kelly Sr., wool-broker and businessman
Associations with Thomas Hussey Kelly, woolbroker and merchant
Associations with Thomas Hyndes, donor of the land
Associations with Thomas Hyndes, donor of the land, convict, timber merchant, church founder
Associations with Thomas Icely, pastoralist
Associations with Thomas Iceton, leading Burwood citizen
Associations with Thomas James
Associations with Thomas James, innkeeper
Associations with Thomas Jarman Hawkins, Coroner, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Gold Commissioner
Associations with Thomas Jenkins, farmer
Associations with Thomas Jest, servant/farmer
Associations with Thomas Kellet, developer
Associations with Thomas Kendall Bowden, solicitor
Associations with Thomas Kenneally, writer
Associations with Thomas Kite, grazier
Associations with Thomas Laing, Hon.Sec., Parks and Playground Movement
Associations with Thomas Lamb, first Town Clerk of Armidale
Associations with Thomas Laycock Jr, soldier, explorer, businessman, grazier
Associations with Thomas Laycock Jr., soldier, explorer, businessman, grazier
Associations with Thomas Lee, grazier
Associations with Thomas Levick, Welsh ironworks manager
Associations with Thomas Macquoid, High Sheriff of NSW
Associations with Thomas McKibbin Jr., grazier
Associations with Thomas McKibbin Sr., grazier
Associations with Thomas McVitie, landowner
Associations with Thomas Mitchell, grazier
Associations with Thomas Morgan, teacher
Associations with Thomas Newning, dry stone waller
Associations with Thomas O'Rourke, pastoralist
Associations with Thomas Palethorpe (Pailthorpe) gardener
Associations with Thomas Pearce, orchardist
Associations with Thomas Pembroke, innkeeper
Associations with Thomas Perkins, merchant and draper
Associations with Thomas Pye, farmer, orchardist
Associations with Thomas Reedy, gardener, farm employee
Associations with Thomas Robertson, Riverina grazier
Associations with Thomas Rose, Dr William Redfern, Governor Lachlan Macquarie and John Kidd
Associations with Thomas Rose, ex-convict merchant, publican, farmer
Associations with Thomas Rowe, architect
Associations with Thomas Rowley, NSW Corps soldier, farmer
Associations with Thomas Rutledge, grazier and farmer
Associations with Thomas Salter, Victorian era farmer
Associations with Thomas Shepherd, colonial nurseryman and landscape gardener,
Associations with Thomas Smyth, landowner, grazier
Associations with Thomas Stevens, emancipated convict
Associations with Thomas Stubbs, colonial farmer
Associations with Thomas Surfleet Kendall, landowner
Associations with Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, merchant, philanthropist, horticulturist
Associations with Thomas Telford, gentleman
Associations with Thomas Tipple Smith, builder
Associations with Thomas Underwood, settler, distiller, landholder
Associations with Thomas Vincent, grazier
Associations with Thomas Walker, industrialist, banker and philanthropist
Associations with Thomas Walker, public official
Associations with Thomas Watson, gentleman
Associations with Thomas Watson, master mariner, shipowner, pilot, gentleman
Associations with Thomas West, emancipated convict, farmer
Associations with Thomas Whitehead, Upper Murray publican
Associations with Thomas Williamson, convict farmer, Illawarra
Associations with Thomas Wilmott, ex-convict farmer
Associations with Thomas Wm. Heney, first Australian editor, Sydney Morning Herald
Associations with Thomas Woolley, ironmonger
Associations with Thomas Woolmer, prominent sculptor in English pre-Raphaelite movement
Associations with Thomas Wylde, landholder
Associations with Thurston and Angel
Associations with Tibby Cotter
Associations with Tim Storrier, painter
Associations with Tim Throsby, expatriate banker
Associations with Tom Burton Dibbs, gentleman
Associations with Tom Hayson and son Ian Hayson, property developers
Associations with Tom Inglis Moore, poet, journalist, scholar, writer, teacher
Associations with Tom Inglis Moore, writer, academic, teacher
Associations with Tom Malone, Irish runner
Associations with Tom Paton, Upper Murray pastoralist
Associations with Tom Roberts, artist
Associations with Tom Wood, Wagga Wagga Parks Superindendent
Associations with Tommy Howard golf course designer 1920s / 1930s.
Associations with Tony Albert, Indigenous artist
Associations with Tony Rodd, horticultural botanist
Associations with Tony Tuckson, painter, arts administrator
Associations with Tooth and Company, brewers
Associations with Trevor and Margaret Hinman, landowners
Associations with Trisha Dixon Burkitt, photographer, author, pilot, TV presenter, tour leader
Associations with Trooper H.W.Waddell, killed in the Boer War
Associations with TS Phillips, architect
Associations with Twibill Quinn O'Hanlon, architects
Associations with Una van der Velde, gentlewoman
Associations with Urs and Francesca Schwarzenbach, financier and wife
Associations with Valmai Trevor-Jones, gentlewoman
Associations with Vandyke brothers, industrial manufacturers of buidlings materials
Associations with Varney Parkes, architect, artist, Postmaster-General and Politician
Associations with Veitch and Sons, UK nursery
Associations with Vernon and Joseland, architects
Associations with Vice Admiral Fanshawe, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Navy
Associations with Vicompte de la Perouse, French explorer
Associations with Victor Louis Bosker Haigh, barrister
Associations with Victor Trumper, cricketer
Associations with Victor White, gentleman
Associations with Victoria Moore, grazier
Associations with Vida Muir, gentlewoman, farmer, gardener
Associations with Violet Bennett, gentlewoman and philanthropist to Childrens welfare and Red Cross groups
Associations with Violet Charlotte Woodhouse (nee Dinneny, later Vardy) gentlewoman
Associations with Virgil Cizzio, architect with Agabiti and Millane
Associations with W. Duncan, Goulburn builder
Associations with W. Eastham, theatre store retailer
Associations with W. Maskus, farmer
Associations with W. Monie and J. Angus, railway engineers
Associations with W. Price, landowner
Associations with W. Stewart Page, schoolmaster
Associations with W. Stronach, builder
Associations with W. Swanson, grazier
Associations with W. Wilson and Company, builders
Associations with W.B. Rider, Sydney City Engineer
Associations with W.C. Douglass
Associations with W.E. (William) Kemp, architect, particularly of schools
Associations with W.G. Brewer, builder of Marrickville
Associations with W.H. Davison, grazier
Associations with W.H. Foggitt, architect
Associations with W.H. Hoskings, industrialist
Associations with W.J. Anderson, builder
Associations with W.J. Bartlett, brewer
Associations with W.J. Clunies Ross, scientist and teacher
Associations with W.J. Knight, builder
Associations with W.M. Macfarlane, Water Police Court Magistrate
Associations with W.O.J. Knowles, builder
Associations with W.R. Laurie, architect
Associations with W.W. Barrie, builder
Associations with W.W. Brocklehurst, English gentry grazier
Associations with W.W. Todd and Sons, builders
Associations with W.W.Brocklehurst, English gentry grazier
Associations with Walford, Sparks and Solomon Emanuel, businessmen, brewers
Associations with Wallace Arabin Smith, grazier
Associations with Wally Fellowes, Curator, Albury Botanic Gardens
Associations with Walter (Wally) Abraham, architect
Associations with Walter Buchanan Young, Gundagai magistrate
Associations with Walter Burley and Marion Mahony Griffin architects and landscape architects
Associations with Walter Edward Mitchell, grazier and lover of literature
Associations with Walter Frederick White, City Architect's Dept, Municipal Council of Sydney
Associations with Walter Gawne and Sons, builders
Associations with Walter Goodman, shoe merchant, entrepreneur
Associations with Walter Hall, gentleman
Associations with Walter Harrington Britton, grazier
Associations with Walter Hazlewood, nurseryman
Associations with Walter Hoad, Yarrangobilly Caves caretaker
Associations with Walter J Clift, gentleman
Associations with Walter Lamb
Associations with Walter Levi, farmer
Associations with Walter Liberty Vernon, architect
Associations with Walter Liberty Vernon, Government Architect 1890-1911, private architect
Associations with Walter Liberty Vernon, Government Architect, private architect
Associations with Walter Maurice, farmer
Associations with Walter McGill, sculptor
Associations with Walter McGrath, gentleman
Associations with Walter Oswald Watt
Associations with Walter Parish, solicitor
Associations with Walter Pearce, priest
Associations with Walter Scott, grazier, farmer
Associations with Walter Symington Strang, Manufacturers Agent in fabrics
Associations with War Heroes
Associations with Ward and Olive Harvard, prominent RAHS members
Associations with Warren Anderson, entrepreneur
Associations with Warren Anderson, property developer
Associations with Warwick Watson, Assistant Superintendent, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
Associations with Watson (Wattie) McKibbin, grazier
Associations with Weaver and Kemp, architects
Associations with Wendy Whiteley, artist and muse
Associations with Wesley Hambion, gentleman
Associations with White Brothers, pastoralists and farmers
Associations with Willhelm Gross, indentured German carpenter
Associations with William Alexander Long, landowner
Associations with William and Elizabeth Pearce, graziers
Associations with William and Jessie Northcott, saddler / merchant family
Associations with William Anderson, Akubra hat manufacturer
Associations with William Arthur Helleyer, solicitor, farmer, viticulturist
Associations with William Bakewell, brick and tile manufacturer
Associations with William Balcombe, Chief Clerk in Equity, Supreme Court of NSW
Associations with William Balmain, major land owner
Associations with William Barker, landowner
Associations with William Barton, innkeeper
Associations with William Batman, landholder
Associations with William Bauerlen, plant collector, botanist, author
Associations with William Bawden, grazier
Associations with William Beaumont, hotel proprietor and entrepreneur
Associations with William Billyard, Crown Solicitor, 1870s
Associations with William Blakely (1875-1941), botanist and plant collector
Associations with William Boles, architect
Associations with William Bootes, carpenter, publican, farmer
Associations with William Bowman, innkeeper
Associations with William Boyce Allen, soliticitor
Associations with William Bradbury, emancipated convict landowner
Associations with William Bradley MLA, prominent farmer, grazier and entrepreneur
Associations with William Branch, Overseer of Convicts, Port Macquarie, 1823 - 1832
Associations with William Broadfoot Mitchell, gentleman
Associations with William Broughton, magristrate, acting Commisary-General, pastoralist
Associations with William Brown, shale oil miner
Associations with William Buchanan, Clerk of Works, Department of Public Works, 1830s
Associations with William Buckingham, storekeeper
Associations with William Bull JP, solicitor
Associations with William Bursill, auctioneer
Associations with William Buss, innkeeper
Associations with William Butler, settler farmer
Associations with William Byrne, Sutton Forest farmer and landholder
Associations with William Carr, solicitor
Associations with William Carss, mason, carpenter, publican
Associations with William Chandler Eldridge, landowner
Associations with William Charles Payne, businessman
Associations with William Charles Wentworth, explorer, politician, fathor of the Constitution
Associations with William Charles Windeyer, solicitor
Associations with William Chisholm, builder
Associations with William Christopher Bennett, Bridge Engineer
Associations with William Cobley
Associations with William Colley, farmer
Associations with William Cooper Nephews, veterinary researcher
Associations with William Cooper, Aboriginal leader, mission dweller, advocate
Associations with William Cordeaux Jr., banker and pastoralist
Associations with William Cordeaux Sr., Commissariat staff and successful Cow Pastures grazier
Associations with William Cordeaux, Commissariat staff and successful Cow Pastures grazier
Associations with William Cox Jr., farmer
Associations with William Cox, road builder over Blue Mountains
Associations with William Cox, road builder over Blue Mountains, magistrate, farmer
Associations with William Cyrpian Curtis and Rose Curtis (nee Keighan), landowner
Associations with William Dawes, soldier and astronomer
Associations with William de Putron, architect and entrepreneur
Associations with William Dickson, publican
Associations with William Dobell, painter
Associations with William Donaldson, accountant to Mungo Scott Flour Mills, Summer Hill
Associations with William Doulgas Campbell, Scottish landholder
Associations with William Doyle, emancipated convict, innkeeper
Associations with William E Kemp, Dept. of Education architect
Associations with William Ealy Sampson, pastoralist
Associations with William Edmund Kemp, architect to the Department of Public Instruction (Education)
Associations with William Fagan, coach driver
Associations with William Farrer, pioneer rust free wheat breeder
Associations with William Fieldhouse businessman
Associations with William Foord, builder
Associations with William Fowler, postmoster
Associations with William Frances Weston,early Illawarra farmer
Associations with William Francis Schey, M.P. for Redfern/Darlington and later Director of Labour and Industry
Associations with William Gale, teamster, sawmill owner, publican
Associations with William Geoghagen, wharfinger, entrepreneur
Associations with William George Hayes, sheep farmer
Associations with William Glover, landowner
Associations with William Goldsmith, butcher and wife, Alice
Associations with William Gordon, schoolteacher
Associations with William Gore, Provost Marshall
Associations with William Graham, emancipated convict farmer
Associations with William Grant, head gardener, Admiralty House, 1905-8
Associations with William Guilfoyle, garden designer, Director of Melbourne Botanic Gardens, 1870s-1910s
Associations with William H Mackenzie, settler
Associations with William Hardy Wilson, architect, artist, writer, conservationist
Associations with William Harper, Assistant Colonial Surveyor
Associations with William Henry McKeown, Methodist
Associations with William Henry Suttor Jr., pastoralist
Associations with William Henry Suttor Sr., pastoralist
Associations with William Henry Thompson, farmer, grazier
Associations with William Henry, farmer
Associations with William Herbert Manning, barrister
Associations with William Howe, settler, grazier, magistrate
Associations with William Hughes, English brickmaker
Associations with William Hughes, immigrant ironworker
Associations with William Hutchinson, landowner
Associations with William J. Henderson, grazier
Associations with William Jack, gentleman
Associations with William James Hale McQuade Jr., merchant
Associations with William James Lennon, broker
Associations with William Jardine, Scottish migrant grazier
Associations with William Jarret, farmer, viticulturist
Associations with William Jauncey, gentleman
Associations with William Jeater, architect
Associations with William John Dangar, pastoralist
Associations with William John Dangar, racehorse breeder, horticulturist, grazier
Associations with William John Macleay, pastoralist, politician, patron of science
Associations with William John Monks, architect
Associations with William Joseph McPherson, landholder
Associations with William Joyce, emancipist farmer
Associations with William Kemp, architect
Associations with William Kerwood, architect
Associations with William Killon, storekeeper
Associations with William Klesendorlff, innkeeper, publican
Associations with William Knox Child, Deputy Lieutenant of County of Kent, UK and bank inspector and director
Associations with William Landers, publican
Associations with William Lawson Jr., grazier
Associations with William Lee, grazier
Associations with William Long, emancipist and publican
Associations with William Long, farmer
Associations with William Longhurst, carpenter
Associations with William Mackay, grazier
Associations with William Manning, landowner
Associations with William Manning, landowner, Australian Agricultural Company Commissioner
Associations with William Mason and Co., builders
Associations with William McDonald, emancipist and businessman
Associations with William McFadzean, builder
Associations with William McQuade Sr., merchant
Associations with William Mobbs Jr., landholder and philanthropist
Associations with William Mobbs, orchardist and farmer
Associations with William Moles, settler, farmer
Associations with William Monie and Company, builders
Associations with William Moore, grazier
Associations with William Morris (Billy) Hughes, Prime Minister 1915-1923
Associations with William Munro, well known Scottish builder become architect
Associations with William Nicholson, landholder
Associations with William Northcott, saddler, merchant
Associations with William Notting, Secretary, Harbour Foreshores Vigilance Committee
Associations with William Parish, settler farmer
Associations with William Parrott, emancipated convict grazier
Associations with William Peisley and family, butchers and graziers
Associations with William Perry, gentleman
Associations with William Pilling and family, absentee graziers
Associations with William Pitt Faithfull, grazier, racehorse breeder and enthusiast
Associations with William Povey, engineer, ironworks manager, and investor
Associations with William Purves, gentleman
Associations with William Randle (Randall), builder
Associations with William Redfern Antill, magistrate, prominent early settler
Associations with William Richards, London shipowner
Associations with William Richardson, English migrant, pastoralist
Associations with William Riley, businessman, grazier
Associations with William Robinson, builder
Associations with William Rothery, pastoralist
Associations with William Rudd Sr. and Sarah Rudd, graziers
Associations with William Rutledge, grazier and farmer
Associations with William Sale, gentleman of Qld.
Associations with William Sandford, ironworks and blast furnace owner
Associations with William Sandford, principal of Eskbank Iron and Steel Works
Associations with William Sapsford, City Architect, Sydney
Associations with William Sharp Macleay FRS, FLS, public servant, scholar and naturalist
Associations with William Sharp Macleay, public servant, scholar and naturalist
Associations with William Shelley, businessman, brewer
Associations with William Sherwin, grazier
Associations with William Slade, architect
Associations with William Sloane, Riverina grazier
Associations with William Stanley Jevons, Royal Mint worker and photographer
Associations with William Stewart, farmer
Associations with William Stokes, builder
Associations with William Suttor, pastoralist
Associations with William Swann, schoolteacher and his family
Associations with William Swann, schoolteacher, his wife Elizabeth and their family
Associations with William Thompson, Yass newsagent
Associations with William Tipple Smith, mineralogist and manager of the Fitz Roy Iron Works
Associations with William Tom, Methodist preacher
Associations with William Tonks, landholder
Associations with William Townsend, settler
Associations with William Tunks MLA, first Mayor of East St.Leonards, 1870s
Associations with William Walker, merchant and yachtsman
Associations with William Walker, merchant of Sydney
Associations with William Wallace, grazier
Associations with William Wardell, architect
Associations with William Warren Jenkins, farmer
Associations with William Weaver, Colonial Architect 1855-6, architect-engineer
Associations with William Wells, emancipated convict, hotelier
Associations with William White, Maitland architect
Associations with William Wilkinson Wardell, architect
Associations with William Williams
Associations with William Winton, farmer and flour miller
Associations with Willoughby Downing, grazier
Associations with Windradyne, Wiradjuri warrior
Associations with Winifred Macarthur-Onslow, gentlewoman
Associations with Winifred White (nee Withycombe), mother of author Patrick White
Associations with Woodhouse and Danks, architects
Associations with Wyn Jones, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service naturalist
Associations with Yuranigh, explorer's guide
Associations with Zacharias Theodore (Jack) Simos, cafe owner
Asssociations with Hugh Buhrich
Asssociations with local resident and Australian photographer Max Dupain
Astronomical Observatory Stations
At home with a national leader
attached housing
Attached residential building
Attempting to transplant European farming practices to Australian environments
Attempting to transplant European farming practices to Australian environments
Attempting to transplant European farming practises to Australian environments
Auction Houses
Australian Agricultural Company
Australian Postal Service
Author Nat Gould
Availability of Water
Avenue of trees
Avenue or stand of ornamental trees
Avenue tree planting
Awabakal Nation - occupation sites
Award winning architecture
B Freak (Builder)
B. and B. Accommodation
Baby Clinic
baby Health
Baby Health Centre
Baby Health Centres
Baby health services
Bacteriology station
Baillieu family
Bakery and residence
Bakery and Tea Rooms
Bakery Employment
Baking and pastrycooking
Ballet School
Ballot Box
Baltic migrants
Banana plantations
Band Rotunda
Band Stand
Bangerang Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Banjo Patterson
Banjo Patterson's birthplace
Bank and residence
Bank Branch
Bank Chambers
Bank employment
Bank Manager Residence
Bank Managers
Bank premises
Bank residence
Banking Chambers
Baptist Church
Barkandji Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Barrier Industrial Council
Basalt quarry
Bavea Bros.
Beautifying Illawarra
Beautifying rural estates
Beautifying the Illawarra
Beautifying the townscape
Beautifying towns and villages
Beauty Clinic
Beauty Salon
Bee farming
Beef cattle breeding and raising
Beehive water well
Before development
Being a part of a trades guild
Belief and Faith
Belief and Faith
Bell casting
Bell Tower and Timber
Belmore Park
Belonging to a commune
Belonging to a friendly society for mutual benefits
Belonging to a historical society or heritage organisation
Belonging to a trade union
Belonging to an environmental group
Belonging to an historical society or heritage organisation
Belonging to an institution for self improvement
Ben and Hazel Broadhurst
Bendick Murrell
Benefactors; Librarians; Government Architects
Benevolent Home
Best family home
Between the Wars
Bicentennial celebrations
Bicentennial project
Bidjigal tribe - Eora nation
Billiard Room
Billiard Room Employment
Biodynamic Farming
Bird watching
Birpai tribe - sites evidencing occupation
Birth Hospitals
Birthing and mothercare
Birthing Hospital
Bishop Dr John Dunne
Bishop EJ Doody
Bishop William Grant Broughton
Bishopthorpe Estate
Black Trackers
Blackman and Parkes
Blacksmith and Smithy
Blackville and Yarraman Churches
Blackville Police and Court House
Blanch's Inn
Blessed Sacrament Congregation
Blessing memorial gates
Block of flats
Bloxsome Family
Blue Mountains Railway Stations
Boarding accommodation
Boarding House
Boarding Houses
Boarding School
Boat building and repairs
Boat Building and Shipwrighting
Boat servicing
Boat Shed
Boating, Fishing, Swimming
Boer War
Boer War Memorial
Book Collection
Boom Years- First Phase Suburbanisation post 1911
Booms and Busts Dairy produce In Muswellbrook
Booms and Busts The economic cycle of Muswellbrook
Boorowa Branchline Railway
Boot Factory
Border Markers
Botanical Garden
Botany Bay pleasure ground
Botany Bay Pleasureground
Bottle Forest Crown Lands
Bottle merchandising
Boundary riders camp
Bounding adminstrative areas
Bowling Club
Bowling Green
Bowman family
Boy Scouts
Boyd Bros
Boys Home
Brasnett Family
Breeding thoroughbreds for horse racing
Brewing and distilling alcoholic beverages
Brick cottage
Brick Georgian cottage
Brick Houses
Brick Kiln
Brick making
Brick nog construction
Brick semi detached house
Brick water well
Brick water well construction
Brickworks employment
Brickyards employment
Bridge - road
Bridge Construction
Bridge design
Bridge design and construction
Bridge name
Bridging rivers
Brinsley Family
Brinsley's Joinery Works
Brisbane's town layout
British military associations
British Military Board facility
British military cooperation site
British Royal Navy facility
British settlers
Broken Hill Centenary 1983, Bicentennial 1988
Bruce family
Buddhist - non-Christian
Budjiti Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Buffalo Lodge Hall
Buffalo Lodge Movement
Builder, contractor and undertaker
Buildign business in a mining town
Building activity since the 1930s
Building activity since the 1930's
Building and maintaining boats
Building and maintaining jetties, wharves and docks
Building and maintaining public light houses and stations
Building and maintaining public roads
Building and maintaining the air transport network
Building and maintaining the public railway system
Building and operating 'display villages' and project homes
Building and operating industrial tramways
Building and operating public infrastructure
Building and using prefabricated structures
Building Bridges
Building colonial forts
Building dry stone walls and structures
Building for seclusion
Building gaols and prisons in regional New South Wales
Building government railways
Building in brick
Building in response to climate - verandahs
Building in response to climate - bushfires
Building in response to climate - ocean pools and baths
Building in response to climate - ventilation devices
Building in response to climate - verandahs
Building in response to natural landscape features
Building in response to natural landscape features.
