Subject: Remains of a former structure, south-east corner of Blacktown Native Institution Site
Photographer: Tracy Appel
Copyright owner: NSW Heritage Branch
Date: 03/03/2011
Subject: Blacktown Native Institute Site - looking south across the site toward the corner of Richmond and Rooty Hill Roads.
Photographer: Tracy Appel
Copyright owner: NSW Heritage Branch
Date: 03/03/2011
Subject: Blacktown Native Institute - looking east from Richmond Road
Photographer: Tracy Appel
Copyright owner: NSW Heritage Branch
Date: 03/03/2011
Subject: Blacktown Native Intitution Site - looking south-east from Richmond Road towards the site of the Blacktown Native Institution building (the fenced area)
Photographer: Tracy Appel
Copyright owner: NSW Heritage Branch
Date: 03/03/2011
Subject: Remains of a former structure, south-east corner of the Blacktown Native Institute Site
Photographer: Tracy Appel
Copyright owner: NSW Heritage Branch
Date: 03/03/2011
Subject: SHR Plan 2474
Photographer: Heritage Division
Copyright owner: Heritage Council of NSW
Date: 18/11/2011