Subject: SHR Plan
Photographer: Sophie Copley
Copyright owner: Heritage Council of NSW
Date: 15/08/2011
Subject: Existing driveway and entry showing western wing.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Former front of the hospital. Front verandah was enclosed as a dormitory. The original carraigeway and entry to the hospital was from this side.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Northern elevation. Building in foreground is the kitchen, the building between the original buildings encloses the original open courtyard.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Monment caption reads: Girls on the well 1950's Officially unveiled on October 20th 2006. This well cap became a quiet place where in solitude or with a sister we would sit and gaze down the driveway to see if family visitors were coming. During...
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Detail of the original two bathrooms with pyramidal roofs. The kitchen and additions to the kitchen in the foreground. Foundations of the mortuary, a place girls were sent for punishment by isolation, are still evident.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Interior of the original hospital ward which was later the girl's dormitory for 12-15 year olds.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: The north eastern corner of the buildings. The added wing on left is the new Bimbadeen dining room. The building on the left is an ablutions block.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Caretakers cottage located near front gate to the property.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Original dairy or cow bails.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011
Subject: Tennis Court dates from Girl's Home use.
Photographer: Louise Thom
Copyright owner: Heritage Branch
Date: 01/03/2011