Building in slab
Building in stone
Building in weatherboard
Building local transport networks
Building Peace time healing and understanding between cultures
Building precinct
Building remnants
Building settlements, towns and cities
Building settlements, towns and cities - National Theme 4
Building the airport network
Building the cycle or cycleway network
Building the railway network
Building wharves and wharfside services
Buildings associated with leisure
Buildings constructed away from George Street on the Hill
Builiding in stone
Builidng in stone
Bundeena ChristianTraining School
Bundeena Holiday Resort
Bundella and Yarraman Churches
Bundella Churches
Bundjalung - understanding pre-contact Aboriginal communities
Bundjalung Nation - contact sites
Bundock Family
Bundy Clock
Bungalow housing 1900-1940
Burial ground
Burial place
Burial place of victim(s) of 1873 Bulli Colliery disaster
Burials and associated religious rituals and places
buried time capsules
Burning Municipal Wastes
Burying and remembering notable persons
Burying convicts
Burying diseased bodies and preventing infections
Burying notable people
Burying the dead
Burying the dead in customary ways
Bus or coach tourism
Bush ballads
Bush Chapel
Bush Concrete barn
Bush Nurses Home
Bush Nursing
Bush Nursing Association
Bush Nursing Cottage
Bush Nursing employment
Bush Nursing Hospital
Bush regeneration
Bush tracks
Bush Walking Track
Bushland Shire
Bushland Shire
Bushland Shire
Bushland Shire
Bushranger accommodation
Bushranger event
Business Premises
Busy Bee a Chinese Store
Butcher Shop
Butcher Shop Employment
Butcher's shop
Butchjer Shop
Butter Factory
Butter factory and sawmill emplyment
Butter Factory employment
C. V Foreshaw
C.E.Nott OAM
C.H.E. Chauvel
Cabinet Making
Cadigal tribe - Eora nation
Cafe and Store Employment
Cafe employment
café, shop
café, shop
California Bungalow Style
Californian Bungalow
Camel related transport and freight
Camel trains
Camelia Gardens E. G. Waterhouse
Cameron Family
Cameron Memorial Church
Campaigning for inclusion in political processes
Campbell Family
Camping at Hungry Corner
Can archaeological analysis of existing or subsurface building remains assist in dating Parramatta's built heritage more
Can archaeological evidence of convict barracks at Parramatta be used in conjunction with evidence of barracks in Windso
Can archaeological evidence of convict huts at Parramatta be used in conjunction with evidence of other convict huts to
Can buildings be identified which were built from the clays of particular brick pits?
Canal Development
Caoch Making Shop
Captain Druitt
Captain Henry Cook
Captain Piper
Capture site
Capturing and displaying war trophies
Capturing iconic landscapes in art
Car Industry
Car racing
Caravan Park
Caravan Park Employment
Caring for drug/alcohol addiction
Caring for Health
Caring for mothers and babies
Caring for sick in hospitals
Caring for the Aged and Unfortunate
Caring for the elderly
Caring for the sick in hospitals
Carl Baer
Carl Baer German
Caroona Churches
Carpenter Gothic Style
Carved tree
Cast iron
Catholic Church - Christian Brothers
Catholic Education
Catholic Presbytery
Catholic Residences
Catholic School
Cattle Grazing
Cattle industry
Cattle kings
Cattle stud
Cattle, sheep and horse breediing property
Celebrating sporting achievements
Celebrating union-initiated reforms
Cell block
Cemeteries & burial grounds
Cemeteries / Burial Grounds
Cemeteries and burial sites
Cemeteries and Graves
Cemeteries of the Warren Shire
Cemetery - monument design and details
Cemetery and headstones
Cemetery Chapel
Cemetery Employment
Cemetery gravestone designs
Cemetery gravestones
Cemetery Headstones
Cemetery monument
Cemetery subdivision
Cemetery/Burial ground
Central Railway and Station
Central Station
Centralised Government
Centralised Government;
Cereal production
Ceremonial Use
Chaff and general storage
Chaffey Family
Changes from the provision of electricty.
Changes in Machinery and Crops
Changes in the provision of electricty.
Changing land uses - from rural to suburban
Changing land uses - from rural to tourist
Changing land uses - from suburban lots to public gardens
Changing land uses - from suburban to urban
Changing land uses from rural to suburban
Changing land uses from rural to suburban/ subdivision of large estates
Changing the environment
Changing the environment
Changing the landscape
Changing times- church to residence
Chapel Theatre
Chappell Family
Charity Housing Scheme
Charles Anderson VC
Charles Darwin
Charles McAlister
Charles Rasp
Charlesworth Family
Cheese factory
Chicken Coop
Chief Engineer4 - Captain Dumeresq
Child care
Child migration
Child welfare institutions
Children in need
Children's health care facility
children's home
Childrens Library
Chimney construction
Chinese agricultural
Chinese agricultural practises
Chinese cemetery
Chinese commercial practises
Chinese cultural accommodations of Western influences
Chinese cultural and domestic practices
Chinese cultural influences
Chinese employment
Chinese enclave
Chinese fine and decorative arts influence
chinese gardens
chinese immigrants
Chinese market garden
chinese market gardening
Chinese market gardens
Chinese migrants
Chinese migration
Chinese miners
Chinese mining practices
Chinese Pastoral Centre
Chinese religious practices
Chinese remembrance customs
Chinese settlement
Chinese shopkeeping and retail practises
Chinese sites
Chinese Store
Chinese store and accommodation
Christenings and funerals
Christina Cameron
Christopher Legh
Church and cemetery
Church and memorials
Church and War Memorials
Church architecture
Church cemetery
Church Employment
Church Grounds
Church Group
church hall
Church life
Church manse
Church memorials
Church Name- Sr Mark's
Church name St Mark's
Church on a pastoral property
Church Organ
church residence
Church School
church services
Church, graveyards and other religious monuments
Churches and pastoral properties
Churches in Shellharbour
City Club accommodation
Civic beautification schemes
Civic buildings
Civic centre
Civic Centres
Civic Gardens
Civic landscaping by Council
Civic planting
civic setting
Civil engineering design
Civil road work by Colonial government
Civil works by local Government
Civilian Military Force (CMF) activities
Class: How do people consciously express class identity through material culture?
Clay extraction
Clearing land for farming
Climbing mountains and peaks
Clinic premises
Closer Settlement
Cloth and garment manufacture
Clubhouse and tennis courts
Coach Building Shop
Coach ford crossing
Coach House
Coach Maker
Coach Makers Shop
Coach Making Shop
Coach Road
Coach Road Crossing
Coach services
Coach services
Coach services
Coach stop
Coach Transport
Coaching fatality
Coaching Inn
Coaching Inns along roads
Coaching Inns along roads
Coaching services
Coaching station
Coaching stock design and technological development
Coaching stop
Coal Mine
coal mining
coal transport and handling
coastal environments
Coastal Landscape
Coastal timbergetting
Coastal tourism and real estate sales
Coaxial Cable Link
Cob or earthen architecture
Cobb Co
Cobb and Co route
Cobb and Co trail
Cobb and Co. and James Rutherford
Cold store
College boarding house
Colliery employment - safety
Colliery employment - structure
Colly Blue
Colonial Agriculture and Subsequent Land Use Sequences
Colonial Georgian Architecture
Colonial government
Colonial government
Colonial Government; Sir James Martin
Colonial Regency style architecture
Colonial Revival style architecture
Commemorating a major event
Commemorating war losses
Commemoration of War Sacrifice
Commemorative avenue of trees ( (Boer, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq war related)
Commemorative avenue of trees (Boer, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam)
Commemorative avenue of trees (non-war-related)
Commemorative church or other public services or events
Commemorative Lone pine ANZAC memorial planting
Commemorative naming of defence facilities and materials
Commemorative obelisk
Commemorative plaque/monument
Commemorative tree planting to war dead
Commemorative tree planting, marking an occasion
Commencement and evolution of a coal shipping port
Commerce / Leisure The hotels of Denman
Commerce / Leisure The Hotels of Muswellbrook
Commerce and Leisure The Hotels of Muswellbrook
Commerce Daily needs of the community
Commerce Early retailing in Muswellbrook
Commerce Eminent 19th century Muswellbrook
Commerce Forms of retailing in early Muswellbrook
Commerce Hotels
Commerce in Camden
Commerce in Menangle
Commerce in Picton
Commerce The development of specialist service retailing in Muswellbrook
Commerce The Establishment of Commerce in 19th century Muswellbrook
Commerce The expansion of commercial activity in Muswellbrook
Commerce The expansion of commercial/retail activities in Muswellbrook
Commerce The general store
Commerce The growth of 20th century retailing in Muswellbrook
Commerce The Rise of Banking in Denman
Commerce The wine merchants of Muswellbrook
Commerce/Leisure The Hotels of Muswellbrook
Commerce/Service The stores/garages of the Muswellbrook district
Commercial architecture
Commercial Building
Commercial building development
Commercial building/residence
Commercial buildings
Commercial Businesses
Commercial centre
Commercial Centre: Does nineteenth-century commercial growth in Parramatta differ from Sydney's?
Commercial cultivation of plants and animals
Commercial development
Commercial development and expansion
Commercial employment
Commercial enterprise in Appin
Commercial enterprise in Bargo
Commercial land use
Commercial Premises
Commercial store, shop
commercial streetscape
Commercial strip development
Commercial township
Commissioner J T Bigge
Common land
Commonwealth Department of the Interior
Communal forms of land occupancy and management
Communicating by camel trains
Communicating by electronic advertisement
Communicating by exhibitions
Communicating by mail
Communicating by newspaper
Communicating by newspapers
Communicating by radar
Communicating by radio
Communicating by semaphore
Communicating by telegraph
Communicating by the cinema
Communicating by the printed word
Communicating by the Theatre
Communication (television) Towers
communication by semaphore
communication by signals
communication by telegraph
Communication by telephone
Communication The development of postal services in Muswellbrook
Community Activities
Community amenities
Community asset
Community based Museum
Community Centre
Community Club
Community Development
Community education - adults, school excursions
Community enterprise
Community environmental activism
Community facilities
Community Group
Community Hall
Community hall and associated facilities
Community Hall/Town Band
Community Halls
Community Health Care Facility
Community health facility
community hospital
Community Housing
Community Information
Community Memorial
Community newspaper
Community organisation
Community organisations
Community organisations (band hall)
community park
Community policing and implementing the law
community pool
Community project for multiple uses
Community Safe House
Community services, communications
Community support organisations - school hall
Community volunteering
Community welfare
Company Records
Competitive running
competitive swimming
Con Bavea Greek
Con Tzannes
Concrete blocks
Concrete grain silos
Concrete Road Bridge
Conducting clubs for workers
Conducting community organisations
Conducting missions
Conducting missions -
Conducting Schools of Arts
Congregational Church
Conjoined cottages
Connected with famous Australian architect, and early religious life in Goulburn
Connecting Broken Hill to the world
Connections across the Parramatta River
Conservation area
Consilidation - village community to commuter suburb
Consolidation of Main Street
Consolidation of Main Street with a second wave of building activity
Consolidation of Main Street with the establishment of the railway
Constructed by unskilled labour in the 1930s as an unemployment relief work, or assocated with such a structure
Constructed by unskilled labour in the 1930s as an Unemployment Relief Work, or associated with such a structure
Constructed lagoon
Constructing and developing commercial buildings in a streetscape
Constructing public works
Construction labour
Construction of a coach road
Construction of a masonry arch bridge by skilled labour
Construction of a Presbytery
Construction of highways
Construction of railway stations
Construction of road bridges
Construction of southern rail line
Construction of southern railway line
Construction of the Koorawatha Railway Line
Constructions by convicts
Consulting Rooms
Consumption/Change: How did commerce and consumption patterns change?
Consumption/Production: Did Parramatta represent a community of net consumption or production?
Contemporary buildings
Contemporary housing
Controlling ethnicity through detention and imprisonment
Convalescent hospital
Convalescent Hospitals
Convent Employment
Convent School
Convent School teaching
Converting coal into coke
Converting premises for health purposes
Converting Premises for Rest and Recreation purposes
Convict labour
Convict barracks
Convict buildings
Convict construction in Wingecarribee Shire
Convict health
Convict housing near workplaces
Convict huts
Convict labour
Convict Labour
Convict labour
Convict labour in the Wollondilly
Convict labour on estate
Convict Life
Convict Muster Bell
Convict settlement
Convict Stockade
Convict-built structures
Convicts, early roads, early rail
Convicts/Commercial: To what extent did convicts participate in commercial life? Did they carry out work from home?
Convicts/Commercial: Did convicts participate in commercial life?
Convicts/Gender: In the married-convict, unmarried-convict and unmarried-female-convict huts of the 1790s, are there dif
Cooperative organisation
Coopering - making and repairing casks, barrels
Copper Mine
Copper Mining
Copper Mining Enterprises
copper smelting
cordial factory
Cordial Manufacturing
Core/Periphery: Is Parramatta exploited as a classic 'periphery' by the 'core' of Sydney? Do the 1820s mark a change in
Corner store
Cornish culinary practises
Cornish migrants
Cornish migration
Cornish mining practises
Cornish shopkeeping and retailing practises
Corrective services
Correspondence School
Corrugated iron cladding
Corsican migrants
Cottage - fibro
Cottage / Residence
Cottage and garden
Cottage Hospital
Cottage house type
Cottage types
Cottage Activities associated with the provision of accommodation, and particular types of accommodation
Cottage, Activities assocaited with the provisio of a accommodation and particular types of accommodation
Cottage, weatherboard
Cottage,activities associated with the provision of accommodation and particular types accommodation modaion
Council building/chambers/offices/hall
Council buildings
Council Chamber
Council Chambers
Council employment
Council Office
Council Office/chamber/administration centre
Council Offices
Council policy for verandah removal in the 1950s & 1960s
Country Church
Country class rooms
Country cottage
Country Court House
Country Estate
Country estates
Country estates - visiting, enjoying
Country Estates, Municipal Government and Railway Suburbs - the Development of an Upper Middle Class Residential Distric
Country gaol
Country Homes
Country house
Country Lots
Country mansion
Country Park
Country Retreats
Country School and residence
Country shows
Country Store
Country stores
Country Town Post office
Country Villa
Country Villa/ Railway Suburbs
Country villas
Country Womens Association
Country Women's Association
Country Women's Association Rest Room/Meeting Hall
County Council
Court House
Court Officials/Magistrate
Courthouse employment
Courthouse registrations
Cousins. Forst Mayor bathurst
Crafts store
Creating a gentlemans estate
Creating a gentleman's estate
Creating a Home
Creating Aboriginal art sites (pre - European contact)
Creating an icon
Creating and displaying Coats of Arms and official emblems and symbols
Creating artistic works
Creating domestic gardens and landscapes
Creating environments evocative of the 'old country'
Creating high density housing in urban areas
Creating Landmark Places
Creating landmark structures and places in regional settings
Creating landmark structures and places in regional settings; rural living; 19th Century infrastructure
Creating landmark structures and places in suburban settings
Creating landmark structures and places in urban and suburban settings
creating landmark structures and places in urban settings
Creating landmark structures and places in urban settings.
Creating landmark structures in towns
Creating local building materials- lime
Creating ocean baths
Creating railway landscapes
Creating seaside resorts
Creating the City of Broken Hill
Creating visual art
Creating works of art
Creating works of literature
Creating works of theatre
Creating, maintaining and living in and around the cottage
Creating, maintaining and living in houses
Creating, maintaining, living in and working around the house
Creating, planning and managing urban functions, landscapes and lifestyles
Creating, planning and managing urban landscapes
Creation of large pastoral estates
Creation of railway towns
Creation of settlements at key points along the routes of the teamsters carrying supplies to the pastoral stations of th
Creative Endeavour
crew barracks
Cricketer 'Byass' Turner
Crime and punishment
Crime and Punishment in Wollongong
Cronulla Beach Resort
Cronulla Golf Club
Crop experimentation
cropping river flats
Crossing the Blue Mountains
Crown Land Grants
Crown Symbols
Crude huts
Crushing quartz
Cultivation/Grain/other crops
Cultural - Coasts and coastal features supporting human activities
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life
Cultural and social life, Horticulture and country estates
Cultural and social life, Leisure, Changing the Environment, Environmental awareness
Cultural Centre for Aboriginal communities
Cultural coasts and coastal features supporting human activities
Cultural conserving and protecting natural features
Cultural landscape
Cultural Life The Anglican religion in Muswellbrook
Cultural Natural landscapes valued by humans
Cultural Plantings
cultural sites
Cultural Sites Muswellbrook Art Gallery
Cultural Social and religious life
Cultural/natural landscapes valued by people
Cultural: Caves and underground spaces known to humans
Cultural: Cliffs and escarpments influencing human settlement
Cultural: Climatic events and evidence of climate change that impact humans
Cultural: Conserving and protecting natural features
Cultural: Geological evidence of the history of the Earth
Cultural: Lakes and wetlands supporting human activities
Cultural: Mountains and peaks providing landmarks for humans
Cultural: Natural landscapes valued by humans
Cultural: Plains and plateaux supporting human activities
Cultural: Pre-invasion ecosystems illustrating changing human land uses
Cultural: Rivers and water bodies important to humans
Cultural: Soils and soil formations used by humans
Cumberland Plain Remnant
Curriculum development, 1960s-1980s Julian Ashton Art School 1930s
Customer information systems
Cut Flower production floriculture
Cutler family
CWA and baby health
CWA Hall
CWA Home employment
CWA hospital
CWA Mountain Home
Cycle of life
Czech or Bohemian migrants
Dairy Farm
Dairy Farmers Co-op
Dairy farming
Dairy Farming and Butter Factories and Their Role in the Illawarra in the Late 19-20th Century
Dairy farming in Shellharbour
Dairy industry
Dairying, poultry and pigs
Dalgety Conservation Area
Dalton family
Dam building
Dam construction employment
Dance Hall
Dangar Family
Dangars Falls and Salisbury Waters Gorge
Dangars Falls site
Dangar's Lagoon
Daniel McAlary of Milawa
Danish migrants
Darkinjung Nation
Darkinjung Nation - performing and creating artistic endeavours
Darkinjung Nation - performing and creating artistic endeavours-
Darkinjung Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Darkinjung Nation - sites evidencing occupation-
Darling's town layout
Daruk Nation - massacre and battle sites
Daruk Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Daruk nation - sites of first contact or early interaction with colonisers
Daruk Nation - suffering invasion by disease
Daruk Nation - welcoming visitors
David Elphinstone, Architect
David King
Death Early Upper Hunter ceme
Death in the Wollondilly
Death Irish Catholic burials in the Muswellbrook area
Death Pioneer burial sites in the Muswellbrook area
Death Private cemeteries of the Muswellbrook area
Death sentances
Death The cemeteries of the Muswellbrook area
Deaths of residents
Decentralisation district
Decentralisation industry in Muswellbrook
Decentralising metropolitan activities to provincial cities
Dedicating a park in honour of a person, family or event
Deepwater Jockey Club
Deer park
Defence medical staff and treatment
Defence National Storage and Distribution centre
Defence of Newcastle Port
Defence The Army in the Denman area
Defence War Veterans services in Denman
Defending Australia
Defending the city and industry
Defending the homeland
Defending the Illawarra
Defending the nation.
Defensive measures during war and memorials to those who fought.
Demolished hotel
Demolished shops
Demolition of buildings
Demonstrating convicts' experiences and activities
Demonstrating emancipists entrepreneurial activities
Demonstrating emancipist's entrepreneurial activities
Demonstrating Governor Macquarie's town and landscape planning
Demonstrating Italian hermit practices
Demonstrating the Irish convict experience
Denominational Hall
Denominational Home/Rectory/Presbytery
Denominational School
Dental care
Dental Clinic
Dental Surgery
Department Store
Departmental Store
Departmental Store Employment
Depicting inter-generational migrations within NSW
Depression Accommodation
Depression era settlement
Depression Housing 1930s
Depression housing scheme
Depression relief work
Depression Relief Works
Depression-era employment schemes
Design and Architectural Style
Design and architectural style (stonemasons)
Design and construction of a boarding house
Design and construction of a villa residence
Design and construction of terraced housing
Design and construction of water conservation works
Design and use of farm machinery
Designed by prominent architect, Philip Cox
Designing an area used for civic and artistic activities
Designing an exemplary architectural style
Designing and marking grave furnishings and ornamentation
Designing and using lettering styles and typefaces
Designing fountains
Designing in an exemplary architectural style
Designing in an exemplary style
Designing landscapes in an exemplary style
Designing making and showing stained and coloured glass
Designing making and using banners and flags
Designing making and using coats of arms and heraldry
Designing making and using ecclesiastical furniture
Designing structures to emphasise their important roles
Designing to evoke nationalistic feelings
Designing, making and using banners and flags
Designing, Making and using fountains
Destitute and alone
Detaining enemy personnel and aliens
Detaining POWs
Detaining young offenders
Detaining young offenders-
Developing a community for transgender women and men
Developing a Dairy Industry
Developing a dairy industry
Developing a reliable water supply
Developing Afghan settlements
Developing amenity - Industry
Developing amenity - Parks
Developing and maintaining a local art gallery
Developing and maintaining a local botanic garden
Developing and maintaining a local library
Developing and maintaining a local museum
Developing and operating manorial villages
Developing and operating mission settlements
Developing automobile clubs
Developing Berridale
Developing Chinese settlements
Developing civic infrastructure and amenity
Developing clubs for social improvement
Developing collections of items
Developing commerce
Developing Commercial Enterprise
Developing commercial infrastructure
Developing Communication in the Wollondilly
Developing Community
Developing cultural institutions and ways of life
Developing discrete retail and commercial areas
Developing discrete retail and commercial areas
Developing 'display villages' in new urban subdivisions
Developing exclusive clubs
Developing German settlements
Developing government towns
Developing Greek settlements
Developing Health Services
Developing hydro-electric power in Australia
Developing Irish settlements
Developing Italian settlements
Developing Jewish Settlements
Developing land with help of English tenant farmers
Developing local clubs and meeting places
Developing local cultural institutions
Developing local landmarks
Developing local landmarks
Developing local religious services and facilities
Developing local, regional and national economies
Developing local, regional and national economies
Developing local, regional and national economies-National Theme 3
Developing national landmarks
Developing ports
Developing private towns
Developing real estate
Developing real estate
Developing roles for government
Developing roles for government - administering a public health system
Developing roles for government - administering local government
Developing roles for government - administering migration programs
Developing roles for government - administering public roads and bridges
Developing roles for government - administering the justice system
Developing roles for government - administration of land
Developing roles for government - assisting in providing jobs, labour
Developing roles for government - building and administering rail networks
Developing roles for government - building and operating public infrastructure
Developing roles for government - caring for orphans
Developing roles for government - caring for orphans -
Developing roles for government - collecting taxes and fees
Developing roles for government - conserving cultural and natural heritage
Developing roles for government - controlling drug use
Developing roles for government - customs
Developing roles for government - facilitating agriculture
Developing roles for government - facilitating horticulture
Developing roles for government - facilitating pastoralism
Developing roles for government - facilitating telecommunications
Developing roles for government - grants of land for agriculture
Developing roles for government - jailing prisoners
Developing roles for government - managing the convict system
Developing roles for government - parks and open spaces
Developing roles for government - providing and managing Aboriginal Missions
Developing roles for government - providing arts and cultural facilities
Developing roles for government - providing burial sites
Developing roles for government - providing community facilities
Developing roles for government - providing education
Developing roles for government - providing education-
Developing roles for government - providing electricity
Developing roles for government - providing fire stations
Developing roles for government - providing health care facilities
Developing roles for government - providing low-cost housing, flats etc
Developing roles for government - providing museums
Developing roles for government - providing postal services
Developing roles for government - providing public transport
Developing roles for government - providing rail transport
Developing roles for government - providing reticulated water
Developing roles for government - providing sewerage treatment
Developing roles for government - public land administration
Developing roles for government - public water supply
Developing roles for government - scientific research
Developing roles for government - surveying of land
Developing roles for government - town and country planning
Developing roles for private provision of electricity
Developing shops in response to urbanisation
Developing Sikh settlements
Developing steel works
Developing stock blood lines - merino sheep
Developing suburbia
Developing suburbia
Developing the businesses of Warren
Developing the Land
Developing the social life of a rural community
Developing the town Dalgety
Developing the town of Warren
Developing towns and subdivisions in response to topography
Developing towns in response to topography
Developing towns in response to topography
Development and growth of Queanbeyan town.
Development and growth of the town of Yass
Development and growth of villages and settlements connected to Yass
Development as a Nature Reserve
Development following opening of railway
Development in response to railway lines
Development in response to topography
Development in response to transport
Development of a Community
Development of a local elite
Development of a public railway system
Development of a scouting movement
Development of Appin Village
Development of Ardglen
Development of Bargo
Development of Boorowa
Development of Bundella
Development of Buxton
Development of Cawdor
Development of Coonamble
Development of Couridjah
Development of Gloucester Town
Development of Gulargambone
Development of health services in the NSW Southern Highlands
Development of housing by Irish immigrants to Hunters Hill
Development of Hydro- electric in Australia. The power grid in the Grafton area
development of Hydro-electricity in Australia
Development of hydro-electricity in Australia. The power grid in the Grafton area. Use of natural resources.
Development of hydro-electricity in Australia.The power grid in the Grafton area.Use of natural resources.
Development of local settlements
Development of Menangle
Development of NSW and the City of Sydney
Development of Oakdale
Development of Picton
Development of Quambone
Development of Quirindi
Development of recreational outlets
Development of re-inforced concrete
Development of retail trade in Young
Development of road network following the routes of teamsters carrying supplies to the pastoral stations of the north-we
Development of Section 86 of the City of Sydney 1780s-1900s
Development of Silverdale
Development of Spring Ridge
Development of Tahmoor
Development of the early estates 1830s-1870
Development of The Oaks
Development of the power grid in the Bathurst region.
Development of the power grid in the Glen Innes region.
Development of the power grid in the Lismore region.
Development of the power grid in the Mullumbimby region.
Development of the power grid in the Mullumbimby region. Use of the local natural environment and harnessing resources.
Development of the power grid in the Narrabri region.
Development of the power grid in the New England region. Use of the local natural environment and harnessing resources.
Development of the power grid in the Tamworth region.
Development of the power grid in the Tenterfield region.
Development of the power grid in the Wagga Wagga region.
Development of the shire's roads
Development of the water scheme and filtration plant in Broken Hill.
Development of the water scheme and filtration plant in Broken Hill. Harnessing and using natural resources.
Development of Thirlmere
Development of Wilton
Developments/ distinction in design and architectural styles
Deveoping civic infrastructure and amenity
Dharawal Nation - performing and creating artistic endeavours
Dharawal Nation - contact sites
Dharawal Nation - evidencing creation stories
Dharawal nation - sites evidencing occupation and ceremonial use
Dharawal Nation - suffering invasion by disease
Dharawal Nation - welcoming visitors
Diary Farming
Different Places: What different places exist within Parramatta? Are they visible archaeologically? Can discreet cultura
Different Towns: Does Phillip's town differ from Macquarie's?
Dip Site
Direct vice-regal governance (pre 1856)
Discovering the Natural Environment
Disintering and reburying the dead
Dispensing justice
Display item
Distilling kerosene
Distinctive landform and topography
Diston, Esplin, Goddard family
Distributing electricity
Distribution of electricity
Distribution of Wool
District Schools
Disused Hotel
Disused Public School building
Disused railway stock yards
Disused railway stockyards
Disused village precinct
Diversifying the Community
Do buildings in back lanes represent earlier street frontages (eg the alignment between High and South Streets)?
Do Parramatta residents consume local products, such as cordial?
Do Parramatta residents utilise mass-produced or home-spun goods?
Doctors and Medical Staff
Doctors and Nurses
Doctor's house
Doctor's house and surgery
Doctor's office and clinic
Doctor's Residence
doctor's residence and or practice
Doctors Rooms
Doctor's rooms
Doctors Surgery
Doctor's surgery
Doctor's surgery and residence
Doing research
Domestic accommodadtion and water supply
Domestic architecture: inter-war
Domestic architecture: post-war
Domestic Artefact Scatter
Domestic Farm Life
Domestic garden
Domestic garden landscape
Domestic housing, homesteads, bed and breakfasts, farmstays.
Domestic Life and Leisure
Domestic water system
Donald Mackay
Doust Family
Dr A,J. Corfe
Dr A.J. Mackenzie
Dr Charles Throsby
Dr James Pirie
Dr R.B. Lynch
Dr Wrigley
Drapery Store Employment
Dreadnought Boys
Dreadnought Students
Drill Hall
Drinking - Pubs and Hotel
Droving using pastoral routes
Drug rehabiliation provision
Dry Dock
Dry stone walls
Dubbo to Coonamble Branch Line
Dutch migrants
Dutch Migration
E C Pitt, architect (1896-1938)
E Head
Early 20th Century Avenue Planting Style
Early 20th Century pre-fabricated housing
Early agriculture
Early Archaeologist
Early attempts at viticulture
Early Brickworks
Early Colonial House
Early conflicts between European and Aboriginal cultures
Early employment
Early farm
Early farm buildings
Early farming (Cattle grazing)
Early farming (cropping)
Early farming (sheep grazing)
Early grants pre 1830
early inn
Early land grant
Early land grants
Early land grants
Early Market site
Early miners hut
early pastoral home
Early Pastoralists house
Early pioneers
Early pise construction
Early power house
Early Public House
Early pubs
Early residential housing in Grafton.
Early roads
Early roads
Early roads
Early roads
Early roads
Early Roads, coach services
Early settlement
Early settlement graveyard/cemetery
Early settlement house
early settlement or worker's cottage
Early settler
Early Settlers
Early Settlers - Pre 1899 Settlement
Early settlers cottage
Early Shearing shed
Early stone buildings
Early subdivision pattern
Early Sydney Street
Early tourism resort
Early town plan by Governor Macquarie
Early transport network
Early Transport, Horticulture, Country Estates
Early Transport, The transport network
Early transportation links between North Sydney and Willoughby
early travellers inn
Early twentieth century living conditions in Grafton.
Early Twentieth Century occupation of the river
Early twentieth century occupation of the Sutherland Shire
Early Twentieth Century Street Planning
Early twentieth century town planning and street layout in Grafton.
Early urban houses/cottages/buildings
Early use of concrete
Early waterfront development of Sutherland Shire
Early wattle and daub barn
Early-Mid 20th Century Civic Buildings in the Illawarra
EarlyVictorian homestead
Earthen architecture
Easrly farming (Cattle grazing)
Eber Bunker
Eccentric residence
Ecological community
Economic boom 1870 - 1890
Economic boom 1906 - 1913 due to increase in trade from establishment of railway
Economic boom 1906 - 1914 consolidation of Main Street with a second wave of building activity
Economic botany - testing potential forestry species
Economic decline 1913 - 1933
Economic development, accommodation, agriculture, transport, social
Economic Function: What function does Parramatta perform as the result of its physical position in relation to Sydney an
Edifices for Religious Inspiration
Editing and publishing newspapers
Edmund Blacket
Edmund Blacket -Architect
Educaiton on pastoral holdings
Educating people in regional locations
Educating people in suburban locations
Educating the People
Educating the young
Educating through book writing
Educating through memorials and exhibitions
Education and training
Education associated with Welfare institutions
Education associated with Welfare institutions-
Education centre
Education in sciences
Education in the Wollondilly
Education of community
Education of technology such as steam engine driving
Education Public School Education
Education Public School education in Giants Creek
Education Public School Education in the Muswellbrook area
Education Public Secondary Schools of the Muswellbrook Area
Education, Religion
Education, science, technology, regional growth and achievement, and economic
Education/Home: is there evidence for education in the home?
Educational employment
Edward Eddy, WL Verman, George McCrae, Henry Deane
Edward Grover
Edward Hammond Hargraves.
Edward Readford
Edwardian Architecture
Edwardian Civic design
Edwardian era residence
Edwardian residence
Edwin McGowan, sculptor
Egyptian architectural influence
Electric carriage design and technological development
Electrical cable production
Electrical employment
Electrical manufacturing
Electrical sub station
Electrical supply
Electrical works
Electricity distribution
Electricity generating water wheel
Electricity Generation
Electricity infrastructure
Electricity Substation
Electricity Sub-station
Electricity supply
Elizabeth Macquarie
Ellen Beach Yaw
Ellen Beach Yaw second Subdivision of Suth Estate 1886
Elphinston and Henessey
emancipated convict
Emancipist William Hutchinson
Emergence and growth of wheat cultivation
Emergence and growth of wheat cultivation after the gold rush
Emergence of Building Dairy produce in Muswellbrook Styles
Emergence of building styles
Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Emergencey care/Transportation to hospital
Emergency Services
Emigrating from one colony or state to another
Emigrating from one country to another
Emigrating from one district to another within NSW
Emigrating to NSW as a member of a religious body
Employment Agency
Employment office
Encouraging commercial development
Encouraging public recreation in parks
Endangered Species - Butterfly
Enduring unemployment
Energy supply industry
Enfield- A Quiet Rural District
Engaging in bushranging and banditry
Engineer - David Lennox
Engineer and Foundry skills
Engineered bridge
Engineered structure Hangar
Engineering - Water supply dam
Engineering and Building the Road System
Engineering for hydro-electricity generation in Australia
Engineering structure for essential services Water
engineering technology
Engineering the public railway system
Engineering the public railway system -
Engineering the public road system
Engineering Works
Engineering/Bridge design
English Cottage Revival Architecture
English farm labourers
English migrants
English rural building practises
Enhancing Family Values
Enhancing Family Values / Establishing Community Services
Enjoying Fairgrounds
Enjoying leisure
Enjoying Leisure.
Enjoying picnics
Enjoying public parks and gardens
Enjoying the seaside
Enlarging the purpose of technical education 1883-2017
Entering and leaving worldly existence
Entertainment/Cinema and other forms
Entrance Grounds
Environment - Aboriginal and as a landscape modified for recreation, Transport, Leisure
Environment - naturally evolved
Environment / Leisure The Parks of Muswellbrook
Environment/Alteration: What is the result of alteration of the landscape?
Environment/Contact: What do we know of the Contact Environment?
Environment/Manipulation: What evidence is there of Aboriginal manipulation of the environment concurrent with European
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment, Leisure
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment, Leisure
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment, The transport network
Environmental awareness, Changing the environment, The transport network
Environmental awareness, Leisure, Changing the environment
Environmental awareness; Leisure
Environmental degradation
Environmental Education
Environmental Heritage
Environmental management
Environments important to Aboriginal traditional and spiritual life
Eora Nation - burying and remembering the dead
Eora nation - places of contact with the colonisers
Eora Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Erecting and visiting monuments and memorials
Esplin Family and Donald Esplin, Architect
Establishing a police presence
Establishing Community Services
Establishing Community Services / Supplying Retail Needs
Establishing Community Services.
Establishing law and order in the Hunter Valley
Establishing mining villages
Establishing new Adaminaby
Establishing new Jindabyne
Establishing rural centres
Establishing sporting facilities
Establishing the sub-division pattern.
Establishing the town of Adaminaby
Establishing the town of Cooma
Establishment of administrative and civil orders
Establishment of parish circuits and churches in rural areas, closure of churches in smaller villages and centralisation
Establising Adaminaby
Estate subdivision for housing
Estonians in the Wollondilly
Estuarine beachfront
Estuarine Landscape
Ethnic Community Hall
Ethnic influences
Ethnic religions
Ethnicity: What can the archaeological record of Parramatta contribute to our understanding of ethnic diversity?
European Emigre architects
European exploration of the country
European Modernism practiced by migrant architects in Post-War years
European Place: To what extent is Parramatta a European place?
Evacuating and re-settling threatened populations
Evan's routes
Events Bridges of the Upper Hunter
Evolution of design in air transport engineering and architecture
Evolution of design in military engineering and architecture
Evolution of design in Naval architecture
Evolution of design in railway architecture
Evolution of design in railway engineering and architecture
Evolution of design in railway engineering or architecture
Evolution of railway towns
Evolving community
Evolving Community
Evolving Community
Evolving Community
Evolving Community
Evolving Community
Evolving Community
Evolving community - uniting for a common cause
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Defending the Nation
Evolving Community – Developing an Attachment to Place
Evolving Community – Developing an Attachment to Place
Evolving Community – Developing an Attachment to Place
Evolving Community – Developing an Attachment to Place
Evolving Community – Developing an Attachment to Place
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Diversifying the Population
Evolving Community – Dividing the Community
Evolving community - enjoying leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Enjoying Leisure
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Extending Government & Bureaucracy
Evolving community - extending government and bureaucracy
Evolving Community – Living & Dying
Evolving Community – Living & Dying
Evolving Community – Living & Dying
Evolving Community – Living & Dying
Evolving community - living and dying
Evolving Community – Remembering & Celebrating
Evolving Community – Remembering & Celebrating
Evolving Community – Remembering & Celebrating
Evolving community - remembering and celebrating
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evolving Community – Uniting for a Common Cause
Evovling community
Exacting revenge on authority (persons and places)
Example of an Architectural Style
Example of material and construction
Examples of early water and sanitation systems (wells and cess pits)
Excluding the undesirables/Caring for the unfortunate/unwanted.
Exemplars of particular architectural or cultural landscape styles, public gardens, public halls, cinemas. Includes ar
Exhibition and Convention Centre
Exhibitions of produce, stock and equipment
Expansion of land holdings and sheep numbers
Experiencing life opportunities after emancipation
Experiencing secondary punishment
Experimental farm
Experimental farming
Experimental Garden
Experimental industries
Experimenting with animals
Experimenting with new breeds of animal
Experimenting with new breeds of crop plant
Experimenting with new breeds of stock
Experimenting with new crops and methods
Experimenting with new crops and methods
Exploitation of Natural Resources
Exploiting Natural Resources
Exploration by Squatters
Exploration in the local area
Exploration of the Cumberland Plains
Explorers look out
Explorers route, and camp site
Exploring and surveying for the Crown
Exploring beyond the earth
Exploring the local area
Explosives store
Exposed Ridges
Exposed site for surveying foreigners
Expressing lines of early grant allotments
Expressing lines of early grants
Extension of railway as transport to market
Extracting and processing botanical compounds
Extracting clay and firing bricks onsite
Extracting volatile oils
Extractive industry around the Nepean River
F.J. Madigan
F.S. McKenzie
FA Kiefer
Facilities for education
Facilities for the care of the elderly
Facility for servicing ships
Factory employment
Factory gardens
Faith/Belief: How does faith/belief express itself in the material record?
Falconer Family
Family and district cemetery
Family cemetery
Family Day Care
Farm and dairy
Farm buildings
Farm buildings and residence
Farm Employment
Farm hand
Farm homestead
Farm Machinery
Farm school for orphans
farmer's store
Farming activities
Farming and dairy employment
Farming and grazing areas
Farming barley
Farming by convict emancipists
Farming by detainees and prisoners
Farming by detainees and prisoners-
Farming by emancipated convicts on land grants
Farming carp for liquid fertiliser
Farming complex
Farming in intermittent environments
Farming property
Farming pursuits
farming tobacco
Farming wheat and other grains
Farming with convict labour
Father Joseph Slattery
Father Thomas Dunlea
Features occurring naturally in the physical environment which have shaped or influenced human life and cultures
Federal government
Federating Australia
Federation and railways
Federation Architecture
Federation Arts and Crafts Style
Federation boom 1906 - 1913
Federation boom of the 1900s
Federation Bungalow Style
Federation carpenter gothic style
Federation era office building
Federation era residence
Federation Farm Cottage
Federation housing
Federation period and recreation
Federation period residence
Federation period, residential expansion and recreation Residential Expansion Recreation
Federation Residence
Federation style architecture
Federation style residence
Federation Style residential development
Federation Vernacular Style
Federation, Recreation and Transport
Fencing boundaries - dingo proof fencing
Fencing boundaries - dry stone walls
Fencing boundaries - hedging and hedgerows
Fencing boundaries - iron estate fencing
Fencing boundaries - masonry fences
Fencing boundaries - mortared stone walls
Fencing boundaries - rabbit proof fencing
Fencing boundaries - retaining walls and embankments
Fencing boundaries - wooden post and rail
Fencing boundaries - wrought or cast iron fencing
Fencing -post and rail
Fencing with post and rail
Ferry operation
Ferry service
ferry wharves
Field Studies
Fighting fire before official control
Financial services
Financing the Community
Finding coal on the escarpment
Fire arms
Fire control centre
Fire Control under a Pre-Federation Government
Fire protection
Fire station
Fire Station Employment
Fire Station/Service
Fireman John Haig Willmington
First Aid post
First Governor General - Charles A Fitzroy K.C.B
Fish Hatchery
Fish traps
Fishing Boat wreck
Fishing Conservation
Fishing for a living
Fishing in estuaries
Fishing in rivers
Fishing industry
Fishing Spot
Fishing the Waters
Fitness Camp
Fitzgerald family
FJ Madigan
FKS Woods Fairbridge Farm
flag staff
Flats 1900-1940
Flats/Shared accomodation
Flood Marker
Flora and fauna
Flour Mill
Flour Mill employment
Flour Mill Ruins
Flour Mill technology
Flour milling
Flour milling and extension of railway as transport to markets
Flour milling.
Flour milling. Is there evidence of a well and/or a cistern beneath the southern portion of the building.
Flour Mills
Flying planes
Foley Family
Food processing
foot bridge
Football oval
Forby Sutherland
Fording Point along a watercourse
Forest Reserve
Forest with public access
Forested area
Forested area, saw mill, saw mill settlement.
Forested area, saw mill, saw mill settlement. Activities associated with identifying and managing land covered in trees
Forestry accommodation
Forestry and sawmill
Forestry Employment
Forestry Industry
Forestry Office
Forge for blacksmith
Formal landscaped gardens
Formal tree planting
Formation of Grenfell Municipal Council in 1883
Formation of local government
Former Anglican school
Former bakery
Former bakery and residence
Former bank
Former bank and manager's residence
Former bank and office
Former bank and residence
Former bank residence
former blacksmiths
Former boarding house
Former boarding house/block of flats
Former butter factory site
Former Chinese cemetery
Former Convent
Former Court House
Former Dairy
Former dairy sheds
Former dance hall
Former District Hospital
Former Doctor's house and surgery
Former Engineering Works
Former flats
Former gold diggings
Former Greek Cafe
Former Hall
Former hardware store
Former hospital
Former hotel
Former Industrial site
Former inn
Former Leisure Activities.
Former living quarters in a store
Former logging forest
Former manager's residence
Former Manchester Unity Hall
Former manse
Former Mine site
Former mining area
Former picture theatre
former police station
Former Police Station and residence
Former Post Office
Former Presbytery and Parish House
Former Public School
Former Public School building
Former public school buildings
Former railway station
Former road bridge
Former saw and plane mil
Former saw and plane mill
Former sawmill
Former school
Former School and Residence
Former School of Arts
Former school principal's house
Former school principal's residence
Former school site
Former school site and memorial trees
Former Shire Hall
Former shop
former small hospital
Former St. Josephite village school
Former store
Former timber road bridge
Former Village Settlement
Former village site
Fortification WW11 Coastal Defence
Fossil site
Foundation, growth and changing role of country towns
Foundry employment
Fox hunting
Francis Abigail MP
Frank and Phyllis Stroud
Frank Vickery
Freak Bros
Freak Bros.
Fred Utz, junior
Free Immigrants in the 19th century
Free labour
Free/Forced: What differences are there between the lives of free and forced or institutionalised settlers?
Freeze Works/Ice Works
Freezer Works
Freezer Works/Meat Processing
Freezing works
Freight vehicle design and technological development
French connections
French connections to Hunters Hill
French explorers and naturalists
French migrants
French wine making practises
Friendly Societies
Fringe Dwellers
From A Distant Land
From Forest to Farm
Fruit farming, Mixed farming
Fruit farmingMixed farming
Fruit Growing
Fruit Industry Research
Fruit Packing Shed
Fruit shed
Fruit storage shed
Fuel Station
Fugitives hiding place
Functional buildings utilising skilled iron and timber construction methods
Functional use of tree resources
Functionalist/Internationalist style of architecture
Fund-raising activities for community charities
Funeral Director
Funeral Parlor
Funeral Parlour
Funeral services
Funerary synagogue
Funerary Trains
Further education
Gadigal tribe - Eora Nation
Gain Processing
Galleries and Museums
Gallery displayed art
Gambling and betting
gambling and betting on sport
Gamilaraay Nation - living on missions
Gamilaroi survival
Gandangara Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Gandangara Nation - welcoming visitors
Gaol Town: How does the eighteenth-century gaol town of Parramatta compare with Sydney and the later, free town?
garage, car repairs
Garages and Vehicle Repairs
Garbage Dump
Garden and Outbuildings
Garden setting for a manse
Garden setting for the homestead
Garden Suburb Planning
Garden suburbs
Garden Suburbs
Garden Tools
Gardens - public (parks, reserves)
Gardens and landscapes reminiscent of an old country
Gardens and landscapes reminiscent of an 'old country'
Gardens and landscapes reminiscent of an 'old country'
Gardens celebrating multiculturalism
Gardens demonstrating the travels and sojurns of a gardener
Gardens demonstrating the travels of a gardener
Gas Company
gas supply
Gas utility
Gatekeepers cottage
Gatekeeper's cottage
Gathering at landmark places
Gathering at landmark places to socialise
Gendered spaces
General Cemeteries and Burial Grounds
General Cemetery
General Store
Generation of electricity
Gentleman's villas
Gentlemens Mansions
gentlemen's residences
gentlemen's residence's
Gentlemens Villas
Gentlemen's Villas
Gentlemens' villas
Geological rarity
Geological Site
George and William Simpson
George Chapoff, Sculptor
George Cohen
George Griffiths
George Kranditos
George Martin
George McCrae and RH Broderick
George Spencer Whiteman
German businessman
German engineer and foundry family
German industrial technology imports
German migrants
German settlers
German wine making practices
Getting there
Gilmore, an orchidist
Gilmour family, Rutherford family
Gin Gin forest
Girl Guides
Girls Patriotic League
Giving birth at home
Giving birth in maternity hospitals and homes
Glasshouse cultivation of plants
Glebe or church lands to support priest
Glen Innes District Ambulance Committee
Gliding planes
Global economies
Global Market: Were the people of Parramatta participating in a global market place? Does this increase as the fruits of
Global Technology: To what extent did the workers of Parramatta rely on global technology in the workplace? Was technol
Going boating and sailing
Going bushwalking
Going dancing
Going drinking in bars or clubs
Going fishing
Going hunting and shooting
Going shopping
Going shopping downtown
Going swimming
Going to a bar
Going to a cafe
Going to a Club
Going to a concert
Going to a fashion show
Going to a museum
Going to a restaurant
Going to a wildlife sancutary
Going to a wine cellar door
Going to an art gallery
Going to church or a temple
Going to church or temple or mosque
Going to drive-in movies
Going to exhibitions
Going to nurseries and garden centres
Going to see the caves
Going to talks and lectures
Going to the beach
Going to the bingo
Going to the car racing
Going to the cinema
Going to the library
Going to the Movies
Going to the park
Going to the pictures/movies
Going to the pub
Going to the racetrack
Going to the showground
Going to the theatre
Going to the zoo
Gold and copper mining, more recently asbestos and diatomite mining.
Gold commissioner
Gold mine
Gold Mining
Gold mining area
Gold Mining Village
Gold Mining Water Race
Gold processing
Gold Rush
Gold rushes
Gold rush-led migration
Goldsbrough Mort and Co
Gomeroi nation - sites of occupation and use
Goods yard
Gothic Church architecture
Goverment Architect
Government - public housing
Government & Administration Development of police services in Denman
Government agricultural training farm
Government agriculture
Government and administration
Government Asylum
Government Buildings
Government Department
Government inquiries
Government institutions
Government Institutions: Do government institutions indicate benevolent intent or government control of some sections of
Government land administration
Government planned settlements captive to coal mining
Government planned special settlements
Government Postal Services
Government provided housing
Government quarry
Government research station
Government servants
Government stockyards
Government support and funding for community action against domestic violence
Government The establishment of law and order in the Upper Hunter
Government The Post Office in Muswellbrook
Government unemployment relief grants
Governor Darling
Governor King
Governor Macquarie
Gow Family
Grain delivery, receival and transfer by rail
grain merchant
Grain Storage
Grain storage silo
Grand houses 1900-1940
Grand residence on large residential block
Grand scale commerical premise
Granite outcrop
Granite quarry
Granite Rocks
Granting Crown lands for private farming
Grants of land for agriculture
Grants of land for farming
Grassy Box Woodland
grave site
Graves and Cemeteries
Graves of notable people
Gravestones and work of masons
Grazing and wool industry
Great Depression
Great depression labour schemes
Greek businesses
Greek Cafe
Greek café
Greek Café and Shop
Greek Cafe Employment
Greek Cafes
Greek culture
Greek migrants
Greek Orthodox Religion
Greek revival style - Inter war period
Greek settlement
Green Ban
green bans
Greengrocer and Fruit shop
Grenfell important as a rural service centre
Grenfell's importance as a rural centre and the decline of building between 1913 - 1933
Grenfell's importance as a rural centre with the emergence of wheat cultivation in the 1880s and the establishment of th
Grenfell's importance as a rural centre with the establishment of the railway
Grenfell's importance as a rural service centre. More widespread use of brick during the Victorian period
Greyhound and Horse Racing
Growing vines and maintaining vineyards
Growth and development of Harbour activities
Growth and dominance of Sydney
Growth of Annandale
Growth of Balmain
Growth of Balmain East
Growth of Birchgrove
Growth of community - learning and culture
Growth of Country Towns Expansion of Muswellbrook
Growth of democratic government & bureaucracy
Growth of Leichhardt
Growth of Rozelle
Growth of tourisum
Guest House
Guesthouse ballroom
Guiding the explorers
Gundungurra Nation - evidencing creation stories
Gunringai Nation - suffering invasion by disease
Gurdwara (temple) and langar (kitchen/dining hall)
Guringai Nation - performing artistic and creative activities
Guringai Nation - welcoming visitors
Gymnasium employment
H.E. Ross
hairdresser, barber
Hall building
Handling the stone fruit crop
Hans Peter Oser & Associates, architects
Harald Dannevis Superintendant of Fisheries
Harry Harbord Morant
Harry Seidler, architect
Harry Stork
Harvesting salt and satlworks
Hay barn
Hay shed, Horse work and Stabling
Hazelton family
Headmasters residence
Headmaster's Residence
Headmaster's/Teacher's Residence
Health and Gentility, A place to live
Health and Gentility, A place to live
Health and Gentility, A place to live, Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Health and Gentility, Cultural and social life, A place to live
Health and psychiatric accommodation and care
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Health and wellness
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Health Care
Health Muswellbrook s private hospitals
Health Private hospitals in Denman
Health related research
Health Services From 1930's
Health The History of Brentwood Hospital
Health The hospitals of Muswellbrook
Health workers
Heathcote Hall Estates
Helping and housing people in need
Henderson, Architect NSW Department of Works and Railways
Henry Cornish
Henry Kinsella
Henry Tonkin
Heritage Conservation Area
Hewetson, Hickey and Co.
Hibernian Society Hall
High country grazing
High density urban housing
High School
High Victorian Style
Hill family
Hipped roof timber building with verandah
Hispanic Catholic Church
Historic Aircraft Restoration Society (HARS)
Historic Cemetery
Historic gun
Historic monument
Historical Museum
Historical museum and gallery
Historical Theme Summary Environmental awareness, Changing the environment, Cultural and social life
Historical Theme Summary Suburban Homes, A place to live, Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Histroic mail routes
Holding annual shows
Holding film and stage premieres
Holding international shows
Holding national events
Holding opening and dedication ceremonies
Holiday Accommodation
Holiday Accomodation
Holiday Destination
holiday home settlement from 1912
Holiday homes
Holiday homes from 1915
Holiday house
Holiday housing
Holiday letting accommodation near waterfrontage
Holiday Resort
Holidaying in hill stations and mountain retreats
Holidaying in shacks, huts and cabins
Holidaying in Shellharbour
Holidaying near the sea
Holt Sutherland Leases
Home of Paliamentarian
Homes for the elderly
Homestaed complex
Homestead and associated outbuildings
Homestead and complex of out buildfings
Homestead and Outbuildings
Homestead and Pastoral Out Buildings
Homestead and pastoral property
Homestead architecture - atrium
Homestead Complex
Homestead complex-kitchen, garden and other domestic buildings
Homestead garden
Homestead Gardens and Landscapes
Homestead, pastoral station, shearing shed, slaughter yard, well, wool store
Hon John Sutherland Minister for Works
Honour Roll
Honour Rolls
Honouring Local People
Honouring wartime service
Hop cultivation for brewing beer
Horse breeding
Horse breeding and raising
Horse drawn coach transport
Horse jumping
Horse racing
Horse racing (Trotting)
Horse racing Racecourse
Horse riding
Horse transport
Horse transport related infrastructure - stables, watering troughs
Horse Trough
Horticultural experimentation, hybridising and acclimatisation
Horticultural experimentation, hybridising and acclimatisation
Horticultural Society activities - exhibitions, competitions
Horticulture, A place to live, Agricultural expansion, with its corollary
Horticulture, Cultural and social life
Horticulture; Agricultural expansion, with its corollary
Hospital and health services
Hospital building and associated site planning
Hospital complex
Hospital employment
Hospital Garden
Hospital/Health Centre or other health facility
Hospital/nursing home phase
Hospitals, maternity units
Hostel accomodation
Hotel accommodation
Hotel and accommodation
hotel and recreation
Hotel architecture
Hotel employment
Hotel Publicans
Hotel, hospitality and accommodation
Hotels and Accommodation
Hotels, parks, lookouts, walking tracks
House - brick
House and dental surgery
House and garden
House and garden setting
House and outbuildings
House and residence
House and store
House and timber yard
House Garden
house museum
House site
House, brick
House, pise
House, slate
House-brick and weatherboard
Houses and cottages
Housing - Suburban Expansion
Housing (inner city)
Housing (regional city)
Housing (regional towns)
housing (suburbs)
Housing / accommodation
Housing artists and creative people
Housing Business people
Housing constructed by Government
Housing convicts in communal or shared accommodation
Housing Development
Housing Domestic Architecture in an Upper Hunter township
Housing Domestic Architecture in Denman
Housing Domestic Architecture in Muswellbrook
Housing Domestic Architecture in the late 19th century Muswellbrook
Housing famous families
Housing farming families
Housing Federation domestic Architecture in the Muswellbrook area
Housing for farm and station hands
Housing for industrial managers and owners
Housing for industry
Housing for merchants and dealers
Housing for mission residents
Housing for railway workers and officers
Housing for teaching sisters
Housing for the elderly
Housing for War Widows
Housing governors and vice-regal families
Housing homeless men
Housing Homesteads in the Widden Valley
Housing in multi-unit blocks - flats, apartments
Housing in shop-based accommodation
Housing in villages and suburbs
Housing industrial workers
Housing medical staff
Housing migrants
Housing ordinary families
Housing politicians
Housing professional people
Housing Prominent families
Housing public servants and officials
Housing Religious housing in the Muswellbrook area
Housing Sailors on land
Housing ship owners and maritime traders
Housing signficant persons
Housing significant persons
Housing single people in boarding houses
Housing teachers
Housing the clergy and religious
Housing the elderly
Housing the Elite
Housing The homesteads of the Muswellbrook area
Housing the People
Housing the People
Housing the People
Housing the People
Housing the People
Housing the People
Housing the People
Housing the people - housing citizens
Housing the People – Responding to Need
Housing the People – Responding to Need
Housing the People – Responding to Need
Housing the People – Responding to Need
Housing the People – Responding to Need
Housing the People – Responding to Need
Housing the people - sheltering the settler / miner
Housing the Population – Living on the Fringe
Housing the prosperous - hill station summer retreats
Housing the prosperous - mansions in town and country
Housing the publican
Housing the Worker / Population / Uniting for common cause
Housing the Worker Population
Housing the Worker Population / Caring for the Unfortunate/ Unwanted.
Housing townsfolk - terraces and cottages
Housing townsfolk - urban villas
Housing -townsfolk and terraces
Housing Types of residential development in Muswellbrook
Housing working animals
How was material culture used to mark or remember different phases of life?
How were utilities located within settlement patterns?
Hunt Family
Hunting for sport
Hunting whales
Husdon Bros. Timber merchants
Hyde Park
Ian McKay, architect
Identification, extraction, processsing and distribution of precious stone/mineral ore
Identity/Imperial: Does the development of education facilities in Parramatta reflect awareness of an imperial identity?
Identity: Is identity explicit in the archaeological record and at what scale does it manifest itself? What does this t
if the need for a private cannon in a remote settlement is considered)
IK Brunel
Illawarra nation - evidence of occupation
Illustrates early ownership and occupancy of land within the Hunter Region
Illustrations in response to Bank's and Solander's scientific collections
Illustrations in response to Banks' and Solander's scientific collections
Imar Berzins, landscape designer
Immigrant encapment
Impact of Central Prisons within Townships
Impact of fire - shift to Main Street
Impact of fire - shift to Main Street Conservation precinct
Impact of gold & Grenfell's importance as a rural service centre
Impact of gold on Grenfell as well as Grenfell's importance as a rural centre with the emergence of wheat cultivation in
Impact of gold on Grenfell's establishment
Impact of gold on Grenfell's establishment and the transition to a rural service centre.
Impact of railways on suburban development
Impacts of railways on natural environment
Impacts of railways on rural development
Impacts of railways on urban form
Impacts of railways on urban regeneration
Imperial government
Implementing criminal and civil law and legal processes
Implementing the White Australia Policy
Imprisoning members of the LGBTIQA+ community only
Improvements in Home Conditions
Improving agricultural production
Improving firefighting techniques, equipment and control.
Incarcerating prisoners
Includes lookouts, commons and bushwalking tracks.
Includes masonic hall, public hall, community centre.
Includes railway station, highway, tollgate, toll house.
Indian migrants
Indian servants
Indicators of early town planning and the disposition of people within the emerging settlement
Indicators of early town planning and the disposition of people within the emerging settlement
Indigenous/Interaction: What evidence is there about the lives of Aboriginal people and the nature of interaction in the
Individual landholders and families
Individualistic architectural features
Indonesian migrants
Industrail accommodation building types
Industrial buildings
Industrial design
Industrial Development
Industrial growth
Industrial machinery
Industrial Revolution: Is there evidence of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century agriculture?
Industrial site with former structures
Industrial Sites
Industrial technology
Industrialisation and Coal mining in the Muswellbrook
Industrialisation and The rise of secondary
Industrialisation and The Rise of secondary Deindustrialisation industry in Muswellbrook
Industry and employment
Industry in Sydney
Industry in the town of Young
Industry in the Wollondilly
Industry Lime Kilns in theTechnology Muswellbrook District
Industry Residences in the Illawarra
Industry Shale Mining in the Upper Hunter
Industry Staff Residence in the Illawarra
Industry The establishment of dairy industries in the Muswellbrook area
Industry training and education
Infants Building
Infants School
Infill residence
Informal eduction/training through social institutions
Infrastructure construction
Infrastructure for local pastoralism
Inn and homestead
Inn keeping
Inn site
Inns & waystations
Inns and Hotels
Inns serving travellers across the Mountains
Inspirational environments and events
Institutions for convalescence
Insurance industry
Inter war Art deco style house design
Inter war commercial design
Interacting with the Invader
Interior design styles and periods - 20th century colonial revival
Interior design styles and periods - 20th century Inter War
Interior design styles and periods - 20th century Interwar Hollywood Spanish
Interior design styles and periods - 20th century post WW2
Interior design styles and periods - 21st century contemporary
Interior design styles and periods - Art Deco
Interior design styles and periods - Art Nouveau
Interior design styles and periods - Colonial
Interior design styles and periods - Edwardian
Interior design styles and periods - Egyptian Revival
Interior design styles and periods - Gothic Revival
Interior design styles and periods - Inter War
Interior design styles and periods - Interwar Hollywood Spanish
Interior design styles and periods - late 20th century contemporary
Interior design styles and periods - late 20th century International style
Interior design styles and periods - mid 20th Century vernacular
Interior design styles and periods - Mid-20th century modern
Interior design styles and periods - Modernist
Interior design styles and periods - Post-War International style
Interior design styles and periods - Southern Chinese or Cantonese style
Interior design styles and periods - Victorian
Internment camp
Internment of German and other emmigrants
Interwar Academic Classicist Style
Interwar Art Deco Style
Inter-War Art Deco style architecture
Interwar Bungalow Style
Inter-war Bungalow style
Inter-War Bungalow Style Architecture
Interwar Byzantine Ecclesiastical Style
Interwar California Bungalow Style
Inter-War Californian Bungalow
Interwar Civic Park
Interwar Classical Revival Style
Interwar Edwardian Classical Style
Inter-War Flat buildings
Inter-war flats
Interwar Functionalist Style
Inter-War Functionalist style architecture
Inter-War Georgian Revival style architecture
Interwar Georgian Style
Interwar House and Garden
Inter-war house type
Inter-war housing
inter-war residence
Inter-War Spanish Mission Style
Interwar Spanish Style
Interwar Stockbrocker Tudor Style
Interwar Stripped Classical Style
Interwar Style
Introduce cultural planting
Involvement in local interest groups
Involvement in world wars I and II
Involvement with the Boer War
Involvement with the Boxer Rebellion in China
Involvement with the First (Great) World War
Involvement with the Indonesian confrontation
Involvement with the Iraq War
Involvement with the Korean War
Involvement with the Second World War
Involvement with the South African (Boer) War
Involvement with the Sudan War
Involvement with the Vietnam War
Involvement with United Nations peacekeeping
Involvment with the Second World War
Irish commercial and retail activities
Irish cultural influence
Irish culture
Irish Immigrants
Irish migrants
Irish religious practices - Catholicism
Irish rural building practises
Irish settlement
Irish Settlers
Irish Township
Irish workers and settlers
Ironmonger and Blacksmith
Irrigation infrastructure
Irrigation measures
Irrigation technology and structures
Is there evidence for differentiation between land-based and other transport of goods?
Is there evidence of customary patterns (buildings, food, religious practice, cultural artefacts, etc)?
Is there evidence of disease in human remains?
Is there evidence of nineteenth-century river dredging or navigation improvements?
Is there evidence of Parramatta manufactured textiles?
Is there noticeable difference in the quality of workmanship between convict and contract or free workmen?
Islamic influence
Isolated graves
Isolated graves / Remnant headstones
Isolated Graves of the Warren Shire
Isolating 'special' convicts
Italian agriculturists and viticulturists
Italian hermit practices
Italian housing and architecture
Italian migrants
Italian Migration
Italian Settlement
Italian shopkeeping and retail practises
Italian stone masons and builders
Italian workmen employment
J B Chappell
J.C. Laycock, Thomas Holt, Alcocks of Three Pines Boat service
J.D. Pilcher
J.F. White
J.J. Cory
J.J. Whyte
James Healey
James Leacock
James Lonsdale
James Marks
James Peddle Architect
James Richmond of Haddon Rig
James White
Japanese culture
Jewish faith
Jewish migrants
Jewish religious practises
Jewish settlers
JF O Connor
JH Buckeridge Architect and TE Rolfe Philanthropist
John Blackburn
John Bourke, citrus pioneer
John Colley
John Edmondson VC
John Holland Constructions
John Job Crew Bradfield (1867-1943), civil engineer
John Job Crew Bradfield, engineer
John Joseph Cummins
John Mann
John Milner
John Pring
John Ross
John Sinclair (Waterloo Station)
John Tzannes
John Verge, colonial architect
John Whitton
John Willis
Joining together to study and appreciate local history
Joining together to study and appreciate philosophy
Joseland & Gilling, architects
Joseph Neild of Meryon
Joseph Smith
Joseph Walker
Joss House Site
Judicial Symbols
Junction Hotel
Justice of the Peace
Juvenile detention centre
Kamilaroi nation - occupation and use sites
Keeping a butchery
Keeping agricultural and pastoral equipment
Keeping cafes and restaurants
Keeping garages and service stations
Ken Howard
Ken Woolley, architect
Kerb and guttering
Kerbs and gutters
Kerosene Processing
Keyline farming
Killing and dressing stock
King Edward V11
King Edward V11 memorial
King George Memorial
King George Park
King George V
King George V Memorial
King George V Park
Kiosk, Café and Restaurant
Kitchen furnishings
Kitchen Garden
Kitchens and servants
Kurnu-Baakandji nation - sites evidencing occupation
Kwong Sing
Labour associated with farming
Labour associated with mining
Lagoon and nature reserve
Lambing Flat Anti-Chinese Riots
Lambing Flat Gold Rush
Lambing Flat Riot
Land Grant
Land Grants in Appin
Land Grants in Bargo
Land Grants in Brownlow Hill
Land Grants in Cawdor
Land grants in Pheasant's Nest
Land grants in Picton
Land Grants in the Wollondilly
Land Grants to the Macarthurs
Land selection
Land Tenure
Land Tenure Early 20th century subdivision and development in the Lake Liddell area
Land Tenure Early subdivision and development in the Lake Liddell area
Land Tenure Expansion and settlement in Saddlers Creek area
Land Tenure Local land subdivision in the early 20th century
Land Tenure Prominent tradesmen
Land Tenure Subdivisions in the Muswellbrook area
Land Tenure The expansion of the Muswellbrook rural area
Landing Site
Landmark structures and places in Regional settings
Landmark Trees
Lands Office
Landscape amenities
Landscape beautification
Landscape feature
Landscape Feature/Formal Garden
Landscape gardening
Landscape gardens and outbuildings
Landscape of contemplation and devotion
Landscape of Rememberance
Landscape of Remembrance
Landscape of sport and recreation
landscape type
Landscape types, conservation structures, national parks, nature reserves, avenues of trees, and places important in arg
Landscape, flora and fauna
Landscape/Perception: How do different views of land affect its use?
Landscaped gardens
Landscaped private garden
Landscapes activities associated with the interations between humans, human societies and the shaping of their physical
Landscapes and countryside of rural charm
Landscapes and gardens of domestic accommodation
Landscapes and gardens of domestic accommodation
Landscapes and Parklands
Landscapes and parklands of distinctive styles
Landscapes demonstrating styles in landscape design
Landscapes drowned beneath dam waters
Landscapes of coastal swimming, diving, surfing and sunbathing
Landscapes of contemplation and devotion
Landscapes of control, lumberyard, quarry, and convict-built structures.
Landscapes of cultural and natural interaction
Landscapes of cultural and natural interaction
Landscapes of food production
Landscapes of industrial production
Landscapes of institutions
Landscapes of institutions - productive and ornamental
Landscapes of local swimming, diving, surfing and sunbaking
Landscapes of military activities
Landscapes of mining
Landscapes of passive recreation
Landscapes of remembrance
Landscapes of scenic beauty
Landscapes of segregation
Landscapes of sport and recreation
Landscapes of urban amenity
Landscapes of urban amenity
Landscapes of urban and rural interaction
Landscapes used for self reliant recreation
Landscaping - 20th c bush garden style
Landscaping - 20th c. demonstration nursery garden
Landscaping - 20th century bush garden style
Landscaping - 20th century interwar
Landscaping - 20th century post WW2
Landscaping - 21st century contemporary
Landscaping - artists gardens
Landscaping - colonial period
Landscaping - Federation period
Landscaping - grottoes
Landscaping - Japanese style gardens
Landscaping - late 20th century
Landscaping - Modern Movement
Landscaping - neglected, regenerating to bushland
Landscaping - public parks movement
Landscaping - roof gardens
Landscaping - Southern Chinese or Cantonese style gardens
Landscaping - Victorian gardenesque style
Landscaping - Victorian period
Landscaping - WW2 period
Landscaping in urban areas
Lanscapes and countryside of rural charm
Lapstone Monocline
Large suburban houses
Late 20th Century Ecclesiastical style
Late 20th Century Immigrants Nostalgic style
Late federation style
Late Interwar Mediterranean Style
Late ninetennth century villas
Late Victorian civic design
Late victorian house
Late Victorian Italianate Architecture
Late Victorian Italianate Style
Late victorian residence
Late Victorian Style
Late Victorian Villa
Latvian migrants
Laundry Employment
law and order
Law and order in Shellharbour
Law and Order in the Wollondilly
Law and Order The Police in Muswellbrook
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement employment
Lawn Bowling Club
Lawn Bowls
Laycock Family
Laying down transport routes, Coping with new modes of transport.
Laying down Transport Routes.
Lead and silver mining
Lead, zinc, silver mining site
learning a musical instrument
Leasehold for Mining
Leasehold Land after 1823
Leasehold Land before 1823
Leasing land for mining
Leasing land for pastoral purposes
Lebanese migrant culture
Lee family
Leeson family
Legal firm
Legends of conflict with Aborigines
Leisure - Sport Recreation and Entertainment
Leisure and Recreation
Leisure and Recreation
Leisure and Recreation
Leisure and Recreation
Leisure and tourism
Leisure Pioneering Families
Leisure The rise of horse racing in Muswellbrook
Leisure, growth of tourism; The allure of the other; environmental awareness
Leisure/Commerce The Hotels of Muswellbrook
Leith C McCredie and Richardson, architects
Leslie Wilkinson, prominent architect
Lester Sinclair ( John Mystery)
Lever family
Library Employment
Library services
Library/Literary Institute
Lime Kilns
Lime roasting
Limestone caves
limit of location
Listening to the radio
Literary Institute
Literary Institute (School of Arts)
Literary Works
Livery Stable
Livestock structures
Living a life of crime
Living above a shop or office
Living and Learning
Living and working at home
Living as a hermit
Living city - the growth of urban settlement
Living downtown in a city
Living in a bushland setting
Living in a community
Living in a jail or gaol
Living in a Juvenile Dentention Centre
Living in a Juvenile Dentention Centre-
Living in a Juvenile Detention Centre
Living in a migrant hostel
Living in a new house
Living in a prisoner-of-war camp
Living in a rural homestead
Living in a university college
Living in an ethnic settlement
Living in apartments
Living in converted commercial premises
Living in country towns
Living in factory accommodation
Living in make-shift accommodation
Living in Pittwater
Living in suburbia
Living in the City
living in the country
living in the suburbs
Living in, adapting and renovating homes for changing conditions
Living near factories and industrial complexes
Living on a soldier settler block
Living on the fringes without formal occupancy
Living on the land
Living on the urban fringe
Livingin harmony with the land
Loading Ramp
Local adaptive reuses of military sites
Local and municipal self-governance
Local Bakery
Local Bank
local Barnyards
Local builders
local building styles
Local butcher
Local cemetery
Local Church
Local churches
Local cinema
Local commercial centre
Local council
Local dairies
Local Dairy
local development
Local employment in a quarry site
Local family
Local Fire Brigades and Other Civic Services in Early 20th Century
Local Fire Brigades and Other Services in 20th Century
Local forestry
Local governance
Local government
Local Government
Local Government - Shire Council
Local government administration and recent amalgamation of Shires to form Tamworth Regional Council.
local government asset management
local government chambers
Local Government Departments
local government depot
Local government events
Local hall
Local hotels
Local inns
Local Institutions and Social Societies
Local Library
local living conditions of household
Local mailbox
Local meeting place
Local Memorial Hall
local memorials
Local Mine site
Local Museum
Local Park
Local printing works
Local Products Manufactured in Prisons and Impact of these Enterprises on Local Business
local quarry
Local residents in foreign wars
Local road
local ruin
Local school
Local schooling
Local schools
Local Service Organisations
Local shops and retail
Local sporting clubs and societies.
local sporting teams
local store
Local street identification markings
Local Tannery
Local tourism
Local transport services
Local Zoos
locality of former settlement
Locality small school
Location adjacent to Parramatta River
Lock Up
Locomotive design and technological development
Log Cabin Construction
Lone grave
Lone grave of William Hurst
Lone isolated grave
Lookout view
Louis Sergel
Lowry Family
Lt. Colonel William Stuart
Lucerne cropping
lucerne farming
Lutheran Church
Lying-in hospital
Lying-in Registered Home
Lyingt-in hospital
M O Brien
M. O Brien
M.C. Mackenzie and Sons.
MacCulloch and Bush Family
Machattie family
Macquarie Marshes
Macquarie's Sydney
Macquarie's town layout
Magistrate's residence
Mail Services and Post Offices
Mail staging post
Mail trains and parcels service
Mail trains and parcels services
main street
Main street development
Main street precinct
main street public art
Mainstreet buildings
Maintaining a cultural identity
Maintaining a postal network
Maintaining Afghani communities
Maintaining animal based transport
Maintaining Botanic Gardens for educational purposes
Maintaining Chinese communities
Maintaining Cornish communities
Maintaining German communities
Maintaining Greek Cypriot communities
Maintaining harbour pilot stations
Maintaining Irish communities
Maintaining Italian communities
Maintaining Law and Order
Maintaining libraries and museums for educational purposes
Maintaining maritime transport routes
Maintaining motorised road transport
Maintaining naval ships and craft
Maintaining regrowth and new forests
Maintaining religious practices
Maintaining remnant woodlands
Maintaining Scottish communities
Maintaining the air transport network
Maintaining the coastal steamer trade network
Maintaining the public rail transport system
Maintaining the railway network
Maintaining the river boat network
Maintaining the road network
Maintaining zoos for educational purposes
Major 19th century local land holders
Major 19th Century local land holders
Major Druit
Major Mitcheel Exploration route
Major Mitchell
Major private school
Major trials
Making a Living
Making a Living
Making a Living
Making a Living – Changing the Nature of Work
Making a Living – Distributing Goods
Making a Living – Distributing Goods
Making a Living – Distributing Goods
Making a Living – Enduring Unemployment
Making a Living – Enduring Unemployment
Making a Living – Enduring Unemployment
Making a Living – Hunting and fishing
Making a Living – Processing Agricultural Products
Making a Living – Processing Agricultural Products
Making a Living – Processing Agricultural Products
Making a living - processing animal products
Making a Living – Processing Animal Products
Making a Living – Processing Animal Products
Making a living - training for life and work
Making a Living – Training for Life and Work
Making a Living – Training for Life and Work
Making a Living – Training for Life and Work
Making a Living – Training for Life and Work
Making a living - working with hand and eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Hand and Eye
Making a Living – Working with Sophisticated Machinery
Making a Living – Working with Sophisticated Machinery
Making a Living – Working with Sophisticated Machinery
Making air journeys
Making and acting in films
Making and repairing ships for naval use
Making and supplying ordinance
Making and supplying ordnance
Making and using vernacular furnishings and decorations
Making coke
Making gas /generating electricity
making gas/generating electricity
Making railway journeys
Maljangapa Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Management of the supply of electricity in the Grafton area.
Management of the supply of water in Broken Hill.
Managers residence
Managing industrial relations
Managing the estates of deceased persons
Managing the land
Managing the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000
Managing water resources
Manchester Unity Hall
Manse and garden setting
Mansfield Bros
Mansion house
Manufactories, Mills, Machinery, Mines and Quarries - Hawkesbury Industries
Manufacturing agricultural implements and machinery
Manufacturing aircraft parts
Manufacturing aluminium
Manufacturing automobiles
Manufacturing beverages
Manufacturing building materials and products
Manufacturing cement
Manufacturing defence equipment and munitions
Manufacturing defence materials
Manufacturing facility
Manufacturing foodstuffs
Manufacturing footware
Manufacturing gas
Manufacturing Glass
Manufacturing glue
Manufacturing in the 20th century
Manufacturing interior decorating materials eg laminex
Manufacturing iron
Manufacturing metals
Manufacturing pottery and earthenwares
Manufacturing salt
Manufacturing textiles
Manufacturing workforce
Manusu family
Many commercial uses
Map of Australia
marble man
Marble quarry
Marine Estate
Marine related site
Marine villa
Marist brothers associations with Hunters Hill
Maritime industry shipyard timber yards
Maritime industry shipyards timber yards
Maritime navigation and regulation
Maritime related industries
maritme industry
Market Garden
Market garden employment
Market Garden/Chinese
Market gardening
Market gardens
Market places and squares
marketing and selling land by auction
Marking and maintaining affiliations with places by burials
Marking origins of major industries
Marking roads and boundaries
Marking the phases of life
Marking the transition from pastoralism to agriculture
Marking time in smaller centres
Marking trig stations and other survey points
Maroney family
Marr Grounds, artist
Marthaguy Shire Council
Martime Industry
Martin family
Mary Black, publican
Masonic activities
Masonic Hall
Masonic Hall and Temple
Masonic Hall, School of Arts, Art Gallery
Masonic Hall/Lodge
Masonic halls
Masonic Lodge
Masonic Lodge and members
Masonic Lodge Cronulla
Masonic Lodges and members
Masonic Temple
Masonic Temple membership
Masons, Tradesmen
Mass Tourism
Massacre Site
Maternity Hospital
Maternity Unit
Matron's cottage
Mauritian migrants
Max Factor
Mayor's residence
Mayors, aldermen and councillors
McMaster family
McPhillamy family
Measuring tidal activity
Meat House
Mechanic service
Mechanical arts and applied sciences
Mechanical equipment - Chaff production
Mechanics Institute
Mechanics' Institute
Mechanics Institutes
Mechanics Institutes for community education
Medical education
Medical employment
Medical residence
Medical Room
Medical Services
Meeting Hall
meeting place
Meeting places
Melbourne Cup Winner - Grand Flaneur
Members of Parliament
Memorail Chapel and setting
Memorial avenue
Memorial building
Memorial Chapel and setting
Memorial chapel and varied memorials
Memorial Church Hall
Memorial fence
Memorial fittings and furnishings
Memorial flag pole
Memorial for Boer War
Memorial from a church
Memorial garden
Memorial gates
Memorial Hall
Memorial hall and plaques
Memorial line of trees
Memorial- Lone Pine
Memorial lookout
Memorial Park
Memorial plantings
Memorial plaques
Memorial Poplar Trees
Memorial Structure
Memorial to a person/family/group
Memorial to an Aboriginal community
Memorial to an individual
Memorial to First World War Veterans
Memorial to Henry Suttor
Memorial to those who participated in Australian wars
Memorial to war
Memorial trees
Memorial World War One fence
Memorial WWI
Memorial/Boer War
Memorial/World War I
Memorialising mine disasters
Memorialising the defenders
Memorialising those who served in war
Mens Mess
Mens' Shed
Mental Health
Mental Institution
Metal workers and manufacturing
Methodist Church
Mewburn Family
Michael Golden
Michael Mansour
Mid Wives
Midwives Home
Midwives house
Migrant Accommodation
Migrant Camp memorial
Migrant Centre
Migrant workers
Migrants as railway promoters and managers
Migrants in the twentieth century
Migrating to seek opportunity
Migration from Wales & Cornwall
Migration Patterns after WW11
Mile marker
Milestone/road marker
Military airport
Military Architecture
Military barracks accommodation
Military Conscription
Military heritage
Military Hospital
Military housing
Military Involvement: What is the level of involvement of the military in the town and the townspeople's lifeways?
Military Nisse Hut
Military Parade Ground
Military Police use
Military settlement
Military Site
Military Stockade
Milk processing
Mill (grain)
Mill Employment
Mill workers accommodation
Mill-Flour and Saw
Milling flour, corn and other grains
Milltown cottages
Mine Assayer's residence
Mine Dam
Mine Doctor
Mine employment
Mine manager's accommodation
Mine manager's residence
Mine memorial
Mine owner's residence
Mine processing site
Mine site
Mine Workers
Mine workers organising and trade union activity
Mineral Deposit
Mineral Specimen
Mineral springs
Miners' accommodation and living conditions
Miners combining and working together
miner's cottage
Miner's housing
Miners relaxing
Mines and collieries
Minimg lead, silver and iron pyrites
Mining Activity
Mining and electricity installation
Mining at Dwyers Creek
Mining coal /generating electricity
Mining employment
Mining equipment
Mining for coal
Mining for coal - open cut
Mining for coal - underground
Mining for copper
Mining for gold
Mining for gravel
Mining for haematite
Mining for iron ore
Mining for lead
Mining for oil shales
Mining for Opal
Mining for peat
Mining for phosphates
Mining for silver
Mining for various minerals
Mining in aquatic environments
Mining in the Wollondilly
Mining Museums 1874-1908 Mining Museums 1909- 1996
Mining remnants
Mining Settlement
Mining shale /generating oil
Mining structures
Mining the Escarpment
Mining towns
Mining Village
Mining Wardens
Mining, transporting and exporting coal
Mining/workers huts
Mining/Workers Huts, activities associated with the identification, extraction, processing and distribution of coal
Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Muswellbrook
Minting currency
Miranda Public School
Mission housing
Mission settlements
Mixed commercial
Mixed Farming
Mock Rock Structures
Model Farms
Modern architecture
Moderne House
Moderne Style
Modernist residences in the Illawarra
Modification of terrain
Modifying landscapes to increase productivity
Mone Dam
Monsignor Hennessy
Monument dedicated to the memory of an event, family or person
Monument to gold digging
Monumental masonry and craftsmanship
Monuments / Memorials
Monuments and buildings; Link to Australia's Colonial Governor; Lachlan Macquarie; Politics; Sydney Hospital
More widespread use of brick during the Victorian period
More widespread use of brick in commerical premises
More widespread use of brick in government buildings
More widespread use of brick in important buildings
Mother Mary McKillop
Mothering support
Motor Boat Racing
motor car
Motor Garage
Motor Garage employment
Motor Garage owners
Motor Showroom
Motor Transport
Moving Goods and People on Land
Moving migrants inland
Moving of people and goods
Moving people to events and leisure activities
Moving people to sporting events
Moving the grain crops
Mr Collins
Mr. Black of Cumnock
Mrs Archibald Boyd
Mrs Blessing
Mt Yarrowyck art site
Mud brick, concrete blocks, timber shingles
Multi Purpose health centre
Multi-cultural burials
Multi-national contacts with local communities
Multi-national sporting events
Multi-purpose Hall
Multipurpose social spaces in public places
Municipal Council Chambers
Municipal Council employment
Municipal Government
Municipal Government Garden Suburbs
Municipal improvements
Municipal Moments
Municipality, 1863-82
Mural art, graffiti and tagging
Museum Collection
Museum Complex
Mushroom farming
Music composition
Music making and musical occasions
musical gatherings
Musical instruments
Musical Works
Mustering Yard
Naming of a park
Naming of a Public Library
Naming of a timber bridge
Naming of Dangar's Lagoon
Naming places
Naming places (toponymy)
Nathan Cohen
National Fitness Centre
National Park
National Park Employment
National Parks Service
National Service scheme training
Native Feasts
Native Institution
Native tree
Native tree specimen
Native vegetation area
Natural - pre European settlement vegetation
Natural - regenerating native flora for conservation purposes
Natural - regenerating native flora valued for conservation purposes
Natural - site important native fauna habitat or food source
Natural areas associated with leisure
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Background
Natural Coastal Forests and Impacts of European Modifications
Natural Environment
Natural environment remnant of Albury
Natural environments in the Wollondilly
Natural Landmark
Natural landscape reserve
Natural pre-European settlement vegetation
Natural reserve land for camping etc
Natural Sequence Farming (water management)
Natural Vegetation
Natural water resource
Nature Reserve
Nature Reserve and Wildlife Lagoon
Nature Reserve Employment
Naval architecture
Naval establishment or involvement
Naval store buildings
Navy housing
Navy Sea League cadet associations
Neeld's No.1 Mine
Nepean River, alluvial plains, gravel and sand deposits
New England Club
New farming technologies/machinery/silo design
New State movement
New vineyards
Newspaper office
Newspaper production
Ngaku tribe - sites evidencing occupation
Ngarigo Nation - occupation and use sites
Ngunawal Nation - occupation sites
Ngurunta Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Nightingale, a registered Home
Nineteenth Century
Nineteenth Century Development
Nineteenth century transport routes
Nip Welsh memorial park
Nissen Hut
Nngemba-Ngiyampaa Wangaaypuwan Wayilwan nation - association with Baiame, ceremony, trade, axe manufacture, sites eviden
Non British settlers
North Park
Norwood Estate Subdivision
Notable Persons, late colonial, Walter Liberty Vernon
Notable traditional external materials
Noted by early explorer
No-tillage farming
NSW Housing Commission residence
NSW Railways
Nungaroo Land Council
Nurse employment
Nurse Robinson
Nurseries and horticultural production
Nursery production of plants
Nurses and Doctors
Nurses Home
Nurses Quarters
Nurses' Station
Nursing home
Nursing homes
O. Chee Family
Oak Flats
Obelisk War Memorial
obert Hargreave Broderick (1860-1934), City Architect and Building Surveyor 1896-1928
Observing and looking out for enemy movements
Observing religious practices
Obtaining child care
Occupation by the Darug – Interacting with the Invader
Occupation by the Darug – Interacting with the Invader
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation by the Darug – Occupying the Land
Occupation Sites
Ocean Bathing in the Illawarra
Odd Fellows Halls
Oddfellow membership
Oddfellows Hall
Odeon Theatres
Office accommodation
Office building
Office Building / Premises
Office employment
Office Equipoment
Office use
Office use
Offices and business premises
Official residences
Officials and the military settlers
Oil exploration
Old Colonial Georgian Architecture
Olice Station, lockup and residence
Olive growing
Oliver Feetham
Oliver Harley
On the urban Fringe - Facilities
On the urban fringe
On the Urban Fringe - Worker housing
On the Urban Fringe - Facilities
On the Urban Fringe - Villas
On the Urban Fringe - Worker housing
One teacher school
Open Forest
Open Space
Open Space Provision
Opening coal mines on the escarpment
Opening Up, 1818-39
Operating a Brewery
Operating a restaurant
Operating a set for movie or television filming
Operating a tourism venture
Operating amusement facilities by religious bodies
Operating an entertainment venue
Operating and belonging to friendly societies
Operating and maintaining cemeteries and burial grounds
Operating and maintaining Chinese burial grounds
Operating and maintaining private family burial grounds
Operating and maintaining small or isolated burial grounds
Operating convalescent and rehabilitation hospitals
Operating government owned farms
Operating government relief programs
Operating government-owned farms
Operating market and retail complexes
Operating mental health facilities
Operating private and religious hospitals
Operating private hospitals
Operating public hospitals
Operating quarantine facilities
Operating systems and methods for paying workers
Operating the public railway system
Operating wind energy facilities
Operational health and safety
Opportunity/Charity Shop
Orchard Employment
Orchard Shed
Orchard/Market Garden
Orchards and viticulture
Order and Amenity: How does the layout of Parramatta reflect existing values relating to order and amenity?
Organic farming methods
Organisations Fostering Creativity
Organised Sport
Organising the teaching of technical subjects 1883-2017
Original home of the Kelpie breed
Original miners house / hut
Ornamental fountain
Ornamental Garden
Oswald Bloxsome
Oswald Family
Other open space
Other sporting venues
Outdoor cinema
Outdoor concerts and performances
Outdoor relief
Outlying settlements
Ovals, swimming pools, bowling greens, bowling clubs and tennis courts
Overseers accommodation
Owning and occupying a house
Oxley and Evans 1818
Oxley and other explorers
Oyster Farming
Packham family
Packing Fruit
Packing House
Paddle steamers
Pakistani migrants
Panaretos and Co
Parade area
Parade Ground
Paragon Cafe
Parish Priest
Parish Priests
park and recreation
Park reserve
Parkman family
Parks and Gardens
Parks and open spaces
Parks and public gardens
Parks and recreation
Parliament House
Parramatta Park
Parramatta River
parsonage, manse, vicarage
parsonage, manse, vicarage, rectory
parsonage, manse, vicarage, rectory, verger's cottage
Part of Burley Griffin's Castlecrag subdivision
Participating in ANZAC Day celebrations
Participating in homosexual organisations and networks
Participating in Oddfellows organisation
Participating in sporting activities
Participating in women's organisations
Particular systems of faith and worship.
Passenger Rail Carriage
Pastoral accommodation
Pastoral and Agricultural Associations
Pastoral and Agricultural Societies
Pastoral and agricultural technology
Pastoral cemetery
Pastoral diversification
Pastoral Economy
Pastoral employment
Pastoral expansion
Pastoral expansion
Pastoral Expansion Industrial architecture in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoral grazing and farming
Pastoral Head Station
Pastoral Homestead
Pastoral homesteads
Pastoral labour
Pastoral Landscape
Pastoral Policy
Pastoral property
Pastoral property cemetery
Pastoral property employment
Pastoral property outbuildings
Pastoral Runs
Pastoral Station
Pastoral Station Employment
Pastoral stations
Pastoralims on the Lower Macqaurie
Pastoralism - grazing sheep, cattle, goats or other animals
Pastoralism Cattle and horse breeding properties in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism Cattle breeding
Pastoralism Dairy Farming in the Upper Hunter
Pastoralism Early dairy farms in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism Early farms of the Upper Hunter Valley
Pastoralism Homesteads in the Widden Valley
Pastoralism Horse and Cattle Breeding
Pastoralism Horse breeding in the Widden Valley
Pastoralism in the Wollondilly
Pastoralism Local/Regional horse racing
Pastoralism on the Marthaguy
Pastoralism Pioneer cattle farms of the Upper Hunter
Pastoralism The development of cattle and horse breeding in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism The early dairies of the Muswellbrook district
Pastoralism The establishment of the cattle industry in the Upper Hunter
Pastoralism The establishment of the Merino industry in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism The establishment of the wool and cattle industries in the Upper Hunter
Pastoralism The establishment of the wool industry in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism The establishment of wool growing in the Upper Hunter
Pastoralism The growth of dairy and sheep farming in Muswellbrook
Pastoralism The growth of sheep and cattle farming in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism The growth of sheep farming in the Muswellbrook area
Pastoralism The opening up of the Baerami Creek area to cattle breeding
Pastoralism Wool growing in the Upper Hunter
Pastoralist and horticulturist
Pastoralist J.S. Drew
Pastoralist Landscape Gardens
Pastoralist outbuildings
Pastoralists' City Club premises
Pastroal grazing and farming
Pasture Grassland
Pastures Protection has now become LHPA
Patrick Henry Scott
Patrick McMahon
Patronising artistic endeavours
Pattern of subdivision
Patyrick Heron Henderson
Paul Kafka (1907-1972), designer and furniture maker
Paul Sorensen
Paul Sorenson
Paul Strzelecki
Peace Park
penal settlement
Peopling the continent
Performing Arts
Performing important ceremonies and rituals
Performing in artistic and creative ways
Performing theatrical entertainments
Period 3, Water Supply + other developments (1890-1887)
Permaculture farming
Permanent residences, temporary accommodation, holiday houses, etc. Also includes different densities of residential bu
Permissive Occupancy
Perryman, Dunningham
Persons businessmen
Persons Early Retailers in Muswellbrook
Persons Early settlers and conditional purchasers of land
Persons Eminent 19th century businessmen of the Muswellbrook area
Persons Eminent 19th century Hunter Valley Architects
Persons Eminent 19th century Muswellbrook families
Persons Eminent 19th century NSW Architects
Persons Eminent Architects of the Hunter Valley
Persons Eminent business families of Muswellbrook
Persons Eminent early Colonial Surveyors
Persons Eminent international & Hunter Region Architects
Persons Eminent mid-19th century pastoralists of the Muswellbrook area
Persons Eminent Muswellbrook area pioneers
Persons Eminent Muswellbrook businessmen of the latter 19th century
Persons Eminent Muswellbrook Pioneers
Persons Eminent Muswellbrook professionals of the latter 19th century
Persons Eminent pioneering and business families of the Muswellbrook area
Persons Eminent pioneering families of the Upper Hunter
Persons Famous architects of NSW
Persons Famous Muswellbrook area pioneer family
Persons Famous pastoralists of the Upper Hunter
Persons Famous Upper Hunter pioneering and pastoral families
Persons Founding families of the Muswellbrook District
Persons Local eminent citizen in Muswellbrook
Persons Master Masons of the Upper Hunter region
Persons Pioneer families in Widden Valley
Persons Pioneer families of the Muswellbrook area
Persons Politicians of Muswellbrook
Persons Prominent architects of the Hunter region
Persons Prominent Businessmen
Persons Prominent pioneer families
Persons Prominent pioneers and landholders of the Muswellbrook area
Persons Prominent Tradesmen
Persons The Architects of Muswellbrook
Persons The early middle class merchants of Muswellbrook
Persons The establishment of irrigation in the Muswellbrook area
Persons The Thompsons of Widden Valley
Pet Grave
Peter Miller (P O Miller), engineer
Philanthropic Groups
Philanthropic organistaion- The Salvation Army
Philanthropy and development of social institutions such as Mechanic Institutes, CWA, Masonic Lodges, establishment of c
Philanthropy and reform
Philanthropy and the establishment of hospitals, maintenance of health services in rural and remote areas.
Philanthropy and the establishment of local schools, closure of schools in smaller villages and centralisation in larger
Philanthropy for religious uses
Phillip Lazarus
Phillip's town layout
Physical evidence of creating, maintaining, living in and working around houses, through domestic artefacts scatters, ar
Physical evidence of working class/emerging business class cottage housing
Picnic Place
Picnic shelter
Picture theatre
Picture Theatre Employment
Picturesque Gothic Country Church
Pig farming
Pilliga Forest Industries
Pine wind breaks
Pioneer cemetery
Pioneer Landowners
Pioneer lines
Pioneering and social pressures/settlement in the 19th Century
Pioneers and social pressures/Settlement in the 19th Century
Pioneers of the district
Pise building
Pise construction
Pise walls
Pistol shooting
Place of Burial
Place of worship or religious practice
Place of writing and research
Places and buildings associated with sport
Places important in developing conservation processes
Places of formal community gatherings
Places of indentured labour
Places of informal community gathering
Places of informal community gatherings
Places of public recreation
Places of strikes and industrial actions
Places of worship
Plains and plateaux supporting human activities-
Planned towns serving a specific industry
Planning manorial villages and systems
Planning relationships between key structures and town plans
Planted trees
Planting on private property
Playing billiards
Playing bowls
Playing cards
Playing cricket
Playing croquet
Playing football
Playing golf
Playing sports
Playing tennis
Pleasure Grounds
Plunge dip
PM Gough Whitlam
PMG - telephony
Police - Community Involvement
Police cottage
Police Employment
Police grave
police house
Police Lockup
Police Officer
Police residence
Police residence and station
Police stables
Police Station
Police Station
Police Station and Courthouse
Police Station and Lockup
Police Station and lock-up
Police Station, lockup and residence
Police Station/Lock-up
Police Stations
Policing and enforcing the law
Policing and enforcing the law on the water
Policing bushrangers
Policing rural localities
Polioce Barracks
Polish migrants
Political Representative/NSW Legislative Council
Polo matches
Pools and ocean baths
Port Development
Port Kembla Steel Works and its Staff
Port Kembla Steelworks and its Managers
Ports Administration
Ports and shipping infrastructure
Portuguese cultural influences
Portuguese viticultural skills
Possibly convict holding place
Post and rail fencing
Post and Telegraph Office
Post and Telegraph Services
Post Office
Post Office and Postmaster's residence
Post Office and Residence
Post Office residence
post office site only
Post Offices
Post Ofice
Post War Boom - Suburban Development - Residential Expansion Post WWII
Post War Botanic Gardens
Post War Canal Development Style
Post war housing settlement
Post War International Style
Post War 'modern' house
Post war modernist style
Post war residence
Post war Standard Design Housing
Post World War 11 Style Bridge
Postal and Communication Services
Postal and Communications
Postal and telecommunication services
Postal and Telegraphic Services
Postal employment
Postal service
Postal Services
Postal services along the Macquarie
Post-War Architecture
Postwar Arts and Crafts style
Postwar Period Styles ( 1940-1960)
Postwar use of Nissen, Quonset and Saar huts
Post-war use of Quonset, Nissen and Saar huts
Pot Office Employment
potential archaeological deposits only
Pottery and music
Pottery manufacture
Poultry farm
Poultry Farming
Poultry production
Poured concrete walls
POW Camp
power generation
Power house
Power Station
Power Station Employment
Power stations, communication masts and water reservoirs.
Power Supply
Powering local industries
Powering local industries.
Powering local industries. Do subsurface remains associated with the 1938 power house survive on site?
PP Abbott
Practicing Methodism
Practising Anglicanism
Practising Baptism
Practising Baptist worship
Practising Brethren
Practising Buddhism
Practising Catholicism
Practising Catholism
Practising Christianity in isolation as a recluse
Practising Christianity in mainly non-Christian communities
Practising Congregationalism
Practising Coptic Christianity
Practising Freemasonry
Practising Islam
Practising Judaism
Practising Lutheranism
Practising Lutherism
Practising meditation
Practising Methodism
Practising Orthodoxy
Practising Orthodoxy-
Practising Prebyterianism
Practising Presbyerianism
Practising Presbyterianism
Practising protestant unity
Practising Quakerism
Practising Religion
Practising Roman Catholicism
Practising Salvationism
Practising Sikhism
Practising traditional Chinese religious beliefs
Preferring to employ ex-servicemen
Preparing for conflict
Presbyterian - Manse
Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Community Of Cronulla
Presbyterian Manse
Presbyterian Ministers
Preschool/early eduction
Present Use - residence
Pre-white settlement
Primary education
Primary Industry
Primary level education organised by small privately funded enterprise for local boys of the Woollahra area
Primary producers
Primary School
Prime Minister Ben Chifley
Principal's residence
Printing and publication
Printing machinery
Printing Works
Prison colony
Prison farm
Prisoner of War camp
Prisons of the Illawarra
Private (independent) schooling
Private (religious) schooling
Private and Public Hospital
Private assignment
Private cemeteries
private cemetery
Private Chapel open for community use
Private Convalescent Home
Private education
Private family burial grounds
Private farming
Private Hall/Community Use
Private health care
Private Hosp[ital
Private Hospital
Private Hotel
Private independent schooling
Private Nursing Home
Private park
Private parkland
private pastoral cemetery
Private Railway
Private railway lines
Private residence
Private School
Private Schools
Private settlements captive to coal mining
Private sporting facilities
Private tennis court
Private Village Town
Private Wharf
Private/Public Hospital
Probation centre
Processing copper
Processing gold
Processing gold and silver
Processing livestock into meat products
Processing materials for the Photographic Industry
Processing meat
Processing Plant
Processing silver
Processing stone fruits
Processing wheat and other grains
produce markets
Produce Store / Warehouse
Producing Paper
Product assembly and distribution
Production and distribution of timber
Professional Fishing 1919-1937
professional offices
Professional Services
Progress Association
Progress Hall
Prominent architect, Philip Cox
prominent individuals
Prominent local architect Colin Anslow
Prominent local person
Prominent People
Prominent Sydney family
Property development
Proposed Tillegra Dam
prospecting for gold
Protests and activism
Provding electricity
Providing a home for disadvantaged children
Providing a home for disadvantaged children -
Providing a venue for significant events
Providing a venue for significant events
Providing a water supply
Providing accommodation for managers and profesisonals
Providing accommodation for managers and professionals
Providing accommodation for railway staff
Providing ambulance services
Providing and using pedestrian tracks and ways
Providing baby health care services
Providing blood transfusion services
Providing care for crippled children
Providing care for mentally disabled youth
Providing charity
Providing child care
Providing childcare facilities
Providing community halls and services
Providing drinking water
Providing electricity
Providing food and rations
Providing foreign government embassies
Providing gas
Providing geriatric and old age care
Providing Governors residences
Providing halls and other community facilities
Providing health and welfare facilities
Providing holiday accommodation
Providing homes for war veterans
Providing hospital facilities
Providing hospitals and health care
Providing hydraulic elevators or lifts in buildings
Providing insurance
Providing irrigation
Providing job training and placement services
Providing kindergartens for pre-school children
Providing migrant labour
Providing mission reserves
Providing model factories
Providing natal care for illegitimate children
Providing night refuge and food to homeless men
Providing nursing training
Providing parks and public open spaces
providing public gymnasia
Providing public lectures, demonstrations for educational purposes
Providing public offices and buildings
Providing public sporting facilities
Providing public toilets
Providing rail transport
Providing retail services
Providing schools and education
Providing services for ex-servicemen
Providing sewerage systems
Providing sewers and stormwater outlets
Providing sewers and stormwater outlets
Providing source of construction materials for railways
providing sports facilities for city workers and residents
Providing sports facilities for city workers and residents.
Providing street lighting
Providing telecommunications facilities
Providing training for clergy and laity
Providing training for destitute boys
Providing transport by road
Providing Transport by Sea
Providing Utility Services
Providing work for the dole schemes
Provision for Public Schools
Provision of a local social gathering place.
Provision of accommodation
Provision of accommodation - mid 19th century sandstone cottage
Provision of banking and commercial services in rural and remote areas.
Provision of communication and postal services in rural and remote areas.
Provision of electricity
Provision of footbridges for road safety
Provision of Free Public Library Collection
Provision of infrastructure for park or recreation area
Provision of infrastructure for school students
Provision of judicial services
Provision of land for cemetery
Provision of land for Church use
Provision of land for community use
Provision of midwifery, maternal and child health and aged care services in rural and remote areas.
Provision of police services
Provision of public utility
Provision of railway coal supplies
Provision of railway electricity supplies
Provision of railway technological supplies
Provision of railway water supplies
provision of religious education
Provision of road bridge
Provision of utilities in rural and remote areas, Irrigation and dam building.
Psychiatric hospitals
Public - primary schooling
Public (primary) School
Public (primary) schooling
Public (secondary) schooling
Public (tertiary) education
Public amenities
Public boarding schools
public caves
Public Cemetery
Public Education
Public education-
Public Hall
Public Health
Public Health Services
Public Hospital
Public house
Public House - Hotel
Public houses & inns
Public Housing
Public Housing Scheme/Housing Commission
Public institution
Public libraries
Public Library
Public Park
Public park and bandstand
Public park space within a forest
Public primary schools
Public railway system
Public Reserve
Public Reserves
Public road system
Public School
Public School residence
Public schooling
Public Sculpture
Public services
Public special schooling
Public Swimming Pool
Public tramline system
Public transport
Public transport - harbour ferries
Public transport - rural railway lines
Public Transport - suburban railway lines
Public transport - tramway lines
Public works
Public works - education
Public works architecture
Public/Community Hall
Public/Private Education: Do public and private education differ in resources and expected outcomes?
Punishment: What are the material remains of punishment? Do they reflect punishment of the body, or reformation of the m
Purpose built Wool store
Push westward
Quarantining infectious arrivals
Quarry and ancillary structures
Quarry employment
Quarrying marbles and ornamental stones
Quarrying sand and gravel
Quarrying shale for bricks
Quarrying stone
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
Quipolly Churches
Quirindi Churches
Quirindi Police and Court Buildings
Quirindi Sporting Organisations
R. Franki
R.J. Moore
RAAF Base, WWII Mustard Gas
Rabbit industry
Rabbit trapping and processing industry
Race Course
Race track
Race Track and sporting area
Racecourse emoloyment
Racing greyhound dogs
Racing horses
Racing motor cars
Racing yachts
Radar station
Radio Receiving Station
Radio Tower
Rail Bridge/Viaduct
Rail construction workers
Rail grain transport from silos to NSW ports
Rail heritage volunteers
Rail line
Rail maintenance volunteers
Rail motor design and technological development
Rail to ship interchange
Rail transport
Rail transport in the Illawarra
Rail Viaduct
Railway administration
Railway archaeological site
Railway architecture and design
Railway art, folklore and music
Railway bridge
Railway bridge footings
Railway building and railway system
Railway buildings and line
Railway celebrations and commemorations
Railway Construction
Railway cottage
Railway Development
Railway employment
Railway engineering structure
Railway Equipment
Railway footbridge
Railway gardens
Railway gatekeepers cottage
Railway gatekeeper's residence
railway house
Railway Houses
Railway housing
Railway imapcts on Aboriginal culture
Railway impacts on Aboriginal cultures
Railway infrastructure
Railway Institute
Railway items
Railway Line
Railway line construction
Railway Network
Railway Network -design/construction
Railway operations workers
Railway Reservoirs, Bowling Clubs
Railway residences
Railway service
Railway services
Railway Settlement
Railway shops
Railway siding
Railway Station
Railway Station architecture public Works
Railway station complex
Railway Station Group
Railway station managers residences
Railway Station precinct
Railway Suburbs
Railway Suburbs/Flat Development
Railway time
Railway tourism
Railway Town/City/Educational Centre
Railway Transport
Railway transport for goods
Railway viaduct
Railway work culture
Railway Workers
Railway Workshops
Railway: What effect does the introduction of the railway have in the 1850s?
Railways connecting coastal settlements
Railways connecting industry and ports
Railways to inland settlements
Rainforest Area
Rare and Significant Fauna
Rare and Significant Flora
Rare and Significant Trees
Rare interiors
Rare Sydney Laneway
Rare timber construction
re-adapted as residence
Re-adapted residential building
Readapted university building
Reading of the Riot Act
Reafforesting degraded farmland, trials of species
Reafforesting degraded mining land
Real Estate agency
Rear Admiral D.C.Wells
Reclamation and Permissive Occupancy of Crown Land
Recognition of past events
Recording agricultural and pastoral practices
Recording rainfall and farming practices
Recreation and Entertainment
Recreation and relaxation
Recreation area
Recreation Ground Entrance
Recreation Leisure and social life of the citizens in Muswellbrook
Recreation Reserve
Recreation; European Settlement
Recreational Facilities
Recreational Grounds
Rectory/Minister's residence
Red Cross
Red Cross activities
Regional Airport
Regional banking
Regional Centre
Regional flora and fauna
Regional Museum
Regional offices for service agencies
Regional roads
Regional Subdivision: Do the patterns of nineteenth- and twentieth-century subdivision indicate changing expectation of
Regional Subdivision: What do the physical outlines of the region's subdivisions tell us about different expectations of
Regional University Campus
Regulation/Change: Does life become more or less regulated across time and does this appear in the archaeological record
Regulation/Personal: Does increased regulation of personal relations appear in the archaeological record? What else can
Rehabilitating and housing wounded soldiers
rehabilitation of female offenders
Rehabilitation of first time male offenders
Rehabilitation of juvenile offenders
Rehabilitation of truants from schools
Reinforced Concrete structures
religion (in the city)
religion (in the country)
religion (private education)
Religion Housing for Clergy - Catholic
Religion The Anglican Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The Anglican Church in the Muswellbrook area
Religion The Catholic Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The Church of England in Denman
Religion The development of local area church service
Religion The development of the Catholic Church in Denman
Religion The establishment of Anglican religious education in Muswellbrook
Religion The establishment of the Anglican Church in Denman
Religion The establishment of the Anglican Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The establishment of the Presbyterian Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The growth of the Presbyterian Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The growth of the Roman Catholic Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The Methodist/Uniting Church in Muswellbrook
Religion The provision of Catholic education in Wybong and Denman
Religion, science, technology, regional growth and achievement and economic
Religious accommodation
Religious and community support organisations
Religious and Spiritual Purposes
Religious building
Religious employment
Religious housing
Religious institutions
Religious Instruction
Religious orgainisations (former church)
Religious Organisation
Religious practices
Religious precinct
Religious Retail
Religious School
Religious Services, Baptism, Wedding, Funeral
Religious worship
Relocating Adaminaby
Relocation of a township
Relocation of the Jindabyne township
Rembering the fallen
Remebering casulaties suffered in war
Rememberance landscape
Remembering casualties suffered in war
Remembering railway accidents
Remembering the deceased
Remembering the fallen
Remembering their service
Remembering those who served
Remnant Plants/Plant Communities
remnant woodland and grasses
Repatriating returned service personnel
Representing Australian bushland in film and TV
Research and Advisory Facility
Research Garden
Research Research Station Employment
Research site for academics and students
Research Station
Research Station (Government)
Research Station Employment
research Station Managers
Research Station Office
Research Station Registers
Research Stations (Private)
Researching agronomy and pastoral industries
Researching archaeological relics and landscapes
researching astronomy
Researching biogeography
Researching biology and biological processes
Researching botany and botanical processes
Researching botany and botanical processes
researching chemistry
Researching climate change
Researching diseases and treatments
Researching entomology (insects)
Researching fauna
Researching Fisheries
Researching for poultry industry
Researching geology
Researching geomorphology
Researching mineralogy
Researching native fauna
Researching native flora
Researching native flora and fauna
Researching new agricultural industries
Researching new agricultural production techniques
Researching palaeontology
Researching paleobotany
Researching suitable tree species
Researching the stars and space
Researching weed and pest controls
Reserves and Gardens
Resettling American Loyalists in NSW
Residence above shop
Residence and retail
Residence for teacher
Residence of school
Residences to remember
Residentail flats above retail premises
Residential (Housing)
Residential development
Residential Development on the Harbour
Residential Expansion
Residential Flat
Residential Flats
Residential Gardens
Residential settlement associated with early railway transport
Residential subdivision
Residential town development
Residential/Commercial development
Residential/Rural development
Resisting the relocation of Aboriginal peoples
Resort style holiday accommodation near water frontage
Responding to the evolving need for technical education 1883-2017 Organising the teaching of technical subjects 1883-201
Rest and Recreation
Restaurant and Café
Resuming land for Royal Australian Navy facilities
Resuming private lands for public purposes
resumption for heritage conservation
resumption for slum clearance and rebuilding
Resumption of land for Royal Australian Navy facilities
Retail and attached residence
Retail and wholesale shop
Retail employment
Retail Premises
Retail premises with residence above
Retail services
Retail trade
Retailing and commerce
Retailing of electricity
Retirement Home
Retirement home
Retirement Homes
Retirement Homes Association
Retraining and settling soldiers on the land
Retreat centre
Retreats for artists and writers
Return Soldiers Club
Returned Services League Club
Re-use of villas and grounds for institutional
Reusing and relocating industrial plant and equipment
Rev Fr. Curran
Rev. Gardiner
Rev. Stanley Drummond
Reverend A. Cameron
Reverend H.K. Gordon
Richard Walker
Riding (horse) school
Riding horses
Rifle shooting
Riparian landscape
River and watercourses
River Crossings
River flats
River side village settlement
River Transport
River Weir
Road administration
Road based tourism
Road bridge
Road Bridge construction
Road Bridge design and construction
Road construction
Road Culvert
Road Infrastructure
road network
Road networks
Road Services
Road signage
Road traffic - bridge buiding
Road transport
Roads and Transport
Roads connecting settlements
Roads linking service routes
roads, pathways, sewage, stormwater, pools
Roadside Inns
Roadside Villages
Roadway vegetation
Roadways between Inland Settlements
Roadways connecting coastal settlements
Roadways to Inland Settlements
Roayl Australian Navy
Robert Fowler MLA and Mr Bignell (Master Builder)
Robert Henry Tout
Robert Parkman
Robertson Cuninghame Family
Robertson Family
Robin Boyd, Marian Hall Best, Bruce Mackenzie
Rock Art
Rock Art Site
Rock climbing
Rock Engraving
Rock Formation
Rock Formations
Rock Pool
Rocks and falls
Role of Transport in Settlement
Roller skating
Roman Cathoilc
Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Covent
Roman Catholic Education
Roman Catholic School
Roman catholicism
Rose Bay Flying Boat Base
Rotary Hall
Route taken by Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth over the Blue Mountains
Route taken by Charles Sturt
Routes taken by Archibald Bell over the Blue Mountains
Routes taken by Captain James Cook
Routes taken by Dr Charles Throsby in the Southern Highlands
Routes taken by Francis Barrallier
Routes taken by George Bass
Routes taken by George Bowman
Routes taken by George Caley, Naturalist, Botanical Collector
Routes taken by George Evans, surveyor
Routes taken by Hamilton Hume and William Hovell
Routes taken by Jean-Francois de Galaup, Comte de Laperouse
Routes taken by Matthew Flinders
Routes taken by pastoralist John Regan
Routes taken by Pawel Edmund Strzelecki, Polish explorer
Routes taken by Robert Hoddle, surveyor
Routes taken by Surveyor Hamilton Hume
Routes taken by Surveyor John Oxley
Routes taken by Surveyor Thomas Mitchell
Royal Australian Navy
Royal Far West Children's Health Scheme
RSL War Memorial
Rugby League
Rugby Union
Rural Automatic Exchange
Rural Bank
Rural Building
Rural Church
Rural church and cemetery
Rural Education
Rural Estates
Rural Farm Buildings
Rural Farming Activities
Rural Fire Bridge Service
Rural homestead
Rural housing
Rural Housing in the Illawarra
Rural Industry
Rural Landscape
Rural nursing facilities
Rural orchards
Rural pastoral property
Rural railway siding
Rural residence
Rural School House
Rural settlement
Rural settlements
Rural subdivision
Rural Supplies
Rural Towns
Rural township
Rural villages
Rural/Semi-rural housing
Rural/Urban Change: How does a rural/urban dichotomy express itself over time?
Rural/Urban Space: Rural space: respectable; urban space: degenerate? Is this dichotomy manifest in the archaeological r
Russian migrant culture
S Joseph
S.T. Cusick
Saddlery - horse saddle-making
Sailing and rowing on the Parramatta River
Sailors Home
Sale yards
Saleyard bullring
Saleyard Ring
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Hall
Salvation Army Officers
Samill and associated acitivities
Samual Marsden
Samuel Marsden
Samways Family
Sanbrook Bros Builders
Sand and gravel extraction
Sandstone cliff
Sandstone quarry
Sandstone Slopes
Sarah Musgrave
Saw and plane mill and house
saw cutting
Saw Mill
Saw Pit
Sawmill Site
Sawmilling in the Warren Shire
Scandanavia migrants
Scandinavian memorial practises
Scarred Tree
Scenes of criminal activities
Scenes of sedition political dissent and rebellion
Schmidt Family
School and residence
School Building
School buildings
School buildings and sites
School buses
School empl;oyment
School employment
School House
School memorial
School of Arts
School of Arts - Hall
School of Arts and Community Halls
School of Arts Hall
School of Military Engineering
School of the Arts
School Principal's Residence
School Principla's Residence
School residence
school site
School site and memorial
School teaching
School/Church School
Schooling in temporary premises
Schoolmaster's Residence
School-private denominational
Schools and school excursions, kindergartens, playgrounds and libraries.
Schools of Arts
Schools of Arts to educate the working class
Scientific - Astronomical research
Scientific Facilities
Scientific promotion and education
Scientific Research
Scientific: Environments important for animal life
Scientific: Environments important for birdlife
Scientific: Environments important for plant life
Scientific: Geoperiod Cambrian Epoch Early 540 to 600 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Cambrian Epoch Late 500 to 520 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Cambrian Epoch Middle 520 to 540 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Carboniferous Epoch Early 320 to 345 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Carboniferous Epoch Late 280 to 320 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Cretaceous Epoch Early 100 to 135 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Cretaceous Epoch Late 65 to 100 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Devonian Epoch Early 370 to 400 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Devonian Epoch Late 345 to 360 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Devonian Epoch Middle 360 to 370 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Jurassic Epoch Early 170 to 190 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Jurassic Epoch Late 136 to 160 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Jurassic Epoch Middle 160 to 170 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Ordovician Epoch Early 425 to 450 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Ordovician Epoch Early 470 to 500 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Ordovician Epoch Middle 450 to 470 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Permian Epoch Early 240 to 280 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Permian Epoch Late 225 to 240 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Precambrian 600 million years and earlier
Scientific: Geoperiod Quarternary Epoch Holocene from the present to 10 000 years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Quarternary Epoch Pleistocene 10 000 to 1.7 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Silurian Epoch Early 410 to 425 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Silurian Epoch Late 400 to 410 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Teriary Epoch Paleocene 54 to 65 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Tertiary Epoch Eocene 36 to 54 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Tertiary Epoch Miocene 12 to 26 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Tertiary Epoch Oligocene 26 to 36 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Tertiary Epoch Pliocene 1.7 to 12 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Triassic Epoch Early 215 to 225 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Triassic Epoch Late 190 to 205 million years ago
Scientific: Geoperiod Triassic Epoch Middle 205 to 215 million years ago
Scottish building and design practises
Scottish dormer house
Scottish migrants and cultural traditions
Scottish Settlers
Scout Hall
Scouting movement and facilities
Scouts Camp
Scouts/Girl Guides
Sculptor - Robin Blau
Sculpture and statues
Sculpture/other works of art
Sea baths
Sea Lanes
Sea Wall
Secondary education
Secondary Industry
Secondary Schools
Seed production farming
Segregating people on the basis of ethnicity
Segregating towns and villages by ethnicity
Selectiion of land
Selecting land for pastoral or agricultural purposes
Selecting land under Robertson's Land Act 1861
Selection and its Effects
Self-education, railway skills, Ben Chifley lectures
Selling agricultural produce in markets
Selling Furniture
Semi detached house
Semi-detached House
Semi-detached housing
Sending and receiving messages
Separate servant quarters
Serbian migrant associations
Sergeant Mitchell
Servants quarters
Servants' Quarters
Service Station
Service Station plus convenience shop
Service station/garage
Service Station/Vehicle Parts and Supplier
Service Stations
Service Structures
Service wing/laundry/domestic work
Serviced apartments
Services and Community Facilities
Services and Community Services
Services, and community facilities.
Servicing a mining community
Servicing and accommodating passengers
Servicing and accommodating railway employees
Servicing and accomodating passengers
Servicing and accomodating railway employees
Servicing the community, provision and extension of services such as water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity, garbage r
Servicing the outback
Servicing the pastoral industry
Servicing the Population
Servicing the Population
Servicing the Population
Servicing the Population
Servicing the population - caring for health
Servicing the Population – Caring for Health
Servicing the Population – Caring for Health
Servicing the Population – Caring for Health
Servicing the population - enhancing family values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the Population – Enhancing Family Values
Servicing the population - establishing community services
Servicing the Population – Extending the Boundaries of Knowledge & Expertise
Servicing the Population – Extending the Boundaries of Knowledge & Expertise
Servicing the population - extending utility services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Extending Utility Services
Servicing the Population – Suffering calamity
Servicing the population - supplying retail needs
Servicing the Population – Tendering Professional Advice
Servicing the Population – Tendering Professional Advice
Servicing the Population – Tendering Professional Advice
Servicing the Population – Tendering Professional Advice
Serving the Metropolis
Serving the Metropolis/Regional Functions
Sesquicentary 1938, Commonwealth Jubilee 1951, Apollo 11 moon landing 1970, 25th International Geological Conference1976
Setting up public parks
Settlement along the Marthaguy
Settlement and suburbanisation
Settlement and Planning
Settlement and Suburbanisation
Settlement at Mt Hunter
Settlement at Werombi
Settlement at Yerranderie
Settlement in the 19th Century
Settlement of people from Scottish Decent
Settlements on the Lower Macquarie
settlers cottage
Settler's Hut
Settling and Managing the Land
Settling child migrants in institutions
Settling Illawarra
Settling in country towns
Settling in rural and remote areas
Settling post-World War I migrants and refugees
Settling post-World War II migrants and refugees
Settling the Illawarra
Settling the Land / Establishing Community Services
Settling the Land/ Housing the Worker Population.
Settling the Mooki
Settling upon / Managing the land
Settling upon / managing the land - beautifying the environment
Settling upon / managing the land - extracting wealth from the earth
Settling upon / managing the land - laying down transport routes
Settling upon / managing the land - manipulating the water
Settling upon / managing the land - manipulating water
Settling upon / managing the land - mapping the new land
Settling upon / managing the land - new modes of transport
Settling upon / managing the land - running livestock
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing Tenures and Land Uses
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Changing the Environment
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Coping with New Modes of Transport
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Developing a Full Range of Products
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Establishing Service Centres
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Laying Down Transport Routes
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Laying Down Transport Routes
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Manipulating Water
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Manipulating Water
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Manipulating Water
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Mapping the New Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Running Livestock
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Running Livestock
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Running Livestock
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Running Livestock
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Sharing the Benefits of the Land
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Taking Occupation
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Taking Occupation
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Taking Occupation
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Using Flora & Fauna
Settling Upon/Managing the Land – Using Flora & Fauna
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sewage Facility
Sewage pumping station
Sewer pipeline
Sewer vent
Sewerage provision
Sewerage Treatment
Sewerage Treatment Plant
Shaping alpine settlements
Shaping coast settlement
Shaping coastal settlement
Shaping coastal settlements
Shaping inland settlement
Shaping inland settlements
Shaping linear settlements
Shaping of physical surroundings
Shaping remote inland settlements
Shaping riverine settlement
Share Farmers cottage
Share farming
Sharing pastoral resources
Sharing resources through commons
Sharing urban resources
Shark fishing for pleasure and commerce
Shearers' Accommodation
shearer's cooking
shearers quarters
Shearer's Quarters
Shearing Quarters
Shearing shed
Shearing, dairying, wheat growing, cattle raising, employment opportunities in rural and remote areas.
Shed for industry
Sheep and cattle grazing
Sheep and Cattle Production
Sheep and Cattle Production, pasture improvement
Sheep breeding - running a stud
Sheep Dip
Sheep Farming
Sheep farming for lamb and mutton
Sheep farming for wool
Sheep farming/shearing complex
Sheep grazing
Sheep rearing, wool processing, beef cattle rasing and breeding, horse breeding, dairying.
Sheep Shearers, lifestyle of
Sheep Shearing
Shell Middens
Shellharbour sporting heroes
Shellharbour Village
Sheltering the settler
Shepherding accomm
Shepherding accomm.
ship building
Ships and shipping
Shire Council Chambers
Shoground complex
Shooting Range
Shop and Greek Cafe Empolyment
Shop employment
Shop front façade
shop residence
shop top accommodation
Shop top housing
shop, actvities related to buying selling and exchaging goods and services
Shopkeeping - Timber and Produce Department
Shops and trade
Shops in Shellharbour
Shop-top housing
show ground
show ground exhibits
Show Society
Showground and related events
Showground complex
Showground employment
Showground Events
Showground memorial building
Showground memorials
Showground pavillion
Showground pens
Showgrounds & recreation grounds
Shows connection of growing Goulburn to religious life.
sign post
Signalling and safe working
Significant architectural statement
Significant Places How are significant places marked in the landscape by, or for, different groups
Significant Places: How are significant places marked in the landscape of Parramatta by, or for, different groups?
Significant Places: How are significant places marked in the landscape of Parramatta by, or for, different groups?-Monum
Significant plantings(s) of remembrance
Significant railway identities
Significant Tree
Significant tree(s) providing rural amenity or character
Significant tree(s) providing urban amenity
Significant trees
Significant trees providing rural amenity or character
Significant trees providing rural character
Significnat Native Tree
Sikh migrants
Sikh religious practices
Silverton Tramway
Simon Joseph Frenchman
Simon Joseph Syrian
Simple and/or lone cottage/hut/house
Simple timber villa residence
Sir Frank Berryman
Sir James Martin; Colonial Government
Sisters of Mercy
Sister's of Mercy
Sisters of Mercy Nuns
Site of a gate keeper's cottage
Site of accidental death
Site of convict hospital
Site of convict punishment
Site of early village
Site of Event
Site of former village
site of house
site of police station
Site of proclamation of town
Sites and Status of Quirindi Schools
Sites of institutions - productive and ornamental
Sites of urban amenity
Six Feet Under
Skating Rink
Skilled and Unskilled Prison Labour
Skilled bricklayers
Slab hut
Slag Heap
Slaughter House
Slaughter yard
Slaughteryard employment
Sluice gate
Slum clearance, Resumptions
Small Business
Small Scale Farms
Smaller patterns of settlement 1800-1870
Smelting non-ferrous metals
Smelting ores to extract metals
Smoke House
Snowy River Shire Council
Snowy Scheme
soap & boiling
Soap making site
Social - Cultural
Social activities
Social activities for railway workers
Social History (electricity)
Social housing project
Sympathic additions
social institutions
Social institutions in Appin
Social institutions in Buxton
Social Institutions in Mt Hunter
Social institutions in the Wollondilly
Social Institutions School of Arts in the Muswellbrook district
Social Institutions Social Gatherings in Denman
Social Institutions The Masons in Denman
Social Institutions The Masons in Muswellbrook
Social Institutions The School of Arts movement in Muswellbrook
Social institutions, School of Arts
Social, agriculture, economic and archaeological
Socialising - dancing/drinking
Soft fruit growing
Soil Conservation
Soil Experiment
Soldier Settlement
Soldier Settlement - WWI
Soldier Settlement farms
Soldier Settlement Schemes
Soldier Settlement schemes and facilities
Soldier Settler Homes
soldier settler housing
Soldier Settler's orchards
Soldier Settlers Schemes
Soldiers Memorials
Solicitor's/Lawyer's office
Solid buildings constructed away from George Street on the hill
Solving technical and scientific problems
Some Notable Administrators
Somerville Collection of rocks and minerals
South Park
South Sea Islands
Space exploration
Space observatory
Spain Cosh & Stewart, architects
Spanish migrants
Special Accommodation
Special needs education
Special Schools
special tree
Special tree or trees
Speculation and subdivision
Speculative or commonly built cottage housing
Spiritual life in the Wollondilly
Sport in Shellharbour
Sporting Events
Sporting facilities
Sporting Field
Sporting Ground
Sporting venue
Sports & recreation grounds
Sports activities
Sports at Parramatta Park
Sports facility
Sports ground
sportsground complex
Squash Courts
Squatter's Homestead
Squatting, i.e. Occupying Aboriginal land seeking tenure
St Josephs Order
St Mary's
St Patricks Estate
St Peter Julian
St Phillips Estate
St Vincent De Paul
St Vincent De Paul Centre
St Vincents
Stables - horse transport
Stables/ coach house
Staff Accommodation
Staff accomodation
Staff Housing
staking claims
Stanley Uther
Stargazing in observatories
State Funerals for dignitaries and key persons
State government
State Governor's residence
State links in a national network
State Public Works
State Recreation Area
State; Commerce
Station Driveway
Station Employment
Station Gardens
Station graveyard
Station homestead and outbuildings
Station Masters House
Station Master's residence
Station office, water tower, goods shed
Station outbuildings
Stationmasters Cottage
Stationmaster's Residence
Steam engine
Steam technology
Steel electrical poles
steel manufacturing
Stock and Station Agency
Stock and Station Agent
Stock and Station Agents
stock bank
Stock Photos
Stock Route
Stock Routes
Stock sales and auctions on site
Stock saleyards
Stockman's hut
Stockyards and outbuildings
Stone barn
Stone Chimney
Stone chimney (archaeological remains)
Stone chimney remains
Stone Cottage
Stone Formation
Stone masonry
Stone masonry skills
Stone Monuments
Stone quarrying, supply and fabrication
Stone sharpening rock
Stone Wall
Stone wall fence
Stone Walling
Stone working sites
Stonemason - J Burns
Stonemason skills
Storage shed
Storage silo
Store and office
Store and residence
Store and stables
Store Employment
Store's name- Tricketts
Storing defence equipment and provisions
Storing fuel for transport purposes
Storing goods
Storing goods for bond and customs duties
Storing materials
Storing Ordinance
Storing Ordnance
Storm water culvert
Stormwater channel
Stormwater design
Stormwater reticulation
Stormwater treatment
Street pattern and subdivision
Street patterns and subdivision
Street planting
Street signage
Street trees
Street wall
Streetscape beautification
Streetscape Beautification Indigenous Species
Streetscape of planted trees
Streetscape planting
Streetscape Tree
Streetscape Tree or trees
Streetscape with Building group
Strike Site
Stud Book
Student Accommodation
Study of pre-settlement Wiradjuri
Subdividing Large Rural Estates
Subdividing the large rural estates
Subdivision - Rural Health and Gentility, A place to live
Subdivision and consolidation
Subdivision and settlement
Subdivision and Urban Development in the Illawarra
Subdivision and urban growth
Sub-division for soldier settlements
Subdivision of a farm/station/run
Subdivision of Cooper 1913
Subdivision of Cronulla Peninsula
Subdivision of Estates
Subdivision of Gwawley Estate 1913
Subdivision of Holt Sutherland Estates
Subdivision of Holt Sutherland House Estate
Subdivision of large estates
Subdivision of large estates
Sub-division of large estates
Subdivision of rural estates
Subdivision of Sutherland Township Estate 1892
Subdivision of the rural estates
Subdivision of urban estates
Subdivision of urban estates
Subdivision pattern
Subdivisions - Rural, A place to live
Subdivisions - Rural, A place to live
Subdivisions - Rural, A place to live
Subdivisions - Suburban - Health and Gentility
Subdivisions - Suburban, A place to live
Sub-divisions of large estates
Subdivisions Rural; A place to live
Subdivsion and Settlement
Subsistence farming
Substantial Bungalow residence
Suburban Centres
Suburban Church
Suburban Consolidation
Suburban Development
Suburban Expansion
Suburban homes
Suburban Homes - Horticulture, A place to live, Agricultural diversification
Suburban Homes, A place to live
Suburban Homes, A place to live
Suburban Homes, A place to live
Suburban Homes, A place to live, Emergence of building styles
Suburban Homes, A place to live, Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Suburban Homes, A place to live, Emergence of building styles and types of construction
Suburban Homes; A place to live
Suburban House
Suburban housing
Suburban residential development
suburbanisation recreation resort
Sugar Cane
Sugar farming and trading
Sugar Industry
Sunday School
Sunday School Education
Sunday School Hall
Sunday School venue
Supply of electricity to local industries.
Supply of electricity to local industries. Is there potential for archaeological remains to exist of the old ABC Bank.
Supply of water to communities
Supply of water to the local community and local industries.
Supplying electricity
Supplying liquor and accommodation in hotels
Supplying Liquor and Accomodation in Hotels
Supplying retail needs
Supplying retail needs.
Supplying retailing and financial services
Supplying the defence forces - e.g. Crops and food
Supporting the troops
Supporting women with domestic work
Surburban Homes. A place to llive
Surf Beach
Surfing Boating Fishing Swimming
Surfing, beach culture
Surgical Equipment
Survey Mark
Survey marked tree
Survey Marker
Survey points
Surveyer's house
Surveying by Assistant Surveyor G B White
Surveying by Assistant Surveyor J.B. Richards
Surveying by Assistant Surveyor John Armstrong
Surveying by Augustus Alt
Surveying by Charles R. Scrivener
Surveying by E.S. Wyndham, surveyor
Surveying by George Evans
Surveying by H.B. Mathews
Surveying by Henry Dangar
Surveying by J. Glen Wilson
Surveying by James Meehan
Surveying by James Ralfe
Surveying by John Oxley
Surveying by Joseph Hay
Surveying by Mr. Jacques
Surveying by Robert Hoddle
Surveying by Thomas Mitchell
Surveying by William Jacques
Surveying by William Romaine Govett, surveyor
Surveying by WR Davidson
Surveying of land
Surveying/surveyor's mark
Surveyor's Mark
Suspension bridge
Suspension bridge and waterway.
Suspension bridge construction
Sustainable design
Sutherland As Leisure Destination
Sutherland Council
Swedish migrants
Swimming hole
Swimming place
Swimming pool
Sydney and Australian Landmark
Sydney and the bush - churches and schools
Sydney and the bush - landscape modification
Sydney and the bush - rural development
Sydney invasion
Sydney to Parramatta Railway
Sydney's colonial settlement; Shipping
Sylvania Gardens Pty Ltd
Systems for the movement of people and goods
Taking control of places affected by infectious diseases
tanning industry
Tchnologies for gal and electric street lighting
Tea Rooms
Teacher Employment
Teacher residence
Teacher Training College
Teachers College
Teachers Residence
Teacher's residence
Teaching doctors and nurses
Teaching hall
Teaching health professionals
Teaching teachers
Teaching young or new farmers
Teaching young sailors nautical skills
Team sports, tennis, music, billiards, cards
Technical achievements in construction
Technical education
Technical State Education
Technolgies of new building materials and techniques
Technological Change: What is the evidence of technological change and how does it compare with other places?
technological development in wool shearing and pressing - woolshed equipment
Technological innovation and design solutions
Technologies for adapting rail transport to serve maritime trade
Technologies for adapting road transport to maritime systems
Technologies for adapting road transport to rail systems
Technologies for adapting wartime structures
Technologies for creating spectacles
Technologies for electrical supply
Technologies for flood mitigation
Technologies for gas and electric street lighting
Technologies for obtaining metals from earths
Technologies for reclaiming land
Technologies for reticulated water supply
Technologies for rock bolting practice and rock mechanics study
Technologies for sanitation
Technologies for underground mining
Technologies of astronomical observation, telescopy
Technologies of bell casting
Technologies of bridge building
Technologies of canal building
Technologies of canal construction
Technologies of constructing military buildings and structures
Technologies of construction with reinforced concrete
Technologies of dam and weir building and maintenance
Technologies of film and stage presentation
Technologies of food processing
Technologies of industrial manufacturing
Technologies of new building materials and techniques
Technologies of prefabricated construction
Technologies of radio transmission
Technologies of road building
Technologies of road building and maintenance
Technologies of telecommunication
Technologies of tele-communication
Technologies of time keeping
Technologies of tunnel construction
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - brick nogging
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - caves and rock shelters
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - dry stone walling
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - natural found materials
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - pise and mud brick
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - sod and turf
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - stone nogging
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - stone rubble
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - timber slabs
Technologies of vernacular and traditional building - wattle and daub
Technologies of viticulture and wine making
Technologies of weir building
Technologies of wharf and ship-based storage, freight handling
Technologies of wool processing
Technology - Water supply
Technology Eminent Muswellbrook area pioneers
Technology Innovation in early commercial Muswellbrook buildings
Technology Iron Bridges of the Upper Hunter
Technology New techniques in cattle raising and agriculture in the Muswellbrook area
Technology of the Upper Hunter
Technology Road making in central Muswellbrook
Technology The establishment of irrigation in the Muswellbrook area
Technology The establishment of the creamery and butter factory processes in the Muswellbrook area.
Technology The manufacture of bricks in the Muswellbrook area
Technology The stone residences of the Muswellbrook area
Techological solutions to petrol rationing during WWII
Ted Boyle
Telecommunications and Postal Services
Telephone Exchange
Telephones & Cables
Television filming of shooting location site
Television filming or shooting location site
Temi Shale Mine
Temperance Hall
Temperance Hotel
Temperance movement
Temporary emergency housing
Temporary housing for workers
Tenant farming
Tennis Courts
Terace house _ Victorian
Terrace housing development
Terraced houses
Terrence Daly, Architect
Tertiary education
Tertiary Education Centre
Tertiary Industry
Textile production
The Aboriginal people of the Warren Shire
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The advance of the city
The allure of the other
The Anglican Church
The Anglican Church of Australia
The Anglican Church on the Lower Macquarie
The Anglican Community
The Antill Family
The Bush Brotherhood
The Bush Brothers
The Bushland Shire
The Bushland Shire
The Bushland Shire
The Bushland Shire Settlement and Suburbanisation
The Catholic Church on the Lower Macquarie
The Church
The Construction of Roads and Their Components in the Illawarra
The co-operative stores
The Country Women's Association
The Cultural Landscape
The Egans of Mount Harris
The Falkiners of Haddon Rig
The First World War and Inter War Years - Evolving Community
The First World War and Inter War Years - Making a Home
The First World War and Inter War Years. Making a Living.
The garrison
The Government Architect - Public Works
The Grand Residential Estate
The Grand Residential Estate Post 1900 Freehold
The Great Western Railway
The Greek Cafes
The Homefront
The Horrigans of Wemabung
The Impact of Central Prisons Within Townships
The impact of the motor car
The impact of the motor car
The impact of the motor car
The impact of the motor car
The influence of natural features on human life and cultures
The Jewish Diaspora
The journey of Oxley and Evans
The Lee family
The life cycle
The Macquarie Marshes
The management and supply of electricity to Grafton and across the region.
The management and supply of water to Broken Hill.
The management and supply of water to Broken Hill. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The Meers family
The Most Beautiful Wood
The natural landscape, Landscape modification
The power grid in the Grafton area.
The Presbyterian Community
The Private Influence 1800-1890
The prominent role of the builder and the reduced role of the architect
The provision of safe sex, HIV and health education
The Railway
The Red Cross
The Redoubt
The River as a Corridor - Private wharfs
The river for recreation
The Rocks settlement
The role of women
The Roman Catholic Church
The Roman Catholic Community
The rule of law
The Second World War and Post War Years Evolving Community.
The shipping of coal and other goods
The shipping of coal and other goods from the Hunter River and Newcastle Port
The Sisters Of Mercy, Parramatta
The supply of drinking water to Broken Hill. Changes initiated by the provision of clean drinking water.
The supply of electircity of Grafton and across the region.
The supply of electricity of Grafton and across the region.
The supply of electricity to Armidale and across New England. Changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Bathurst and western areas. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Glen Innes and the region. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Grafton and across the region. Changes fromt he provision of electricity
The supply of electricity to Grafton and across the region. Changes from the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Lismore and the region. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Mullumbimby and the Northern region. Changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Narrabri and the region. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Tamworth and northern areas. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Tenterfield and the region. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The supply of electricity to Wagga Wagga and the Riverina. Lifestyle changes initiated by the provision of electricity.
The Theatre
The transport network
The Uniting Church
The use of the 'weekender' for leisure activities
The Victorian Terrace House
The Village of Collie
The Village of Nevertire
The Western Road
The work of a notable architect
The work of leading architects
Theatre Employment
Theme Park
Theo Kranditos
Theological college
this is a test only
Thomas Daley, Dr William Sproule
Thomas Golden
Thomas Mitchell
Thomas Pye
Thomas Rowe
Thomas Rowe and Adele Harber
Thunderbolt death site
Thunderbolt grave site
Thunderbolt's death
Thunderbolt's grave
Thunderbolt's Rock
Thungutti tribe - sites evidencing occupation
Thurston and Angel
Tibby Cotter
Timber and iron vernacular
Timber barn
Timber Bridge Builders
Timber bridges
Timber Church
Timber getting
Timber getting transport
Timber Hall
Timber harvesting
timber house
Timber Mill
Timber Mill Settlement
Timber Plantation
Timber storage
Timber Tramline
Timber tressle bridge
Time Management: How does increasing management of people's time manifest itself in the archaeological record?
Title Document
To what extent was industry or manufacture a part of town life in Parramatta? How does this compare with other towns an
Toll House
Toll houses, cottages along roads
Tone chimney remains
Tool production and technology
Topography: How did the environment, topography and the River influence early settlement? Is there a strong relationship
Tour boat industry - tourism
Tourism and recreation
Tourist Brochures
Tourist Industry
Tourist venture
Town Allotments: Are town allotments in different areas of Parramatta developed differently?
Town camp
Town cemetery
Town centre
Town Common
Town Hall
Town Hall and Council Chambers
Town Hall and picture theatre
Town Hall Theatre
Town hotels
Town Houses
Town Planning
Town relocation
Town Water supply
Towns, suburbs and Villages (Townships)
Township/Diet: Is there a change in the types or cuts of meat consumed as Parramatta urbanises?
Townships Muswellbrook streetscape
Townships Pioneering Upper Hunter villages
Townships Settlement of the Muswellbrook area
Townships The development of Denman commercial centre
Townships The development of Muswellbrook
Townships The development of the Muswellbrook district
Townships The early development of Muswellbrook
Townships The early establishment of Muswellbrook
Townships The Emergence of Giants Creek
Townships The establishment of Kayuga
Townships The establishment of Muswellbrook
Townships The expansion of Giants Creek
Townships The Expansion of Muswellbrook
Townships The growth of commercial Muswellbrook
Townships The growth of Muswellbrook
Townships The Main Street of Denman
Townships The spread of settlement in Muswellbrook
Townships The streetscape of Bridge Street, Muswellbrook
Townships The streetscape of Ogilvie Street, Denman
Townships The streetscape of the St Albans Precinct
Townships The streetscape of the St Albans precinct, Brook Street
Tracing the evolution of a continent's special environments
Trade education
Trade Union Office
Trade unionism
Trades Training Institution
Trading along the NSW coast
Trading amongst the Australian colonies
Trading between Australia and other countries
Trading between NSW and New Zealand
Trading in Chinese goods and services
Traditional Aboriginal housing
Traditional Aboriginal path ways
Traditional Aboriginal path ways.
Traditional building adapted top provide residence
Traditional Bungalow residence
Traditional commercial architectural design
Traditional Edwardian residence
Traditional Federation period residence
Traditional hipped roof house design with perimeter verandahs
Traditional Inter-war residence
Traditional Inter-war Villa residence
Traditional main street retail building
Traditional painted signwriting
Traditional post war residence
Traditional Victorian Residence
Training civilian militia
Training for young farmers
Training guards against homophobic abuse
Training military personnel
Training sportspeople
Trains trams and building plots - Subdivisions
Trains trams and buildings plots - Transport
Trains, trams and building plots
trams and buses
transaction centre
Transient Accommodation
Transmission of electricity
Transport - Railway; Growth of democratic government & bureaucracy
Transport - Railways Worker's Cottage's; A place to live
Transport - Railways, A place to live
Transport - Railways, A place to live
Transport - Railways, Subdivisions - Suburban, A place to live
Transport - Railways; rowth of democratic government & bureaucracy
Transport The Railway reaches Denman
Transport / Communication
Transport / Communications
Transport and Communication
Transport and its impact on urbanism
Transport and Urbanisation
Transport carrier
Transport facility
Transport Infrastructure
Transport Muswellbrook Railway Signals
Transport of goods
Transport Railway Bridges
Transport Road Bridges
Transport routes in the Wollondilly
Transport The arrival of the railway in Muswellbrook
Transport The Bridges of the Muswellbrook Area
Transport The Bridges of the Upper Hunter
Transport The Railway in Muswellbrook
Transport, Booms and busts
Transport, Growth of democratic government & bureaucracy
Transport, The foundation, growth and changing role
Transport,A place to live
Transport; Cultural and social life; Growth of democratic goverment & bureaucracy
Transporting agricultural supplies
Transporting agricultural supplies and machinery
Transporting and storing oil
Transporting coal
Transporting coal and coke
Transporting coal and minerals
Transporting copper
Transporting crops
Transporting gold
Transporting gravel
Transporting haematite
Transporting industrial goods to ships
Transporting livestock and their products
Transporting politicians and high ranking public officials
Transporting silver
Transporting timber and forest products
Transporting troops
Transporting troops and equipment
traveller's hotel
Travelling picture shows and circuses, local craft, music and dramatic societies, keeping cinemas open in rural areas.
Travelling Stock in the Liverpool Plains
Travelling stock route
Travelling Stock Routes
Travelling Strock Reserve/Route
Travelling to and within remote areas
tree planting
Tree planting for civic design
Tree Preservation Order
Tree Shelter Belt
Treed avenues
Trig Point
Troops and equipment
Trotting races
Trout Fishing
Trout fishing for pleasure
Trout Hatchery
Truffle farming
Turf farming
Turkish migrants
Turn of the century vernacular style
Twentieth Century Vernacular style
Two storey residence
Two storey timber house
Two storey Victorian mansion
Two Timber Residence
Types of Businesses
Types of Businesses in Rural Towns
Types of Housing
Underground culvert
Underwater Concrete
Unemployment Relief
Unemployment Relief
Unemployment relief scheme
Unemployment relief schemes
Unemployment Relief Work
Union Banner
Uniting Church
Uniting to protect working conditions
University campus
University hostel
University research site or facility
University Reserve
Unsectarian burial ground
Unseen but Present
Urban Consolidation
Urban Design
Urban Development
Urban growth and development
Urban growth as a response to transport networks
Urban housing
Urban landscapes inspiring creative responses
Urban Park
Urban Parkland
Urban Parkland/Reserve
Urban Parks
Urban planning after the 1820s
Urban planning, 1900s-1990s
Urban public school
Urban residential estates
Urban residential estates
Urban settlement patterns 1794-1820
Urban township
Use as a Community Hall
Use of brick in civil buildings
Use of brick in government buildings during the Victorian period
Use of natural resources
Use of natural resources.
Using available material for building
Using available material such as timber slabs
Using hydraulic power
Using natural features for human secruity
Using natural features for human security
Using natural features for human security-
Using prisoners for labour services
Using public buildings for church services
Using specialised agricultural equipment
Utilising timber for railway purposes
Utility of new materials and styles
Utz Family
Utz Mill
Vacant lot
Valuing excellence in school work
Valuing sailors' contributions - housing
Valuing women's contributions
Vegetable Picking and Packing
Veness Park
Vernacular Architecture
Vernacular cottage in rural setting
Vernacular design and construction
Vernacular hamlets and settlements
Vernacular residential building
Vernacular rural complex
Vernacular structures and building techniques
Vernacular structures and building techniques - mediaeval
Vernacular structures and building techniques - slab barns, sheds
Vernacular towns serving a specific industry
Vet. Clinic Employment
Veterinarian Surgery
Veterinary research
Veterinary surgery
Victorian Commercial Design
Victorian Country Church
Victorian country inn/hotel
Victorian Ecclesiastical Architecture
Victorian era offices
Victorian era residence
Victorian Georgian Style
Victorian Gothic style
Victorian Govenment Education Style
Victorian Housing
Victorian Italianate Architecture
Victorian multi-storey villas
Victorian period house
Victorian period Village
Victorian residence
Victorian style architecture
Victorian Terrace/Duplex
Village associated with mine
Village cemetery
Village church
Village community to commuter suburb
Village community to commuter suburb - Facilities
Village community to commuter suburb - Facilities
Village community to commuter suburb - Housing
Village hotel
Village house
Village life
Village of Frogmore
Village of Reids Flat
Village of Rugby
Village of Rye Park
Village precinct
Village public school
Village shop
Village site
Villas of the Parramatta River
Vineyard employment
Vineyards and Orchards
Vineyards in the 19th century
Visiting gardens
Visiting heritage places
Visiting lookouts and places of natural beauty
Visiting places of romantic inspiration
Visiting prisoners by priests - administering to their needs
Visitor's centre
Vocational training as a form of social rehabilitation
Vocational training as a form of social rehabilitation-
Volunteer Defence Services use
Vourt House Employment
W.A. Cramsie
W.A. Dibley
W.S. Baker (Builder)
W.S. Millard and Sons
W.T. Caddell (Deepwater Station)
wagon for produce
Walhallow Village
Walking track
Wall mural and signage
Wallabadah Churches
Walter Liberty Vernon Government Architect
Walter Scott Taubman
Wanaruah Nation - sites evidencing occupation
Wangal clan - Dharug Nation
Want, Kitchen, Glynn Gilling
war assistance effort
War efforts at home
War hero
War Heroes
War Memorail Hall
War Memorial
War Memorial - Kookaburra March
War memorial Avenue of trees
War Memorial Avenue planting
war memorial building
War Memorial gateway
War Memorial gun
War Memorial Hall
War Memorial institute
War Memorial Lone Pine planting for Gallipoli campaign
War Memorial Monument
War Memorial Obelisk
War memorial -Vietnam- American War
War Memorials
War Service Housing
Warehousing and storage for commercial enterprises
Warren Shire Council
Warrumbungle National Park
Wartime hospital or health related uses
Wartime manufacturing
Was death commemorated in other ways, such as plaques? Did the nature of commemoration change?
Was fishing carried out locally, or do most of the fish bones come from other regions or deep sea contexts? Does this c
Was Parramatta provincial or backward in its application of available technologies?
Was Parramatta provincial or fashionable?
Waste water technology
waste water treatment
Wastewater reticulation
Wastewater treatment
Watch House
Watching television
Water access
Water and drainage
Water and Land - the influence of topography and geography
Water Conservation Works
Water dam construction
Water lagoon for mining
Water management
Water pipe
Water Pipe Line
Water Police
Water Police depot
Water pump
Water Pumping Station
Water race
Water race construction
Water race employment
Water resources
Water reticulation
Water storage
Water supply
Water Supply System
Water Suppply System
Water System
Water Tower
Water Tower/Dam/Reservoir/Weir
water treatment
Waterfront Industries
Waterfront tourism
Watermill remains
Waterskills and sports
Ways of life 1788-1850
Ways of life 1850-1900
Ways of life 1900-1950
Ways of life 1950 - 2000
Ways of life 1950-2000
Ways of life 2000-2050
WC Douglass
Wealthy pastoralists homes in the city
Weather Station
Weatherboard buildings
Webb Family
Weekend accommodation
Weekenders 1910-1920
Weight Bridge
Welfare-Includes charitable and self-help institutions
Well sinking
Werris Creek
Whaling and sealing for commercial gain
Wharf and shipping history
Wharf workers
Wharfside and Port Work Culture
What archaeological evidence exists to show the link between the River and the Parramatta economy?
What can human remains and other physical evidence indicate about burial practices and religious beliefs?
What can the anthropological and other physical evidence of human remains indicate about the health and physical conditi
What differences in crime and punishment were there between the penal period and civil period?
What evidence is there for small-scale dairying in the form of cellars, pits and other artefacts?
What evidence is there of transporting goods into Parramatta from the Interior, and from Parramatta to Sydney?
What indicators are there of adaptation to the Parramatta environment? When do these changes occur?
What is the extent of biodiversity in Parramatta's pre-European landscape?
What was the diet like? Did it change over time, or between places and groups within Parramatta?
What was the quality of life within government institutions?
What were the form, structures and activities of the Native Institution? What were the domestic, social conditions? Wh
Wheat farming
Where City meets the Country
Whipping tree
Why is there variability in the convict hut assemblages in Parramatta? What can this tell us about convict life?
Whyte Family
Wilderness Area
Wildlife conservation
Wildlife Refuge
William Alfred Dibley
William Broughton
William Cobley
William Cox
William Glenn Wade, Frank Thorpe, Walter Cunningham
William Hardy Wilson
William J McKell
William Lawson
William Long
William Low
William Perry
William Ruming
William Tom
William Tremain and family
William West
Williams family
Willis Family
Willow Tree Police Station
Wind mill
Winding road and farm house
Winding road and farmhouse
Winding road and farmhouse - Rural settlement
Winding road and farmhouse - Rural settlement
Winding road and farmhouse. Rural Settlement
windmills to grind wheat into flour
Windmills to pump water for farm use
Window Design /stained glass
Windradyne Nation occupation sites
Wine making
Wine Making Process
Wine Saloon
Winemakers of the Pokolbin Hills
Wining and dining
Wiradjuri Nation - adapting European wares
Wiradjuri Nation - cultural renaissance
Wiradjuri Nation - defending the land
Wiradjuri Nation - evidencing creation stories
Wiradjuri Nation - gathering and socialising
Wiradjuri Nation - lines of communication
Wiradjuri Nation - living in camps
Wiradjuri Nation - living in towns
Wiradjuri Nation - living on missions
Wiradjuri Nation - manufacturing tools and implements
Wiradjuri Nation - marking places of burial
Wiradjuri Nation - massacre and battle sites
Wiradjuri Nation - obtaining food and supplies
Wiradjuri Nation - ochre mining
Wiradjuri Nation - places of detention and confinement
Wiradjuri Nation - practising important ceremonies
Wiradjuri Nation - working for pastoralists
Wiradjuri Nation- marking places of burial
Wiradjuri people
Wiradradyne Nation occupation sites
Wollondilly Pioneers
Women's Health
Women's Land Army accommodation
Womens military recruitment training
Women's military recruitment training
Wong Chee
Wonnarua Nation - places evidencing occupation
Wonnarua Nation - sites evidencing creation stories
Wonnarua Nation - working for pastoralists
Woodward Family
Wool auctioning and storage
Wool Industry
Wool Scour
Wool Scouring
Wool shed
Wool shed construction
Wool Store
Wool storing
Wool topmaking
Wool trade
Wool Wash
Wool/shearing shed
Woolshed and shearing employment
Woolshed complex
Worimi nation - places of contact
Work of Art
Work of art, craftwork and/or Public garden
work of stonemasons
Work Transition: Does the material culture of the workplace reflect transitions from pre-modern to industrialised work p
Work/Domesticity: Is there evidence of an increased division between work and domestic life over time in the archaeologi
Worker education
Workers' accommodation
Workers Camp
Workers Club
Workers cottage
Workers' cottages
Worker's Cottage's, A place to live
Worker's Dwellings
Workers organising workers
Workers Union
Workforce population for development of town
Working and volunteering
Working as a coroner
Working as a manager or executive officer
Working at enforced labour
Working class suburbs - the role of industry
Working complex machinary and technolgies
Working complex machinery and technologies
Working for pastoralists
Working for the Crown
Working for the defence services
Working for the dole
Working for the Silverton Tramway
Working Forest
Working from home
Working in a colliery
Working in a co-operative labour settlement
Working in an Inn, Public House, Hotel etc.
Working in childcare
Working in factories
Working in fworkshops, mills or factories
Working in health care
Working in health care
Working in hospitality industry
Working in industrial complexes
working in journalism, newspapers and magazines
Working in laundries
Working in local government
Working in mines and quarries
Working in offices
Working in offices
Working in orchards
Working in places of public entertainment
Working in ports and on shipping
Working in quarries
Working in schemes for the unemployed during the Great Depression
Working in schools, colleges and educational institutions
Working in seclusion as a writer
Working in shops and stores
Working in stables for the racing industry
Working in the arts, on producing art
Working in the Justice System
Working in the pastoral industries
Working in the pastoral industry
Working in the public service
Working in the public service
Working in the timber industry
Working in theatres and cinemas
Working in universities and research
Working in vineyards
Working in woolsheds
Working in workshops, mills or factories
Working independently at mining
Working independently on the land
Working on a film or television set
Working on government farms and stockyards
Working on orchards
Working on pastoral stations
Working on private assignment
Working on private assignment does not include activities associated with the conviction of persons in NSW that are unre
Working on public infrastructure projects
Working on small farms
Working on the land
Working on the Line of Lode
Working on the railway
Working on the railways
Working on the waterfront
Working the land
Working under ticket of leave
Working with animals
Working with birds
Working with hand tools and implements
Working with plants
Working with Sophisticated Machinery.
Working with wood
working yard shelter
Workplaces paid and volunteer work
World War 1 and 2 Veterans
World War 1 Memorial
World War 2 Honour Roll
World War 2 war effort
World War I
World War II
World War II training
World War Two - Memorial
World War Two nissen hut
Woronora Returned Service Men
Writer's Studio
Writing and writers' retreats
Writing imaginative literature
WT Cadell
WW1 Light Horse Regiment
WW1 Memorial
WW1 soldier - Pte Harry Boyland
WW1 soldier - Pte Samuel Kirkpatrick
WWI War Memorial
WWII Defences
Wylde Family
Yorta Yorta Nation - mission site
Young Family
Young Family Chinese
Youth Club meeting place
Youth Hall
Yowie Bay Hotel Proprietors • Diston, Esplin, Goddard family
Yuin Nation - places for ceremonies and teaching
Yuin Nation - contact sites
Yuin Nation - Continuing traditional knowledge
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Section 1: Aboriginal Places listed under the National Parks and Wildlife Act
Contains Aboriginal Places declared by the Minister for the Environment under the National Parks and Wildlife Act. This information is provided by the Heritage NSW.
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Records Retrieved: 0
Aboriginal Place Name
Local Government Area
Latitude & Longitude
Section 2: Items listed under the NSW Heritage Act
Contains heritage items listed by the Heritage Council of NSW under the NSW Heritage Act. This includes listing on the State Heritage Register, an Interim Heritage Order or protected under section 136 of the NSW Heritage Act. This information is provided by the Heritage NSW.
0 items
Records Retrieved: 0
Item Name
Local Government Area
Section 3: Items listed by Local Government and State Agencies
Contains items listed by local councils on Local Environmental Plans under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 and State government agencies under s.170 of the Heritage Act. This information is provided by local councils and State government agencies.
0 items
Records Retrieved: 0
Item Name
Local Government Area
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